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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1904)
. . " ' . . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . , . . . . " " ' _ - - . . . . . . . ' " - - . : . . - . - ' - ' - - : - . : - - - . oo- - : . . . . " , " : . . , . , , ' f . ' " . _ - - - . . , . ' . : ' , - - - : - : : : : 'r-- ' 1"1. . ; : . ; ; -'fr . . .f.t- : . . . t ' 'lJ1 ' ' ' \ . - . , THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Januarvi5,19o4 _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Janl1ar _ j y : ( , CHAS. F. HOFFMAN ] Leading Tailor r&l Gents Furnisher . K F. We carry at all times a Complete . and , Up..tomdate . Line of . Y Gellts' Furnishings c . . , . , also a Full Stock of the latest in " . : . . _ , ' , ' , . . . " . , - . , . . ' . " ' Fine Woolens , ' which ve will make up to your order und guarantee the fit and price to be satisfactory. COll1e' and see us for anything in our line. f. ' : b- ' 3 ' , _ . . J if. f : : ; CHAS. . ' . HOFFMAN ii , ; ' Falls City , , Vebr. no 1 . .t. . . t. LOCAL AND PERSONAL f- " I ; gat Swle' Candr. j . , Special prices on cured meats and lard l at Coupe & 'Pltorntotts' . , l''trs. D. B. H.atckin'isHcd friends and relatives in Rule this . wcck. ; . ' \Vantcc1-1'wo boarders al pri- \'atc p1aCe. Good location one block from.l\-l'ain street inquire lt Tribune 011ice. 1 tf . " 'Phis is thc time of year that wc appreciate thc good walks . that were laid ( luring the sung mcr. flay our appreciation bc even greater this time next ycar : 'T ' he man who can " look at a load of big \ fat cohs as it passes along the street without violating that \'ommandment which says thou shalt ndt- covet , is sure of glory hereafter. .At thc recent installation of .01'- Hcers of . the Dcgrcc of Hunor , a . number ofTerln People were present and ( at that time they in- \ ' ted Mrs. F. P. \'crslc tu come to Verdon to install the officers of their lodge. l\lrs. E\'crsolc accepted thc invitation and ( went to Verdon 'l'ucsday evening for that purpose . . . . . - - - Coupe & l.'horllton cure all their own meats. 11Tolff Bros. arc engaged in painting an elaborate set of scenery for thc new opera house at Nims City. Read the Tribtttne ads carc- ful1y. It will not only prove interesting - teresting but may prove profitable to you. Will Uhlig- nt to IIumboldt l\-onday [ to assist in opening a set of books for thc new National ban k off Humboldt. One dollar buys 100 c11\'elopcs and 100 sheets of writing paper at the Tribune ofiice. Good qual- ity aincl . . : neatly printcd. Vhcn it is fhe electric lights that rail to work , the Standard Oil Co misscs out 011 a cussin' and George l\Ionison : gets it. A woman never considers her husband just what hc ought to be as long as hc prefers his din- ncr at noon instead of at six o'clock. Thc new mill looms up in graft . . s1mpc. Since thc frame has been partly raised one can get some idea as to the size of the structure It is evident that it will he a credit to te ! ci ty. - . ) . . : " < . , : . . . . : - " , , " ' \ . , : . - . - ; ' : . . . . . " . , ; .2 , , . . " 'I/ ! : . : } . : : ! I4."I : . .Qi. . . . Co \-Vhat has become of thc coun- try lyceum ? Don't thc boys of this day and generation care whether thc pen is mightier than thc sword ? Vc should be very sorry to learn that thc lyceum has gone out of fashion. In thc old days . the town boys . used to Ire out to thc lyceum and d ldbate with thc country boys and wc never saw the time that they didn't get the worst of it. . Quarterly meetings will hc held at thc M. E. church in this city on Sunday. 'l hc presiding cIder , Rey. J. S. W. Dean , will preach at 10:4S'a. : m. and hold communion - ion set'\ice. The pastor , Re\ . W. B. Alexander will preach in the evening subject "Gctting Back to God. " All are invited to attend these services. , Great numberc of sparks flying ; from a chimney on the Union House atti acted much attention from. passersby on 'f ttescla } evening - ing The sparks fell on the roof but did not result in even a small bla e. It is generally ; the man who sends to it Chicago mail order house for everything he buys , who refers to his town as a "bum burg. " Strange that hc should try to make it "bummer.\ This wintcr has been so plcas- ant that you could tell an iceman or a plumbcr w1Hn you met them because they never looked as pleasant as the wcathcr. The annual business meeting ; of Harnack's Military ' Band was held last Friday cvening- Ofti- cers were elected and plans made for the ensuing ; ycar. The 'l'rihU1H wants to print all the news. If you know anything' good call up phone 22 G and if necessary a reporter will call on you for particulars. . Talk about your big timbers. Pour l of them , each two feet square and 110 feet long passed south over thc Iissouri Pacific one day last weck. . Joe Geiger underwent a severe surgical operation r--Ionday. : Thc operation was performed by Dl. Hannah Fleming and . . , , 'as , com- pletcly successfu1. Rcy. Smith , thc new rector of St. 'l'homas church arrived in thc city from IrondttlacVis.1'ues ; - clay and held services for the first time that cycning. Ve want a hust1il1g' con'cs- pondcn and general representative - tive in every precinct in thc coun ty. Call or write for parti- culars. . Sat tt I'd a y was a good day . among the mcrchants. 'T ' here were ninny farmcrs in town and business was good in all lines. Thc Tribune office is located in thc building ; formerally'occupicd by the Journal. 'Vc invite our friends to call at any time. . . . . . " , ) , ' . ! " 1' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' l' . . . . . , . > . " , ' . . . " " . , : ; - " , - , I t. . ' . . . . . . . "d' . ' " ' ' " " ' ' ; \ . : ; ' , . \ " . . . , Aug. Moritz was down from Stella Monday Isham Hca\is went to Lincoln Sunday evcning. , . . . . l-I. D. VeUcr of Stella was in " , thc city \'Iortclay. I NIl's. : C. L. Kerr left Monday' : : for Kansas City. , ' ' W. : H. l Brown , jr. , of Stella was in the city 1'tonday. . G. Yo Harris and wife of Stella spent Sund'ay in this city Clyd : : ; Haskins of the Stellar Press was in town 1.'ucsc1ay. R. A. Clark and wife of Stella were in the city over Sunday. O. A. Cooper of 1-Iumboldt was in the city on business ' 1'uesday. Mhs : Nettie Wheeler of Stella sited in this city over Sunday. Eb Goo1sb\ of crdon made a ' . , business trip to this city l'ucsday. : J. R. Curry of Stella made a business trip to this city 'lonc1ay. . Frank Snethcn of Humboldt was in the city on business l'on- day. . . . . O. R. Trimmer of Stella was . a f J. 1 Falls City visitor thc first or the wcek. f E. F. Sharts , editor of the I-1umbolclt , Enterprise was in town . . 'V cd ncsda . y. - . . . - , , . F. I' . Darrow 'of Preston was transacting business in this city Saturday Hiss Belle Hussack has been " confined to her home b\ - illness 4 . ' ' ' ' . this week \V. II. String-Held came clown from Stella on business thc first of the wcek. E. C. Rigg's anc1 Lee Bolcjack were clown from Shubcrt" bus- incss Tucsclay. I L. C. Edwards of thc Humboldt . Standard made a business trip to this city 1'Iunday. ' \\T111. Boosc went , to Kansas J . City Monday to look after sonic business intcrcsts. . 'V. S. Shracler of Stella was looking after business interests ' in this city 'hnesliy. 1 ; R. S. Malone of 1-Iumboldt at- some business matters in this city the first or the wcck. I . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Call on 1 ; A. G. HOPPOCK . J . . - - " - - - - ; j Staple and r Fancy Groceries . J \ . , ' ! : Highest Market Price . orj Paid for Produce . , First Door North of Post Office. . . - - - - - .PIIONE 14. , I \ 1 . , " . , " . : . .i ; " " , , - , . . ti2 . . : " . ! - . : . . . . . . . . . . / ' < ' " . l