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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
t I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .w + ww rr.ra w. .wmw ww.w + r , . . . 4 TI-IE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE February 51 1904 . . , . _ _ . _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p - Neighborhood News Ohio , ' ' 'l'dbullc. Special to 'Phe'1'rilntnc. t- _ Bessie Keller is on thc sick list this week. Mr. Nolte was visiting at Wm. f unter's Sunday. S. P. : Maust from Pennsylvania was visiting relatives here last wcek. I Some of thc young folks of this f precinct were out sleigh riding . Sunday. Mrs. C. Agec IS visiting her . parents , NIr and Mrs. Harbaugh this wccl Cal Peck from Waterloo , Iowa is visiting in this neighborhood this week. John Fields shelled about 4,500 bushels of corn and delivered it 1 ' to Heacock. Ethel Peck , who has been quite ill . is now improving under the care of Dr. Henckel' E. C. Peck left for Kansas Sat- uaday where he will work for A. H. Peck during thc stmmer. ! . . Special to tl'he 'l'rihullc. - - Lud Moorchcad : finished put- ting up ice last week. \Vni. Cox lnd ( Lou Bowers arc serving as jurors this week. Claude Whitney and wife of Dawson have been visiting cast of town. 3 School began Ionday morning after a weeks vacation on account of bad weather. 1anford Allen and best girl attended a lance at Shubert last ' 1'h ursday e\'cning' Joseph \Vatton and wife of Shubert attended the Kuhlman- al1cr welding'Thttrslay. Herman Kelly left last week for Falls City where hc has accepted - cepted a position at the Prater blac1ntnith shop. August Steinbrink and family and1\'Irs.John ' Bowers and daug-h- tcr were visiting at the home of , Henry Siemcring over Sunday. The remains of .Mrs. Toni Cox were shipped to this place from Salt Lake City , Utah for burial and the funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the residence of 'Vm. Cox. A surprise dance was held at the home of Hcnry Siemcring" Saturday evening in honor of their laughter , Emma. Thc time was pleasantly spent by dancing- . Elegant refreshments were se- 'ved. Henry : Faller and Edith Kuhl- man were married 'rhursday at the Luthern church at Falls City He\ Lohr ofliciating. The bride is a young lady highly respected by all while the groom is an industrious - dustrious young farmer. The young people will begin their wcdded life on the Ji'aller farm three miles cast of here. Stella. Special to.1'itc'f'ribuuc. Gussie Hend : rson of Shubert was in town ucsday. Francis E. Smith of Vqrdon ' was in town Iv10nday. Miss Edna Martin of Salem"is visiting . C. Wilson this week. A jolly sleighing crowd came up from crdon IvIonday ? even big. B. Handler of S1. Joseph was in town Monday transacting bus- iness. Norman Shrauger and Nellie Swihart visited in the country Sunday. Harry Wooding of Auburn is working on thc telephone line this week. Ii' . G. 'Iarts and family have I returned from Colorado and will . locate here. Mrs. : C. 1-1. Thomas and daughter - ter , Fairy spent Sunday with Ii' C. Ivloore's. Edna Byrd of Hiverton , Iowa arrived Sunday to visit her sister 1'lrs. ' 1\'larvin Davis. C. W. Bryant and family moved to Auburn this week where IvIr. Bryant is engaged in business. Peter Kesler , who has been ser- iously ill at the home of his laughter , is slowly improving' Minnie ' Pug-h , who has been seriously ill at her home in the cast part of town is slowly im- prov1t1g' . Norris Heasoner returned to Oregon last week after several weeks visit with his sister , lrs. Nellie Shrader. 'lrs. ' A. , V. Sanders of Effin - ham , Kans. , arrived IvIonday to attend the funeral of her sister , 'lrs. Scott I-Iinldc. , 'lrs. ' Bessie Thomas and children - dren left Sunday for Odell , Neb. , where they will" visit with Mrs. : Thomas' tlhJther. 'Vord was received here this week that 1\'lrs. ' Anna Cox , form- erly of Stella has died at the home of her sister , vIrs. Stains of Salt Lake City , Utah. lIumboldt. Special 1 to The 1.'dbullc. H. P. Marble and wife visited in S1. Joseph . . .ruesday. J as. K. Liggett spent several days at Falls City the past week. .1\lrs. John "H. Smith and Bon ; ; , Arthur , returned home Sunday from a visit at Leaven vorthiItii. ; 1',1 y r tIe l Kenner returned to her home at Plattsmouth \Ved- nesday after a short visit to her aunt , Dirs. ' O. A. Cooper. Jcseph Holechek and wife south of town , arc the parents of a bright little son who arrived at their home Tuesday morning. - . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . - - - . - . . . . . - . - . HOLT'S " " "i\ ' . . . . Shoe Store ' Falls City , Neb. I 4 Men , Ii ? 1f SHOES i Women and ' for Children 'I , . . , , : ' . J , I I would be pleased to have you call . to see our Shoe Styles . , Would also like add your name to our list of custonlers" ; Chlldre Shoes a Specialty. j } I Warm Lined Shoes for Old Folks. 1 Rubbers and Overshoes Qf all Kinds. Want to Phone ? Call 23. y L I , ) Champion Wright arrived home Tuesday after an absence of more than two years spent in Flathead county , Montana ' , near Kalespel. l-Ie has several brothers here. IvIrs. Joseph Church , residirtg north of the city , is reported very ill at her home with pneumonia. Slight chance is held out for her recovery owing to her age. Re\ 'Vinnett , a German Luth- eran pastor who has made his home in this city for a couple of months past leaves this week to accept a pastorate at Bern , -Kan. His family win accompany him. The Spring Lake Ice Co. this week completed the work of filling - ing their large house cast of thc city with ice from the lake. The ice is of the best quality and al- ways in great demand by consumers - ers in the summer season as it is known that the lake is fed from a spring acid the water is pure. 'rhos. Feasel , a prominent far- mer living north of the city , left Thursday for Superior to investigate - gate what seel11s to be the mys- terious disappearance of his brother - er , Eli , V. li'easel , formerly a resident of this city , who has been missing from his home out there since the first of November. Re- ports received from there indicate that the missing man has been murdered. Shubert. Special to The 1.'ribune. Guy Harper says it is too cold for him here. . Art Bright ; and wife entertained - ed relatives Sunday. Ralph Summers is "hello boy" at the central office. Quite a nice time is . , expected at the Friday night club. John Sawers is working for-J. L , . Dalby at the Citizen office. NI. 1-1. Taylor and wife enter- ainecE\I friends onclay evcning. Angie Leslie was the guest of her friend , Jessie Kenton . , Sun- day. 11rs. IvI. H.'raylor and children spent Sunday with friends near I-Iowe. Art Doman and wife spent Sun- day in the country with lVIc. Vled- dIe and family. Minnie Jones spent Saturday . and Sunday at the home of Sherm Colglarier west of town. . . . i" " 1\1rs. Art Doman has been entertaining - J" ; tertaining- a brother from Broken , Bow for the past week. j lV1rs. S. A. lVIcGechie , who has ! been very sick at her home east of town is improving slowly. Walt Shubert and family and Steve Poland and wife will soon leave for Broken Arrow , 1. 1\ Iv1essrs. E. C. Rigs , H. E. Williams - . iams J. Evans an(1V. . } I. Morrow made a business trip to ! Falls City , vVednesday. I Quite a crowd of youngfolks - 1 from Prairie Union attended the I lVI.idrigal ladies quartette and I were well paid for coming' I Gertie vVedelle started to . school Monday after being absent I . for the past three weeks on account - count of the sickness of her . . . mother. . - - 1vTrR. L. 'Valker will leave in a I short time for Wichita , Kansas , where she will make her future home. .1\'lr. ' Walker has been in Kansas most of the winter and likes the place fine. - - - - - - Coupe & Thornton cure all their own meats. - -if - WM. J. MORAN I LAWYER Practice in all courts. Col- . lections a specialty. Falls City - , - Nebraska . 1