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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1904)
. - - - . . - - - - - - - . - - - - . - . . - . . - - - . - - ' - - - - . - . " - - - ? TIlE FALLS CITY TI lHUNt ; FtlQI'IIRQ' I 3 . T\Jf:14 : To.- . . . . ' _ , _ . . . - . ' . . . . . . , . - . . . . I. - - - ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ( t h.JffAN. " - . 'IfItIIN W. . . " .Jf\ \ W r - . , . Y " " . V Y YI V ' . Y ; r . . ' Y J . . , . .I V V W " . . , . , ' \ . I \ OUR SPECIAL OFFER 1 II . , } . . 1 \ EVERY BOY WANTS A WATCH AND < . THE TRIBUNE WILL HELP EVERY . : , 1 BOY TO GET ONE. , " ! ( . f THE PLAN IS' VERY SIMPLE ' n. I \ I See your friends and get them to subscribe for THE FALLS I CITY TRIBUNE. When you have taken FIVE Yearly Subscriptions } send or bring tIle money to this office and as a prelTIiulll we , viiI give you A GOOD WATCH. Not a toy , but a good time keeper and one r- that you will be proud to carry and show your friends. You can win a watch in a day. This is a generous offer and you should take ad = . vantage of it. Begin now ! See how quickly you can do it ! . / I t THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNEI ' si i 4 \ _ . , , . , , J i1 . " < ' ( foI - 't'I : : ' " \ ( . , . , _ r . . _ _ . _ .r _ _ . _ r. _ _ _ LOCAL AND PERSONAL I H. U. 'ViI I has returned froiii Zion City. A new pianola has been placed in the Odd Fellow hall. Dr. Hobt Henderson of Rule -was in town the last of the wcek. l I John Norris returned yesterday from an extended stay in Chicag-o. A son was born to .1\1r. and Mrs. . , J.v. . Dodds of Ohio precinct 'on 'l'uesday. Editor I-Imnphrcy of the Verdon cdettc wasn town between trains yesterday. Lizzie Hossack spent last Sun- N day \ in Vcrdon visiting her sister , Mis. \V. C. Sloan. Emma Lawrence came up from St. Joe 'l'ucsday and visited her parents a few days. A number of Knights of Py- thias attended lodge at Hiawatha - tha \Vednesday night in response to au invitation from the lodge at that place. . , 1\1r8. Jesse Morton was called to Weeping Water last 11'riday 1 by ; the announcement of the death of her mother , Mrs. : S. O. litchell. The deceased lived for a number of years in this city and was well known to many of our pcople. _ rr _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ "A Colorado \V"aif" which waste to have appeared here last night failed to materialize ; the show having dosed at Lincoln. A great injustice was clone to l\'lanag- ' Gchling- by the abrupt cancclling' of thc contract after advance sale of tickets had been made. Of course it was no fault of his and his patrons share in his just r ; - senttnent of such an imposition. The concert given by Harnacks l"Jilitan' . band and J thc Arions at . . cnn.c's opera house Wednesday evening vas quite wen attended and was lUnch enjoyed. The crowd remained until a late hour and all expressed themselves as being dclig-hted with the entcr- tainmen The tea o-ivcn last evening by the ladies of thc Episcopal church at the home of Major Keeling was a great success. The rector of the ' church of I-Iiawatha ac- compani by the members of his choir arrived in the afternoon to attend the tea. When the flag was displayed on the court house this morning many took it as an announcement of the death of Senator Hanna. The flag , however was displayed in honor of Lincoln's birthday. . . . . . - - - - - . - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - Watches for the Boy The Lincoln Daily Star is mak- ing- it possible for any boy in Ne- braska to be thc owner of a hand- some American watch. The watches arc open face , stem wind and stem set , and are guaranteed by thc maker to bc good time kccpcrs. : Many boys throughout thc state have already secured one of the watches , and they are invariably well plcasce1. Fred Robinson , 'l'ekamah , says "I am very much pleased with thc watch I g'ot. It keeps very g-ood time. Thank you. " A. 1\I. Linner Holdrcge , writes after getting his watch as follows : III think it is it g-oodlittte watch you sent me. " 'Ne could give the names of many more Nebraska boys who have secured watches and arc more than pleascd. Any boy who will write to us , we will ten him how he may ob- tain one of these watchcs. " \Ve do not ask him to send 1.1S money for them. You can do as wen as the other boys who have already obtained their watches. Write us a postal card or a letter now , asking for particulars. ' Address-\Vatch . Department , Daily Star , Lincoln , Neb. . . _ _ . _ _ r _ _ ' . . . . _ , _ - . _ - tv1r. : and lrs. Frank ShulerJiv- ing north of town , are the par- cnts of a fine baby boy which , r arrived last 'euesdny. One dollar buys 100 envelopes anel 100 sheets of writing paper at thc Tribune . Good qual- ity and neatly printcd. 1 If you are pleased with the Tribune's news service , tell'I 'I t your neig-hbors. If not tell , I IS. Omcorrespondence : ser- Ii vice is the best in the county , ' i I I J. _ I _ _ _ .I _ idp1c Q,1AU m' I , Fancy Groceries FRUIT IN SEASON t , \ \ Try Our 1775 Coffee I Highest Market Price I . . . Paid for Butter and / { J El1gs. , . First Door North of Post Office. . . J , ' k PHONE 14 . . A. G. HOPPOCKI I . I'I' I' ' I' ' (