The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 08, 1904, Image 4
, ' TNE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE : January 8 , I9o4 CITY TRIBUNE Ishcd Every Friday at 1 ALLS CI'T ' Y , N1aBNASIcA By ROSS & ; RAY Application made for entry al the I I' 1)11)1 City post office as second class ) mallcl' , ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR 'l'elephone No. 22 ( , . . . Iicpublicanistn is synonomoUR with satisfaction. Arc you sat- " isfied \V , J. Bryan must have spent lots of motley on his Europcan tour. But then during thc presi- dential campaign , tc ! " Gate rc- . C'cipts" will bc more than , enough to reimburse him . . Just to the extent that you know : : man ; is.he really is , will YO\l. . lppecciat'e that mall 1'his fad.more ' . . : . . . than anything else accounts - counts for thc popularity of _ Presidcnt Roosevclt. This is goingto hc a good year forFalls City. The list of im- pro\'cmcnts which wc shall pub- lish in our first issue in January 1905 1 will be worth rcading' Now is the time to subRcribe. , - - - - The reconstruction of thc dc- mocracy is a painful prog-rcss. With Dr Bryan and Dr. Cleveland - land disagreeing thc dis- ease being a1rO''a\'ated ! bv thc dc- lay the patient is in a desperate lix. One , P1l } ah i . : , . . japer . spells it i ' ' HOorca' { m nd another . spells 1 it' "r orca. " , " S'tuely in war reports where such \ oids . . . .as . , Chcmulpo , , - 0' t ' J I 1'ladivostok : and 'l'sitihar occur , nobody could. make. a mistake in , such a little word as Korea or Cora or whatever it is. + We do not believe that there is a rejublican . in Nebraska worthy the name W110 would be willing t + to sec President Rooscyctts chances - ; ces lessened in order to further those of John L. 'VehRtcr , or any other man. Of course thc people j of Nebraska would prefer to see a Roosevelt-Webster ticket in thc ficld , but if this is impossible , let it bc Roosevelt and some other good man The republicans of Falls City should feel proud of the Roose- welt Rcpulican club , not because it is the first club of its kind to be organized in the state , but be- cause it is made un of earnest , loyal republicans. "In union there is strength , " and by the amalgamation of republican interests - tcrests under one organization the republicans have taken : a long step toward assuring republican _ success next fall as far as Falls City is concerncd. The action of the Richardson county bar in adopting resolutions - tions complimentary to Hon , 0 _ _ _ . _ . John S. StulJ and lIon. Chias B. Lctton , thc retiring judges , waS both timely and appropriate.Ve do not think that the language ] of thc resolution is too strong . Both Judge Stull and J udg-c Let- tOil have earned this expression of approval and retire with the respect not only of members , of the bar , but of thc people generally - ally General Long-strcct has passed away. At thc age of 84 years the vctcrn confederate leader has answered the last call. It mat- ters not that he wore the gray , for hc had come to serve his country well as surveyor of the port of New Orleans under Pres- idcnt Grant and thc U. S. commissioner - missioner of railroads under Pres- ident I1'IcKinlev. In these days of a country united heart and hand wc take no cognizance of thc color of uniform a man wore forty years ago , but will rcmcm- her General Lon street with a tender memory and speak of him as thc loyal American citizen : hc was when the death angel stood by his bedside and sounded " " "taps , . 'rhe latest reports indicates that the crisis in the , far cast is rapidly approaching head and whr between Russia and Japan seems to be .incvitablc. The resources - sources of diplomac\ arc seemingly - ing-Iy cxhausted. The system of ethics which govern the relations - tions of nation to nation , is of . ' - course sufficient tq , hp1d th . U nit- cd States government on neutral ground , but n& $ stem of ethics can keep thc American people from.sympathising' with thc Jap- anc c. The muscovite policy of egression , has been clothed with cliplonlacy and masked behind . - hypocritical pretense , but enough of its real character has been vis- iblc to indicate its real naturc. 'l'he Russian povcrnmcnt : has played with Japan as a cat plays with a mousc. Under the circumstances - cumstances Japan will probably be conquered but thc Russian bear will go home nursing a sore paw and the American people dent care if hc gets it bitten ofT en tire 1y. CONCERNING TAXATION. l\lany persons have been led to wonder why PJ03 tales arc larger than those of 1 CJ02 , valuation being the same. The cause lies in an increased lc'l"'hc school levy was increased four mills , the city levy one mill and the state levy two mills snaking an increase of 7 mills on the dollar , or 70 cents on each one hundred dollar valua tion. 1 1'or instance , if a person were assessed on a one hundred valuation in PJ02 the total tax would of been S.15. If they were assessed on thc same valuation in CJ03 , thc tax would . 54 , , jISiAibCy 1 " . . . , ' . , , , , , . . f ' " ' , / . ; " ; . " " "c'- ' Are busy this week tak = ing . an inventory of their stock , but will : D have something of in = . terest to say next week . to all intending purcll = asers of . : : : . : : : . . ' , / . ' . , ; . . ' / . m ( . " / s : . . . / < ' . _ : : . ' . - - . /h .y/ ; . ' . / . PI . m FURNITURE , CARPETS z I WATCH FOR THEIR AD . . - _ . - - - - . - - _ - . - - - - - - . - - - - _ 4 * GOOD - PLACE ' ' : , - - - - . . . - . . . . . . . - - . - - - - - - . - to buy . - - _ . - ) Drugs , Books , Wall Paper , Etc. THE KING PHARMACY - . - _ -WYrLI.1./11- _ _ - - . . - . . - . . . . _ _ _ - _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -a . . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . . . _ , . . . IirYDiOi-s. I . IF' " lO , . . . - - - . . . . . . Our line is always complete , and our prices are as low as is consistent with first class goods. We also give five per cent rebate on all cash pur.chases. We solicit your patronage . . . , . . . . . . . , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - King's Pharmacy _ . ; -r . . . . . ; . . . . . .y , . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - " _ - " - ' = q. . , have amounted to S.85 ; owing to the increase of seven mills on the lcvy. Another examplc ; if a person were assessed in CJ02 in a valuation of S3,000 ( ) the tax would ha\'c been S184.50. On the same valuation thc tax in 1903 would have been S205.50 , a difference of S21.00 due to this increase of seven mills in thc levy Sonic people arc inclined to blame the assessor for this increase in their taxes , but this is i all wrong , for not responsible for thc lc\'y. Subscribe for The ' 'fribune. Ron. E. A. Tucker of I-Ium- belcH waS in the city on legal . business \Vednesdav. Rev 1\loorc of Omaha will hold services in St. Thomas Episcopal 1 church next Sl1l1la" ening ( " . - . . - l\1rs. .ratnie . McCoy of Bcatty , Kansas , is in the city visiting at " the house of her father , J.l .Cain. Hc\ Henry B. Smith of Fon- l ( lulac1'is . , will come to this city . February 1st to take up the duties of { rector of St. : .l'hoJ11i1s gpiscopal church . 1