The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 19, 1904, Image 1

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, t r tJtitj1 rt . nut .
_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . .u _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
" ' I . ' _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ; _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . 19 1904. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
. . . . .
' ! . Kicked by a Horse.
: ; Ross Willard , an employe at
'ti' . . ! . oster's livery barn , was kicked
t. . . by a horse and severely injured
. tfuesday aftern on.
. Hc had led a colt from thc barn
I'.r' . and stoPPed to talk to Will Kcnt-
' f ( ner The colt gave a sudden
'I ' plunge and Villard , who retained
° : ' ; ' his hold on the rope , was . thrown
J. .f , to the ground and the coIL wheel-
1 , ; . ed and kicked , the hoof striking
Vi11ard squarely 011 thc nose ,
. - and render-
: making ugly gash -
I " ing him unconscious. Dr. Fast
and Dr.Burchard were summoned
and attended to his injuries. He
is getting along all right but will
probably carry an ugly scar for
the rest of his life
, Married .
Ora Draper and .Lee R. Swise-
good were married at the home
of the brides parents west of
, . . Verdon 011Tednesdar. . Rev.
. . . .
Maze of D a w son. officlatmg-
About twenty-iivc friends and
relatives were present to witness
. , . the ceremony and extend. congrat-
l ) \ . . : , ula tions. Both bride and groom
S come from well known Richardson -
son county families and both arc
higl esteemed by all. They
" left ] \Vednesda afternoon for a
. wedding trip to Sioux City , Iowa.
- - - - - - .
Nora Elshire and HarrTill
were married at thc home of the
hrides father , Vm.Elshire , north-
. west of this city at noon on tfues-
day. A few friends were present
. ; when the ceremony was perform-
. e'd by l cv. . Holly of the Christian
church These young people
have many friends to congratulate -
I .
„ ; ' late them and extend best wIshes.
A Severe Fall
Vhile working on the new rail-
- . road bridge east of Preston Monday -
day morning , George Neitzel was
knocked off the structure by a
timber that was being raised by
" a derrick. He fell a distance of
. - twenty feet striking the frozen
ground and rolling Jto the bottom
. " of . a fifteen foot excavation. So
severe were his injuries that Dr.
Griffith was called to attend him.
It was found that he had sus-
taincd a very deep gash over one
: -ti . . eye , and for a while it was feared
I .t :
, that the sight had been destroy-
I ed. He also sustained a number
of severe bruises and will not be
able to work much for some time
, .
. Died.
Robert V. King died at the
home of his son-in-law , William
1'yrrell , in this city last Sunday
. .u - , . . : \1 \ , , , d. . . . . , t ! . . . .
at thc age of 68 years , 3 months
and 19 days.
The # deceased , was born in
Guersncy county , Ohio October
56 , 1835. When a young man he
mo\'ed to lVlorgan county in the
same state and there was married
on November 4 , 1856 , to Miss
Josephine Amanda Clark. ' 1'0
them four children were born ,
three sons and one daughter , all
of whom are living. 1\11' . King's
wife died in 1870 and in 1872 he
was married to thc wife who sur-
vives him. He was a veteran of
the civil war , having served in
Co. I , 14Rth Ohio Volunteer In-
fantry. l'1r. King was quite well
known , having lved here for sev-
eral years. He was regarded by
all who knew him as an upright
man and a good citi en. His
funeral was held 1\Ionday afte > ; -
noon and was largely attendcd.
. . .
- - - - -
State Senator
vVe understand that Hon r . A .
Tucker of Humboldt and lIon. J.
R. Cain' ( jr. , of Stella win each go
into the county convention intent
upon , capturing the nomination
for state senator. Both 'vIr. Cain
and 1\11' Tucker arc good m'n
and good republicans and the
convention win have no easy task
when it comes to deckling between -
tween them. ,
Mrs. OBen Dead.
The remains of Grandma Og-cn.
who died at Hiawatha last week
were brought to this city Sun-
day for in termcn t. Until a few
years ago 1\lrs. Ogen lived in this
ci ty.
Surgical 1 Operation .
Mrs W. A. Greenwald under-
went a severe surgical operation
ycsterday. Thc operation was
performed by Dr. Foote of Omaha
assisted by Dr. Parse11 and Dr.
Renaker of this city. The patient
stood thc operation well and is
getting along nicel ) ' .
Our County News
This issue of The Tribune con-
tains news sent by our special
correspondents in Ohio , Barada ,
Fort Hazel , Preston , Stella , Ver-
don , Fargo , Arago , Dawson , Sa-
lcm and Shu1J ( rt. No paper in
thc county has a correspondence
service that is to be compared to
that of The 'l'ribunc.
John Schneider uf Preston was
in town l\'Ionclar.
J. S. Sncthcn came down from
Humboldt tl'uesday.
Jerome C. \V'i1tsc of IIumboldt
was in town 'l'ucsday.
Leslie Stains of Humboldt was
in the city over Sunday.
F. R. Butterfield came clown .
from Humboldt truesday.
Ira Praper of Dawson was a
Falls City visitor \Ycdnesday.
W . A. Joy of Peru transacted
business in this city Tuesday.
A. J. C. Hobb of Stella made a
business trip to this city Monday
Vm. Vickery of Sabetha , Kan.
was in the city on business 1\10n-
C. L. 'l'vattcn of Humboldt was
looking after business interests
in this city Tucsday.
.Attention Republicans !
'RoCJ'e-uelt Club.
There will bc a meeting of thc Roosevelt Club at the
Court House on 1\Ionday evening , February 22 , c)04 , at 8
o'c1Gck p. m. , All are cordially invited to attend.
, V. E. DoIn ING'roN , Presid tlt.
' . T. J. , VuI'rAKHH , Secretary.
Central Committee.
.rhc members of thc Republican County Central Com-
mittec are hereby called to meet at thc Shcriff's office in Palls
City , Nebraska , on February 24th , c)04 , at 1 o'clock p. m. ,
for the purpose of fixing the time and place for holding a
County Convention to select delegates to thc State , Congres-
sional and Senatorial Conventions and to transact such other
business as may comc before , the Committcc.
Yours Respectfully ,
G. J. CHOOK , Chairman
Court House News
Nellie Downs IS acting as stenographer -
og'rapher in the office of District
Clerk Lorce.
- - - - - - - -
Josie Frances 1 Warrcn and John
Pool , both of Dawson were mar-
ried by the county jndg yester-
day morning.
- - - - - - -
On ! 'vlonday two children of
sunny Italy appeared at the office
of . CountyJtulgeVilltite and were
married. They were Vincenzo
Dlaranzino and ] \ Iaria'Iarra ] both
of Kansas City While perform-
ing' the ceremony Judge Wilhitc
pronounced the names of the contracting -
tracting Parties with an ease and
fluency that won the admiration
of all present. l-Ie then proceeded -
ed to male one page of thc big
book look like a part of the record -
ord of thc war between Jap n
and Russia.
- - ' - .
The following land tra nsfers
have been rccordcd this week :
I'hoebeJ . Rosc . toE. M. Whcat- .
" ' - - " . . . - > . ' ,
ley. Lot 7 in block 2Verdon. . Con
sideration S50.
James A. Weddle to James li\
Shubert. Lot 15 in block 7 Shu-
bert. Consideration S330.
John 1\ ' . Powell to A. Graham.
Lots 6 and 7 in block 70 , Fans
City. Consideration $1,500.
1 { reel J. lIarkendorf to John F.
Harkendorf , w 16 swi } sec 30-twp-
2-r1 . Consideration $6,000.
August I-I ftle'ers to David 11.
Atwood , s6 nei } sec -twp 2-1'
14. Consideration 4400.
L. J. Garver fo Dr. Joseph , pt
lot 1 in block 12 Humboldt Consideration -
sideration 5800.
Amanda Beaver to 1. B. \Vhi
akcr , 5 , ' -6 acres in nwne3 ; see
1-twp 1-r H ) . Consideration
Morris Sheehan to Frances
Heaston , lots 7 , 8 and 10 in block
10 , Falls City. Consideration
S,1 ,300. .
- - - - - - -
The following marriage licensers -
sers have been issued :
Lee R Swisegoo 1 , Vcrdol1uu..21
Ora Draper , Dawson . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .18
Harry Will , Falls Cityu.u.2
Nora Elshire , Falls City-- _ _ _ u . . .27
John 'Vissler , DuBois _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . :
Alma May Caswell , DuDois..20 ( )
ViuccnzaMarruriuo , Kansas City _ _ .21
Maria Marra , Kansas City. . _ _ . . . . . .19
Clarence W Morton , Seneca , Kan. .35
Johanna M. Hurling , Seneca , Kan. .38
John Pool , Dawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Josie Frances Warren , Dawson . . . . .18