The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 09, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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5 unci w jski s rvaire
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rfy rfltfHfn
The Latest
Thing in Stoves
For a midnight supper as for any other meal at
other time the very latest thing in stoves the 1
that stove artists can do is a
It Burns Oil
No Ashes
It Concen
trates Heat
No Wcclc
It is Handy
Jfo Dirt
It is Ready
No Delay
zw zBimi
ftJJHc A3inL K
hect vhca ycu ws
It is 3 quick cs czs
r i v i i
cticucr cna nanacr uias ccsi encaper tian
The New Perfection Stave hoj Jens cauaeled
turqjoise blsc chimneys It is handsomely finished
in nie with csbicct too drop shelves towel
racVj etc Made vmh 1 2 cr 3 burners
All dealers carry the New Perfection Stove
Free Coot Book with every stove Ccok Book also
Cr en to anyone sending 5 cents to cover mailing cost
II gQ9k sim
It concentrates th
end wncrc yoa want it
Sam J Randall general manager Will Malleck and Miiss Addie
of tho J I Cap Threshing Machine Hclcomb of Indianola visited at the
Co was cut to see the Wesch broth- IIowo Springer home Saturday night
ers and Icckcg after ether business and Sunday
in action last week j Cliff F Bartley 113 visiting at the
Henry Wesch was a Herndon Kan W T Henton heme this week
visitor Saturday
P H BIjnck and family departed
Wednesday night on 10 for Canada
to make tksir heme Mr Blunck
lias been ssctior foreman at Oxford
the pst year and has been in the
Burlington senee fcr a number of
years Wo wish them success in
Wier rw hcans
John acd diss Wesch are run
ning two sulky listers The boys
say they are getting their bunch
of yourg vc jlzz tamed down a little
17 thus tinto
Mr Krsht dd the Porterfield
sspieniert ttcck at public auction at
Traer Kamas It was
sold rather cheap
I E Potcrr iarted to list corn en
4Iie Earner place last week
R F D No 1
Jaccb EoTele met with an accident
tc Its ts traction engine last Sat
urday blh censed no little delay
snncyar3 and expense While crose
iag Tiie 22t river bridge the sec
ond tpan gave away under the
-weight cf the big engine which
vrojglts about 16 tons and the front
nd cl the machine fell into the riv
er It was not gotten out of the
river until Tuesday afternoon Re
pairs en the bridge were completed
today ari the bridge was again cfp
oned to travel Fortunately no one
was injured
Mrs Alice Horrell cf Leadville Col
orado is here on a visit to he
Stroud family
Mr and Mrs L A Bible visjted
Tom Elms and wife last Sunday
Mrs Tom Elms called on Mrs T
M Campbell Monday afternoon
Dr and Mrs C M Worth and
Rlirc Mattern took an auto trip to
St Ann last Sunday
Mrs L S Foutch is having a se
vere attack cf the grip
TJCiSie and LeRoy Younger cams
home from Friend Sunday night
There will be preaching and Sun
day school Sunday morning and Ep
worth League Sunday evening Ev
erybody ccme
Advertised List
FctliJcving is a list of mail
Mrs- Nick Wyckcffs brother fron
Illinois came Saturday for a visit at
the Wyckoff home
Mrs Rida Drath who was operated
on at Beaver City is improving
Passenger train No 190 has chang
ed time to 423 oclock since Mon
There were a number of people up
from Lebaron Saturday night to take
in the high school play
Tho high school play was greeted
j by a very large audience Saturday
night the proceeds amounting to
something oer 4000
Spring work is progressing
Mrs Longneckcr has been quite
u3ck for several weeks but is now
-Mrs J E Wilson of Salem Ne
braska came in first of the week
to help care for her sick mother
Jaccb Longnecker and little son
Elmer otFleming Colorado came
middle of the week visiting home
folks and calling on old friends
Mrs Taylor spent several days last
week visiting among friends north of
Mr and Mrs Harris are living in
one of Louis Longneckers houses
and hope to regain their health in
this Nebraska atmosphere
Mrs S H Stilgebcuer is slowly
recovering from her recent illness
H A Reed and Miss Myrtle Red
fern were Bartley business visitors
Nearly an inch of rain fell here
a week ago which -will help the
growing crops considerably
J E Dodge returned from a weeks
business and pleasure trip to Lincoln
J W Lynch of Tecumseh visited
at the A Reed home a few days re
The sewing circle met with Mrs
Marion Powell Friday
Ethel Redfern caniD in from Aub
urn Wednesday having finished her
term of school there
i N R Rhoades and wife are among
us again having arrived here close
of last week and will run a
Lng uncalled for at the postoffice at
rmt in the Dodge buiidins
IklcCcok Nebraska
Bartlett Mrs- Edna
Cock Miss- L M 2
Elucttson Mr W F
Garrett Mr WUiam
3Iasen Mr Fred
McCook Mr V E
Buthler Mr Merita
Itavfc Mies Hlnee
Hcod Mess Margaret
Keith Jack
Lewis Mr R J
Swansen Mr Harry
Scctt Mr Jack
Shafer Mr Albert
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re-
ceivfc prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and we
-will quote you prices Satisfaction
I J H Wicks arrived Friday for a
J few days visit with old fmnds
jJake dont look like he had been
i starved since he left here
I Wm Sandon and Rev Anderson
t were business visitors in town on
J Mrs Bartholomew and children vis
aed relatives at Lebanen last week
Mrs Jaccb Wishon and children
vOaited her parents near McCook a
few days last week
Fred Mack of Chicago Illinois was
a buDJness visitor m town one day
tlast week guest of his uncle S JL
T F Gockley finished assessing
this precinct last Wednesday -
Last Tuesday Aiwil 30 was the
anniversary of the worst cyclone that
ever struck these parts being six
years ago
Our hiabby is gOjod groceries
Thie Best of EveryAig A
trial order -will convince you
D MAGNER Phone 14
i n
n tr
Cruel and Implacable Tuaregs oi
Native Desert Tribes Who Would Aid
Turks to Resist Italian Conquest
Believed Descendants of
Tripoli Should Italy seriously at
tempt the conquest of the interior of
Tripoli an interesting situation will
arise in the event as appears prob
able of the native Tuareg tribes com
ing to the assistance of the Turks
They are believed to be descendants
of the Crusaders and although Mos
lems their favorite ornament is the
cross while many of their customs
and some words cf their language
such as angelus for angel and meci
for God are undoubtedly of Christian
origin Many are of the opinion how
ever that they belong to the Berber
tribes once inhabiting the whole coast
line of North Africa and that they
took posession of the desert regions
in the hinterland of Tripoli when the
main body of this people were driven
back to the Atlas mountains by the
immigrating Arabs who swarmed over
the whole of North Africa in the
eleventh century
The Berbers are of Semitic origin
and formerly professed the Christian
religion but since the Arab conquest
they have retrograded in every way
and are now among the most bigoted
adherents of Mohammedanism
It is not improbable that many ot
the Crusaders may have remained in
Africa and made common cause with
the Christian tribes against the invad
ing Arab as some of the expeditions
against the Moslems of Palestine landed-
in Africa St Louis the leader of
the seventh and eighth crusades dy
ing at Tunis but be that as it may
the Tuaregs are now stanch support
ers of the religion of Mohammed The
shape of the head and features lavor
Tuareg Warriors
the European rather than the Oriental
type The hair is dark and the beard
small The eyes are dark and pierc
ing The Tuaregs are cruel suspicious
and implacable are usually at war
either with their neighbors or among
themselves and are superb guerilla
fighters It is evident that an alliance
between these tribes of the desert and
the undoubtedly courageous soldiers
of Turkey will make the Italian occu
pation of the interior an undertaking
of considerable difficulty The native
population in the hinterland of Tri
poli numbers about 300000
Pretty Ohio Girl Is Victim of Peculiar
Sneak Vho Clips OfF Her
Lima O Pretty eighteen-year-old
Jennie Williams awoke one morning
recently to find that while she slept
her thick tresses of loiig brown hair
had been shorn from her head Tho
hair was found lying upon the top of
a dresser with the heavy shears that
had been used in committing the deed
upon it A silver mirror was upon tho
foot of the bed
Police are at a loss to ascertain a
motive for the deed although they are
looking for a former boarder at the
Williams home who it is said at
tempted to force his attentions upon
the young lady
The victim is the daughter of the
late John Williams at one time pro
prietor of tho largest hotel in thn
650 Pound Man Dies Frcni Heft
Terser City X Tho burden of
carrying around Co0 rounds of his own
flesh and bone caused the death of
George Shcber at the age of fifty
Chcber so far as it known here was
the heaviest man in the United States
His obesity brought on an Illness
which began - year ago His coffin
was three feet three inches wide and
it took 12 pallbearers to carry it
One Way to Get a Crowd
Seattle Wash Rev James Axtell
of Centralia caused a sensation in that
jcity when lie was carried through the
streets in a coffin as if dead was
resurrected at the most prominnt
ccraer in the city and preached a ser
mon on A Voice From Hell to a
boisterous crowd After his sermon
he was pallbearered back to bis
home In his coffin
J - - -IV
Baptist Sevtces apprcpnlato tc
Mothers Day Sunday morning
Christian Soiece Tthe subject for
next Sunday morning services will be
Adam and Fallen Man
Christian Sunday school at
10 a in preaching at 13 a in
and S p m II M Mitchell mil
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
venings Xeiv Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
lfternoon 123 AV D street
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
ind t p m Bible school at 10
Jhristian Endeavor at 7 p m A
learty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L Me
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
830 a m low mass and sermon
1030 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
800 evening services Rev Wm
Patton 0 XL I pastor
German Evan Lutheran East
Gth street Xlorning service at
1030 evening service at 730
All German speaking people are
cordially invited to attend Rev
G Woekenfuss
Congregational Special service fcr
Mothers Day next Sunday morning
A number of the lodges and fratern
al orders will attend the service in a
body Special music and sermon N
evening service on account of baccal
Mrs C E Mi u nick was a visitor
in McCook Tuesday
Charles Allen transacted business
in the county capital Tuesday
Chas Skalla was down from Mc
Cook Friday evening on some busi
ness matters between trains
Frank Neel was up from Holbrook
Prolific Kernel
An unusual instance of wheat stool
ing was exhibited in city Wednes
day by Clint Hamilton of Driftwood
precinct From one kernel of wheat
in the sample shpwn 77 stalks of
wheat had grown and to a height of
23 inches Mr Hamilton stated that
in the field from which this sample
had been secured he had only planted
one half bushel cf seed wheat psr
Marriage Licenses
Harry Weber 24 and Pearl
Grace Walton 25 both of Bartley
Married by Judge Colfer May Gth
Charles A Bellamy 2G of Grover
Colorado and Lillian Ode Greenlee
25 cf Cambridge Married May S
by Rev McBride
Car Quir tfe 21 aid Agnes And
irevc ffO both rf Wray Colorado
Married May 3 d Ly Jce Cclfcr
Fcr tlo bcit kept and meat nr
tstbally arranged lawn and ter
race during this saon com
maneirg en June 1st and oriding
October 1st The amount will be
divided in seven prizes First
15 2nd 10 and five prizes of
5 each Parties desiring to en
ter the contest will please notify
I L Rodstromby postal card on
or before June 1st Only private
individuals and properties are
included in this competition
Chairman Park Board
Get your share
can help you
JGdSMfiiClr1 iwrttro
The Tribune
SPSfSy -
The superiority of Michelin Tires
is recognized all over the World
You cannot know what a
good tire is until you try a
Michelin properly inflated
as niinistrator of said estate and
County Clerk Dutch and Countv
Superintendent McDonnell Sundayed
in Indianola
Miss Jo Murry spent Sunday with
her father and brother Jim
Miss Robertson Miss Willis Pearl
Allen Clara Wilson and Alice Thom
as were among the list who attended
the teachers meeting fa McCook on
Mrs Tcwnley and Alice spent Satur
day with Mrs Pennington in Mc
Gecrge Hill and wife returned to
Colorado Saturday morning
The art exhibit given by the high
school was quite well attended r
each evening a program was given
The pictures were some two hundred
ccfcnes of the worlds famous paint
ings catalogues Avhich described the
pictures and gave a short description
of the artist
Mr Strunk and lady friend cf IMc
Cook spent Sunday -with John Strunk
and family
Indianola and Cambridge crossed
bats Saturday the game being Avon
by the visiting team
Ed Price was among the McCook
visitors Wednesday
Chas Thompson and Arch McNeal
were in McCook on business yester
that a hearing will be had upon said
final account and petition at the
county court room in the city of
McCcok in said county on the 25th
day of May 1912 at nine oclock am
Dated this Gth day of May1912
Seal County Judge
First publication May
In the county court of Red Willow
county State of Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of
James B Wade deceased
To all persons interested in said
estate You are hereby notified
that on the 3rd day of May 1912
Nina Harris Wade as administratrix
of the estate of James B Wade de
ceased filed her final account and
petition for her discharge as ad
ministratrix and that a hearing will
be had upoa said final account and
petition at the county court room
in the city of McCook in said coun
ty on the 25th day of May 1912 at
the hour of ten oclock a m
Dated this 3rd day of May 1912
Seal County Judge
First publication May G 6ts
Notice is liereby given that The
McCook Co Operative Hospital
Association lias filed its articles
of incorporation in the office of
the Secretary of State of the
Stlate of Nebraska and in the
office of the County Olerk of Red
Willow count- Nebraska The lo
cation of the principal office of
the corporation shall be McCook
Nebraska and the principal place
for the transaction of its busi
ness sliall be Red Willow county
Nebraska The general mature of
the business to be transacted by
said corporation shall be To
equip maintain and operate a boa
pital in Rled Willow county state
of Nebraska to receive dona
tions of money or property of any
description to rent or purchase
any real or personal property
a rid to tTvt a building or build
ings to be used in connection
therewith fnd to sell any prop
erty real or personal that my
have ccme to the Association by
gift or paCij when such prop
erty ir i ru to be of use for
the pur oj for which it was giv
en or puroliEscd
The amount of capital stock
authorized shall be 25000 divid
ed into 50C0 shares of 500 each
which shall be subscribed for at
not less than their pr value and
which shall be non assessaible
and no share shall be issued until
fully paid for The existence of
this corporation began- on March
4 1912and this corporation sliall
have perpetual succession The
highest amount of indebtedness
or liability to which the
r upvuvugr Tsacuruay was wen parroiFruresr
lized and withal a success
Co Ro Livingston McCook Nebr
Wants for rent for sale etc self shall not exceed cne f ourth
oc a line in The Tribune
In the County Court of Red Wil
low county Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Hi
ram F Feekin deceased
To all persons interested in said
estate You are hereby notified that
on May 6 1912 Sylvester Cordeal as
administiator of the estate of Hiram
F Feekin deceased filed his final ae
count petition for distribution of
residue of estate and for discharge
of the par value of stock out
standing The affairs of the cor
jporation are to be conducted by
ja Beard of Managers consistJig
oi nine members selected by the
stockholders from among thair
number The officers cf the cor
poration shall ccmsiist of a Pres
ident a Vice President a Secre
tary and a Treasurer who Ghall
be chosen by the Board of Mr i
The McCook Co Operative
pital Association
Anna E Fahnestoek Secretarv
By L W MeConnell President
Oscar Grismore defendant will
take notice that on the 20th dav
of April 1912 W B Wliittak r
a -justice of the peace of Red Wil
low county Nebraska issued an
order of attachment in the sum
of 1S973 in an action pending
before him wherein Bullard Lum
ber Company a corporation in
corporated under the Ltvs of th
State of Nebraska is plaintiff
and Oscar Grismore is defendant
that property of the defendant
consisting of money owing by
Matella Gordon to the said de
fendant has been attached and
garnisheed under said order Saic
canse was continued to the Gth
day of June 1912 at the hour of
9 oclock a m
Dated this 27th dav of April
Bullard Lumber Company
CL E Eldred attorney for plain
Application for License
Indianola Nebraska Ma- 2 1912
Notice is hereby given that C
n Hyaitt has filed in the eity
elerks office of the city of In
dianola Nebraska his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in
the building on lot numbered 13
in block numbered 29 second
ward of the city of Indianola in
Red Willow county Nebraska
for the municipal year ending
April 30 1913
C H HYATT Applicant
First publication May 2- sw 6t
Oscar Grismore defendant will
take notice that on the 20th dav
of April 1912 W B Wliittaker
a justice of the peace of Red Wil
low county Nebraska issued an
order of attachment in the sum
of 7403 in an action pending
before him whrein Ilarcld P
Waite and Edwin S Waite part
ners doing business under the
name of II P Waite Company
arc nlaintiffs and Oscar Gris
more is- defendant that property
of the defendant consisting of
money owing by Matella Gordon
to the said defendant has been
attached and garnisheed under
said order Said cause was con
tinned to the 6th day of June
1912 at the hour of 9 ocock am
Dated this 27th day of April
Harod B Waite and Edwin S
Waite partners doing business
under the firm name of H P
Waite Company Plaintiffs
Cv E Eldred attorney for plain-
tioni ds at any time to subject it- April