The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 19, 1904, Page 9, Image 9
r \ I \ February (9 ( , Jtot THE FALLS crrv TRIBUNE 9 TALENT DEVELOPED ITSELF. Young Woman Dressed Dolls and Was Well Repaid. ' Ethel was the despair of thl ramilJ' She was 18 years : ) old , but , ' ' had ' ' childiHh never overcome a . passion for paringwith ] dolls , I Notliiag , interested : hel' so much ) it IS : making doll ] ] dresses and ouUii or lingerie. \flll'n she ( 'ante ) ( t.o hPI' pi ightee11t11 t veal' Ilse t ) eon5taut ( : nagging ' going of her l1'1ot her and elder sis , tees t finallJ induced her to gin up her OWll dolls , hu t she ] UJ'ned I ] 1'L' pnPl'friPH t.o Ilakitig and , dressing dolls for the child N a on the block ] on which she lin d , The family , ' the New YOI'k Tress could says ! : : cw ; , ( see llothing plaetieal ] ( ] ill this wOI'k " and urged her , vainly as it IU'o\pd , 10 give it up Ethel had a fin : 11 ! ' ied sister who crime to pay a visit at home ) for a fpw da\'s. and she pXHmin'd ; one of' Ethel's : dolls with tllll"pig-upd intpl" I - 1 est "YOII1'P : \ wm1ing ; ; a Ial'n1 ] 'Pht ( ' is 1I1O\ ] ) , ' mil this I , " shp Imid . 'Put on you I' hat and t'onw down , , town t with t 111\ , " The 'a't il'a I married sister 1)r1e1 ] } ; ( , ma - ' \ hulltp 1Ip ; it l ( 'al' < 1bou'd ; hex , put ! hn'p t of the < lolls in it , and shcrind Et11 ] went downtow11 1'0 ( 01lP or , the big dl'PII'11\lclIt : \ shores and had ; \ ( a I con fei ' ( nee ( wi I h the I head ] ) of 1'11 t ( ( . . Iny departlll11I. t - Thai ] night ] ' ai 1 dinner ( Ethel px- 1)10(1(1 ] ) ( a homlH.hpll ; on the tahlp. 'athpl' " Rhp , , began , swpel1y " , ' \ou . . ' , kuohow , mother and the t \ , aii'1's i : dla.ho1"1u'I' ) ( ' 1111' ' bout my " { I \ . . . clo11R dOll't , yOu ? " ' ,1 , ' , ! \ Ilex father loo\pd ! at her in HlJI" pI'is'p , and said : "YpR , Eth'l , I what of it ? " ' . \\(111 , I lrl1 < ,10wntow11 r Hnd - " ardor to ( make of ; ( g-ot" a11 ( I' 0 \ : ( scone hp1I1 1 for the i Cll1'istmaR trade. t ! The head of the (11)aI'tlileut < ( said lie 'ouldn't give much of ' . I < ( ) \'C' 111P ( an 01' : : ( IPI' , for it va8 rather latp in the . ' season . How mn ( ' h do you sup , pas ] > ( the olde1 ' ainounIs J ) ) to" " I "I ha \'n' ( ( ' the least idpa , Ethpl , l hp ' ' , "I'IIVPC ' four clol , , ( I'PSJOIH1pd ] ) ( 01' ( lays : ! " , " . \ little more than that Ile , wants $75 wOI'i'h " \ , V . TI1Pn t-lIP I'PHt of thp fami1 , " 1 shrieked : " 11'haI1" t ! . 'I'IIP 'hildl'(1n that hloc'k ' ( ( ( ( on ( are . , < aol getting t ; andes ' ] ] dressed ] free ! I' ! IlOW \ , . . - f MINING FOR CED.o\R. Good Lumber Resurrected from the I ' Swamps of Florida. Mining for 'dar is a JlP'uliHJ' ( . 11l1u-II'\ ' wIdell thrives ill .1 \II'ioIlS : - ; i1' , \ IL \ : 11U115 parts 01ew Jersey and also in ; 1 + 'Iorida. ( Great t ( 'pdal' 1JoPl'H which grew and fell ] ] centuries ago and have lain for nnder ' \'p ages ( I' a pro tedtiveeoveringof lllud and wa tel' " are thus brought to light and I ; , t1l1'upd into Ilspflll umhel' ] , Hays f ' { t , the Xew YOl'k \\'OI'ld . . . I' ' Xo one knows how long ag-o it o , was when Ole epda1' II't'S t ! now : ' found hidden in Stitia11lpS ' were alive and gl'owing ; ( , pdal's grow only ] , 4 on uplands ] , and little t enough at . I least has elapsed ] to allow for I : natural t convulsions which have , I'llHngcd the npaIHH ] ( ] into sW-a I'j j Some of t lIP logs ) found are ennr , , m01ls in sire ! : ! i , and belonged 10 bees t whh'h were centuries ( t in gl'owing'l'he : "mud shing-Iel' works with , H long sharp iron I'od lit' drives this down into ( ih 1 ( 8wamp until ht' strikes ; ( H log' 1'h'n h ( finds the t siz ( ' a11(11)0511 ] ion of the t log hJ' Joking ] the rod Gown allat'ound it. H011IPtimPH tIP ] log ! ! are partially uncovered ' ( - ] ( \ hr dig-- { ; i11g , and are then hauled out t with I'lwil1 ( : and jowPl'ful ) tlu'klp .su- ( - ally hO\\\'Pl' the ' ' ' is , , , 'O\'PI'ing ( is dug alvlly and then a pl'uliHI' sliwmill , built for nIP pur1)ose } ] ) , iH brought int 0 lISe Hnd the ( logR a I'p ( ( 11I \ I ul' ' into ( shingle hlol'l ' s.whil'h , i11 In i'n , go ( ) 10 1'IIP i shingle i mills. i rood does not rot wider wHI'I' , hnt l1Iost kinds grow soft aHd lIsplpSH after , long ] soaking' ( ' ( 'dnl' does nor : -in n'I' in sUi'll ways be11use of the t resin with which ( i1 iH lillld ftH'h of Ilie t hIP ( soft cedar used for lead ] 1)'neils ] ( is fl'om logs found in Flol" ida swamJS. ] Distilled Alcoholic Drinks AI'oltoli ( ) ( ' beverags HJ'p (11s . tilled from ! hananas , the milk of 'o'oanIII54 ( ( ; t rice a\(1 ) \ ( polls. ] 'I'hl' JapaIIPsc \ distill spirits 1'1'0111 plllmH peaches ) ) ( and 1he I flower of the ' ' ' ' , mOl'thPl'wol't The Chinese make an alcoholic ' ( chink from plums I Keeps Him Busy After the average 1111111 strikes it rich it keeps ) him busy trying to ' 1'orgel 1 htold H'll1aintances- ( ) Chieago aily I ) News. NEED3 INVE:5TIGATION County Sheriff Writes from Texas to Post Office Dep.utme:1t. : A postal ) investigation that 1)rot111S1S } \ to rival in int'I'pst that madt by )11' 13owlparte a ; nd , II' , COIII'ad has been \ 1\l1dt'1ak \ ) by an obs'm'p ] ) ( ' ( , 01' ( down i11 'l\ > xas. The tteeessity \ 1'01' a11 investigation illlo the ( 'on'dud of this ot1i'p , whieh shall lw unnamed , is I'P' \111(1 ( by a letter I'r ' enl the eonntl' HIHl'ill' to the : (1(1)11 l'hllP11 at \ \ ' ash- i IIgt 011 , il'P iH the 1 a ppeal ] I : " \ \ ' P don't H't up aHY 'Iaim ( ; tha1 I11111 our ma11I1P'S ! are all 1hat they should ( IH' , lint t wp'd like ] to ( be reasoned wit ] , and helped ] ] l 101lg' The 1)051- ] . ntislress lal'I'l' iH a wOl'th\ , ' woman : , all right , and there ain't anything against her ( ' c'hal't : Pr , bul' she 'er - . 1ainy ] is i ; 1'1I(1 11' 1111(1 : ] hasty One day last w'pk lip t IllH"OI' ' . being some flushed ( ] 111' ' and1' ( : \ ( > Il's8 , refused to'lIlo\ " his 11111 and how on ask illg for t lip of1ic'ia I I1W iI , \\'IIl'I'PI1HHl } his hat was ; shot oil' and pl11111h l'uiJH'd , aw ] Il ( ( left } the ] ( post ! Om'I ( ! -0 : ; st'iftly and tIIHligni1ipC that : it , 10ld against the ) standing of the IOlvll" 1'1H'I' 'au 1w no doubt ; iI111t t l' this istn ; pxl'l'aol'dillal'J' 'fhe ) ida of H 'I ' pxas twl'in'appeal ] - iJ1fr tot Ill' g''J1PI'a 1 government for protect ) \ ( ion , rat her than to his OWII hi iii } 1)1 ] ) ( ) pt , says DIP Xpw YOI'k Post is so new that it is al'tling BII t there wat nothing else to t ) do ] -11bsol11tely ) ] ] no1'hing ' 1 ' llP mayor had lost ) his hat , and his undigni- ; lied I'p1"l''a t front lie I post ] ) ( ) olliee ( waR telling against the ( standing of the t t011'tl. Of ( 'Ot1\'f.P. \ a IIPW - ® . - - - " - . . . . . [ FOR , SALE A FINE HOME , . . M - - - - - - - Retiring' l farmer , if you are comtemplating'l aving' : the farm , don't make a mistake by going to ionic little village and putting- your money into the kind of a home you desen'e. If .you should make this mistake , when you come ; to want to sell , yon could not sell it for what the lumber cost , and you have no advantages in theRe ' vil1ag'eR Come to Fal1s City , the capital of one of the richest counties in the state , with its fine schools and ! churches of the highest grades and denominations ; where there is a high class of lectures and entertain- ments going on all the time , and where property of all kinds is advancing until there is not a farmer that came to this city and bought , property , but who has made money , by RO doing and you can do the same by buy- ill , this elegant home. I t consists of an eight room house , built out of the best of material ; boxed with good shi-lap ] ; ; ; papered and sided with a good grade of lap siding' ; on a good foundation built of fine , large pitched face stone ; back and front porches ; good ! large cistern ! and two fin ; wells of water ; a good ! cave arched with stone and \\ith \ house built over it and connected with the back porch ; good barn with hay mow ; chicken house : smoke house ; wood and coal house , all nearly new. Plenty of small fruit , strawber.ries , blackberries and raspberries , and a fine budded peach orchard. Fine shade and , ornamental trees and nice blue grass I lawn. Located on 5 ' acres of good , smooth land , fenced and cross-fenced ; part in good tame grass pasture - ture with well in same. In I northeast part of the city ; . fine neig'hhorhood'ithin ; two blocks of the high school and aR the town is building rapidly north , this tract can bc sold out in lots and blocks at a big profit , for we will sell this cheap as it must .be sold by lVlarch firRt Can make terms if deRired Now , if yon want this I with all thc above 5 : acre tract improvements , cheap , write or call us over 'phone No. I6 $ . Whitaker Bros. Falls Nebraska : City , . . . . .1:1' . , ' . . - . , , - - - - - - - , " , _ . - . - - - - . . - - ntavm' might have been 'Ibsen. (1)(1 ) ( who was never flushed up , " ' on ( who waR a f'hPH1C'l'fipld on 'vel'r ol''aHioll ( Fie that ( nIP lees lion ( m have bl'PI1wt tlp(1. Put hp sherill' ] \ ( had nothel' g-I'ic'a lice againstflue ! ( ] exaelingllOSlIii t stress. I-pa ! ) it" : " 'I'IIP'p's ) another thing we don't think is fiJ' : This postmistl'p H won't let niggpl's IIJ1d greasers come ( in the ofIj1111(11' ( ( any , 011- ( Si(1eration. ( 'Vel : i1l't o\'cl'fond of 1IiggPI'S and greasers ourselves , lint t it' is sure djl.c'ommoding- the leading citizens i 1"0 have to go to th(1)ost ' ; ofIj'P personally ) ! to gel the nail ( \ just because ibis lady ( don't' like ] to sec an'thinghut a gpntlpman 1V 'f > don't' like to ap' ; : ' : ' ' " ; : J.I Jallll t , ' , : .llill ; ( ; ; and uict\'uJlish ! wllC'I'e a ladis , e 1111'1'11(1 ( , Out hits one I'm t(1llil1 ; llIollt is sure al'bi 1'I'I1I'r awl :11 : i tipl.1111(1 wed ; like to h:1hPI' ioued t \ ( down Ollle. " This 8PPJJ\S \ to b. a 'pasollahle ! reque . . , Xo : doubt , Ilie 1 lOStmistress ] is a t \ , pl'r'Ol't hY , oman , but she . shollld IPnllnher \ thn she is the "SP\'IUIt ) of 111 ( ( people ) , " and , :1S such , hOIJJlc1 to t sea t every one who I'l'l'eh''s mail ' ( ' > ' ( , 1' ( giHPI' letters orcous11nlption ( ( 'I1J'P pamphlets , with pqual eourt'S' ( ( , \t 11113' rate , a local ] ( ] rule could hp promulgated requiring IIPI' to pllt iJl good condi , ion I all ] ) hats ( pun't ( tIJ'ed by her gUll in ( ve1'y 'USP whel'e it conle he ] ) ( 'o\ ' ( d that t thp shooting was absolutely ) ( ( neessar'y. \lr. Bl'is ; tow has H real ! problem in that Texas post ) t omce. , .