The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 12, 1904, Page 5, Image 6

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' _ February 1 _ 12 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - . . -
Neighborhood News
Special to 'fhe 'l\ributlc. .
-1IIr' . . . .
1IIr'R ay Cummings is quite SIC 1 { ,
- ' Dale Jones has been sick fur
the past week.
: Jessie Benton was the guest of
Angie Leslie Sunday.
A brother of Prof. Carr is visit
ing at his home this week.
Miss Nusbaum spent Saturday '
and Sunday at her home in Ver-
Irs. Reasone'r and children
spent Friday afternoon with her
paren ts. .
Dora Fishburn' was the g'uest
of her little friend Ethel King on
Grandma McDanicls : is very
low and with very little hopes of
her recovery.
l\'Irs. W. H. .Morrow has been
entertaining a brother from Auburn -
burn the past week. '
l\Irs. J. N. Colg.lazier spent a i
-4 short time with her daughter ,
\ 1\1rs. Morgan Jones who is very
Three deaths are reported 011
Sunday night. A sister of Fred 1 )
Hoffman , Grandma O'Connell l
and a 1Ir. : Ray :
_ , _ , _ , . _
" " T 'r ' 1IY : "
. lnrs. -U. 1\1. W cuue , ho has
been so very sick for the past few
weeks has so far recovered as to
'A '
. be able to' si t up.
. .
w. G. l\'lcGcchic has sold his
farm joining the town on the
northeast to Joe Spickler and
Tom Lewis , which gives them 80
acres each.
. Rural Route No I.
_ W. H. Grush has returned
' _ from an extended visit in the
. Will Yocum's little girl has
been very sick He last week but
is some better at present.
Uncle Joseph 1\10rriso.n who
has been quite sick for the past
week is once more able to be up. '
. G. R. Appleoff is bailing hay
, .
this week. He expects to move
soon to his farm southeast of
Merrill , Kansas.
Corbett Wisdom and John
Houck were in Falls City Ion-
day. l\Ir. Houck recently pur-
chased some land from 1\1r. Wis-
. dom and the parties came to town
. to file the papers necessary to the
R. n. McNutt drove to Salem
i 'l"'uesday. He went in his spring
: wagon , and owing to the c011 < li-
t :
.1 tiO.1 of thc roads , he expressed
t himself as being very uncertain
whether he made the trip on the
. . road or through the air.
' James Bunch is shelling corn
. and ; hauling it to town. The
haulers complained to the mail
- - - - -
carrier that the roads were \'ery
I . .
rough , but inasmuch as that individual -
dividual drives twenty five miles
over these roads every da ) ' in the
week , the information was super-
fluous :
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Teachers Lecture Course
The second number of the
teachers lecture course will be an
illustrated lecture on Roman
Antiquities by Prof. C. E. Bar-
ber , head of the latin department
of the State University. This is
, one of the best lectures given by
the professors of the University
and will be a veritable ramble
. among the many rains and remains -
mains of old Roman architecture.
Prof. Barber writes that he will
bring the new lantern and says ,
"It is very fine , the best I have
ever seen and the best that can
be had anywhere. The pictures
show in magnificent shape. " For
tickets see any of the teachers.
At the : Methodist church Tues-
day , Feb. 16. .
- - - - -
We Will Pay the Freight.
"l'vIineral paint has been dis-
covered near halls City. It will
come in handy when the warring
I republican factions down there
I don war paint and go after each
I others scalps.-Auburn Herald.
Nay , we have too many other
uses for it.Ve . intend to donate
a car load to the city authorities
of Auburn on the condition that
they use it to paint some of the
tumble down shacks and one
story business houses in that vil-
lage. A couple of coats would
not hurt the appearance of thc
Herald building. ,
_ .
- - - - - - - -
John Lichty 111
John 14ichty was taken sudden-
ly. ill in the lobby of the post
office Wednesday afternoon. 1\1r.
Lichty was standing at one of
the public desks when he started
to fall and S. B. Hoffnell and
others who were near came to his
assistance. l\lr. ichty was tak-
en to his home on North Barada
street and it is the opinion of the
physician that his indisposition !
is due to heart trouble. At this
writing he is resting easy and his
ultimate recovery is cxpected.
Star Enterta.iners.
illanagerJellison announces the
appearance of the Star Entertainers -
ers at the Jenn : : : : opera house tii'.s : .
evcning. This is undoubtedly
one of the best moving picture
entertainments on the mad and
those who attend are sure of get-
ting a good run for their money.
Poultry Prices
Armour & Co. will pay 9 cents
per pound for henr on next Monday -
day and Tuesday.
- - - - - -
Cord Wood
Good hard wood , oak and
hickory for sale. C. F. Rea vis.
_ . - - . . . - - - . - - - - "
- - - - - - -
" ' : -
I .
[ .
- .
[ To Make Room .
! For Spring Purchases
t We offer the following
for . the next two weeks
Kitchen Cabinet like cut in size , but not
constructed of cottonwood and gum
! Full size 28 x 48 top , only - - - $
- - -
Solid Oak Bed Room Suit - - - $ t 6.00
We handle 110 samples .
. .
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
During February we will have a big Special
! Couch Sale. Watch for Window Display.
! Reavis & Abbey
r. . . . . . . . _ - A _ _ . . . . . . . _ _ A _ - . . . . . . . . . _ - . A _ _ _
, -w . . . ow - . - . . . ow - - . . . . . . . . . .
. . . ow - . . ow . - . . ow ow . .
The Star entertainers at thc
Jenne tonight.
Call 74 when you want a nice
juicy steak on prime rib roast.
Will Hershey returned Wed-
ncsday from a visit in Oklahoma.
Reduced prices on lard and aH
kinds of cured meats at Coupe &
Thorn tons.
14Irs. Bert Simanton went to
Hiawatha \Vednesdar for an extended -
tended visit.
V. G. 14yford is in New York
this week 'search ing the markets
for new g-oods.
Emma Keller left 'ruesday for
a visit at the home of Jno. Mattes
in Nebraska City.
Remember that our tine of corn
fed meats . cannot bc excelled.-
Coupe & Thornton.
J. A. McCormick returned Monday -
day from a visit with friends and
relatives at Hebron.
v1rs. Sedlmayr was called to
Atchison \Vednesday ba tele-
phone message announcing the
illness of her son Karl.
The violinist who was here
last week with the medicine com-
pany was exceptionally clever.
At each performance he used ! a
violin made by Joe Geiger of this
city and pronounced it an excel-
len instrument.
. . . . . . . . ow ow. . . . . . - . . - . . . . . - . . - . . . . . - . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _
- John L. Craver went to Pres-
ton Friday to take up the work
of adjusting insurance losses
caused by the fire. Mr. Cleaver
was the first insurance man to ar-
rive on the scene of the disaster ,
and has made satisfactory settlement -
ment with policy holders in the
various companies that he repre-
sents. -
A complete line of fresh , salt-
ed and smoked fish during lent.-
Coupe & 'rhornton.
One dollar buys 100 envelopes
and 100 sheets of writing paper
at the Tribune office. Good qual-
ity and neatly printed.
Baltimore Fire
The German American
Ins. Co. of New York
Its Losses in Baltimore Fire
will be $500,000.00.
This is less than 9 per cent
of their net surplus.
'I ' hey could pay ten more
losses. as large without touch-
ing their capital stock of
S1 , 000 , 000.00.
John L. Cleaver ,
Falls City , - Nebraska
Office Over Clevelands' Store