The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 05, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    " - THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE February . _ . S , 1904 -
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Educallona / Department
Conducted by County Superintendent Croclcr.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Love of work is thc chief element -
mcnt of 1\CCcss.
- - - - - -
vVhy should it require lSOOO
omccn to manage ( ) , OOO teachers
in the rural schools of this state ?
- - - - -
h Wc arc proud to know that the
'I ' Richardson Co. , contestants who
took part in thc state spelling
contest were winncrs.
. . - - - . .
.Phc ' next session of thc Richardson -
anlson county institute will be
j held in Falls City during thc
third week in August
Kenneth Hcacock will represent -
sent the Preston school in thc
second annual debate of the high
schools of Richardson coun ty.
. - - . - . -
Josephine : ; Duras has been called -
ed to a position in the Humboldt
high school to succcd Miss Ellis ,
who resigned 011 account of sick-
- - - - - - - - - -
. . .
The Preston teachers report
that the measles are interfering
to considerable extent with thc
attendance and progress of thc
school worl\ :
. .
- - - -
The : next meeting of thc Richardson -
ardson Count Teachers associ
will be held in Falls City , 'Iarch '
11 and 12. A prominent feature
of this mectin will be the Richardson -
ardson county inter-high school
- - - -
Dist. No -l\Iiss Grace Bain ,
teach cr.H'Vcll begun is half
done and a good beginning is hal
the hattlc. " Our enrollment is
:41. : Pupils arc putting forth
their best efTorts. I am enjoying
thc work ; very much.
' - - - -
Hugh Phillips , of the Omaha
Commercial college , has sent in
thc following problem for thc
pupils of Richardson co un ty.
Find thc exact length of one side
of a square acrc. Send solutions
to county superintendcnt.
. .
- - - - - -
The salaries paid the school
officers in sonic of our rural school
districts amounts to more than
thc amount paid for books. The
. Nebraska 'Pearlier says in part.
, .
Haye wc gone to thc extreme of
, democracy in officering our country -
try , schools ? "
Bca Riley , teacher Dist. )7.
' 'Vc have four new pupils since
Christmas , total enrollment 42.
'Ve have received our new book
case , it is a beauty , with two
glass doors and four shel Ycs. The
pupils arc keen ly ] interested in
our new brary.
. . - . . . - -
Dist. No -l2-Ethel Hummcl ,
tcachcr. Our school gave a basket -
kct social Dec 18th. 'T'wenty-on e
baskets were sold. Net receipts ;
were S45.)5 which will bc used to
start a library. Mc arc getting
along nicely and thc pupils seem
tcrested in their work
The next meeting thc South-
eastern Nebraska Educational association -
sociation will bc held in Beatrice ,
March - 30 , 31 and April 1st , and
State Supt. Stetson of Maine - ,
will be present and address thc
association. Another prominent
feature will he thc -
school dcbatc.
Thc physics classes of thc
county have been asked to send
in solutions of thc following
problem : A plank 12 feet long ,
and weighing 24 lbs is supported
by 2 props , one 3 feet from one
end and the other 1 foot from thc
other citd. What is thc pressure
on each prop ?
Thc following solution is given
by .1. F. Helf 'of thc Salem high
school ; Let A B be thc board ,
C and D thc props. AC equals 3.
BD equals 1. Let P bc thc center -
tel' of thc board which is also thc
center of gravity of thc boa'rd.
Then thc entire weight is concentrated -
ccntratcd at P. CP equals 3. PD
equals S. Let 'V equal thc pressure -
sure at C.2e.t'V equals pressure
at D. Then S'V equals 120.V .
equals 15 Ib and 24-'V cquals )
The following solution is by
Harry Gardner of the Falls City
high school :
Given AB , a plank , 12 ft long ,
weighing : 24 Ibs , supportcd by C
D , C being 3 ft from A and D be-
ing 1 ft from B. eo rind pressure -
sure on C and on D respect \'cly.
Let E he pain 2 ft from A.
It is evident that if we consider
EB as separate from AE that its
weight , tcn-twclfths x24 is equally -
ly supported by C and D , each
sustaining 101bs. rl'hen regard-
ing C as a fulcrum , apply .A.B.
It is evident that. thc pressure
at D varies with the difference in
downward pressure existing between -
tween - thc two arms pf thc lever
taking C as a fulcrum.
Without AE the. .1itTcrel1 is
as - - -
CB weighs lS 1 bs wi than average
leverage of 4 , 1-2 f1. CE weighs
2 lbs with an average leverage of
11-2 ft. (1Sx41-2)-(2x1-2) ( ( )
equals Sl-1 or 80.
With Al the ditTercnce is as
CB weighs 18 lbs with an a\"cr-
agq of 4 1-2 ft. CA weighs 6 , lbs
with an average leverage of 4 1-2
ft. (18 ( x 4 1-2) ) - (6 ( x 1 1-2) )
equals 81- equals 72.
'rhcr-.forc tIs evident that by
thc application . of AE the ( down
, ward pressure of CB and com e-
- -
quently thc pressure at D is reduced -
duccd eight-eightieths or onc-
L"'hcrcfore the pressure at D
equals 10 lbs - ( onc-tcnth x 10) )
cquals Ibs.
The pressure Lt , C equals 24 lbs 1
- < ) lbs equals 15 lbs.
' . [ hc follow i n g Richardson
county teachers attended the state
teachers association , Cora Betts ,
l\'Iablc ' Bridges , Geo. Crocker , H
I , . HotT , W. H Johns , Anna Martin -
tin , l\'Iinnie ' lcDonald , \V. H
Pillsbury , 11Irs. Pillsbury , Oscar
Schlaifcr , Maude Smith , E. S.
'robic , R. W. Unscll , and 1. G.
Thc school in Dist. No 7 has
been discontinued and Ee ? school
board has contracted with Dist.
76 , Stella in accordance with Sec.
4C' , subdh'ision 5 which provides
for thc instruction of pupils from
one district in a neighboring dis-
trict. The pupils are furnished
transportation and FralilcVitlree
drives thc wagon. 'l'his makes
four districts in Richardson coun-
ty taking _ advantage of Section 4
subdivision 5.
- - - - -
The following changes have
taken place during thc past few
weeks ; Ollic Bain is a new teacher -
er in Baradaj ; Miss Sutton succceds
: Miss Moore ' in Dist. 21 j Miss ' Duras
succceds Miss Ellis in Humboldt
high school ; H. L. Kloepfel has
resumed his work 1n Dist. No 50 ;
Clare roster who has been teach-
ing' for 1\11' Klocpfcl during his
recent sickness succccds Grace E.
'Vickham in dist. 104 ; H. M. :
Schaffcr is teaching in district
No. 60 and , Miss ' 0 , liver has suc-
cccdcd Miss : Sutton in district )7.
1vlrs. 1. G Wilson } is a ltC , , ' teacher -
cr in thc Stella schools ; Hss
Hothcnbcrgcr has succeeded Miss
Dye in district 101.
. _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ .0. . _ _ _ _ _ H _ . .
. - - - _ .
Jacob Auch of Dawson was in
town Saturday.
. . . \
George Cleveland spent Sunday " 1'
in Pawnee City.
Hay J-4inn of Humboldt spent :
Sunday in this city. '
. J. A. Hcim came down from 'v
, Dawson on business Saturday.
Will Uhlig went to Humboldt
on business Tuesday afternoon.
J. D. Schraugcr of Humboldt
was a Falls City visitor turday. ,
1\1. ' Riley of Dawson made it
business trip to this city Satur-
II. Klcckncr of Auburn was
looking after business interests
in town Saturday.
Ed Fisher went to S1. Joseph ,
Saturday on a combined business
and pleasure 'trip.
Grace Hancr - . of Hiawatha is
spending thc week here with her
parents , W. E IIancr and wife.
'V. A. Stuart and wife of Ok-
mulgec4 O. T" , arc in thc city ) .
visiting ,1\11' Stuart's parents , AIr. ' r'
and Mrs : P. H. Jussen
'l herc was a fair sized audience
present at thc production of "A
Homespun licart" at thc Gehling
Monday'hcshow hardly
cause up to cxpcctations.
Tuesday was groundhog day
and when the little beast thrust
his head out of his hole hc saw yj' -
, . . . .f . ,
Ins shadow and we all know what -
to cxpect. Its , a case of hard
luck but it can't bc hclped.
V'c l\'Iettz came down from
Pawnee and spent the latter part
of the wcck visiting in this city.
lIe left for Louisville , Ky" , 'to
take a position as traveling salesman -
man for Hidgly Walker & Co" ,
tailors and designcrs.
. . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ .
Concert and Ball i
Harnack's Military Band
f . The Arsons . - ; .
, Jenne's Opera House W '
pn the evening of
I Wednesday , Febr. 10th I ' 11
Admission , 35c ; C.hildren Free
- -
3 Dance Music by Good Orchestra I
I _ _ _ _