The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 08, 1904, Image 2
" . < - ' . . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE January 8 , 1904 D PERSONAL S. C. Wisdom of Salem was in town Tuesday. G. J. Crook was a lIumboldt visitor last hursday. Joe Frederick of Arago was in this city last Thursday. M. H. Taylor , the druggist of Shubert was in town Monday. Frank Simon of Rule was in the city on business trhursday. Mrs. J. E. Randall was a Lin- coln visitor the first of the week. Steve Miles returned to Lincoln Sunday after a visit in this city. J. H. Miles returned Saturday from a few days stay at the ranch. Joe Norris of Wymore visited his parents in this city during the week. Mrs. Esburn Wheeler of Stella visited at thc home of J. L. Slo- cum Saturday. Hugh Boyd , the merchant of Humbo1 , was in the city on business last Friday. Schuyler Burson , the black- smith of Shubert was in our city on business last Thursday. George Slocum of Stella spent . . Thursday in this city transacting 'r ' and relatives. . . . . , visiting - - Misses Carrie Slocum and : Mag- - nolia Ewalt returned to Lincoln , Sunday to resume their work at the university. Z. O. Dean of Humboldt was in the city several days this week. Mr. Dean informs us that he has opened up a real estate office in Humboldt. F " Guy Hutchins came down from . _ Shubert last Thursday and spent , . a couple of days visiting his par- ents and other relatives in Falls " . . . . . City. i .t . Whitaker Bros have on dis- . ' play in their real . , estate office in - , , ' the rerr of the State bank some samples of dirt from the lands in " : ; Dakota , which they have for sale. It is a rich black loam and will equal even the soil of "Old Richardson , "which means that it is the best to be found. Ca.ll on d A. G. HOPPOCK . . . W' ' For I Staple and \ Fancy Groceries ' . Highest Market Price Paid for Pro d u c e . " 4 First Door North of Post Office. . . . PHONE 14. , . : . " " T ' . ; ' - " " " . . ' . \ M. N. Bair has been in Omaha this week attending the meeting of the state association of archi- tects. Geo. Dietsch , the groceryman , sprung a new delivery wagon last week that in point of convenience - venience and beauty surpasses anything heretofore seen on our streets in that line. Will Crook has part of the ma- terial on the ground for the erec- tion of a fine residence on North Towle avenue. Work will be pushed as soon as the weather permi ts. A number of Falls City people who own land in the bluffs have visited their holdings this week. Among them were l\'Ir. and Mrs. P. H. Jussen , who have in contemplation - mplation some important im- provemen ts. J. H. Howe , M. N. Bair and Fred Beaulieu visited l\'Ir. Beaulieu's farm and l\'Ir. Bair did tome : work in the surveying line. A Bad Fall. Friday evening as Dick Jones was going home , and was along by Mrs. G. C. Paxtons , he slip- ped and fell and bruised one of his hips quite severely. He was compelled to stay in the house a few days , but is alright again. State Spelling Contest. The State Spelling contest held at Lincoln , Friday afternoon of last week was very interesting and exciting. Richardson county carried off her share of the honors by having three winners. One in Class A , Lily ogelin of Falls City , one in Class B , Ray Arnold of Verdon and in Class C , Lena Aikin of Falls City. State Teachers Associa.tion. The following teachers of Rich- ardson county have enrolled as members of the State Teachers association held in Lincoln last week ; Cora Betts , Mabel Bridges , George Crocker , R. L. Hoff , W. B. Johns , Anna Martin , Minnie McDonald , W. H. Pillsbury , E. S. Tobie , Oscar Schlaifer , Maude Smith , R. 'V.-Unsell and I. G. Wilson. In Humboldt Literary Circles. The women of the Alpha Club , a literary and research society of Humboldt , gave their annual banquet and reception to hus- bands and guests last Friday evening and about fifty were present. The members held their regular meeting in the after- noon and were joined at 6 o'clock by their guests , when the dinner was served in courses. An orig- inal burlesque program , which brought forth much merriment , was rendered by a few members of the club , after which the time was devoted to progressive flinch. . . . - . ' . / - - . - - - CHAS F. HOFFMAN \ ) " [ Leading Tailor fil Gents Furnisher . . < I , , We carry at all times a Complete . * . and Up..toadate Line of Gents' Furnishings . , , " also a Full Stock of the latest'Win . . Fine Woolens which we will make up to your order and guarantee the fit and price to be satisfactory. Come and see us for . . anything in our line. . . . - I IJ CHAS. F. HOFFMAN b Falls City Vebr. _ j NEBRASKA NEWS NOTES Wild cats are causing consider- able trouble in the vicinity of Callaway. The Daily Press of Grand . . Is- land , has been discontinued for lack of patronage. Greenwood was visited by a disastrous fire Saturday night entailing - tailing a loss of $15,000. Auburn and vicinity have made improvements to the extent of $175,000 , during the year just past. Norfolk is rejoicing over the fact of securing the division head- quarters of the Northwestern rail- road. George Sparling , a pioneer set- tler of Tecumseh , died at his home in that city Sunday of par- alysis. Miss Corinne Jarmen of Fre- mont was drowned on New Years day while skating on the Platte ri ver. In a New Year jubilee by cow- boys at Chappell , one cowboy , Lee Arnold is in a critical condi- tion as the result of being shot with a revolver in the hands of his friend , Tucker Ross. I , ' " ' . . - ' , ' .1II : : ' < .i\ - _ . _ ' , , ! i : : . . . . . . . . . : . ' . . . , .JJ. \ . Lincoln has spent almost $600- 000 in improvements during the past year. William Scott , aged ninety- seven , died at his home in Paw- nee county Saturday. He was one of the oldest settlers of the la county. Matt Carter of Nelson , newly elected clerk of the district court , was run over Saturday by two boys who were horse racing on the streets. A farmer near Ca la way while raking hay started a fire to thaw . ' out some oil and as a consequence , a strip of country ten to fifteen . \ . miles long and several wide , is a ! barren waste. .J ; : . { . . . . . : . . Automobile T. . . . , - : , " ' I ' ) { ' Dr. Reneker visited in ' ; Troy , : ' ? 1 Kansas , on New Years fay , making - : . ' . T ; , ing the trip in an automobile. He . ' left this city in the morning , ate - New Years dinner with his fa ther- in-law in Troy and returned in the evening. The distance cov- ered was about eighty miles and the return trip was made in a driving storm of snow and , sleet. The machine was very well behaved - haved and the trip was one of both novelty and enjoyment. . . . . 3 'L y . tiLYi.LSA ; . " : 1 ! . ' . , . . . . . . . , , . 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