The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 29, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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    - - January - - - 29. - . 1904 , . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE II
- - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - "
Neighborhood News
- '
M Preston.
Special to trhe tfribune.
Thomas Cook is on the sick
y P'or locks and jewelry s : . c O.
Ii' ' h ' .
t 1'rohberg
i S Emil Deuchler went to Falls
City Saturday :
Elmer Hoselton was in Falls
City Saturday.
George Neitzel was a . Falls City
visitor Saturday.
James Grant made a flying trip
to Reserve Saturday.
' \Vm. Story , jr. , of Iowa Point
was in town Sunday.
'l'wenty-two cases of measles
I arc reported in Preston
Chas. Sang'uinette is recovering
from an attack of pneumonia.
Chas. Maddox and Freed Shelly
drove to Falls City Saturday.
_ Dr. Griffith reports a boy at
'Sebring's , Saturday , the 23rd.
After a siege of neuralgia Geo.
SS-.4 Neitzel is able to resume work
t William levers is a sufferer
from a severe attack of neuralgia.
'l . Attendance at school is decreas-
ing i while measles are increasing.
-1\lrs. Lefaiver is confined to her
I bed with lagrippe and pneumonia
, I Dr. Griffiths was called to the
r home of Philip Solomon's Thurs-
. . . , ' . . . -r-- ; \ - . day. . .
' } \ . , .
f ; \0' On Saturday e ening Ed Pyle
had the misfortune of crushing
his 1 nger.-
l\T r. and l\Irs. C. J. Hoppe returned -
. turned home Sunday "lfter a few
. days visit in Iowa Point.
Garnet Wilson was in Falls
City Sunday in time to see the
destruction of the German Hall.
- Miss Mary : Murphy came home
Saturday after a prolonged visit
with relatives at Barneston , Neb.
The leap year dance in the 1\1.
'V. A. hall given by the ladies on
Saturday night was a grand suc-
The barn formerly owned by
. 'Vm. Lefaiver has been turned in-
to a sales stable by W A. l\-rar-
g-ra ve.
. '
' 'vVe \ carry a. . . . I
" " "
Building Material
And all kinds of
. .
Lumber rtl Coal Co.
- -
James Sinclair , who has been
held away from our town on account - .
count of the ice , made his appear-
ance Saturday.
Misses Jennie Watteyne and
Larando and vlrs. Watteyne of
Rule were visiting with lVII's. H.
P. Rieger Sunday.
During the absence of our liveryman -
eryman , C. J. IIoppe , the barn
was managed by James Grant
and William Bush.
11Irs. John Vincent , who has
been visiting relatives here , went
to Rule to visit before returning
to Jamestown ; Kan.
Stand up for your own town.
Men that pretend to be citizens
that will getup and say that the
young men of Preston are not
citizens , are uncivilized and are
cowards. must be pretty busy attending -
tending to business that doesn't
interest them in the least. Be-
sides these men are not old enough
citizens to know circumstances.
Therefore let them inquire and
learn a little before they go to
shooting off. People that talk
that way reminds us of a dough
nut stuck en two knitting needles
and know just about as much.
This trouble has been brewing
for about four years and the boys
have let them have their own
way to see if the so-ca11ed citizens
and officers would make an effort
to stop such disgraceful acts of
outsiders. Now as far as the
boys not being citizens is concerned -
ed , on last Friday night , January
15 , they stood up like citizens of
these United States and protected
their rights against these out-
laws. If the citizens cannot pro-
tect their quiet little village from
street fights ( which take place in
doors ) and making night hideous
by their profanity and vile epi-
thets , the boys will proceed to dose
so if they do have to carry the
name of being bullies.
F'rom the Salem Index.
Howard Greenlea is laid up
with a badly poisoned arm. 1\11'
Adkins of Pawnee is serving as
night operator.
A. S. Dagget , bought the resi-
dent property of J. S. Lord on
west main street and will Occupy .
thh same after March first. Consideration -
sideration 815,000.
The mask party at the opera
house Tuesday evening was a
grand success. Thirty-fiye of
our young folks were in attend-
ance and report a fine time.
Tuesday morning , Pearl Kel-
, saw , eleven month old child of
Eugene Kelsaw'-and wife , died of
congestion of the bronchial tube
and was buried here the following -
ing ( lay. .
Last Friday evening the Rebe-
kahs installed officers for the coming -
ing year making Florence Leslie ,
noble grand ; 1\lrs. Lee Snyder ,
- - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
. '
Shoe Store
Palls City , Neb. r
Men ,
Women and .
Children , i
' : - " 1f
. .
. .
I would be pleased to have you call
to see our Shoe Styles
Would also like -add your name
to our list of cus tonlerS.
Children's Shoes a Speclnlty.
Warm Lined Shoes for Old r"'olks
Rubbers and Overshoes of all Kinds.
Want to Phone ?
. Call 23.
vice grand ; C. B. Snyder , secre-
tary' and D. C. Simmons , treas-
urer. District deputy Mrs , D. C.
Simmons conducted the proceed-
ings. After the new officers were
installed an elaborate spread was
served and an invitation from the
Falls City lodge for next \Vednes-
day night was accepted.
From the Rule Register.
A furnace was just put in the
D. E. Easley house where J. A.
Hinkle lives. : Mr. Winterbottom
of Falls City did the job.
lVIrs. JetTeries was called to
Sheridan , Wyoming ; , the latter
part of the week by the serious
illness of her daughter , l'vIrs. Ida
Brown. " '
S. Cooney of California and
Agnes Winterbottom were mar-
ried at the Catholic church this
morning by Rev . Barnard 8pro11.
The groom is a comparative !
stranger here but has the appear-
ance of a youn- ; gentleman of
worth. The bride is an old resi-
dent and is highly respected in
this community. We join with
their many friends in wishing
them a happy and prosperous
Last week Mike May disposed
o'f his blacksmith tools machinery -
ery etc , to George Peabo y. 1\11'
Peabody is a woodworker but for
sonic time has been living a few
miles northwest of town. lIe
will do the wood work and John
Holland , the efficient blacksmith ,
who has been employed for some
time by l'vIr. ! vIa ) ' will remain at
the forge 1\1r. May has worked
up a splendid business and las
many friends who will be sorry
to see him leave. lIe retains the
building. We bespeak for 1\11'
Peabody a continuance of the
success which has crowned Mr.
Mays efforts.
- - -
. .
Nebraska City is to have an ; '
artificial ice plant. .
.A big canning factory is to he
erected at Plattsmouth.
Zeph Camp , for six years sher-
iff of Keith county is dead.
1\'lrs. 11'rankic B. Richards of
Plattsmouth has been declared
Small pox has appeared at
Beaver City and a quarantine has
been estab1ished. '
-Ion. Hobt. W. Furnas was
re-elected secretary of the state
board of agriculture S .
H. IIulz , a German farmer liv-
ing near Beatrice was badly hurt
in a runaway accident
11Irs. : : G. Weh111er , an aged lady
living at Sterling fell on a lip-
very walk and sustained a broken
1\11's. Chas. Beebe of Table Rock
is in danger of losing several
fingers. Blood poison followed
the scratch of a cat.
George Williamson of Nebras-
ka ] City was probably fatally in-
jured while attempting to board
a morning freight train
Frank Kruger. a farm hand ,
committed suicide in the waiting
room of the Northwestern depot
at . Hooper , by swallowing str'ch-
Three horses , three mules and
thirty head of hogs belonging to
Emett Nucter of Steele City were
killed by lightning Frida ) ' . Snow
was falling at the time.
A prominent citizen of Havana ,
Cuba has written to several Tecumseh -
cumseh people intimating that he
possesses knowledge of the where
abouts of Charles M. Chamberlain -
lain and making inquiries con-
cerning rewards offered for the
apprehension of the defaulting
. - > , . . , . . . . , _ _ ' 4.- ' . , . . . - - " . . ' . . r . , e.-7 :