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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1904)
12 Tl.IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . February 12 , 904 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i LOCAL AND PERSONAL P. O. Avery of I-Iumboldt , was in town vlonday. W. D. Easlcy of Kansas City was in town over Sunday. H. lJe Lawrence of Preston spent Sunday in this city. Ernst Bode has been in St. Louis on business this wcck. O. A. Cooper of Jlumbolc1t was in town on business 14Ionlay. J. R. Cain of Stella transacted business in this city 'l'ucsday. ; Deles Graham and wife of Dawson spent Sunday in this city. Thomas D. Smith of Hiawatha 2 - was a Falls City' visitor Satur- I , ( la ) ' . Chas Hofcr and Quimby Hos- sack were in crdun on Sunday c'cning' R. S. ! vIal on ) ' of Humboldt was . . . . . ' _ ' . ' 1 . _ : " " , . : _ _ = . . . _ a business vlsrtor \ 111 tuts ctty ' 1'ucsday. Charley Sarc of Mound City , Mo. , visited his Falls City friends Tucsda } . John \V. Powell made a business - ness trip to Sterling thc first of . thc weck. Glen Bronson ' and wife of Vcr- don spent Sunday at the home of O. P. Hcck. t C. F. ] Rcavis has been in Paw- I 11 , nee City this week attending dis- i trict court. \ I . : . . .1lrs.Vm. . Cadc went to Daw- son .Monday for a visit wit ! : . friends and rclati \'cs. C. 1I. Heinzclman of crdon was in town Tuesday looking . after business mattcrs. Grace lIancr returned to her home in Hiawatha , Sunday after a visit with relatives in this city. Hobt Hoback of Harada was in town 1\'londay. . 1\11' Hoback found thc roads iet pretty bad shapc. P'V. . Samuclson left Sunday for Los Angeles , Ca1. , to look after his business interests at that placc. - Roy White of Pawnee City is in town renewing old acquain- tanccs. Roy was a clerk for G. D. Bicc & Co. , in this city a few years ago. H. J. Ilcoppfel of Rube was in town l\'Ionday. 1\11' Klocppfcl is one of thc best known breeders of Duroc Jersey swine in that section - tion of thc county. . Thc medicine show that held forth at thc Jcnnc opera house fog Hia- last week left Sunday - watha. For a show of this kind it was exceptionally good. Warren Hutching-s has moved into his fine new residence on North Chase strcct. This is one of the finest residences in this city and makes . it model home. . ' . . , . 30 , " ' , . ' , . , ' . . ' , . . . . . 1 , 11'l.i i . , ' ' ; ' -4' - ' : < ; ; 'J , ; . " lcNamara Bros. Comedy Co" , appeared at thc Gchling' on Sat- urday evening and played to it small housc. " ! vIr. Plaster of Paris" was thc attraction an- nounccd but at thc last moment thc bill was changed and thc melodrama odrama "Gdt thc Ncwshoy" was playcd. It is hardly fair to cri t- icisc thc actors advcrsly because . thc best .of actors could make nothing of such a play and thc disappointmcnt of thc audience was due to this fact more than anything clsc. The bonafidc circulation of The 'rribut1c doubled itself in thc last wcck and it wasn't a very good week cithcr. In addition to this regular list , wc print every week enough sample copies to make our circulation greater than that of any other paper in thc county. \Ve see that these copies reach thc very best class of people in thc territory tributary tu Falls City. A word to thc wise advertiser - tiscr is sufficicnt. \V. E. Horstman , thc popular auctioneer was in town : Monday. 1\11' Hontman isoften called upon to cry sales for men who have employed him before , which is the best possible evidence of his ability. 1\'latt Schulen berg is going to hold a big sale ar.d l\'lr. Horstman will do thc "spieling. " 'L'he front of C. F. HofTmans tailoring establishment has been given a coat of paint. It is very attractive being a bright red , and that together with the window display draws attention from all who pass. On Saturday ) a ' rrihunc man had a talk ' with thc gentleman who eliscO\'crcd ( thc mineral paint deposit near this city. Hc prom- iscs something of interest for _ - ' . publication in the near futurc. Joseph Sarbach , formly of , Humboldt , but now a rcsidcnt of li'airhury was in town ? londay and Tuesday making a final settlement - tlcmcnt of his accounts ' l- as guardian ) - ian of \Vm. Preston an incom- pctcn P. O. Avery of thc west end transacted business at thc court house thc first of the wcck. lIe was appointed guardian ofVm. . Preston , to succccd Joseph Sar- bach , who resigned thc trust. A. H. PorI' of Dawson trans acted business in this city Ion- day. day.A. A. H. Fcllcrs oJ llumboldt made a business trip to' this city .1\londay. George Fal1stcad was attend- ing- to some budncss matters in Preston 1\10nday. \Vm. Brandow of Humboldt was in thc city on business thc , last of thc wcck. G. C. Kaiser or Preston was in town Saturday and The Tribune , . acknowledges a cal1. , ' . ' " ; . , . ' . . . : . . . . . . . . : . . - . - . . finnouncement . . . Having Purchased the Hardware Stock " . . . . of Prank Uhlig , I am now open for , Business and respectfully solicit - the - , Patronage of the People of Palls City ! and vicinity. : : : : . My Motto-- - - : : C J MY' Pies " ' "Prices ' _ es Always Right" , , . , /Jlejc F. Meyer At F. hlil1' oS Jld Stand I - , For weak digestion , belching or sour stomach use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver tablets and you will get quick relief. For sale by A. G. Vat1ncr. Wantcc1-1. boarders at pri- vatc placc. Good location one block from Main street inquire at Tribune officc. Hf One dollar buys 100 envelopes and 100 sheets of writing paper at thc Tribune officc. Good ( qual- ) ity anl neatly printed. . - - - - - - - - - Perfect Confidence where there a . ; ed to be a fCl'l- iugof uneasiness and worry In the household when a child showed symptlJt11S of croup , there is now perfect con Hdcncc. This is owing to thc uniform success of C:1itm- : bcrlain's Cough Remedy in thc treatment of that discasc. l\'lrs. 1\1. 1. Basford of Poolcsville , .Md. , in speaking of her experience in the use of that remedy says : "I have a world of confidence in Cha1l11. ) ( rlain's Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect suc- cess. 'ily chi1d Garland is sub- ject to severe attacks of croup and it always gives him prompt relief. " For Sale by A. G. Van- ncr. Flour , Feed , Coal and -'V ood. Look over this and see what you want and what you have toscl } . have for sale Flour , Feed , Baled Hay and Straw , Grain , Ground Feed , Bran and Shorts , Coal , Wood , Rock Salt , Pure Cider Vinegar . , Walnuts , Rye and ' 'lheat for chickens , Ground Oil Cake , Poultry and 'Stock Food. Cash paid for Butter , Eggs and Poultry , Hides , Rubb r.Coppcr , Brass , Zinc , Old Iron , Corn and Flour exchanged for Whe'at , Meal for Corn. Yours for Business , ' O. . P. HECK Thone 101 . 5th Street . . ; . ; " , , , " TRANSCEND t\L JOKES. At the Expense of the Illustrious Colony at Brook Farm. For the nnhpil''ing ) world out \ . . side , it must be remembered the Transcendental movement at least con ! ributeI ( some ; such sun- shine through t the very sarcasm : ; it excited ; as when Mrs. Russell , _ Father ra\'lot"s brilliant daugh- , 4 tel' , did not fliIll'h from defining . . the TrascendeutaIists as "a l'tU' ! who doe into the infinite , soared into thc illimitablp and never } lHid' . . cash ; " 01' when ( 'a t'l\'lp , described , . Hipler , who had ( 'II ; lied on him in _ S . England. as "a o'inian ( minister who had left ) the pulpit to reform the world by cultivating onions. " Emerson ( 'ompat'pd Brook Farm to "a French ' revolution in sma1l" and a certain tlll'P t ing' of time Tian- srendenta I chlb to "going to Heav en in a swing' " :111 the pe'nliari , ties of Brook Fnrm , we may be . .n . . , . , , . sure , says Thomas cutworm Higginson , in Atlantic , WE'rl reported without diminution in ' , the gossip of Boston Society , even thc jokes of the , young people made upon themselves being taken : . en seriously ill the world outside ; . \ . . . . : J as when they asked at the dinnei' ' . r table : "Is the butter within the sphere of , Your influence ? " 01' pro. . posed that a pip should be cut . "from the center to the peri- pherJ' " There being more yonnz : men than young women , at first , an unusual share of household dtl ties moreover , fell upon the stronger sex. They helped in the laundry , brought water from the ( ! pump , prepared vegetables in the barn. The graceful George \Vil liam Curtis trimmed lamps and the manly and eminently prl1ctica I Charles Dana organized a band of "griddle cake seryitoi's" compose ] of "foul' of the most elegant t $ > ' youths of the community. " t I \ . If you are pleased with the , Tribune's news service , ' tell. . your neig-hbors. If not tell us. Our correspondence ser- , vice is the best in the _ county. ' - 1 , , ; - , , . J' . . - . - " .