, . . . . Y t jj aIls ( ltitj1 ! ? ri nut. , _ . . _ . . . . . . . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! . ' > > . VOLUME I . . . . FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 26 , 1904. NUMBER,8 " ' f ( Death Has Visited } Many Homes ' Phoebe Belle Greenwald ' ' Phoebe Belle Greenwald passed 1 away Saturday evening . For a long time she had not been in the I best of health and last 11'dday a surgical operation was decided ' . : ' , { " . upon. The operation revealcd . @ : : . her condition to be much worse than it was supposed to be , although - t. . . though she rallied and hopes of . ( ) her ' ' were entertained l f . 'recovery , jJ . hut a relapse came which resulted - . ed in her death. 4 Death no matter to whom or in what form it comes always brings with it the tear of sorrow and thc sigh of grief , but it is not always . . . . - ' that a single visitation of the I \ destroyer brings such widespread , regret , vI' draws forth so , many I , " i. . ' ,0 . . " . . ' , ' expressions of that regrct.rrhis J. . . ' . wide spread s : nse of regret and . " these outspoken expressions of sorrow arc thc highest tributes that the community could pay to the character and worth of the ; . ; ' ' clepartcd Through years of close " " t ' association the people of this city , \ ' . ; ) r ( ' had come to know I Mrs. Green- walel so well , to so appreciate her womanly qualities , and so come wider the influence of her Chris- tian character as to feel that this . - tribute was her llue. True womanhood finds its highest ex- ' cmplHication in thc home , and it was here that thc true nobility of , she who has been called away was most beautifully shown. She was not only a wife-shc was a help-meet. No duty that would , make home more of a home was too 'arduous ; no task that would m. , " bring new attraction , or more uplifting - lifting influences into the home I' ' , . circle was too irksome. , The duty Iii was Ipne the task performed ! , with a gladness yea an eagerness - . ness that male loves labor a joy. I , , She was a wife in thc deepest , holiest and truest sense of that m. lcnn. 'l'Iog-elher with her hus- It band , she had planned thc beauti- II , rul new home that had just been , completed. It is one of the finest residences in the city. Possession , had been taken and with a wom- I , I lns JOY she set about to beautify , it , to invest it with the sacred , . . I . . ' \tt- \.r\JC : . " atmosphere of a home. But Into I . L the new home an unbidden and a , welcome guest came. Thc I hands that had been so busy were I folded in eternal rest. She was , more than a mother. 'ro her son I { . Guy and her adopted daughter " Hazel , she was a guardian , COUJ1- I seller and c01 1forter. In her I , character was epitomized all thc true virtues of mo lerhood. She was in the broadest sense a Chris- tian woman. A member of the Iethodist church , she put into daily practice , ' iii her quiet aim - unassuming - assuming manner , all the beautiful - ful principles of her faith. Kind hearted amid I generous , and with charity for all she followed in Isis stcps. She died as she had \'ed-upht'ld l by a sublime faith and an unwavering confidence in the promise of the l\Iaster. : She was a woman of broad cul- ture and of superior intcl1ig-cnce. A member of Sorosis , she took deep interest in the work of the dub , lending the power of her personality to its advancement and giving freely to her co-labor- ers the inspiration of her womanly - ly character and her energy and earnestness. \Vhen such a wo- man is called suddenly from the midst of this worlds activities , it is not to be wondered al , if a com- mtmit'y mourns. It is not strange that friend and neighbor should seek words with which to express their sympathy for the husband and children. There are no such words ; soul thoughts arc not expressed - pressed in uttered speech. In their sudden and awful grief 1\fr. Greenwald and his two children have ths sympathy though expression - pression may bc denied in words. Phoebe Belle Gist was . born December 24 , 1857 in lVloniteau county vIissouri.Vhen eight years old she was taken by her parents to Salem , Ncbr. There she grew to womanhood and was married to V\T. A. Greenwald in 1881. After her marriage 1\Irs. Greenwald resided for some time in Salem but she came with her husband and family to Falls City in 188 and this was her home until her death. Besides her husband - band and children she leaves a rather and mother , .Mr. and lVII's. Silas Gist of Salem , and two brothers , T. J. Gist of this city and Ray Gist of Humboldt , be- sides other relatives. The funeral ' was held from the residence on 'ruesday afternoon , the services being conducted by Rev. Alexandcr. Many were those who took advantage of this opportunity to pay their respects to the dead and express their sympathy for the living , and while the services were in pro- gress all the business houses in the city were closed. 1\'lany beautiful oral tributes gave fur- ther expi'ession to these senti- ments. At the conclusion of these services the remains were borne to Steele cemetery , - - - - - John Burkart John Burkart , one of the oldest business men in this city , died last 1\Ionday morning at the age of 66 } cars . For 'enty-two years 1\:1r. ' : Burkart had conducted a meat market in this city He was a man of a very quiet nature , who treated everybody right and was an cnel11Y to no one. He was a good citizen in every respect John Burkart was born in Wit- t1nberg- , Germany , May : 13 , 838. He spent his youth in the 1 + ath- erland , but when he reached young manhood hc came to this country. At thc outbreak of the civil war he took up arms in thc defense of his adopted country and enlisted in Co. A , 2nd United States cavalry. He served faith- fully until thc close of thc war , when he was honorably discharged - ed with thc rank of corporal. . In March , 1867 , hc was married at Hagerstown Maryland : , to Miss -Iary Swinger. He then came to the west and settled first at Coun- cil Bluffs , Iowa , and later to Ne- braska. In 1882 he camp to this city and opened a meat market , which he conducted until within a few days of his death. He leaves three children , Frank ( of this city , Will of Sioux City , Ia. , 'and vIrs. John Noah of Nebraska City. 1'0 these the many who knew and respected their father . extend condolence 'l'hc funeral was held Wednesday - day morning from the Catholic church , the solemn services being lar ely attended. Mrs. Ellis Powell. - Mrs Ellis Powell ( lied very suddenly at her home south of this city last Tuesday , morning. lIer death came as a very great surprise to her friends and occa- sioned the deepest regret on the part of all who knew her. Mrs Powell was a woman who took a deep interest in her home life and was in every sense a devoted wife and mother. 'l'he deceased was born at St. Paul , Kan , March 7 , 18)7 , where she lived until she was nine years of age. She came to Nebraska - braska in 1884. On January 27 , 1886 , she was married to Ellis Powell. She is survived by a husband and five children , Jennie May , Fannie Edna , Edwin J. , . Charles . and Hazel Helen Into , . , - to this family thc shadow of a great affliction has come darken- ing thc lives of husband and chil- drcn , but as they sit enshrouded in thc gloom of grief , may they find some comfort in thc many words of sympathy spoken from , thc hearts of friends. The funeral was held from the family home \Vedllesday after- noon , a very large number of ' , ' friends of thc family being pres- C' - elli. _ % - - Hans Koso . \ A Hans Koso died very suddenly at his home eight miles north and ( \ , . three miles caSt of this city early' Tuesday morning vIr. Koso " 'i lived alone just across the road } : from thc home of his son , John . . Koso , and his grandson stayed \ . . . . . . " ' " ' . with him at night. About three ' o'clock in thc morning lvlr. Koso ,1 ' , 'I became suddenly ill and the L grandson summoned John Koso. The sick man dec11n'd. have a physician called , saying that he was going to die. His heath occurred - curred in a short time and owing to the circumstances Coroner Henckel' was notified. He viewed the remains and while not deem- ing an inquest necessary , an au- topsy was held which revealed the fact that heath had been caused by organic heart trouble. lvIr. Koso was about seventy years ; of age and lived in this county for many years. I-Ie had led an active life and had many friends and acquaintances who were shocked to learn of his sud- den death. - - - - - - Eugenia. E. nSchoter. 1\-lrs. Eugenia E. Benschoter died at the home of her son in Loup City , Neb. , last Friday at the age of 73 y ars. For many years lvlrs. Benschoter was a resi- dent of this county , living on a farm cast of this city She en- joyed a wide acquaintance and was highly respected by all who knew hcr. Her husband departed this life several years ago and for some time past she had made her home with a son at Loup City. The news of her death will cause profound regret to many warm friends in this city and \'icinity. She leaves five sons , John , Jacob and Alman of this city ! , and George and Orlando of Loup City. Her funeral was held on last Sunday afternoon. L. B. Cornell of Verdon was in town yesterday. t