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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
) , / 8 I THE ALLS CITY TRIBUNE February 5. 1904 _ _ _ _ _ _ --L--- _ _ _ _ _ Some Real Estate Deals \Vh Hakcr Bros report the following - lowing real estate transfers this week : The fine home of l\Iurty Sullivan in l\lorg"ans add ition to Rev. E J-J' Yoder of Merrill , Kas consideration 82850 The fine residence of \Virth and " \V : nter- bottom on Evergreen Heights to Ernst Werner , consideration 82,50 The elegant new home of A E. Hofer , just finished on Evergreen Heights , to Ivr rs , L. V l\fcNall , consideration S2JOO j She and husband arc furnishing it preparatory to moving in this their new home at once. A nice building site of 2 acres on Evergreen - green Heights addition belonging to ' 1'hom:18 : Nelson to l\lurty Sul- livan , consideration $112 . Ivlr. Sullivan is going : , to elect a nice residence 011 this beautiful location - tion as soon as the weather will pcrmi If you have property you t want to sell list it with \Vhitakcr Bros as they advertise and ( hus- tlc until they find a buyer Farmhouse Burned. ( , hire consumcd ( the farm house of limner Daugherty nine miles southeast of J1um bold t , Tuesday I morning as the result of a disjointed - , jointed stove pip near the eeil- ; ing. . The blaze occurred at five f I o'clock in thc Morning just after a rousing fire had been idndlcl ( and was not discovcrcd in time to save thc structure. Seven mcm- t hers of the family including S father were sick in bed with the measles , and were rescued with thc greatest diOiclltty. The house was located on thc Miles ranch and is the third or fourth which . has been destroyed by fire { on that place within the last few ycars Mentally U nba..1 a.nced. , ' " Henry Fisher , a well known resident of Verdon became mcn- tally balanced on \Vednesday ? . Sheriff I-10ssack was summoned and on his arrival found the un : : : fortunate man to bc very violent and great dim cu1ty was experi- cnced in bringing him to this city 'I'hat evening he wa taken to incolll for treatment. 111' Fisher iH snfTering from religious I mania ,1nd , it is thought hat t the proper course of treatment will " 1 restore . his reason - - - - - - - - - - - - - Concert # and Ball. l.'he burning of thc German hall caused a postpOn1l1Cll of the concert and ball which was to , have been given by Harnack l\lilitary band and the Ariol1s ' and ball will be 'rhc concert given - en \Vednesday , February 10 , at thc Jcnnc opera house The postponement has given both the band and the Arions an oppor- tunity to get in better shape than ever and thc concert and ball is sure to be it big success . . . , , . . . - ' " . - - - ' " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - Y - - : - ; A".7------ - - - - - - " " : 'I.f1 ' : . . ; ; _ _ _ - . . . - : - _ , . . - - - - . - - . _ _ _ Accidently Shot. Eddie Kukcr , the eighteen year old son of Charles Kukcr living near l3arada met with a very ser- ious accident thc first of the wcek. lIe and a cousin were out hunting , when his companion's gun wm accidently discharged , . part of the charge striking Iukcr in thc face and hand , some of the shot inflicting such an injury as will cause thc loss of the sigh of one eyc Dr. Van Osdel was call- ed and drcssed thc wounds 'l'he patient is now doing as well as could be expected. John Collier Dead. John Collier lied at his home in this city \Vednesday after a lingering illness He was born in Missouri about fifty years ago and had lived in this city for twcnty-five ycars Hc was in- (1 nstrious and honest and pos- sessed many good t.raits He leaves a wife and family to mourn thc loss of husband and father 'T ' he funeral was held this after- noon Dip Ktl \ eria. 'ehe eight year old SOil of l\'It' and Mrs : LouisBippcs who reside between this city and Preston , died of diphtheria on 'l'uesday. 'l'hc bereaved parents have the sym , 'Hlt lY of a wide circle of f1' enf s , LOCAL AND PERSONAL _ _ _ _ h li'orlc was resumed 011 the . new nmill i i1Ionlay. Special prices on cured meats lnd lard at Coupe & : 'rhorntons' , .r f. 1\1. Hoover of Shubert trans- acted business ill this city last l 1'riday. 111'5 John l\'lajeurcs who has been seriously ill is slowly im- . prOVl11f ' , 'l'he choir boys of 81. 1'11Omas church arc arranging for an oys- ter supper to be given at Rvans hall on the evening of I + Febntan' 15th Dave Abbott went t.o Omaha Sunday and will go into business in that city Dave will he greatly - Iy hissed in musical and social ci rcles , Israel lkkanls'wlio has bcC'n sojourning at Ivlcl11phis , T cui. , is in thc city for a visit with his father , C. H. kkarc1s Jake Norris , Ueo Holt , Pete Huffman and Ed li'ishel' went to St Joseph Monday to see the cminent actress , 1'lrs Leslie Car- , tel' Jim Powell returned from Kan- sas City .r.'londay ' He ports an improvement in the condition of Frank i\'lcDcrmand who has been so severely . injured by a fall and hopes of his recovery are now ntertaind ; l. - - , - - . . - - ---0 _ . _ _ _ . _ > . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ AGOODPLACE1 _ _ to buy - _ - Drugs , Books , Wall Paper , Eica . , TilE KiNG } PHAMACY . " - _ _ _ - " " - . " . , _ . . _ _ _ _ - . _ . I . _ , . . . .0 _ . _ _ . . . . . _ . . anrm _ 0" _ _ _ Our line is always complete , and our prices . : are as low as is consistent "vi th first class goods. - : We also give five per cent rebate on all cash . , : ' purchases. We solicit your patronage -t.4-.t./fl.- . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .u. < . . . . .w. . " ' _ . _ , _ . . . . . _ . . . , ' . . 4 . = &W.:1. - > = . . . = " --nn. ' = . . - " . . " " . . . _ .amo . . . . , King's Pharmacy - - - , - - - - - FAST OCEA : S r2A1\lERS. \ . - - - - - - The Point of Obtaining : Profit Has Been Passed Adolph N. Sheldon , who entered the profession ) of ntval ; architecture . 11l'e 20 ( ; years ago bu t : who retired in 18tH ( ) to his I'l'l'Sl'nt ' homl' , CasU < . ! Handcgg , in Laden , near I ake Constance , in ( UPI'manr , is a guest at the Grand hotel , , the : New York 't'ribune. "I recall tIll' Elbe , " said \t t r. RI1l'ldon , "which was sunk in It collision RP\l'I'al years ago , as the first of the fast t steamers of the North : 0l'1'111al1 ( line Slie had srarccll , 7OJO ( horse power and 'al'I'ipd ( ; about aoo firs1- 'abill ' ' , RillCl' she - ( 'a passpugPI's was : ; built there had been a steady der \'plOIHlwnt in size ; , Power ( and speed , until the 11111'sI'1IIa11d ( , on which I just carne over , is l'pa'ht'lL 1'hc specd has been nearly : doubled } - led , but the lellts'hland ) has 3- : ( ; 000 hOl'SP10W'I' ! She is pn tit Ipd to eal'I'880 first 'abin , carry . ( passpn gel's. Greater safety is also as- sUl'ed by , t till' increased < n11mbcl' of watertight ( ( 'OllllHtI'tllwnts , and , nndcr 1)1''Sp11 ( t regUlatbus t , when- ever there is a fog thc colnpart- mcnts are elospd. " 1'he increase in speed Hain. nll'nt in\'ol\"s a great : increase of power The 1'mbria and Elm nia , which ' for the ' . were a period greyhounds hounds of the t O'pall , made the trip ill six days and six hours ; but the i reduction to fire ( days and eleven hours-t Deutschland I'POI'-was ( ] only aeeomplislwcl when the Power had been l'ehlel. t 1'he further rednetion of the time would require increase of powpr in thc ratio whie'h is ' same , impracticable - icable t , both in POi1Slruction ( and in cost of maintenance and 011cl'a- Hon . : "The old style has given way to the present thol'oughlJsanit at'\ , ' construction and the cost of pas- sage is little more than on the slower trips on thc dismal 0l(1- style steamers The point of 01 taming profit with thc fast vessels , sels , such as the Deutschland , has already been passed 'rlleJ' are used as an . advertisement and to gratify the lrile } , of the country whose flag they ( 'al'l'Y' ; " ; they could not be a source of profit if they ran to their full capacity all the year ' 1 : : i'ouud " 1- . PEACH TREES. Seem to Thrive Under a Great Va- - riety of Conditi1s ! ! } , It is sunnisingover what t a wide : - range of territory the peaeh will thrive , says Country Life in America. 1'hl'l'p are good l''Heh orchards in the \nnaJolis } valley { of : Nova Scot { ia , and they al'e scal , , . - . . . ( ered in ahllCH3t'l'l' state ill time i ' - . in mm 'very ( sta iii J- ; nnion , Because ( \ there ( are : ePl'tain well marked Peach < regions in which the cultivation of llle fruit aS sumes commercial impol'tance WI' are not to assume hat ( it may not . be gl'own with entire success \ ill very many ot lien ) plal'PH. ' 1'hl'sl' special regions ) , pll'tieularly : east , of the HoekmOlu1ailU. \ . ; and north . Mason told ; 1)ixon's I ) line , are \lSU- \ ' . . ' ' ' ' . . ' of ally near some large body WH- tl'l' , and the t secret of stleePSS i ' generally the freedom ( from disastrous , trons late spring frosts and front Yel'Y low wiutel' tpml ) l'atUl'e 13\11' \ if 1 he tree ( matures t \ itself well ill r- : . . the fall and time winter is stemidy ( : I , the peach tree will wit'hstand ' ! 20 dl'grces beIow'zero ; } with him puiiity. Of course , if this tempPl'a ' \ ' is i . . long continued and if the winter atmosphere } is very dl'Y-as , in the : middle wpst-sel'ious injury may - r < ' . 8ul1' . . _ 1laless . ; the region is i ii rsilsnaIIv : . _ . free front male spring frosts the . . peach is a precarious mind risky \ : . crop to grow however . the profits . its are usually good whenever } a . . . crop is secm'Pd 1 , Provided } ) the prod ) : net is well hanlled. , Not only does the peach thrive over a wide gee ' gl'aphieal region , but also in u great variety of' soils. It is genel" -iJl ally consider that it does best in ) n loose , sandy soil ; but this is by , no means well establisllPd It USI1. allr happens that lands in close proximity to lakes and shores are of a sandy formation , hut there are many lands of such : location that are heavy 10amB 01' clays , and 011 these 1I\"ll'lws 1II1lhe Illude to . ,