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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1904)
. . February 5 , 1904 ) THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE II - - - - - - . _ . . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - < - - - CURRENT PRESS COMMENT May Put tHan to Sleep. ' ' 'l'he Czar is afflictcd with in- . ; ( ) mia. 'fhe : Mikado is likely to find him wide awakc.-.Morril1 News. Change of - Venue. \Vhitalcr Wright , the phcl1cm- ( cnal promoter and stock shark , promptly took an appeal to the only court that was open to him. -Lincoln Star. As You Like It. It all depcnds upon the point of vicw. Take the ice dealer for in- tance. He regards this weather as a dispensation of Providence. --Auburn Herald. _ _ _ u. _ . , Boisterous Laughter. . l\'IaniliL fears a shortage of coal. - \ S Imagine how you could laugh , at thc coal baron where the thcr- 10mcter never reaches the frost j e1 I I 11n-0111,1.,1 Bec. I , Wasted , Energy. Scientists have estimated that : . . - \ if the power which is' expended talk about a canal were converted into action , the isthmian canal would be in working order by July-Brooldyn Eaglc. Better Late than Nevel" Geronimo , thc famous Apache warrior , is becoming feeble with . , - . age , says an exchange. How t"JI < . i grateful this news would have _ t " . ; ] sounded to some of the fron tiers- r ) ago.-Ver- f men twenty-iive years . . . . . " - - - loll ( Vedette. No Vindication. . A man supposed to be inno- cent of a crime until proven guil- ty , but a dismissal of hs case by the court on a technicality in thc law docs not necessarily carry with it a certificate Ql innocence " -Shelton Clipper. . . Enough to Crndemn It. . It is the great , department " ¼ r-u houses of the United States that . ' want the parcel post . law.Ve ' i believe it to be a matter boding ; no good to the merchant in the ' small town and much less to the 1 _ , f ' , ; farmcr.-Blue Springs Sentinel. - - - - - - I 4 , . , ' . . Their Plain Duty. " " It is said there are seventeen r' r ; . . - . . ills before congress proposing an . . r f : ' ' increase in the pay granted to ' 4 rural mail carricrs. If the COll- ! t'r. t' jressmen : fail to pass some mcas- j ' . ure allowing more than S50 per month to this class of government 4 , employcs , they will certainly have y failed In their duty.-Hmnboldt . . v . Leadcr. I- _ . - - - - - - - - - . No Jurisdiction. , The republican state conven- ' tion ; celled for the purpose of } nominating a state ticket and ' ending - , delegates to the national ' < republican " convention , has no . -mol"e' right to assume to dictate . " "wpo.shall , bc accepted by , the par- . . fir. : ; - ' ty as senator than the school ' board of thc steenth district has to so c1ictate.- York Republican Pardonable Pride Somehow we are very proud of people who grow up and sunount to something , and who never ! used hc t word "nonchalance. " - - Atchison - ison Globe. . A Hard Blow. 'rhe hammer fell at Omaha 011 .Thursday , when the Douglas county democracy resolved to support Willie Hearst for presi- dent. Col. Bryan has spoken at last and the die is cast. \Vil1ic will no longer have any excuse to cut out the Commoner's St Louis edition luring the convention with a paper of his own , and . possibly - ' sibly there will be no longer any clamor for a Hearst paper at Lin- I coIn white the Commoner tills the long felt want of literary demo- I crats.-State Journal . NEBRASKA STATE NOTES - - - - John \I. : Graham , a pioneer resident of Peru is dead. -b- small pox epidemic has made its appearance at Shelby. A typographical union has been organized at Grand Island. Dr Holly MIiles a promi- ncnt resident of Osceola is dead. 1\lrs. John Latta of Herman , Neb. , has celebrated her 100th birthday. Rufus Rush of Creighton , lost an arm by the premature explo- sion of a shot gun. . Carl Seimson of Fremont was lined S100 and costs for selling liquor without license. \v. R. Frazcr of Utica was one of the victims of the recent Vic- tor Col. , mine disaster. 'fhos. L. Kipling of Auburn is dead. He was a cousin of Rud- yard Kipling the author Hon. G. A Linkhart , a Nor- folk bank was probably fatally injured by being run down by a horse. :1\lrs. : Margaret , who was injured - ed last week in a fire at the Cen- tral Hotel in Table Rock died from her injuries. John Tate , who was helping to put up ice near Nebraska City was thrown from his wagon and sustained serious injuries. Henry Schipman of Grand Is- land became intoxicated and while in that condition was run over by a switch engine and kill- ed. John A. Forbes of Beatrice sued the city for S10,000 damages for injuries sustained by falling on an icy walk. The jury awarded - ed him S750. 1\lrs. Jerry " Adams of Valley attempted to kindle a fire , with kerosene. The can exploded and . A CASH ftAflIUfiftftMJHi OFFER I Here is a chance to earn g'ood'ag'cs by de- toting a few hOtlrS of von \ ! r spare ti me to : calling on your friends and taking subscriptions - tions for The Falls City Tribune The New County Seat Paper The subscription price is ONE DOLLAR per year and for every cash subscriber you faring us we will pay you Twenty Five Cents in Cash ' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - By way'of special inclucenient we make the following special offer : Bring us 50 Subscribers at onetime ( Accompanied by the Cash ) And we will pay a cash commission of " FIFTEEN DOLLARS Remember that there are no St Louis 1 Exposition - position strings to this offer. The money wi\1 \ ) be yours to use as you please. The Falls City Tribune I Isa I . modern newspaper sold at a modern price. In a week you will have no trouble in securing fifty subscribers in yOU } : ' ! own neighborhood . , and FIFTEEN DOLLARS . A TEEK is a good salary , especially when \t \ is necessary for you to devote only a . . small part of your time to the work. Any hustling boy can make good wages after school hours or on Saturday. vVe have II adopted this plan because we prefer to pay commissions to our friends at home rather than to an imported solicitor. We will fur- nish plenty of Sample Copies for use in so- 1lciting. ; If ) ou desire any further informa- t on , call on or write q - THE TRIBUNE . "Falls City , Nebraska 1\'lrs. ' Adams sustained burns which resulted in her death. Burglars entered a store at Loretto and stole a quantity 'of merchandise. The post office is in the same building and all the stamps and cash on hand were taken , I Attorney General Prout has ruled that domesticated prairie ' chickens are protected by the . . game laws. Western parties had conceived the plan of starting a prairie chicken farm but under the decision the venture would be illegaL J . . , . , l/ry . nwa