The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 29, 1904, Page 12, Image 12

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    ° " . - h . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ . . _ .r a.-r . . _ . . x - = 'x " . " - . . . . . . . . .n..w. . . . . . . . . . . .m. . . _ . _ - - M..n. . _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . . .s..J _ _ _ - " " rwW.rJF- _ , ,
12 TilE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE January 29 , I94
_ _
Much History Gathered from a Single
Site , Abydos
, 'l'he tlontinulltion ! of he t work of
the I ' ' ion fund al
Egypt exilorttiolt ' ;
11bdos this J'WlI' hu : given Il wid ,
Pl' view of the early viJizntiou ,
of which the general I lines had
been fixed h.r the t Previous lvork011
the royal tombs of Ow lawn , writes
Pi ' of . 14'lindel's Petl'it' , t.o the Lll )
don ( 'l'iml'H. 'l'he ( 'leal'aJu'p ( or
I11e t old tetHl'l ' ( ' Site Over Ht'\l'nl
al'I'PH haH brought to light , ill a
depth of about t 20 feet , 110 It'Hs I han
Ian SuCPSSiV ( t'mpl's ranging ill
U ge f Toni 500 ( to I 500 ) B. C. ' .Ii'or tit t ( '
I ; 1'H1 ! t time ( we can See OJl one Spot
the ehaJl PS fl'otH age to age
through t the t whole of g I gyllinn
hiHtf'1'0 . H'l'ul'atl' ' tllpt 1)111I(1
illg wus an tlrail' : of nnatonly
rather t than t Spale : < 1 Work.Thewn11s (
or mild hl'id\ ) ( were so 'ommingled
with h th IP soil thai in'PHsant- ( ( "
lion ( lilting ! with U shal'l' ' knife (
WIIH Ibe I : only wny to (1i)4rinliuat ) ( ( (
till' 1)11(1 ) { WOJ'I\ Often ) ollly a sill
gle ( 'OH rSP of hl'i'I\H OJ' U hill I bed (
or fOllndation RUIH1 waH all that
told or tllP great 1)1111(1jugs which
hail : ( eXiSl(1 ( there for ( ( 'PIlt"m'it'H
Over 5,1)1111 ) Ii ) ( IitsnretneiiI t H were
- 1akPn t for the Pluus \ and le'IH
The lift Ill result liS regards : the
religion iH chat t t Osiris was not the t
J'igilllli ( god of hn10s , ; the jH'lw : I
12-0(1 ( , P pt)8u1 ) t. , and then nw god of
tIle' t ( 11'(11 t , 11IPIII1l1i t Pnl t 1V'i' i 1 , ( ' ilon-
01'(1 here dclvn l 10 tlIP 1 Iw'lftli t ( I
dynaSiy. 'rllP most striking t
( 'III1IU'p iH AP'U ahoul t the < fourth
d\'umdY ( , when the ) ) ( temple was
ilholhll'd ( , and 01I I\ , ' a J.I'PUtpal'1'h ) )
, 01'1)nrned oll'PI'ing iH I'oulld , full
of 'ot'P ( hay Hllbst UtPR for Hac'-
l'ifi'f ( ; . 'I'hi exa(1ly ( agrees 1vI1h I
IIIP I a'otJI1t ( ( or HPI'odot"tlH ( I IIn ) r
( 'lIpopA had ( 'loHPd till' I ( 'III plPH aud
forbidden ( SUrifiees. 'I'hi mate .
Pin lij'.iug' of Idslol' ! , ta made tile
more I'pal 1)tiutIiuo' . ro 'UII iYO1'y
SI'alutIt I 1 ( of CIll'ops of the t fiIlPHI'
work , whi'h ( shows for the t first'
. t imp 11) ) ( fare : and l'hal'aI' ( ( of the
g'I'pat huih1PI' and ol'J.auizPI' ) who
made ilIP t ( l + gytinit ! ! govPrnlunt ( ) t-
and ( ( 'i\"i1ization what it waR for
thCHlHltIH1H ) orpal'H . aftpl' Thi : ;
(111'Ving is now in Ili t ) ( ' ( ' 1111'0 IlIU-
, H'um.
The (1iR'o\.PI'i's ( of the ( iViIZ1 ) ! .
- ion 1 of I1) t ( ( first dynasty , the < he ) ( .
ginning I : of the 1 kingdom ' pXIHlnd
wlla 1ve already had from my
wwl" ( in the royal Iom1)5. or
Il'ues , the found'I' , Wl' have 118x1'
- of u In 1'ge Iobnlnl'UoH' ! of green !
glaze with his name illlaid in JlUI'-
pip I ; thus polyh1)1110 ) ( glaring is :
ak'u t back : \ thousands of yeltrs he-
fm'p it w11S )1PVionsly ) known to 1
exist' . ' 'I'll ( ' 1'I'PP ( use 01' great tiles
of glaze for wall ( 'o'.PI'illJ.H Rhow !
how usual the art ) vas : ; then. < In
the higlll't.tI't ; : \ of d'Ii'a ( ivory
' ' , ' thp1'p ' sP'pl'al '
( 'al''ing ( ( are pipl'pS
of this . age ; esehally ) ( , the figure (
of an aged king ' for } its Rllhl1ph'
and chal'a'tpl' RhuH1H in the front
J rank of s\wh Work ' ' in
, \ ( , ( 01ll1H\1'ahI0 ) \
1 the finest earrings of Greece 01'
Italr. , \\'p mllst now reckon the
PHl'limt ; 111OIlal'e11y fiS the equal of
any later age : in RlwlJ'tel'hnical anil
fine HI't.
1'0'ttel'Y of forms and ( 111aten1nI I I
quite 1I1I1\11oWII in 17gyt also hr-
long to this remote age ; and it
III'o\'PS ) 10 he ) ilenli'lil t ( I 1Vi1'11 ihI t ) ) till
Ol'pte of the irate npolithi age.
'Phis fresh ( 'OIJlJ'tioll ii Iiistrats (
till' Bide and the ( 'lll'onology of
that : Jll'l'i(1. ) A head of a ( 'alllPI
modt'll'd in poHl'I'Y dikes bark its
I'pla-ioll ( too Egypt some .jOOn
\ ' ' ' hitherto 1I'IH'C of it had
.1 \'PaJ'H' 110
appeared l'fOl'p Ul'pt'k ( l'ilnes.:1n
I'ons' ( 'awing : 0 I'a hpal' PXtenls
also the fauna of early Egypt.
The grItI I fort long known as
till' Ah IIIIPI PZ % ; phib is now ( 'Ol1lll'l'1' ,
( 'd with the I'Pl11ail1R of'anot"hPI'
fort , whirl wus dist'o"PI'e ] between -
tween t that and the ( optit' ' 1)eir ,
whit'h is ill a third 1'01'1. Then'
b111Iii ings l)1'o'p now / to han' heel )
the fortified 1''Hidpl'H ) of the
kings of the second ( ( ) dynasty ,
11'hlose Sealillgs wp ha \1' ( found in
dwelling 1OOUIS.
Of a la ter I age may he ) noted some
IUl'gp decrees of the fifth and sixth
dynasties , Ilse Oldest exam pie of
iI'on'l't . knowl1 , whit.1t is of the
sixth dynasty , and ill the eight'
( ' ( 'nth ( d\'naHt" , H great ' memorial
Iablet t of t hI' g'I'tImothPI' : ) ] of that t
line , and the remains of a ( lilt tl'11I'
pIe of the type of Ieii' I ) cl Il11hri.
'l'hSl' are hilt t he salipnt points ( if
a wint'I"s wOJ'Iof tIllH'h historical
intPr(51. 'I'1) ) ( ( ( 'ollt > ( 'f.ioll will he
exhibited as usual at Univrsily {
O1lege ( , Dower street I " 1'1'011I July 1
to : ! 5.
Some Worn out Vessals Used as Ware'
houses 011 A rcan Coast.
If you here to visit Homl' of the
ports 011 the Boast ( of \ \ ' pst Africa
which are not yet : ) reviled with
docks and other facilities for ship-
ping , you would see the hulks of
litany steanWl's , HOllll' of them formerly -
Illerly well known in New York
harbol' , that in the day of their d ( ' ; .
'lim' ' 'in ' ' humble
( ( are ( playing a very
\\'ol'n out and dilapidated , says
t tIll' Nl'Y ol'k HUll , they are
1I1001'l'd near tIll' niOllthiS of rivers ,
Iuidt the bur , alld take the place
of wH\'eho\lses. 'I'll ( ' palm oil , palm
Le I'11eIs , gl'ouud nuls , rubber'OI' . "
and 01 her l'ommodities whil'la (
those regions have : to Sell , are
stol''d 011 hoard 1 lIetw old n'sseI8.
III nIP deckhouses ' the '
sire quu'- l ,
1l'I'R ( of the PIItS of '
el'S agents EUI'ope.m
tl'l : < liug- ( 'OlIlpallit'R whiell . bal'tpl'
goods With 1 the ua IIVes for these
iu'til'lps. \\1)11 ) s1'anl\ \ : ' ; ( Hni'
into the ports Ihey 1 tit' aI p to the
hulks and load with the ' '
( ( a'umu- ( (
lalpd fl'pig-ht.
One of tlH' most illlpol'lant of
I I1PS ( p'pol'l ( fool is i BOllnon , , a branch
of' t he ) ( N ig"r dell ( ] a. It I t has long
1IPII ( I'olpt11o , legitimate tl'Hd ,
hut il was Cure the I II1m"fl'u - ( ( ] ! > ut-
I'd ( RlaHon of thp Hla'el'R. \s :
mana , : tOOOO : ) ( ) captives WPI'P
old ill the market : of Bonni1l , thp
first : ' O years or lIP t Wtll c'nttlry.
Bonny is today t Oil ( ' of t ht' gr'at-
est ! ; mal'kl'tR for palm oil , and : : ! 'I O- ) ,
ono ( ) Ions are ( sometimes shipped to
. .
Earope . in .1 I . ( 'al' .
Until 1 qui ig recull ( t Ir , one of the
. . . . . . . . .
- - " ' - - - - - - - -
" - .
I (
- - I
H h - I V I 1 1
To Make R.oom " j ( )
For Spring Purchases !
We offer the following J
for the next two weeks f
fI I
- - - , - - - .
Kitchen Cabinet" like ! cut in size , but not ;
constructed of cottonwood and gum :
Full size 28 x 48 top , only = m = $4.25 ;
. . _ _ - - _ . . - . _ . .b' , _ _ _ _ _ . . _
Solid Oak Bed Suit .
Room = a = $16.00
. .
- - - - - - - - - - -
We handle no samples . I
- - I I
During February we will have a big Special " ,
Couch Sale. Watch for VVindow . Dispa.y. ! ,
- - - - - -
'Reavis & Abbey
, . . , . ,
- ' ) 't. ' ! " fliN.fIW
smallest alld ( mOST v ; a = fill ! of the
hulks at BOllII\ was all tllat was
left of a vessel whit'll ill her pl'im
waR one of l1IP III0Ht IlolHllal' ships
Hit ii jug froth X'w York ill the
l'r11nsnt'laiith \ ( t I'idp. : slip was the
old Adl'iat'ic' of Ilse ( 'ollhIR line.
The Adl'ia1i i ' fOl'pal's '
( ( was \pal's very
' wills ' ' ' ' of
populu' : PilHHC'lIg'PI'S as one
tile h'st and most ( 'OlllfOI'\bl ( : \ ( '
boals of the line illld man\ , ti'IIV-
rlPl' would hool\ for 110 othpl' n't-
spl , referring wait tilt flIP sti1 .
iug' day of the t : Idri11lie ante
After the AI'.i'p WitR wit h-
drawn the Adl'ill + iir t i ( beame ) : \ \ one or ,
It ncw line l of vSSelS , with { htl- ;
way , Ireland , , aR the I Ii Otli ( ' pOl't.
'l'hiR V'nt t tlJ'P 1Vas not HUC''PHRfnl ( ,
and after the AIlJ'ia1i had teen l )
laid tip a1 Birkenhead : for a IIUIIl'
her of years , and was bout to be
laHH'kpd to piP'H few old iron , she
was finally bought for a Song - am1
taken to l onll.r HK one of t flIP slor-
age f hulks.
The day came ( at last when the
old vessel wns WOI't bless , even for
storage ) urOSPS. RIH' } Weald
Sar'Cly ( hang toopthl'l' , and till'
work ! of ImmpingIIPI' out t had 1)e-
come too : nrduous so slIP was
towed HI th ( river ! a little way . ,
her nose was ) aged into n swamp ] ,
and there she was left 10 fall to
pieces at her Ipis\IJ'p.
sir l1iIver Lottge.
Sir Oliver Lodge is a Il1Hn1alkpl1 I
about in London. 1:1l' : has conceived -
cciyed a cYi'l' for fighting fog In'
i' : ' i' : ' b .
electricity , the current 10 be shot
from tall 111ilSt' : t ; .
. - . .
Pay a Visit to Portland , Ore. . , , vuro-
ing Hard Wint.ers , - '
! { {
A Ho'k ( of' evening grosbeaks - _ '
HsuallJ' visit this city during the (
win1l'I' , says the < Prtland Ol'l'-
gonian. : l'ht'ha , n > been flitting
about and feeding the seeds of
tlH' lo(11S1 l < trees , the pods of which \
till : eiitlg to ilte ( bl'allelIPs , and (
eking the stems from whic.h I r
IhP I Seeds of tJl ( mapll'H have fall-
pn , l' 'VilPUI'Iv ) finding i soiiiethiim
patalllp 111 ( ( ( . 1'I1's ( bards did not
visit thp city last willtl'l' , it was
HHppospd on account of the season
slot b'iIg ) ) fooIl'Yl'I'l' ill ) thl ( ' illoilnt11111.4
and forests Where ! tIPY ) have their
hil till t H. 'l'hereare se'iernI 1 seeIs ;
of g'I'oHh'aks seat tel''d over North
1IH'I'ic'a ( , front I Ih1 t ( ' faJ' 1I01t'h WHY
down into t \ i\lexie ( 'Pliy [ derive
all ( name from the large stout t bill
whkh iH ( 'haruc'tpl'ist h' of --h ( , '
whoh' family. The p'eninggl'os' "
beak iH the on sppl'ies seen h'I'p.
L1'I < H'ks of tlll'HI al'p oft eII S'II ) in '
lip i pin wood 011 the ( ' 'HHI'clpt : !
and BIII mOlllltaiu8 HH late as II
: lay ( : , being on their way from the
south to their Sllmmpl' haullhi in
IIIl' far t'ollIltl'ips of nw 1I00'th. I
l'lll'HI' , ( ' HPl'1I at ditfPI'l'lIt ( tulles
iu 1Viseonsin Iud : IS fin' ! east lH :
Ihe' I Npw England sta1l R. Bat
they are sUJlpospd to visit this . : : it\ , '
when the t
snow gets unusually . - .
deep in the mOlllltains , but the l'.f
movements a ppl'Hl' to be cn pl'i- , -
'ions. The blue , pine , nud l'OBn-
breasted species ) of the ' k
It I'e of more showy plumage thaJl
Ill' t evening g-I'oshpuk , whieh is of .
nlolest colors , but still is n beautiful -
Ufu I bird. , '
- , , .