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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1904)
1 t . f , February 26 , 1904 . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE .i : II. J # _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ I ( I Neighborhood d Nes- . . , Humboldt. ' . Special to 'rhc ribl\t1c. ) .r Rudolph cstiska was in Omaha - ha J\'Ionday. 1\'lrs. Anna Colhapp is visiting in St. Joseph. f J as. 'l'rimblc and wife have , moved to town. , . , tf 1 Ralph Philpot is down front Lincoln for a short visi t. - t Lou Segrist made a business , trip to Beaver City last weel\ : Guy Reid has recovered from his illness and returned to Havclock. A. J. Wheeler and wife of Sa- . lent spent Sunday with relatives in Humboldt. ' . Ray Gist and wife attendcd thc funeral of 1\-1rs. Grccnwald at li"al1s City T uesdav. J. F. \Valsh and wife and H. E. Boyd attended thc funeral - > i \ services of 1/rs. . Grccnwald. 1\'lrs S. C. Turner of Lincoln I _ . is visiting her parents , Tort Fry - . . : \0 . ' . -.r and wife and numerous fricnds. Rcv. Calvert of thc I\'Icthodist church preached thc funeral sermon - mon of Samuel Canon at 'l'ccum- seh Saturday. Bert Marshall carte in from I \ . l wcstern Kansas. He has just ' recovered from a long siege of I typhoid fever : ' f Chas. Sharts has gone to Kan- City where hc will seek employment - mcnt in one of thc large job printing officcs. Art'Gergens was over from Au- burn Tuesday on business. Hc is now engaged in thc dray and transfer business at that place. , \V. C. Ray of Thc Falls City 'l'ribunc was in thc city 'l'ucsday looking after matters of business in connection with his newspaper ; L,5 , . work. . . r . i1lrs. Frank Todd is in very ill health suffering from a cancer. Her niece Mart Barnhart of Sa- lcm arrived "Monday to help care for her. A union tcmperencc meeting ' " will be held next , Sunday evening , in the Presbyterian , church . with special music and a sermon by Rev Cal \'ert. Rcv. Bennett of thc Baptist church was confined to the house several days this week as thc re- I suIt of a severe fall hc sustained I . on Sunday cvcning. " . " Iii" ' i ir' 1\lrs. Ed. DorlaI1d went to Tecumseh - cumsch to attend thc district. f ed- I \ cration meeting of club woman. She was chosen to represent the \ , Ladies Alpha club of Humboldt. . : Nordica , thc trotting marc t ; owned for many years by Jas B. I Das was sold recently to Denver - . : vel' parties for thc sum of 81,000. Mason Shurtlcff went to DC11\'er last week to deliver thc animal. 1 . : - - - - . - - - . . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - . .T as. Scott and fancily retttrned from California Sunday 'fhcy went there some time ago for the bencfit of Mr. Scott's health , but as ; thc climate did not agree with him'thcy returned and will 10- ute on a farm in this section. . Mrs. Fred Fuhrer received it telcgram announcing death of her sister at Edgar , and took thc train at once for that placc. The family was just preparing , to move to Dorchcstcr , having recently - ccntly disposed of their farm north of town. Thc Baptist ladies served a splendid supper on 'Vashing-tol1.'s birthday in the Hnizda building which had been decoratcd and arranged for thc occasion. Maidcns : in colonial costumes sewed thc guests and souvenir hatchets were carried home by each visitor Something-like 835 was thc amount of thc procecds. Paul thc fourteen year old son of E. P. 'rinkcr and wife caused his parents a great amount of alarm 'rlutrsday . night bv leaving town without their knowledgc. Hc was found thc following day at Salem on his way to St. Joe where hc contemplated visiting relatives for a whilc. Hc had a little trouble in school Thursday morning and did not return in the afternoon. Hc was brought home very penitent , saying hc did not think his absence would cause his parents such uneasi- n esse - - - - - - - - . Sa.lem. Special to The 1'riburte. Irs. J. H. 'l"i111merman is on thc sick list. ? \I rs. Spurlock is on the sick list this weck. . Lila Spurlock started for 'Vis- consis 'l"uesday. Prof.Vatson moved his family from Bern Saturday. Rcv. Hamilton was a passenger to Lincoln 'rucsday. , " \V. 'V.Vertz went to Long Island - land Kansas Sunday. A. Wheeler and wife visited in Humboldt over Sunday. . . 11rs. Lctha Scott of Falls City was visiting : here ' 1"uesday. Rc\ \V. I , . Porter and wifc were in Falls City 1'uesday. Chas Stewart will moon his farm south of Salem riday. Thc Ninth 'Hour club meet with Myrtle Ramcl this wcck. ? \Jr. Ginthcr died at his hem here 1\10nday and was buried on 'Thursday afternoon. J. S. Robertson of Oregon , Mo rented thc Davis farm south of Salem and will move March 1st. Thc Y. P. S. C. E. of thc Gospel - pet Union church held a mceting at thc home of Florence Jones gi 'l"uesday c\'cning. - - " .d - _ . . . . - - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -0 OSTEOPATHYI ! THE EXACT SCIENCE OF TREATING DISEASE. Osteopathy is 110 cxperir cut. It is simple , definite and cffcctivc. It sets aright thc tissues of thc hody ; hence is a comlH'chcllsivc systcm of trcatmcllt. four doubting it will not affect thc accmac.y ; of cxamination 01' thc definiteness of cure. 'l'he Osteopath. after simply a physical . : cxamiJlation , will tell you the cause of your tt'ouhlc. If ) 'qu doubt it , try it rung then . . tell your friends the "csuH. YI1fOl' direct treatment , B. Pd. , B. A. , I ) . 0 , , A R WATERS . . Y d . Phones , Office 214 , Rcs 21S Over Clevelands' \ Storc Consultation free Office hours 1)-11:30 : a. 111. , 1:30-4 : p. JU. Shubert. Special to'Fhc L'\ ' bit nc. Will Leslie is expected home in a short time. lIr8.Till Specce visited relat- ives in thc country 1\Ionday. Mrs. Chas. Smiley was quite sick with tonsilitis last week. Ross Kempton and wife occupy thc Frank Kempton property Vera Bcrgsma spent the past few days with 1\11'8. K. Heassnel' G. W. Speecc and wife spent Ion < 1ay with friends in the coun- try. try.A A few of thc young nten of our city attended thc dance at Nina- : ha last weck. I14rs. : L. W. 'Veddlc was not quitso well last week but is in- proving ! slowl . v. Quite a number of thc Shubert people attended thc sale at Bert Harpers 1\Ionday. John Summers of Brown \'ille was the guest of 1\11' l\kClary and wife last wcck. L. L. Jones spent a few days the first of the week with rcla- sh'cs in thc country. A nice. program was given in thc intermediate room in honor \Vashington's , birthday. , - - - - - - HIS EXPLANATION. Doesn't Explain Anything , But Is Rather Picturesque Anyhow. It is , perhaps , just a8 well that "DallnJ , the Human Bat , " of San Francisco , confines his activity tu the "stcam" beer joints and Bar , bary Coast dives , where to be orig. heal excites no comment. In those bizarre regions it is Danll.r's custom ' tom when his daj"s labor is overlie - he works somewhere around the docks-to amuse the barroom loungers , aftcr he has had his beer , b.V hanging himself over the bar ' ilin ' his chin. 't ' hen I'a lung bJ' , as a close observer has said : "N I ) head through which races the phantom shapes of happJ' dreams ever rested easier Oll silken pillow than docs nanny's on a bar rail. " He i8 a somllolent vagabond , is nanny , says the New York Post , and when he has had his "ni ht. cap of steam" Iw hooks his chin over the bar rail , and , slipping ) Iii s hands comfortably into his coat t pockets t , permits his knees to bent under him until , with head l bet nt back at a startling angle , his weight : is sustained entirely bJ' his chin. There he slumbers peaceful IJ' , undisturbed by the clinking of glasses und the strident songs of the barroom rOj'sterer8. \\T uldng refreshed from his batlike sleep , , one morning recently , 1)anny vciI unteered t his ' then ' I'U m'ysHfJ'illg explanution of his strange habit : " 1\1e \ 1lluddCl' t'ought about a , rage ago dnt I was due to cash in soon , 80 she \ goes an' Bits insurance 011 me life fer a thou' . But as long ] us I Bits all ] ) dis sleep I'm aU right -un' now me JIIudder's sore Oil payin' ; de premiullJ on me life ] in sUl'ance. " 'ell , " he adds , with the ' ' filial devotion "I ' necessary , 'guesl'l dat won't make mt die ! " This iH moe.planationtoslttisfyaniedical ] 1 man , but : it's illuminating to Iam ny's friends on HIP Barbary ; Coas and , after all ] ] , doctors are a both ersomp , prying tribe. QUININE : USERS. Get to Be "fiends" for Drug Which Helps Them Little. Habitual 1 users of quinine ) arcs slaves to it , out derive little ] 1)011. fit from it , surs the : New York ] Pres8. 1i'1i with 1 ilialarht eat it b.y the ounce ( ! told still keel the ma' hu'ia. The world is full of qui nine drunkards ] , who J > our a spoon. ful into the palm of the humid and lick it down without n grimac ( ' , I have seen them chew cinchona bark as omc chews gun. Others , not habituated , must take two grain 01' ten in It gelatine capsu ] ( ' . Before capsules } were invented it was taken , in llJollt8scB-and the chances are that t lIP Molasses ] ef . fected the 1II'P. Too much of it is ; nearly as bad as too little calomel I. Great fortunes have been mad out of it , however , and its cultivH' Lion in Ceylon ] and .Taya is said to be SUCCt'88ful. There arc several ) pretty I'OmaIU'PH connected with the discovery of "kina , " as the na , five Indians of Peru called the cinchona trees from which qui , . nine is derived. What do you call ] it-kwil1 , kw 'm.'en , kin-nine kee.neen 01' kin . neen 7 . It is possible , ble that your pronunciation of the word may discover your birth. place What a lot of names the drug has had. Quinine , cinchona , countess" powder , .Jesuits' bark Cardinal de Logo's powder , Peru. vian bark , China ( bal'k- , quinn , quinquina , cinchona bark , etc The world is indebted to Louis XIV for its general introduction In France and Italy physicians who prescribed its use were per' , seented. Protestants altogether repudiated it. Robert Talbot , an Englishman , cured the dauphin with it , and Louis Le Grand was ! induced to buy the secret. He was the only kink that ever em barked in the drug business. , Trouble Not in the Eye. No oculist can remedy the short. sightedness of a selfish . person.- Chicago Daily New8. .