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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1904)
- - - - . - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . , . u. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . , . . . . . . . , M-- , i 2 'I'F1E FALLS CITY TRIBUNE I February 12 , i904 - - ' - - - - " - State POlit1Cs. The light on lion. John L.'Vch- stcr seems to have subsidcd. This is as it should be. vIr. Webster has always been numbcrcd among thc Roosevelt men , and thc suggestion - g-cstion that his candidacy for vice president was antagonistic to thc prevailing sentiment - mcnt evidently had its foundation in some hidden and sinister mo- th'c. While Mr . I.Jinhmy has , not publicly said hc would acccpt thc position of clerk of thc Supreme - - is made court , thc suggestion only that hc would not decline it if it were tcndcrcd. Judge Jackson has been thc favorite in this race for some time , but since thc sug-- crestion that Lindsay miLrltt ac- . . , _ . . . _ _ . . _ . . . . _ _ n" _ _ _ " .n _ . . . . n _ _ _ _ ; ccpt thc appointment , there has # been marked change in scnti- mcnt. A numbcro lawyers have voluntarily interviewed Judge Scdlwick and Barnes in Lindsays interest , and his appointment is j among thc immcdiatc possibil- itics. 'J'hc Burkctt boom seems to have caught thc popular fancy. 'l'hc press of thc state , not only in thc first congressional district but elsewhere as well , have taken up the light and there now seems an excellent prospect that thc next , state convention will indorse him for United States scnater. This will prove very satisfactory to thc true republicans of Richardson - son county vIr. Burkctt poscsses ability , industry and ambition. Isis services to this district arc cdcncc of what his services as senator would be. Of course there arc a few politicians in this neck of thc woods who do not take kindly to thc mo\'cmcnt. But thc party will not bc swen'cd ( from its loyalty to him to further thc personal ambition or disap- pointcd seekers after appoint- unents. mcn _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ " "Hope dcfcrred maketh thc heart side" For a long , long time , wc have been awaiting thc announcement of Harry Lindsay's appointment to succccd Summcrs. Thc nearer wc get tu it the farth- cr it seems away. For four years Lindsay has faithfully and successfully - cessfulh' fought thc battles of . the republican party. Hc has not only given up and sacrificed his law practice , but has given up and lost thc four best years of his life in thc interest of thc republican - . publican part ) ' . I-Ic has been endorsed - dorscd by the state committee , every county committee , every state officer , every republican congressman - g-rcssnul , every republican member - bcr of thc legislature , and practi- can ) ' every republican lawyer in the state. Why docs the president - dent hesitate ? By what right - - - - - ' - - - - . _ - - docs Senator Millard refuse to recognize thc almost unanimous wish of thc republicans whom hc represents ? The republican party is not interested in thc personal relations existing between Senator - tor Millard and ! tvlr Summcrs. It is however vitally interested in seeing such men as Barry Lindsay - say rcccivc their ducs. - - - - - - - - \Vhat's thc matter with Nebraska - braska anyway . : ? It stands near thc hca(1 in intelligence and edu- cation. It is possessed of more than its share of educational in- stitutions' It is filled with men and women of culture and reline- mcnt. It is one of thc great granaries of the world. Yet in thc world where men work and accomplish ; it is ignorcd. It has no voice in thc nations councils. Its advice is neither sought nor rcccivcd. Vi11ificd , traduced , for gotten , what's thc matter with Nebraska anyway ? A 111an o ( superior mentality is mentioned for a listinctivc- position. Up springs an army of little men and cry no. Our legislatures convene to elect United States senators , and thc contest is aptly termed a scrub race.Men like : Haincr , Cady , 'Ve bs t e r , Lambcrtson ; , Field and hosts of others must give : way for thc good fellows , thc mixers. Kansas is forging to thc front. Iowa , Indiana , Illinois - nois and Ohio arc inscperably connected with the history of their country. It is time for Nebraska - braska to stand by her biggest not her smallcst. It is time for Nebraska "to break into thc onion.Ve have been measured by our little men long enough for that is what's the matter with Nebraska. W. R. . Sapp is Dea.d. The death ofVm. . H. Sapp occurred - currcd at Columbian hospital in Washington , D. C. last wcck. A number of years ago , 1wlr. Sapp was a resident of this city and had extensive business interests hcrc. He was born in : Mt , Ver- non , 0. , in 1855. After leaving 1 this city hc went to Wilcox , Nebraska - braska and later Washington , D. C. V'l ' e carry a. , . . COMPLETE LINE OP Building Material And . all kinds of COAL WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Chicago Lumber f 8 Coal Co. TELEPHONE 58. . . - . , ' po " - , . ' " L rl'f"WP..1IIIJ1- , , _ _ . . . . . _ . . . " . . . . , . , , - - - " ; " " 1 " " : ' -1 ; , . , . , . . " . . . . . - - - - . Womans Clubs at the Fair. Referring thc part to bc played by W.omans clubs in thc approaching Louisiana Purchase ; thc State Journal says : " The womcns dubs of Nebraska arc being treated as educators of married women and a remarkable display of their work is ready assured and much of it is already at han ( ] . Everything of merit from their programs photographs literary productions , improvement of city parks and foundations to the municipal reforms , will bc exhibited to thc credit of thc col- lcg-c for married women in Nc- . braska. Some remarkable exhibits - its have already been reccivcd. Among these must bc mentioned that of Falls City , Richardson co un t\ ' . Among thc many mcri- torious things contributed by thc club women of this place is an oil painting of large size , loaned to thc Nebraska exhibit by thc art institute of Chicago , where the artist , bliss Cleaver , a member of thc Falls City club , was a student when thc canvas was pa n tcd. Miss Cleaver has since been called - ed to a fellowship in thc art institute - stitutc . of Philadclphia. This piece has been placed with Miss Hayden of thc art department ( of , the university of Nebraska and will hang on the walls of thc art gallery until ready for shipment to St. Louis. " The Miss Cleaver referred to is a daughter of John L' Cleaver of this city and her friends here rejoice - joicc in this recognition which has been given her work. Ma.rried. Nliss l\'lintJic ' Sncthcn , daughter of J. S. Snethen of the First Na- tional bank of lIumboldt , was united in marriage a few days ago at Alliance , Neb. , to M. D. Cra\'ath , a ranchman of Box Butte county. The ceremony was performed by Re\ C.V. . Ray of the Alliance Methodist church at the parsonag-c. vIr. and l\'lrs. Cravath will live l near Luella , where both have been residents - idents for a number of years , thc young lady having taken a homestead - stead and being possessed of considerable - sidcrablc property -in ! : cr own ri g h t. Died 1\lr8. William Dccking-cr lied at her home in Preston last Sunday , thc cause of her death being diph- theria b'1rs. Dccldngcr , who was a daughter of Nicholas Hoffman of this city , was a well known woman in thc community in \vhich she lived and by her Chris- tian character and womanly attributes - tributes , commanded thc respect of all who knew { her. Besides her husband , she leaves a six- ycar-old son and many friends unite in extending sympathy in their hour of sorrow. . . . " . , . . " ; . . - . ; ; < .c- . . -.i' . ! , . - ' - 4. ' . . _ , . , . , . ; . . . . 'd _ : . . . . . _ \ , , , . 'Ii f , , re . " . - - - - - McNa.II's GROCERY : - , . I Fancy and Staple -tt : Groceries. . Fruit in Season. Satisfaction Guar- - an teed. Free City Delivery Phone 40. , - Storage for Household and Other Goods. Died. \r8. : [ Joseph Church died Sat- urday morning at her home a few miles northwest of Humboldt i from thc effects of an attack of pneumonia : The deceased had ! ' - for sonic time lived alone with her husband who is a helpless in- I valid , suffering . : from I5aralYsi , and when thc attack of sickness came 'no one was at hand to send for a physician nor summon help , with a result that the ' lady came very near lying while thc hus- band almost starved before a son who lh'es at considerable dis- t-d . . . " tancc dropped in at the close of the second clay Medical : aid was at once called but thc disease ob- . taincd too firm a hold and thc lady dicd ( within forty-cight hou' : c. Atwood Suit Withdrawn Irs. Iacc ' E. Atwood has with drawn her suit against Richardson - son count Thc case has been pending thc courts for over two years. In CJ02 1\'Irs. Atwood was driving along a ptiblic road when her team becanie frightened - . . . . . .L. . . ed and ran away. Thc vehicle . struck a telephone pole and vlrs. Atwood was thrown to thc ground and sustained severe injuries. She brought suit against thc county for 525,000 , allcgingthc telephone phone pole was set too far out in ' - _ I thc roadwa\ , I J When you Have a. Cold. , Thc first action when you have : . a cold should bc to relieve thc lung-so This is best accomplish- ed by thc free use . of Chambcr- lain's Cough remedy. This rem- edy liqifics thc tough mucus ' 1 and causes its expulsion from thc ! : ' air cells of the lungs , produces a free expectoration , and opens thc sccretions. A complete cure soon follows. For sale by A. G. 'Van- ner.The , The Tribune ' ' has more correspondents - pondents than any other paper in Richardson county. I . 4 _ _ n _ f. . " . . , J'- . .