The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 04, 1904, Page 12, Image 13
RJ : : ! ! : ' . - - : : : - . . _ _ . " . _ _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - 12 . . TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE March . . 41 904 [ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t5 t5 * M * R 5 * R _ _ _ . i READY FOR YOUR. INSPECTION ? ! : . . . . . . . ! j This season will again mark a distinct , well defined advance in our methods , assortment and values. j-\t the " 4 : 1 I inception of our career in Falls City we fully realized that in this day there can be no standing still. The merchant . , _ fi must be progressive , alert , up-to-date. 'vVe have increased our variety for spring and offer an array of genuine money savers that will continue to make : our place the center of trade in Richardson County . . " "t4 ( - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - K y Ladies Ready to Wear G ; ' Irili This means no longer a few 'IIi 'Jls ' cheap , poorly made and illy de- r 1 signed g-arments. 1Ve show to- ; 'w ' ; , " ' day ill stock 300 Ladies Dress Skirts at from $2.50 to $20 and ; t abollt too Ladies' Cloth Suits , ' * f ; ' " ) \Ve are making this department a place where a lady may buy ! j - - an entire outfit suitable for any I 1 occasion from a wedding- a . funeral , already to wear with , no worry , no fitting , no elay. * ' It is a real 1)leasurc \ to us to . show these ' , ' garments-Come' , . t , . eM in. From I these you may get I useful suggestions in your . , i/ , , ' J'c , ' dressmaking at home. ' - - - - - - - " ' : : : - . Floor --C- = . , N EV A R PET S. oor overtn s Newlattings , New ! 1 Rugs No Advance. Larger 1 ariety. Take a look * ' before _ house cleaning . _ _ b _ _ h - , - - w . Correspondence News of the County as Told by Our Special Correspondents Barada. Henry Gerdes marketed a car load of hogs to Shubert 1'Ionday. . Dlrs : . Hcnry Siemering" spent \IonL with her son Chas and family. \ Vm."Theeler \Vil1iamsville was a pleasant caller at this place l\londay. Samuel Isabcll spent a few clays at St. Joseph transacting a business. Loyd Mitchell and wife spent a few clays of this week at ; S1. Joscph. Frank Butler , wife and daughter - er were pleasant callers at this place l\Ionday. He\ Weaver and l\IcCrackcn commenced a series of meetings at Bethel this wecl\ : , , " " Chas. Shulenberg- Monday far a visit at the home of H. Prichare Ileal' Falls City. \Vm. Davis and George Gools- by accompanied by Grace Stevenson - ; son , Ellen Smith and Florine \Voodering attended a ball at Shubert Thursday eycning- Miss .Maric-Smith closed a very ( succcssful . term of school in Dist. No. 20 , Friday of last \veck. 11Ir. : Birch and family have moved several miles northwest cf here in thc Bucholz residcnce. James Stephenson has rented the McKee : and , Lawrence farm west of town for this coming sea- son. George Coolsby and \Vm. Davis of Verdon were visiting 'at the home of James Stephenson last weck. John R ( lick and family have moved on their farm two miles east of here recently vacated by , Frank ebson and family. Chas. l\arkt has moved his family into the Samuel Edgar property , recently vacated by Ed. Laurance and family. Shubert. The sick ones are improving lowly . . lIayVeddle was the guest of Ella Berg Sunday. John Lewis and wife entertained - ed relatives Saturday Hardy Hays and wife enter- tained Chas Smiley Sunday. , 1lrs John Alexander who has been in Chicago for some . time is . visiting , with relatives at Barada. - - . Chase f4 Sa..nborn's Coffees \Ve have taken the agency for the coffees of this celebrated firm and recommend them to be in every re- spect of superlative merit. For many years . the most " critical coffee drinkers all over the United States have l lTed their blends and the preferred most progressive mer- chants have reg-arded them as drawing cards in their . stores. \Ve will be pleased to furnish you samples of any of the grades Free. . Silks and Dress Goods 20 new Fancy Silk Suit Patterns just in.iang'ing in 4 price from 65c to S I per yard. These are the most desirable - sirable fabrics for Shirt \"aist Suits The styles are direct from one of the largest silk distributer in the { country and very pattern will be exclusive. . . In Voiles , i1'listrals . Tvlohairs , Batistes Nub Eta- 'R < mines , Eolians Danish Cloths Albatroses , Etc , even desirable shade and quality win be found , on our coun- tel's. No lady can afford to miss seeing this display it _ the best the world E . represents has produced for this sea- sons needs . a : V. G. , LYPORD _ ! ? - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , " _ . 6" _ _ _ , Lee Pond went to Broken Ar- row , 1. 1\ last wcek. Fred Colglazier and Ross Ken- ton went duck hunting Tuesday. Albert Kenton and wife enter- tained their son Ross and wife Sunday. Some of our sportsmen have had the pleasure of duck hunting the past week Han'c Thompson and wife arc guests of his mother , ! VIrs. Thompson - son for a few weeks. , Chas. Lord is improving the looks of his property by adding porches and a fine barn. . Preparations are being made .by thc Christian Sunday school for air elegant program for Easter. A nice program was given by thc school children Saturday night at the box supper lt Ru- pards han. Miss Fankle of Stella who. has been visiting her friend ' , Marie Higgs returned to her home thc first of the week. Bert Harper and family left during thc week for western Ore- gen where they will make there . home in thc future. . A very pleasant time was had at the home of J. D. Shubert and . family Monday by 1 relatives . gathering - . ering to spend the day in honor of Mr. Shubrts : birthday which , t has not occurred for eightyears. lV1rs. Chas Smiley and son who has been visiting her father at Table Tock , Nebr : , thc past'weck returned home Sunday. ' _ - . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - . I. Ohio. . . , . John Fields moved last week. G. E. Peck went . to Kansas , Saturday. . . . . . . Frank Lichty lost a valuable . , steer Monday . . . - \Vm. Huetner sold a valuable . . horse : Monday. ' 1\1r. Johnson moved on the ; : - \ l\'lyers farm last week James Stouder moved on the Shaffcr farm Monday. A box social was held in Dis1. 11'0. 29 last edncsday. An entertainment was held at thc Silver Creek school house last \ week ' . Cord Wood Good hard . wood , oak and ! . t\ hickory for sale. C. F. Reavis ' \ WANTED 100 Bushels Sweet Corn at . . Heck's Feed Store. Will pay'S1.00 . . per bushel. . , , > \ , , - " ' "