The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 19, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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- Ig 1904 _ _ - - . . . . . . - . . . . _ _ . "n _ . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ 5
Neighborhood News
. Shuberi.
. ' Special to ' l'hc tl'ribullc.
, - \'lrs ' 11'rcd Culglazicl .is quite
I. 7 , , . . ' . , ' , " 4. \ ' C. A Smiley ha the rural
. . , - . , . mall routc
. R. 1\1. Gil1an of Auburn wa in
. . . . . town 11Ionday.
, , IV1iss Nellie Lcwi \ \ ; LS quite
sick last wcck.
" , 1lrs. l\lc. Wcddlc has been on
' thc sick list the past weck.
J. N. Colglarier has been quite
sick thc past week with grip
, Fred Colglaiier made a business i-
. ness trip to St. Joe last weck.
Thc pupils of thc high school
j " . , ; . , . cnjoycd a Valelitinc box Monday. :
i Chas. Smilcy made a business
trip to Omaha luring the wcck.
l\ rs. Ross Kenton visited her
sister , 1\1rs. R. Reasoner Saturday.
, . Miss .Minnic Jones was thc
. c , guest of Sherman Colglazici' Sun-
. " . < lay.
r- \ Miss Nellie Summers returned
, to her home in Brown vinc Sun-
" day.
l\1iss ? Nellie Summers of Brown-
R . , . vine attended thc dance 'l'hursctay .
r nig-ht.
Several members of John Cum-
mings' family arc sick with pncu-
, .
: . monla.
. . . . , . ' .
r"C. . A. Lord , wife and laughter ,
. i\
; _ wcrc thc guests of Joe Spicklcr
; and family Sunday' .
rank l Oathout will soon begin
the erection of a residence south
of his blacksmith shop.
- . . . HarveThompson is once more
a resident of Shubcrt , having :
. . . . purchased the barber shop.
- \ . Misses Leta Summers , Blanche
Vil1iams and Effic Ham were thc
_ guests : of Miss GcrticV cddle
- Sunday.
Guy Harper will leave for Eu-
. genc , Oregon thc first of of April
- where hc will spcncl ( thc summer
t ' playing ba11.
Quite a little surprise was given
! to'\Yaltcr Shubcrt and wife on
ruc day c'cninghy a 11\lI11b uf
their friends.
- C. A. Lord has been having
. somc improvements made on thc
property hc rcccntly purchasl.'c1 ( l of
I , . C. ' \Valk er.
. Quite a number of 'youn folks
, ' , of Vcrdon , Stella and Rarada attended -
tended the masquerade ball last
. Thursday c\'cning'
1\11' and 1\lrs. King who have
. \ . . been visiting friends at this place
' ' ;
't' , .i.t"- \ for thc past few weeks returned
to Dunning , Ncb . last weck.
1rs. Valtcr Shubert and moth-
: er , 1\lrs. Steve Poland , accompan-
y iedY. . G. 1\1cGechic Tuesday for
, Broken Arrow , 1. ' 1\ ) ,11' . Poland
l and . \Vatter will g-u with the car
. . ,
: - 'I-
of goods. .
I.i i
_ . .
Special to'1'he'ri ibuue.
John Koso is hauling wood
this wcck.
Albert and ] arnestIickles
were busy shocng' horses last
Fred Sperry and Albert Catll-
mcra arc busy sawing wood < l at
prcscn t.
I Elmer Shock of Rub was up at
Wi11iamsYil1c and spent ; a week
with his friends.
Henry Vag'cle and several more
were hauling corn to Preston thc
first of the week
Edward Vagelc and Ralph
Vhccler attcnded the opera at
halls City l\Ionday night :
Henry Brincgar and John Kle-
bcr gave a masqucradc ball at
Arago in the hall Friday nig-ht.
'rhere was a large crowd present
all report a good timc.
Special to ' l'hc ' l'dh\tllc.
Sam Kcnncdy \ and children
were up from Salem Saturday.
1\11' . Austin and family of Lin-
coln arc guests of thc 1la'e fam-
ily this wcck.
1\lrs. J. A. Vagg-cncr visited
her sister 1\lrs. Gi11igan , at Falls
City over Sunday. .
Paul Scanlan was it business
passenger to St. Joseph Saturday
adorning , returning l\lo11day.
t\Iabcl : Shier went to St. Joe
the first of thc week to spend , a
couple cf weeks in thc wholesale
mi11inery houscs.
Sol Bodle and family have
moved from Pawnee county to the
\Vil1ian s farm south of Dawson ,
recently purchas d by thcm.
1'Irs. . James Harris and chilchcn ( !
left Tuesday morning for their
home in Clifton , Okla. , after ilIt
cxtcnded visit with Ellen Riley
and family.
The ninth and tenth grade of
thc high school went to Humboldt
last Friday afternoon to view thc
art display that was given by the
high school of that placc.
Next Sunday will dose Hc\
lasses three years pastorate at
this place. -Ic leaves on 'l'hur
( fay of nest week for a three
mon tlls tour of thc holy Lan(1.
Arthur Barlow has returned to
Dawson after a three ycars ab-
sence luring which time hc saw
active service in thc Philippines.
Since thc expiration of his time
hc has been working at Port Sam
Houston , 'l'cxas. : -
hiss Johnson , who for six
weeks attcndcd ( aL. thc bedside of
Alex 'l'ichcn in thc capacity of
trained nurse , left Sunday for her
home in Lincoln. 1\rr. 'riehcn
has so far recovered that he is
now . able to sit up.
Miss Anna Martin has resigned
to buy
Drugs , Book , Wall Paper , Etc.
Our line is always complete , and our prices
are as low as is consistent with first class goods.
We also give five per cent rebate on all cash
purchases. We solicit your patronage
King's Pharmacy
. . . .
- - - ' - - - - - - - -
her position t as teacher of thc
grammar g't"adc in the high
school on account of the serious
illness of her moth \ r. Her place
has been filled by Todd Vagg-cn-
cr and Miss Lois Spencer of Falls
City t ekes 'l'udd's place at l\lt.
Ho 1)C.
Gov. James Bigheart of the Osage
Nation--His Carepr
Go , ' . Jal1le8 ighcat't , chief ( or
the Otmgp Indian nut ion , and one
of the 11108" prominent and pic-
ttl1'pslUt ( } figures t of the Southwest ,
Is ( it ; i I'cmal'ka man in HHlUY I'C'
iipec.ts ( , and his ( 'aJ'cel' has been
one of honor and of usefulness to
mankind , says the llu'Ut's\'illl'
/Okla. / ) xaminpt' A fullhlood
Osage Indian , lIP Willi born U4 JeU1'
ago in heat , ' c'OUlllMo. , , : . , near
where is poly the t Town t of Cliuton.
" 'llPll the Osagl'H were relnoyel ( ]
to their' t reSer'ui.ion in pas1.PI'1I
Kansas , Nunsha-h111.kah. whidl ( ; is
the - ' ' \'al1l1 1'01' 'Ihi
Osage 0giiiyalont "big
heart , " o1l1Imnipd Ole tribe anll
for a number of . years made his
hurray in the beautiful Sposho val. ]
Iel } , ' . .fit t ; a lQI1lQr 1 } itg0 lIP was taken
iu hand bY , t hI' .1p uit. fathers ,
whm ; ( ' kindly , self-lia'I'itil'ing ( men
whoHP teachings , surd } examplpt
har0 ht'pn indelibly impressed
I1Jon } t hp Osages ; and are ' d
in Ih(1 t daily H\pli und actions 'of
the III'Il and women of the tribe ,
and under } their instruction hc was
lillc'l ( ( ] and equipped } for the sphere
of' utiOfulness Ihat f lw has filled.
' ) 'Iw'ol1ng Indian was a student
ot t hl' old Osage mission ( St
Panl ) , a fp\\ miles north of the
Jll''HPnt ( town of Parsons , from his
1'\'Plltt'Pllth 10 his twellty-1hh'd
year , wllPn nIP c'ivil ( war began. l
, A f' a ( 'ull 1'01' ' 'olmrfPPI's , I3igheart ,
with about 40 other members
of' I110 1 ( Osage tribe , among hem 1
rlH'lp 1'0111 Hosier : , the present interpreter -
J'III''tel' at the Osage agency , enlist .
list 0(1 } under ( ( 'a pt. H. F. N. Reed ( }
in I'olllpan ( I , Ninth Kansas YO- ]
nulecr ( ! cavaI'.Y. ] . During the thl'c ! '
years he serve(1 } ill the army Bifr.
heart pal'til' ; in a number of
hotly t c'onfps1p ( } PIIg-uJ'emenIH , ,
and l'plUPI'pdlll1U } / blp Sl't''P
througliouI ) his ( 'Illist lnent. To.
day hp I'P'P'H at IWIIHioll from the
J'O\'PI'nmpn1' ? for disabilities in-
r.m'I'pd while in the } war . He is an
ell 1 hl1RiaHt i ( ' member ) ( of the rand
A I'my of t he ( R ( l)1tblit' ) . and iN inY/I- /
riabl.r a 11I'0IllhlftIl1111p11Ihl'I' at th'
I'Pl1niollH ; tad gatherings of tht'
vet (1l'anH.
( to\ . liigiieart is now serving
for the 1 Re'ond } time t as chief exp ( ' .
t11''P of t h. . Osage ; \ na 1 ion. H is i of-
ti'ia ( I ac't ions are always I ( ' ] UI1'l\c'- \
tel'ixpd hy 1 lIP f'xerc'isp of wisdom ,
( 'OIlSlI"'U ( 1 hUll surd hood 1'nRP.
rlPI' his tJil'pdioll of f'rihal af-
fairs t lIP ( 'n11tlu11nal I interests have
pr0SP(1'd,1111(1 ) ) ( I lIP t robe has been
'olltpnfpd ( rind haIlP. fey ; . Big'-
hetiq ! is a man of broad and lihPI'-
nl niiiid . and his pl1'Ol'18 always
have ] been for 11H' 1 ad\'an'Plllent ) of
his penpl(1. } . ITe 1eali/S I the near
nppI'oa'h of the inevitable disso
lulion ) of' tribal t I r0laIions , and pn-
eonrageS Ih0 t fllllhiood element ] of
the I rile to meet ! it' .
( UO\ iigheart is pPI'haps the
wt'althil'Ht irldi'i(1ua111ilistninthe } }
1p1'I'iiC'I'Y to . day , if not in t'lw1Tni1'-
ed Stares. Hp has sp\'eral finely
i1l1 ( ) lI'J\'d ( farms and ] ( 'a 1tt'UlH'hPH
in the reser'stlion 1 . : tad the doors
of hip . ( ' 'Omf01'tahlt and well fart
niMh , i home are : t never closed
l1g-ainHI anyone who IHlsses bJ' In
oddit ion fo his farm land and H\'p-
St 0k ; : inlPl'pstH the O\'el'n01' is a
tJiJ'PI'tOl' and heavy stockholder in
t\\'o Iii t ionnl banks and I'esident I
of' tIll' ( 'itiz'n ' ' - '
'PI'nding'om -
JHIII\ ' . otH' of the strongest awl
1110141 t 1't IeuSi'(1 t dnereantileinstitu-
tiomis ' ill lIP t i'esei''ation.
Llvi in Volc1no's Cent r.
A little Japanese village , thirty
miles from the town of Kumll ,
mete , is situated in the center of
a volcano , which may some day become .
come acti\'e. The village lying 90n
fet ( below the top of the volcano ,
the t , walls of which are vet Y steep ,
is quite hidden. Its 2,000 inhabit.
ants selq < > .IUfJJ'YfJhis ! ! vince.
Patronize Tribune ; ill\'crtiscrs.