The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 15, 1904, Image 1

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" \'UI.Ui\IE . . \ ] . I _ _ FALL _ _ CITY . _ . , _ NEBRASKA _ _ _ I _ , . _ FRIA ] , JANUARY IS , 1904. NUMBER 2 : j
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, . Important Items of '
. , Court House News
On Tuesday County Judge
. .
: ' , 7ilhite heard the election case ,
,0r. . ' wherein J. n. . Spickler , republican - .
: . can , contested the election of
William ; l\1cCrav , democrat , as
: supervisor in District No. 2. The
plaintiff contended in his complaint -
\ plaint that the canvassing boards
. . in the several precincts compos-
, ing the second district had not
counted the ballots correctly and
that he and not McCray had been
elected. When the case came on
for hearing C. F' . Rcavis appear-
- ed as attorney for Spickler while
. IcCray's interests were looked
"J after by attorneys Falloon , Gag-
, non and Gillespie. A number of
' . witnesses had been subp ned and
f some of them testified. They
were mostly election officials and
I members of canvassing boards.
y The court ordered County : Clerk
\ ' Tanner to produce thc official
' ballots and poll books of thc sev-
) I . oral precincts. This was done
, . . - - r-r . ' \ ' and the ballets were counted by
t' ; ' f the court , G. J. Crook and H. c.
h ; 1 Davis , having been appointed as
IS 1 ' tellers At this juncture Spicl\- :
) . ' ler moved by his attorney that
\ , . , the action be dismissed and the
R U . costs to be assessed against the
: t : plaintiff. The court sustained
) '
I. ' the motion and thc contest case
rti I '
came to an end.
/ . ,
! i' " . The closing days of the old
. county board were very busy ones.
, : ' ' '
The committee on settlement
! , , ' . - with county officers pushed its
, " " . work to completion and found
, ' :
, 'J . ' , , " everything satisfactory and 1 in
' '
- t ; : ; : good condition in the various
' '
. , , ' . , . offices. The following resolu-
Hutch- ! :
1 J'if'.ii- . , : . r . ings and unanimously adopted.
- < - "
t " " ,
1 ,1/ : : y ' . Whereas , Our highly esteemed
1 : ! , . ' friend and . colleague . , W. H. HU11l-
" % 'i. ; , . " . . mel of DISt. No. 4 is about to re-
. . .
11.11 > > f
- ' "
J : ; :2 : : ; ' _ - tire f.r0111 the board of supervisors
I'J . . , ! , : : , . , . . of this county , and.
' 15'-J.i. ' . : ' : Whereas , l\Ir. Hummel ha-
; t" "
f : ( . . : " bee a faithful , conscientious and
: . , , . " efficient worker , a perfect gentleman -
tX : , man and true r representative of
i'f : . r the best interests of this county ,
' , . . . . , .
f - x : : ' ' ' , ' therefore be It .
II' . { , ' ' " ' . . . . . . . - .r Resolved , , That we consider the
! ' ) : > i - ' retirement of l\lr. Hummel a loss
: I1 lf. " , . . not only to this board but also to
, , ' the whole county , and especially
( ' . to his supervisor : district , and
that we as a board extend to him
our best wishes for his future
prosperity and success.
, , . .
\ After allowing a fe w claims
. - - - - . ; - - _ . . - - .
and completing other unfinished
business , the board adjourned
sine die.
The new board met on Tuesday
and the committee appointed to
examine credentials reported the
following as qualified members
of the board : Chas Santo , Chas
Snyder , John Hl1tching-s , Joseph
Glasser , as hold overs and John
Hinton , W. J. l\1cCray and J. J.
Bowers as newly elected members.
An organization was perfected by
the election of John Hinton as
permanent chairman of the board.
The chairman announced the
appointment of the following
committees :
Grounds and Buildings and
Care of Poor-Glasser , Santo ,
Roads and Bridges" -Hutchin s ,
Santo , McCray . .
Claims-l\lcCraySnyder , Bow-
Supplies - Santo , IIutching's ,
Printing and Official Bonds-
Snyder , Bowers , Hutchi 1 ' .
Revenue and 1."axes-Glasser ,
Snyder , Santo.
Settlement with County Offic-
rs- Bowers , McCray , ' IIutch-
ings .
County Assessor Jorn sent in
the following appointments of
deputy assessors and the same
were confirmed by the board :
Fred Nitsche , Jon1r Hoback , T. J.
Whitaker : , David Grifliths.V. . B.
Alexander , Chas. P. Dalbey , Geo.
D , Kirk , Henry Ebel , O. O.
Marsh , C. H. McDowell , F. A.
Hummel , Otto Porro
The committee on printing was
instructed to tabulate the various
bids on supplies , and report as
soon as convenient. Bids have
been sulmitted by the following :
Das & Davis , H. P. Custer ,
Omaha Printing . , Klopp Bart-
lett & Co. , State Journal Co. ,
Reese Printing Co and Ross &
Ray. The committee reported
and the contract was awarded to
11. P. Custer. .
County . Judge 'Vilhite has is- ,
sued the following marriage licenses -
censes :
Herbert Coplin , Humholdt . . : ; . . . , . . .23
Mamic Eaton , Hutuloldt..22
J. Prank Gentrylawson . . . . . . . . . . .25
Edna Karr , Dliddleburg . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Henry Fallcr , halls City. . . . . . . . . . . .22
Edith Kuhlman , halls Cit.y. . . . . . . . . .20
"Ti1liam B. Julianr ol1g" BeachCal ,30
Sue Alice Cain , Falls City . . . . . . . . .29
. . ' ; . . - - - - . . . . ; " ' . . . . . _ . . . .
- - - - - . - . - - - - - - . - - - - _ _ . _ _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ . - _ - . . - . _ . - _ _ --0'-
_ n
Claude Whitney , DawIiUlI i , . . . . . . . . . . . :12 : JOHN MARTIN APPOINTED 1
Mathe Birch , Bamda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IY . :
I q
Clifford Agec , Falls Cityr,2.1 - - . - - - , ' _ '
play Harhaugh , ha11s City. . , . . . . . . .15 Judge W. H. Kelligar Has Ap- 1 ,
- - - - - -
. CountyTreasurer look has just
completed his semi-annual state-
ment and it presents an excellent
showing. . The : total amount of
delinquent tax collected has been
$3,338.85. The total cash bal-
ance on hand is 563,175.1 Of
the 1903 tax 547)33.19 has been
collected since the tax became due
November 1st. Of the P)02 tax
94 per cent has been col1ected.
The total amount collected during -
ing the year has been S211 , < )41.-
72. At the present writing Rich-
ardson county has no bonded indebtedness -
debtedncss and not an outstand-
ing Will ran t.rl'he treasurer's
statement will he receivcd hy
everybody with gratification for
it reveals such a prosperous con-
dition as has never before e istel. (
h _ _ _ .L. . _ . _
Last Friday might a number of
Falls City Odd Fellows attended
the lodge at Salem and thereby
hangs a tale. They returned
about midnight and it seems that
Vet Simanton was plodding
thoughtfully . his way in the
direction of Sunnysic1e when his
attention was attracted by what
seemed to be the rapid discharge
of fr . ! arms ri rht clown in the
heart of the city. For a moment
1\lr. Simanton stood irr . solute and
then the firing increased in rapid-
ity and he imagined that all the
banks in the city was being rob-
bed simultaneously , or the prison-
ers in the county jail had muti-
nied , or in short , there wts
"something doing. " His desire
to be on the firing line where
bullets were , whistling merrilly ,
lead him to turn and advance at
double { quick , his pocket knife
open in his hand. When he
reached the business center of the
city he learned to his great disappointment -
appointment that the , explosions
were caused by the exhaust of the
gasoline engine in thc Tribune
office. He there upon beat an
orderly retreat and we don't
know exactly how the story
leaked out.
Mrs E. E. Haskins , accom-
panied by her sister , left Sunday
for Michigan in response to a
telegram announcing the serious
illness ! ? of their mother.
Mrs . Barbara Custer left Monday -
day for a visit with her daughter ,
\lrs. Robt. Norton , of Colorado
John Oswald has been confined
to his home this week by an at-
tack of in.l1ammatory rhnematism.
. . - , . . , .
. . . . . . . - . , c I - ' ; - - -dPfS " : - :
pointed John C. Martin , . 'ji :
His Court Reporter. ; i
' ' -
The charge was made during _ JI ,
the late judicial campaign that ; ; .
the democratic party would re- .4
ward Mr. Martin : for hip service , . f
and the prediction has proven ; !
corn'ct. Concerning this appointment :
pointmettt true republicans will . 10
think that the reward is not too ' 1
' '
great for the services performed. ;
This late rcrwas certainly worthy 'J
of his hirc.
The appointment of a repuhli- '
' I
canstcnographer by a democratic , ;
judge , is , we believe , without ' ' .
precedent < in this or any other { ; '
district. There arc in this end
, . ' ,
of the district plenty of deserving
young democrats to whom this
appointment should logically 'I
have gone , and the fact that such
has not been its case cannot be ' .
swallowed b\ . the honest demo- t
crats . of the district without a n ; : : ii
" 'I
questIon. ; f
The methods that were used to ' :
elect Judge Kelhigar and the ' \ot'
' 'J
subsetluent appointment of J. 'c ,
Martin . solves several mysteries 'i
' : . , :
connected'withthe '
judicial com-
paign and explains a whole lot of
thing-so The tears shed for John { ,
Burliegh' al may have been ;
drawn forth by'.the sight of a
vanishing job. Who knows ?
Keep the judiciary pure ! !
William Wey of Gu'man , , 1
is in the city visiting his sister , :
1\Irs. John Weber , and his daughter -
ter , Miss Maggie , who is attend- '
ing the Ursuline convent. ! ,
. .
. . ;
. :
Real Estate Bargains 12 :
Red Ticket Shoe Sale 3
Tailor & .Oent's Furnishings 2
HOLTThe Shoe Man 7 .
Staple and Fancy Groceries 2
Special Grocery Sale I I
Furniture . Carpets 4
Drugs , Books etc 6
Confectionery , Lunches 5
Flour , Feed , etc 7
Coal Dealers 8
Osteopathist. 6
Bargains in Groceries. 10