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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1904)
T . January 2 ( ) , 1go4 ) TIE FALLS CIT'Y TRIBUNE 9 4 - - . Neighborhood News Far o. 'j R. Special to 'l'he 'r'rihutlc. Bin Streckcr made a business trip to Fells ] City last L\Ionday. Miss Carrie Buckminster returned - turned home from Council Bluffs Sund : y. Frcd Nissen left last week for Peru where he intends to stay for the winter. Bill Shailer and Charley Patent r were over from : Missouri Sunday and .Monday. 1Irs. Bertha oegle is home with her mother , 1'1rs. 1\1. Saal , for a few days. L\Irs. G. Smith assisted her sis- tcrinIaw'lrs. . G. Fisher , in butchering Wednesday. The little son of George Pea- body and wife is slowly recover- jug from a serious illness Cass Jones and wife of Fort I Hazel were visiting at thc home of l\1rs. 1'1. Saal Tuesday of last . . . week - : 1 Bin Bach and family of the 'i ' country spent Sunday with I\'lr. , llach's sister , 1\lrs. W. Strecker , at this place. \ Little Dora Speers returned to a : her home in the country after a ; I week's visit with " her grandma , E l\Irs. 11. Saal. . . , , . . Miss Pearl Glyspic returned to c 1" _ ) ' . _ ' . thc home of her sister at Shubert . ' - after a week's visit with friends in this vicinity. - There was a large crowd on thc street Saturday night with guns , bells , horns and other in- . : struments. Some bells made : . quite a racket as they came down : on the icy ground. ! - - - - - - - - - - Ohio. . Special toThe 'rributle. 1Ir. Burk's children have th c 4 . whooping cough. The attendance at Glendale school was small \onday. ' ' " * . . Noah Peck and wife and Frank , Peck visited at E. T. Pecks Sun- I , I ! . ' day. " Cattle depending on corn fodder - fodder , der for a living thc past few days have to cat too much ice for com- p fort. Louis McPherson was out to . _ Eph Peck's Thursday and repaired - cd his wind mill which was dam- agcd by thc storm. The telephone men were seen Saturday in this neighborhood mending thc wires which were . broken by thc storm. . ( : . . A young man from this comm - inanity drove to Kansas Sunday and returned home l'Ionday. Ask him if it was cold coming homc. \Vm. Hortsman left for South I Dakota last Thursday night but ' owing to thc bad weather , turned round at Omaha and came back next clay ' i 1 .1 . - . - . - - - - . - . . " . . , " - . * . ' . ' " , ' , ! Io ' . . . . . , " " . . . . .r . . . . . . ' . . . - . . - . . . . . Jf-'W - . . ANNOUNCEMENTI ! HAVING REflOVED TO A LARGER STORE CHARLES F. HOFFMAN Is now ready to accommodate his customers in new quarters. Everything , in men's wear . and are now displaying our Spring Goods in I the following lines : . -MEN'S ' FURNISHINGS MEN'S FURNISHINGS . Shirts Neckwear Hosiery Suspenders Handkerchiefs Gloves Notions Belts Fancy Vests Everything in Gent's Wear - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ _ ' H _ , _ , TAILORING i Advanced shipments of SPRING WOOLENS just arrived. Latest pat- terns in Imported and Domestic Suitings. Our Exclusive Styles make our line the strongest in the marl - I ket. Style correct. Workmanship I and Fit guaranteed. Prices reas- I Qnable. - - - . . MAKE US A CALL " , " . , . , " . , 1 'f ' - ' - > . . ' . ! I I Humboldt. Special to 'rhc 'l'ribullc. Robe Iolony of Lincoln arrived in the city i \Ved nesday on a visit to his parcnts. Joseph Bittncr , formerly a resident - ident of this city , is soon to open a clothing store in Dawson. Walter Legg and wife are the parents of a bright little daughter - ter who arrived at their home on Saturday morning. Arthur Smith who recently sold his barber shop here , left 1'10nday for Lca.enworth , where hc has accepted a position. H. P. Marble and wife of thc Leader attended the meeting of thc Nebraska Editorial associa- tion at Lincoln thc past week : . 1\'Iessrs. B. Elmore and Henry huger spent several days at Lin- coLt the past week attending a meeting of Shorthorn Brecdcrs. Guy Cooper and Wm. William ! ; of this city have made arrangements - mcnts to accompany a party from Lincoln who will make a tour in Europe next summcr. August Meyer returned home \Vedncsday from Smithccnter , Kansas , where he has purchased a farm. It is his intention to move to it in thc near future. The Spring Lake Ice Co. , have a force of men at work at thc lake cast of town storing away a crop of ice. The ice is said to measure more than twelve inches in thickncss. A party of men from Kansas City were here the past week put- ting in place a new asbestos cur- tain at the opera housc. A hy- drant has recently beck installed at the right of thc stage and with . hose near by can bc used to check any conl1agation. With the improvements i - provcmcnts recently made the opera house is no doubt as safe as any of its class in this part of the state. . . - - - LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ray Linn of Humbolclt was in town Tucsday. H. E. Williams of Shubert was in the city 'l'ucsday. J as. K. Liggett came down from Humboldt 'l'ucsday. John Rub of Dawson made a business trip to this city 1onday. J. Q. Hopper of Stella made a business trip to this city 'rues- ( Ia ) ' . day.H. H. 1. Gillan of Auburn transacted - acted business in this city 'l'ues- day. John Hodapp of Humbolc1t made a business trip to this city . 'l'ucsday. Neal l\Iatten of Humboldt was a business visitor to Falls Cityt hc first of thc week. John Jenkins of SLlla was attending - tending to Sljmc ' business matters in this city 1\londay. John Eis one of the prominent farmers of Humboldt precinct was in the city 'ruesday. James l\1orris of Stella attcndcd to sonic business matters in this city the first of thc wcck. 1\1rs. Jake olf1y'of Hutchison , Kan. , visited at thc home of Sheriff Hossack during thc wcck. There will bc services , held in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day morning and evening con- ducted by Rev John E. Spencer of Omaha. . Everybody wclcome. Rev Elmer Ward Cole will deliver - liver an address on the subject of "Good Citizcnship" atthe . Chris- - ' " tian church on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. This will bc his last public address among us as he will leave next week for his new pastorate. The public gen- erally arc invited to attcnd. Rev Henry Smith the new rec- tor of S1. Thomas episcopal church will arrive in the ci' y Sat- urday to 'pcrmancntly take up his work. Hc will hold services 011 Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7:30 : o'clock p. m. Mr. 11eycrs who recently pur- chased Frank Uhlig's hardware business , has removed his family from Hastings to this city and occupies thc Kcntncr property at Eighth and Chase streets Sam VanOsdel of St. Dcroin was in town Wednesday lv1r. VanOsdcl is still compelled to use crutches as the result of going : through a bridge near Barada last fall. l'Irs. J.V. . Freel and son of Soldier , Kan. , were in the city this week visiting at the home of l\lrs. li'reel's brother , Sheriff Hos- sack When you hear thc 'l'yrolcans . you will hear something different in the way of music. At thc Jenne opera house February 8th. ! Mr and I\'Irs. O. P. Heck attended - tended thc Hamcl-Bronson wed- ding at Salem Wednesday cvcn- ing. ing.A A Graham was in Kansas City this week attending thc lumber- mcn's convcntion. James Rawley of Barncstons visited in this city \Vcdt1 sday. . "