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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1904)
I \ 1 . . February 12 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 9 - - Educational Department 0 , -t" Conducted by County Superintendent CrDcler. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - School JVoteJ. rr . 2)aw.ron : School Vote.r. Thc pupils of the intermediate room are very . ' much interested . in their raffia work. From the sale ' of match safes , picture frame ; ; ; and hair receivers during the hol- I ida's , they thc sum of 1- three dollan . / Tuesday afternoon , February 2 , thc ninth grade of the Verdon schools were very welcome visit- I ors at our high s hoo1. For all. concerned such ' visits arc pleasant . and profitable. : Much interest is taken : in the debating society this winter and the pupils begin to show thc re- sult of this kind of training. All our pupils who were down with the measles are well again and back to their places. . . tl'he sixth and seventh grades will : study Long-fcllow's life and I poems this mon the Much pleasing - ing work has been lane along- this line by these grades and reading is receiving a special im- lctus ) as a rcsul The : seventh gradc's progress in Longwcll's grammar is cspe- ' .4 , & . cially gratifying as they will fin- f r , \ . . . ish the advanced . book this - year ; ; I I I this grade has also finished i \Valsh's arithmetic , book 1. I Preston School Note.r. I . " \Ve are still having measles in . our school and our attcndan is greatly interfered with ; howc\ ( r wc arc getting along very well anel ; pupils arc showing much interest - terest in their work. i ! . Next Friday evening at 7:30 : ; o'clock our Literature club will give a free entertainment cele- brating' Lincoln's rthday. ' _ .iT 'Ve have a strong eighth grade :1 i they arc doing nobly. " ' - - - - - . tphc schools in districts 2 , 20 \ and In will close next w ck. ; ' The school in Dist. 51 , Prof. C. ; 1-.I. French , teacher , ports a to- tal enrollment of IJ4. - - - - - - Miss Ethel Kieler will represent - sent thc VCI'don high school in a . county high school d batc. Miss Doras will represent thc Stella high s.hoo1. - - - , , " ' ' 1 ' lie Pathfinder is being used 'I as a text in thc \'anced classes 1\ J " in Dist. 45. Supt. Greenwood of ; . Kansas City commends the idea . of having a newspaper class. I" Dist. No. 5 , Miss Myrtle Robinson - inson , tcachcr-Friday , February 5 , complctcd our fifth month of ( ' . 1 . ' ' school' is J . school. Though our It small the pupils seem interested 'f ' and I enjoy my work. 'Ve arc preparing to entertain the par- cnts on I\Ionday . afternoon , Feb- l ruary 22. Our invitations arc written on hatchets and cherries : - - - - - - Dist. h1 reports that they have raised SHO for library hooks. Prof. Olivar will give about 10 of his pupils an examination soon using regular second ; grade qucs- tions. . - - - Dist. No. 15 , Miss Minnie 1\1. Hudson , teachcr-Nt' pupils have been absent this month. . 'Vc are determined to win the first attendance - tcndance price each month , since wc arc already entitled to two. The school in Dist. No. 1)4 , just southwest of Preston , has been closed for at least two weeks on account of diphtheria being in the district. 1\lrs. Dec1dng-cr , a patron of the school , died with this , , disease last Sunday. Dist. 83 , Chas. Stump , teacher -Our school gave a basket sup- per a few weeks ago and cleared $ G.Tith this money wc have purchased fourteen library book8. Thc pupils are delighted with them. V'll' have five weeks of school yet. ' _ ' 1'licTurner Art exhibit will bc given in Humboldt February 10 to 13 , under thc auspices of thc Humboldt high school. The Humboldt High Schcol Literary Society has been a great success this year. The dcbater3 are hard at work on thc Panama question. Remember that the next meeting - ing of thc S. E. N. R. A. will be held in Beatrice l\1arch 30 , 31 and 1 April 1. State Supt. Stetson of f l\-1ainc will bc with us. Prof. Hoff will present thc subject , . "Prcscn 'J'cn < lcncies in I\1athe- matical Tcaching" and l\J is s Grace l\11ncr tivill present thc sul ; jest , "Value of Classical ; Myth it1 Primary 1\Torl . " 1ost of om village schools will have their regular spring vacation at this time which will give thc teacher a chance to attend this Beatrice mceting. Let every teacher and pupi : remember that Arbor Day wiI : soon bc here. Of all the holi , days to bc observed in the public schools of our state , this one should stand prc-emincnt , because - cause Nebraska is thc mother of f Arbor Day , and because thc day in addition to its perpetuation of f high and noble sentiments , ha 5 so much practical value in the rc- suIts of its obscrvancc. In slaking plans for ArbOl 1 Day , however ; let us not forge ! 54 , 4 54 ; A CASH OFFER . p\ H ere is a chance to earn goodlyageS by devoting - - - voting a few hours of your spare time to , c , calling on your friends and taklllSU1)SCr1 ) - 1\ \ lions for ' ! The Falls City Tribune The New County Seat Paper tJ . . The Sll bscri ptio n .pri ce is ONE ) )0 L Lt\ R S. per . , 'car and for every cash subscriber you bringus we will pay you a : II Twenty Five Cents in Cash I - . . z- ' . Ih' .wa\ . ' of special inducement we make the - ; ; following special offer : tJ . Bring us 50 Subscribers at one : time ( Accompanied by the Cash ) I ; And we will pay a cash commission of F FTELN DOLLARS . tJ - ) I. . : Remember that there arc no St. Louis Exposition - f position strings to this offer. , _ . will be yours to use as you please. I . . _ _ _ _ . . t i t The Falls City Tribune . r ! Is ] a modern newspaper sold at a modern price. In a heel you will have no trouble ( rM in securing fifty subscribers in your o-\\n \ neighborhood , and FIFTEEN DOLLARS ,1' ' A \\lEEK is a good salary , especially when , : it is necessary . for YOU to devote only a 4 ' : small part of Four tine ; to the work. Any - 't' ; hustling ! boy can make good wages after { school hours or on Saturday. \ \ e have . adopted this plan because we prefer to pay' # : % commissions to our friends at home rather ' . than to an imported solicitor. \Ve will fur- . nish plenty of Sample Copies for use in so- , ? f . citing' l If , you desire any further informa- t10n call on or wntc : , jTHE II TRIBUNE I 1 Falls City , Nebraska : . _ - _ . - - - . - . - : thc other days. 'rhc pratical use of these days is that they give us . opportunity to teach true patriot- . ism and to implant higher ideals - : together with a desire for emulation - tion in thc minds of our boys and girls. The aesthetic principle " involved is thc proper recognition t of thc good and grcat. -J.Vhile . we do not advocate that : .laboratc programs should bc prepared for each day in our calendar of holi- days , yet wc do ask that each bc rccognizcd by some excrcise. Each teacher has been given a copy of "Spccial Day Programs"- and thcsc should bc used. '