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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
6 . TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . February 5 I2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Published livery 11'riday ; at FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA By . ROSS & HAY IDlltercd as sccoJHl.class matter , Janu- ary 12 , 1904at the post oflicc at Falls , City , Neb. , UJHlcI' the Act of Congress of March 3 , 1879 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Telephone No. 22 ( ) . It is none too early for Richardson - ardson county republicans to be- gin to think about a legislative 1 tickct. . Senator Dietrich will not ; re- shine his seat until after his case has been dispmed of by the sen- atc committce. 't'hus for once a senator is not a scnator. , - 'L ' lie coming session of thc English parlatllcnt promises to be a stormy one. 'vVe think it would hc worse to bc a king with a parliament - liament on his hands , than to bc a president with a congress on his hands. At least , it sounds worse. Willie Hcarst might give considerable - sidcrable impetus to his prcsidcn- ' tial boom by promising pub- lic that he would endeavor to increase - crease thc circulation of the Congressional - g-rcssional Record by adcling- comic supplement , and that he would inject plenty of amber hued sensationalism into his Message - sage to cong'ress. 1'Irs : Maybrick has been releases - leases ; from prison. Now , out of thc lime light of publicity , may she depart in pcace. For lo , these many years , has her name appeared periodically in thc pub- lic prints and enterprising corrcs- pondents have had her almost free many , many times. Guilty or innocent , may she pass into oblivion and bc forg-ottcn. She will doubtless appreciate it. - . - . . . . . . - t , + c. . . . , John Brisbcn " Talker , editor of thc Cosmopolitan lung a xi n e thinks that wc are in thc eve of a world war and cries aloud to all thc other nations of the world , "rrhe Russians ' 11 get you , if you don't watch out ! " He thinks that soon the Russian bear will divide his ! : time between drinking whalcoil in thc Arctic regions and munching - ing cocoanut in the tropics and I that St. Petersburg will be thc capital of the world. In that day will thc words of our own prophet come true and there will bc no more Fourth of July. - - - - GOVERNOR MICKEY. The organization Roosevelt and 1\Iickcy clubs at various Ne- hraska towns , comes as thc first expression of republican sentiment as to the rc't1011lination of our present chief exccut \'c. That this : .cntimcnf will grow and br- . . . - - - - - - - - - " - " - r - come as nearly unanimous as such things ever become , goes almost without saying. As far as the discharge of thc duties of his ollice is concerned the administra- tion of Governor IvIickey has heed eminently satisfactory ; , and it is by this standard alone that he must bc judgcd. Not only by prcccdcnt , but by his own merits. John H. Mickey will be reno l1i- natcd and re-elccted governor of Ncbraska. The republicans of Nebraska will prove as loyal to him as to President Hoosevclt. A POOR EXCUSE The last issue of the Pawnee Chief contained the following editorial - torial : "Frank Reavis' paper , The Falls City Tribune , is shedding large crocodile tears over thc ap- pointmcnt of Johnny Martin : as court stenographer by Judge Kel- ligar. The Chief is not greatly concerned over the appointment of a republican reporter by a democratic judge for politics ought not to enter into the judi- ciary , and everyone acknowledges 1Ir. Martin to be an exceptionally competent reporter. Then again , the editor knows of no competent -dcmocratic stenographer in the first district who would acccpt . this plum. tl'he appointment suits the people , and if thc poli- ticians don't like it just let them howl. It costs little effort and docs no harm. " Thc above is a cheap attcmpt on the part of a democratic editor to garb a flagrant wrong in the robed or virtuc.rl'he Tribune made ; its remarks about th'c ap- pointmcnt of John ? \ 'I ' u tin some weeks ago , but it was only last week that the editor of the Chief felt "callcd upon" to make any reference to thc matter. Just who it was that applied the thumbscrews to 1\11' Overdcn and thus produced this wail , must . re- main a matter of conjccturc. The earnest student of the pol- itical history of thc first judicial district can come to but one con- clusion-John .Martin bctraycd his party for a sum of money equal to that set forth in thc statutes as thc compensation of a : court rcporter. IIang' obtained control of a republican news- paper , hc conducted his campaign of slander and Yillitication , not because hc hated Rcavis but be- cause hc loved thc lucrative posi- tion that he held. By so doing , he , and he alone , brought about the election or Judge Kcl1ig-ar and he got his reward as far as dollars and cents g'o. Benedict Arnold betrayed his country and escaped to a British warship which carried him to England. But although England had profited by his perfidy , hc was received in London with con- tcmpt. They accepted his ser- . vices , but they could not endure the man. John Martin betrayed his party and was rewarded , but when hc turns to the democrats of this dis- trict for applause , thc silence is opprcssi ve. The democratic party feels toward Martin as the British felt toward Arnold and the republicans - publicans feel as thc Americans fclt. fclt.The The editor of thc Chief makes the silly excuse that there arc no competent dcmocratic stenogra- phcrs in the district. It docs not require a master intellect to be- come a shorthand reportcr. Any- body with a fair education and real determination can learn it. Had Judge Kellig-ar appointed Martin to serve only until another had qualified there would have been no objcction. Ordinarilly there could have been no reasonable objection to the ; appointment of a republican reporter by a democratic judge , but-circumstanccs alter cases. Keep the judiciary pure ! - ' ROCKEFELLER. John D. Roc kefeller's offer to donate ntone . with which to erect a building to become a part of , the University of Nebraska , has caused - cd all kinds uf discussion , and those who oppose the acceptance of the gift seem to be in the majori The history of the operations of John D. Rockefeller shows that he has never been inclined to do something for nothing. If the people of Nebraska get anything from him you can bet that they are going to pay for it. It may conic in thc form of a raise in the price of oil , or it may come in some other way , but one thing is sure ; the ledger of John D. Rock- efeller is going to he balanced in the end. It is not so much , however a question of dollars and cents as it is of moral effect and ethical rc- action. After the magnificent building had been erected and accepted - ccptcd as the gift of the Stand- ard oil magnate , it wunld bc pretty hard for the young man studying political economy at thc University to keep his judgments straight and to follow in thc footsteps - steps of Professor Laug-h1in and John Stuart IvIil1. "Vhcnever he lookl ' out of a window and saw the Rockefeller gift there would bc sown in his mind fresh seeds economic heresy , \Ve don't need Rockefellers building- The great state of Nebraska is able to main- tain its university as it should be nntintained and to supply all the buildings that are nccessary. Eat Sowle's Candy. . \Yantcd-'l boarders at pri- \'atc place. Good location one block from l\'lain street inquire at Tribune ofl ce. ltf , l 1' cNall's \ GROCERY . \ 'I \ t Fancy and Staple , f' I ' / Groceries. ; I Fruit in Season. . ' Satisfaction Guar- \ anteed. . " Free City Delivery Phone 40. I - J Storage for Household _ ? and"'Other Goods. . . . I I - When you Have a. Cold. j The first action when you have a cold should be to relieve the lungs. This is best accomplish- cd b\ the free use of Chambcr- lains ; Cough rcmedy. This remedy - _ . cdy iqifies ! the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from thc air cells of thc lungs , produces a ' free expectoration , and opens thc - 1 secrctions. A complete cure soon. follows. For sale by A. G. Wan nc.r. Attempt at Blackmail . , . . " , \v. C. IvlcCool , the well known . fit ! . ! - - , implement dealer of Salem recently - cently found the following notice posted in the door of his place of ; business : " \Ir. l\1cCoo1. yon please leave ten dollars on a certain "pot or ' there will something ; happen , leave it i on thc 24th of January at the hand car housc ) o'clock p.111. . , . " --sharp. Of course \'Ir. IvIcCool paid 110 . ' attention to the notice and noth- ing' serf ous has happened to him. . . For weak digestion , bclching'e or sour stomach use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver tablets and . YOU will get quick relief. For gale by A. G. Wanner. vVe carry a. . . . I - COMPLETE LINE ov Building Material And all kinds of COAL , ' ( l WE SOLICIT YOUR. PATRONAGE Chicago . ! Lumber . f 8 Coal Co. " . TELEPHONE 58. - ,