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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1904)
1 February 12 , 190- + 'I'lli ? FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 7 - - - - - . - - - - , FACTS AND FANCIES. BY ALLAN D. MAY. , ' 'VhcncycI' 1' ate shall turn you clown , : ! ' Kccp bobbin' liP ; . , 'Neath failllt"c's waves refuse to drown Kccp bobbitt' liP ; ' As lifc's ) ; Feat football game you view , I t- You' notice one thing's always tmc- The victors are thc fellows who . Kccp hohbi1l' liP - . ' Thollgh you are often tackled fonl , " \ , . ' Kccp hobbitt' up ; . . . ' ' ' . JOtt't sit down 011 thc gl'onnd amI howl - . . . . ' . . : ' - - " . Beep bobbitt' up ; ; . , : . - : ' Get i1l thc game with all yon soul , ' ; 'Attd ! from the gra11dsta11d there shall lii roll . ' , . . _ : ' 1'nuftdtuons cheers wh CII you kick goal ' Kcep hobbin' up - - - - - - - 'i. 'f I You arc not a musician until S you know what a rhapsodic is 1i t 1 . \Ve have it - on good ] authority , J 1 " that a girl baby born in this city \ last week has been named Bcdclia - - - - - A Fans City man is so polite that hc always takes off his hat . whcn speaking to a lady over thc t tclcphonc It.- -4\ \ About thc hardest work , wc know of is that of thc bill poster who has to post bills in zero \\'cathcr. \ If Nebraska refuses Rockcfd- , . lcrs gift , the old man may get see mad that hc will raise the price of oil to a dollar a gallon , through spi tc , . - - - - - - - r rrr. . . 1'hc man who is beaten in a 1 t lawsuit is generally inclined to ' _ doubt either the intelligence of l thc jury or the purity of thc judiciary - ciary , A dentist tells ] ] a patient that it will not hurt to have a tooth pulled ] ] - cd , but after thc operation is over and thc patient declares that it . 1 jI j , I II I I 1 . . . . .q . . did hurt ; ; thc dentist never argues the mattcr . .If . - - - - . 'rhc other day we heard a lady ing'ingabout H\Vhen the Blue i : . Sky 'r urns to Gold " When this I. j happens thc man with an air ship " " , can sail right ill and begin min- ing operations on a big scalc i Every time we sec a so cal1.d ' "rural" play , it makes us tired qt These plays are generally written . hy sonic city guy who wouldn't . know a corn lock from a potato . ' . yinc. Thc peoplt' that 1 an' pict- ! tired in such plays never existed t.1 . in this or , any other world. A man once went to a tenipcr- ancc lecture and liStClle(1 to the speaker prone by statistics that t the man who drink'cn : moc1cr- , , ' atcly spends enough money in a r vcry few years to build him n modcrn ( rcsidcnce , with a furnace and electric lights and city water and nickle plated door knob : Ha'il1ghcard this , thc man swore oil and resolved to own a palatial mansion on thc , 1jcst corner that ) + ' 1 was to be had in the ci ty. And : he kept the pledge. : Week by t r. , - - . 'eels his bank account grew , and soon he had moncy enough to get thc home and ( hc went out every daX ; . nd'sat on a lulil keg and watchcd thc builders build By and by the house was finishcd and hc moved into it , and his wife tertaincd at a Kcnsing-ton and thc wvmcn went t way sick . with.cnvy , About a week later thc man left his store and started to thc office of' an insurance agent to take out insurance on his line new homc On his way he hcard the lire i bell ringing and hc fol- lowed the hose carts until hc saw his tine new homc enveloped in flames and the neighbors throw- ing' the china and mirrors out of the windows Hc faced bout and ( went down and got drunk and broke thc peace and his plcdgc. In less than a' year his form was lowered into a drunk- anls grave , and his wife took what money : was left and bought a wash board and a tub and went to work to support thc childrcn A . \ The Tribune has a little request to make of its fricnc1Vhcn you go ; into a store , the pro'JHi- \ ctor of which ha had an ad in this paper , mcntion the fact that you have seen thc ad 1'hc t11cr- han twill appreciate it because it will bc proof conclusive that hc has made t10 mistake in using L'hc Tribune as an advertising mcdiumVe hill appreciate : it because it will g-o a long way to- ward proving that we are giving onr lcl\'crtisin ( : patrons better service than < any paper in time county. 'J'his favor will ] not cost : : you anything and .it i t will be doubly apprcciated , . . . . . " ' A < < 1 . The I Fah 1 kcn C as3. Last week hc Supreme court handed down an opinion in thc case of Charles H Falsken thc 1 Falls + Citi' State Bank , in which thc court affirmed the judgment of the lover court , tIntS defeat- ing time action . : of thc l'aintilT i ] FalsLc,1 : ThiR has been one of thc most hotly contested cases in the history of litigation in this county and was important , not only on account of thc money in- volvcd ( , but un account of the many abstruse questions of law that arose on time facts and dc- cidcd by thc cottrt It waR twice tried in the c iistrict i court. Thc first 1 trial I resulted in a c1isag 'cc- mcnt hy thc jury , thc second in a verdict for thc dcfcndant. The plaintiff chrricd thc caste to the Supreme court o'n 1)etitiou in error n'ith result above state ( ] It was argucd in thc Supremc court by' Attorneys C Gillespie , .1.l F'allool1 and F. 1 Martin for 1 14'alskcn + , and by C. F. 1 ; l cais ; for t ha nl\ : . . Eat Sowle's Candy . , - - . - - - - - - - - OSTEOPATHY ! THE EXACT SCIENCE OF TREATING DISEASE. Pncumollia , diphtheria , croup , i1l fact any congestion of the hrollchial tubes 01' . lungs yicldH readily to Osteopathic trcattttcllt. Normal health of body tissue iH thc only ' reliable get'1uicidc knowII Osteopathy establishes this necessary COII- dition. PmwHc1' CUClJIA'l'ION of healthy blood is the only natural cure in lm.I\IH l ] ) IS0IH > Hll ; for blood circulation is life hcrc Osteopathy is the pel'- feet reg-ulatol' I rv : t n \ = r = HPd"BA"V.O , n ff hi 1'1 WJ ft m\TE ! l1 % Pholles , umce 214 , h ] .e ; ? , 215 Over Clcve ] alH' b' ) tore , Cousullation fn.e : ullicc HOltt' . ( ) -1I:31)a. : III" + , :30-4 : 1 p. 111 , - . FOODS SOME : MEN DISLIKE. Strange Antipathies 'to Certain Vegetables - tables Are Often Mlln ifcstad , ' " ' is muu's UH'at it 1'ha t which one I I : unotlwl' man's poison , " is a I1 t l'uis11I that finds frequent corroboration in one's life l'xl'pI'icm'l's. ' Among the cxtl'aol'dinal'Y series of dint ( ! , al curiosities collected hy Hehenel is found the following : .JaI'OhUH Po\'o1i\'ipnsis , nIP most excellent physii1u1 ' ! of his age , h111h t left it witnpssl'd of himself ) [ that if at any time he ea I t gllt'lil'\ ! Iw was no less tOl'mpnted thall if' In' ] 1 drank po\ son , the very same synlpioimis all I ) ' l(1 ) ring ill him as iB 11s1n11 ] in thosp that at'p 110\'soll'd , atHl ( was hurl ] hY the 1 stilted of it as if it had been something : p'stil'niial. ( ( t " JohannS ( ' . ' tan scel'pbll'\ lInPH Q nerciIanussecreInry to he t l + I''nl'h king ] I'Hl\'is I. , had such an antipathy io appPH ] th tl if he was oh1igpd to sit t near them at 1ahlp t for ally l'onsic1PI'ahlp timp 1 a ( 'OpiOUH P ph ; ! axis aI I vays result . pd , \ r P ha \ ' ( , kIlO Wll onp pa t ipn till whom the t Baling t of 1111. raw fruit produce ( ] sever ( asthlllalic 1 srmJ' } ' toms , S\\'Pjllg ] ] the ( long-up , pt t ( . Any well-cook ] ] ( ( ] fruit i could ] lw eaten with impunity The ] ( ( ele- ] hl'atc .JUJiUH ( 'ap mt' Sea ilgot' always ] gl'P\\ deadly pale whorl ] a pIa 1 e of 1 IPI''I''ss was plll'pd near him illlmI'mann 111e11I I ions nIP l ( 'asp of a lady ] of his a'qllainIHll ( ( ( < 'p who tl'cmhpd'iolptllv ] ] WhplIP\'Pl' sll' ( \'iolptllv ( \ ( ) ( 10udlP(1 ( I hp'pvply ] skin ] of' a : ppal'h PI'irH' Ip ) ( 01l(1p ( , father ' of the ill-fittel 1)11 ) ( ( (1'1 iighion , 'oud ] , ' I 10 ' fruit ot f (0111(1nverttttmp1100tit ( o any } killd I)11chosiie ) ) ( ] \ , spc't'phu'\ , f l I'an'is 1. , is I'ppulpd 10 ha\ ' ( ' had I a ' ' horror of ] < hpmol'l'hagp ! apple 5 ! simiII' ] : to thin of Joha tines } QUPI'- ( ( 'itanus , all'tldy referred to , and ( tIP ] Polish king , .Iagplioll , awav ] , y fled f1'011l1hp sight of one.:1rld WI ( are told l by Rwn'k ] 1 hat "a noblt' ' count or : lrasllull t : had Such Hli I antipathy 10 olive oil that all ] ] . kinds of saJ..J'ps ( that.'PI'P pre 1)I\I'pd ) with it and sp1 in t1IP coon 1 Wltl'I'P hp was must suddenly hi' + ' 1alwn then ( ( , 01' else ] lw would ] tin IIlNliatp\ ] 1) ) ( taken with dpadlj' faint ings. " 'I'll ( ( elbra10(1 ] DI'.lt ) hllutH.'s IlPIII'niuR tpl1H liS of' hint self that whenever hp yntured tr. t pat'takp of pPPIH'l' OJ' hors radish . even iu miulltl' qllallt ( it iPH , he wm sure 10 be aft l'wHl'd ' ' lt'ttH'c'l ( 1 wit h the cruel ] pains. / .P.r. . .t..l.W.\1i/J : , , A SIBERIAN M MMOTH. Preserved to Present Day by Remark able Set of Circumst.q'lc 1'hc huge body of the Hibel'iall mammoth which wtlSdiscoverediii the SlImmcl' of ln01 hu : now been erected in the m UHeum of the Aca . pmy ( of Hc'ipJ'l's at Ht. Petersburg , . . - 5ay'S Ih ( ' illllt're. 'rwuniqlw ] inlel" - pst of this 1 disco'I'r lies ] ill the facl ha t t though uicln , ) fossil 1I1ah1H of inn inmoI1)s I hll\ ' ( ' b'I.1l ( rO\l1ul \ , a lid other 1I1',8PI'\.1 IIlHlieH ( of n1a111- t\lotlls 811 ( ( , 110 body' 8U ( ' 0111pl'l C' ( . as this t ! : ! one has ever hpfol'p been brought hOllu' 10 ( ( ' 'iyiliza tiOll , The hide , hair , ( y'dS , : INJh and hones of' the IIIH m mot 11 hl'ol1gh theme t home by Ir. ) Otto LIoI'area11lnar ( . \pluHly ] " Pl'PHPI'\'pd ( l hu , set 01'l'h' , l'UlllHt.ancPH Him ilal' 10 I hose whit'h ( have to Iri\'n ) ( UH the al'l ( ual ] foil : I IIpl' ; of I110 I exlin(1 1Il0H hind Hnd tht bony hide i 1 ( or I hp uiyl0dou. ] JI'.lIpl' ) dl'RI'\'ilH' \ ! : ! flIP long ] huh' and the hil'I\1lPHH t ) of hide of' tll ( ' mHlIllllol , and how Ilse I Ht01l1al'1I was f'ollnd full \ttu1igPHtpd \ food. 'I'lll' uttilu 1 ! ill ! whi,1t ( he ] was f'ollIld shows that t ( ' lie ] had plot his (1011IIi ( I h.\ slipping on a slop ! ' , for his retu' logs III'P IH'ut1 \ ] ) 1-0 that it wllltll ] hp itlllo-Hihie ) : : for him to rail iinsoI1' 1)r.1Ierz ) ) writes : 'I'IIP illlpl'omptu gray ( into whil'h t hp Ilnimal P1 tinged was made of sand and ( lay ] , und his fall pl'ohab'amit'd ] 111:18SP8 ) : of wig-h. hOl'ing soil 10 1oosn : ; \ and cover . hi1l1l.'omplplply , 'I'bis ] haJlIJl'npd iu thp 1:1Ie autumn , 01' al the begilm ( lIing' of the winter , to jhJlgo ( by thl' 'gC'hlhlp matter found \ ] in ) . . Stomach ; at allY rate , Siiot'IIv ] , a f'I'wa I hp / ert'a'P btuiie ) ( flood- . ) , ( pd ( , ice following" rhiH ) ( ( i11pleIed ] Ilie ] c'oeI ] sf0rafr t ; , still I fltl'l hPI' a ng- Illl'nll'el h\ , \'a-1 : ; a'C'lImlllntio1\H ( 01' . . . . - , . . . . , , . soil all l'O"ll < l-a 511(11 01 I 1 ( ' ( hull , ( ] reds of feet Idl'k t , im'losed ] by , I yards IIpOIl ) yiuis ( of soil thai I'P- anion frozen for IIIP g-I'eatpI' part ] , of i1) t ' ' ' ' , rl'hm I1H' ' ( , \'at' : ! ( PtlOl'tIl0llH I ( 'n t'c'aSH was lJ''HPI'\(1 ) ( 1'01' how long ] . no one knows ] , hl'ollg-h I hl1IHhpdH I of 'PJIt'l11'il'H ( , perhaps ] , nlll III IIot so ; man.r \pal'H ( ago S01l1 ( ' 1l10\ ' II\Jit . of llie pal'tll Hpal forth the fossil . ma mol < , 'nm , leaving ] it { 'xpmwd 10 I I sun and win until gradually ) ) , very , - ' ' 111l' ice ' rust ' off ( I gI'adllall111l' 'I'U wore , . anti I'P\'PllIpc1 to the passing ) Coso I Hac'k I1)(111(1(1011 I i 1I'C'aHIII'p. " I Tlw U1I11\tlllll : \ f II who ( ' actual ] nl' } ' petu'u mice iu t lid flesh has now been . 1'\'ploIIH\ ] ' ' ' ' ' for so ma \ ( ( , hISly' Preserved IIH , was IwcnYII 10 cutely ] man , hut ap- Ipat's ) to ha\'C' lipd out ( 'omplptel\ ) before . the ] : uln'IIt of what ai'e : ) , , known as tH'olithi ( tiuH's rlm ) ; ; ; his remains ( teeth allel ( 1)011(5) ) aI'f' I found along ] with \ 'PI'ol . < l human ' , Jpmaius : of the early Htotl age' ( , and : I a lifelik ( and uulliSt11kabl ] ( ' - ' ' - of 11111nimnolIt has ' " . pugI'a'ing a mH l'l" ( 'pul1r hpC'n discovered 1111 thp g-I'or , to of Comhal'1'H ' ] , ill FI'alll'e. How far early ! man assist'd in 1 he diHappeaI'an'e of the mammoth is not an easy matter accuI'ately to detel'mine Patrot1i e 'l'ribulle advertisers.