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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1904)
I . . . . . . . . " , 1 ' " . . . , I . . . ' TI'IE I FA'LL . CITY 'IBUNE : I ' , Ftbrunry ' 9J904 - ! _ _ , . , _ _ _ , . . . : . . . . . . / , , J' , , , ' , - . - ' , I OUR . SPECIAL OFF-ER _ - ' . , . - ' . . . ; " - - - _ . - . , , E1' ERY BOY WANTS A WATCH AND . , , ' - : ; ' - ' ' ' , . THE TRIBUNE WILL HELP EVERY ' ' - . ' .f. : . H l. BOY TO GET ON E. . H . : . . , ,1i u. i ; . " THE PLAN IS. VERY S.IMPLE . See your friends and get them to subscribe for THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE. When you have taken FIVE Yearly Subscriptions send or bring the money to this office and as a premium we will give . ' you A GOOD WATCH. Not a toy , but a good time keeper and one that you will be proud to carry and show your friends. You can win a watch in a day. This is a generous offer and you should take ad = vantage of it. Begin now ! See how quickly you can do it ! . ' . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . . . . ' , . ( t , A. . . . . . I. , " , ' , ; . . . . . ' 7 Neighborhood News Fort Hazel Special to The'rribuue. Two of HadamI Jones children are quite sick. Geo. \V. Schmidt is on the sick . list this week. A case of measles has h een reported - ported at Fort Hazel. o H. \V. Schmidt shelled corn 1\1onday and 'ruesday. Rc\ Gerathwohl preached at the St. Paul church Sunday. Jennie Cheslv , who has been sick for some time is recovering. John Kloepfel and wife went to St. Joseph Tuesday for a short visit. Prayer meeting was held at thc home of W. F. Dnl"sle 'Vednes- da y nig-ht. A. W. Jones of Auburn visited with friends and relatives at lorr Hazel this week. Prank Oske\ and wife O'a\'c a pie social at their home Friday e\'ening. A pleasant time was had by all present. 'rhe farmers of this vicinity are going to organize a Mutual Telephone - phone company. A meeting was held at the Fort Hazel school house last Thursday' night. U. T. Duncan was elected president and Eston Jones secretary. Quite a number of signers were se- cured. Ohio. Special to 'I'he'1'ribune. Frank Shaft'r shelled corn 1on- day. Anson Kinzl visited at B. r. Pecks this week. . 1\11'8. Alberts visited at \Vm. ' Horstman's Sunday. He\ James Strouder visited at Noah Pecks Sunc ay. E. T. Peck and wife visited at Andrew Betters Sunday. C. E. Peck and his sister visited - ed at G. W. Pecks Sunday. Cottagc' ' prayer meeting was . held atVm. . Bartletts 'Vednes- day night. One of the telephone men was in this neighborhood mending the phones. A number of young people en- joyed a social lance at the home of Fred Finks Saturday night. A number ' of the farmers of this vicinity went to hear ilWard King speak on the subject of making good roads. , Bar ' da. . Special to 'rhe 'l'rihullc. : Mrs. Frank Butler was trading with our merchants 1\1onday. l\Irs. Coon Sailors is seriously ill at her home west of town. James Stevenson rented the Ira Presser building and is running first class confectione ry and butcher 51101) 'Ve wish him suc- cess in his new business. Jim Kyle : ' of Gage county is visiting with his brother Jess and famil ) ' . Robert Hoback was visiting his brother at Lincoln a few days last week. . JohnProscr . hauled , a load of goods from Falls City Friday for Herbert Stoes. ] Chas. Shulenbcrg visited ' several - eral days of last week with friends at Falls City. Claude Whitney and wife of Dawson visited with the latters parents east of town Sunday. Samuel VanOsdell returned home from Falls City Sunday after several weeks stay at that place. ' The many friends of Squire Gerdes are glad to see him about again after several weeks illness with la-grip. l\Irs. Lesley Ramsey and children - ren left Saturday for a few weeks visit with friends and relatives at Falls Cit . ) ' . - Preston. Special to 'l'hc 'l'ribuuc , Mrs. R. 1orris is seriously il1. . Louis Banks went to Napier 1onday. - L. D. l\IcCumber went to Rule l\1onda - , ' Garnet 1\lilson drove to Rule l\'londay. Chas. l\lcCumber went to Palls City Sa turd a ) ' . lIaryVatteyne went to Falls City Saturday , returning Sunday . e\'ening. ; Ed Pylc was on thc , sick list ' last week r l\-1rs. Louis Banks went to Falls . City Monday. ) Geo. 'rerrell of Falls City was in town l\10nday. Prof. Unsell and wife drove to Rule Saturday. . Mrs Joseph Neitzel is slowly recovering from the measles. . I Miss Minnie Wilson took the train for Falls City 1\Ionda . . Chas. Sanguinette is a. little , , r \ worse at the present writing. { , Tom. Cook and Edward Bush are numbered among the sick. " lrs. W. R Thompson wen to Falls City the first of the \v , , ek. John Casey of Falls City . was a pleasant caller at our post office' _ Sunday. ' James Tangney ; Bert Biggs and Frank ] Meets came up from Rule Saturday. Elmer IIoselon left for Imperial. Thursday where he expects to spend some time. P. M. Darrow , the division engineer cam down from Han- # ' over , Kansas , Sunday. , : Maurice McMahon returned d home from Iorril Wednesday where he' has been for some time. The Preston Literary club - gave an entertainment Friday e\'ening. The program was a good one. ( The instrumental duet by Ida I Pribbeno and Alma Daeschner was fine. 1