The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 09, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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rrTv riT
twr c 5 jj tia um liii i
ii til r tr ivnrlr
An th2r fruit special yesterday
aftfTcs IcCcy and Ulmer pulled
the train east from McCook
Supt Mullen of the Sterling
line went through on 10 Tuesday
evenHg for Lincoln on company bus
Mrs Grace Fhilliipscn of Hol
hrcrk a guest of Mrs J E Mor
been much more than ordinarily care
fa and effective and that but few
cars were unfit for service and sub
jfHt to condemnation
AsIwiefy Pur
The rafy Baking Powder Etad
froimKyal Grapedpeam ofTartar
Engineer L E Hsnford became a
full fledged Mason Tuesday evening
Ironmaster Jclmron had business
h called LLm down to Oxford on
Tuesday evening
Or re or KiiSGre left on Xo It
las f ning fcr Omaha where lie
Notice to Railroad Men
It i3 requested by the Location Com
mittee of the Fourth Annual Railroad
Pieiiic association that each and ev
ery railroad man and wife thereofex
nress Iris or her opinion as to Mc
Cook nud July 4th as suggested by
the committee being the place and
date that the event be held for 1912
To do so ballet boxes will be
- - i Placed in the stores of C L DeGrcff
Mtvs Charles Baviss accompanied
llu auicr Wednesday mornin
hfa trli to Denver
and H C Clapp Depot Roundnouse
Office and Office of C E Emerson
These boxes will be open for the de-
fositing of ballots Friday May 10th
x -I j e i r
tail fou more railroad families y
a S a m and close Friday May 1
IU WAiUiaa iH illlJLlUil
al G p m
Let every one concerned make it
an object to cast a vote showing
place and date as to your wishes
staling name in full
Remember this applies only to
railroad employes and families
Engiae 371 is in the back shop
rissey arriving in the city on 13 yes- for a Xo 5
terday morning Xev flues driving brasses etc
Bruce Campbell departed are being given the 2811 this week
day -morning for Thermopolis Cylinders valves etc on the
niing where he will be in charge of 1050 are receiving work this week
a big seel gang now in construction -Mrs J C Wcod went up to Wray
work for the company in that sec- Colorado yesterday on 13 on a visit
ticn cf Wyoming A P Parsons of Wray Colorado
A government inspector has been s a new lielper in the blacksmith
operating in the McCook yard this shop
week passing upon car equipment in Havslock shops will shortly be-
the freight yard He found that the Sin work on building five new switch
work of local inspection of cars had I engines
Engine 11S2 is over the new
drop for usual repairs to brasses
rods etc
C E Emerson was over en the
Dispatcher J S Chambers went Orleans branch yesterday en business
devrn to Lincoln Tuesday mornin fcr the company
on Xo 2 to witness for the company Another R4 has been placed fin
in a lawsuit brought by a former the freight pool making the thir
ploye a hostler who was injured at trJKith mill in that pcol
McCook a few years ago and has In reducing the smoke nuisance
now brought suit for damages Agent in cities the Burlington is now at
T B Campbell joined him at Min- the head of the list of roads mak
den and went down to Lincoln on ing an effcrt to minimize that trouble
the same case thru the aid of its n s
I fill
about how to beautify the home this spring and
how to add to its comfort and convenience how to
make it more cosy and attractive We can help you
Let Us Consider Rugs
An Axminster best grade 9x12 at 2250
Second Grade Axminster 9x12 at 2000
Others Charge You 2500
Body Brussels best grade 9x12 at 2500
Wiltons and Tapestries all sizes and grades
Complete Line Bath Rugs Ef
24x48 guaranteed Colors P JJ
And Library Tab
Early English fumed and polished all woods
styles and sizes
Charming Colonial Beds
Attractive line of latest patterns And best grade
mattresses in felts and hairs to accompany
Everything in Housefurnishings
We are the Leaders in Low Prices
One of the Best Stocks in the City
Come Once and he Fully Convinced
West B Phone Black 2T1
Supt White of Trcntcn was in the
city between trains last night
II P Wilcoxen of Beaver City is
a guest of his niece Mrs S D
Banker Shurtleff of Stratton was a
business pilgrim to the cLtj Mon
day evening
Mrs Clarence Stokes left fcr Al
bion yesterday morning on a visit
W F Everist of Monte Visto Col
orado is here locking after business
affairs this week
Mrs F R Burbridge went down
to Alma Monday night en 14 on a
visit to Uie home folks
J V Shahan deputy state auditor
Lincoln was an aiito tourist for Den
ver in the city Tuesday
Xr Thomas of Trenton was in the
city yesterday mcrning returning
home on 13 same morning
Lewis Cann preached in Trenton
Sunday Mrs Cann accompanied him
They returned heme on 14 Mcaday
L W MeConnell is iu Lincoln this
week on business of the state board
of pharmacy of which he is a mem
George Hanks- of Stratton who
I business of the order and to attend j
la district convention D of II at
Charles Xorthrup general manager
cf the City branch c the
Jchn Marine Co arrived in the city
Conductors George Martin and
Mc3e Carmcney are In Lincoln on
limit company law sun uitr ium
Brakeman Harry Yates is among
the boys in Linccfc this week on
the Blunt suit going down Wednes
day night
Engineers F E Whitney P E
Russell and E L Traubert are In the
state capital en tire Blunt law suit
of the company
Tho picnic committee was in ses
sion on Tuesday evening and among
other matters decided to let the
ajj people decide where and whan they
wanteu tiie piu
Engine 1182 ds receiving some
light repairs The 299 is
work done on her cylinders 1751
ds having work given her fire box
cylinders driving brasses etc
pnimtrv nro nF n rlnnnpmro pi Ss
iias iKcn ra me cuy icr a
ihc inmates frequently Include
civing treatment left lor home on imrercr3 and highwaymen The
13 yesterday mountain waich has thus been tunred
Mrs J A Wilcox will leave to- into a prison is composed or snic
mcrrcw evening on 10 for Chicago quartz rock and the excavation as
and cher Iliincus points to be gone i made principally by the use of exylo
n mci h Jvi sives The jail is located in the town
Con the county seat Wde
Dr C M Duncan and family de-
1 World Magazine
parted line week icr theur home at i
Firth Xcbraska near where the
doctor has a fine farm j MORALITY OF THE ELEPHANT
Mrs Augusta Anton left fcr Oxford i
and Aurora Tuesday evening on He Makes a Cats Paw of Boys Hand
to Steal the Unhuskcd
Singular as it may seem elephants
which have associated with men en
tertain the notion that under special
j ulLUUloiuv iit7 - iw
fj st of the week on a vicit to his jic jf tney utilize another to commit
mother Mrs M A Xorthrup and oth
er relatives here
Grandpa Green of the Citizens Na
tional 5b macli elated- over the tirst
grand daughter to arrive in the
Green family The little miss wac
born Sunday to Mr and Mrs Floyd
Green cf Dcvsir Montana
an illegal act The following is an in
stance of this elephantine morality
A man in Kangoon bought three
young elephants to send to England
They were tame and playful but cun
ning Knowing that it was wrong to
steal paddy unhusked rice the idea
had doubtless been impressed upon
j them by punishment for stealing
Jacob Klcn has b2cn down from iney would not touch it themselves
the farm naar Wray Colorado part But if a boy went to see them he
cf the week having buencss in would be seized by one the little
trict court and to vijt di time trunk would bo coiled around his arm
le led to where the
hc would
Mends in this section He return-
ed to 111
home on Wednesday morn 1
paddy was Kept in nags
The elephant would make a cat 3
i paw of the boys hand to take up a
uifcb a eun niiik ii viujiwj mi- Then letting
handlul ot paddy go
nois accompanied J B Xelms en his J he would turn up the end of his trunk
return this week from his trip to open it and coaxingly invite the boy
Baders Illinois to the funeral of a J to drop in the paddy
brother Miss Pearl will make a I Should the boy however put it
vfeit of some length with her uncle
and family
Wednesday afternoon Mrs John C
Marshall entertained the ladiss c
Golden Red State Ledge No 2S2 at
a delightful kentngton A two ccurre
luncheon was an enjoyable detail
Mrs A Galusha and Mrs Adair
Galusha entertained this afternoon
at bridge whist at the homo cf the
former at 2 CO oclock
Gladys Rozsll was at heme Thurs
day afternoon May 2 from 4 to G
oclock to a company of little girl anc
boy friends it being her tenth birth
day The afternoon was spent in
playcng games after Zi2ch a two
course lunch was served She was
remembered by many gifts Those
present were Merle Rosebush Vio
let Beere Julia Real OILve Elbert
Meryl Chambers Irene Wray Erma
Flitcraft Edith Rupp Gladys Rozell
Evelyn Marshall Eizabeth Kay Elsie
Groves Harry Barger Cyril
sen Theodore Barger William Zint
and Glenn Clark
Mr and Mrs H Guy Brooks are
visiting friends in Orleans going
down Tuesday night
Engineer Steve Finn took a
little layoff and Engineer J C Mar
shall is on 14 and 15 meanwhile
Engineer and Mrs L E Han
ford left this morning on No 2 for
1 Plattsmouth on a visit to the home
t follis
back in tho bag his arm would again
be seized by the trunk and his hand
would be again inserted into the paddy
The boy anxious to be released
would usually drop the paddy into tho
trunk and the elephant would blow
the rice into his mouth Alter re
peating the operation several times
the elephant would scamper off feel
ing that he had got the paddy with
out stealing it Harpers Weekly
Staining Glass
The art of colored glass has been
lost and refound guarded and stolen
so many times during the history of
civilization that it seems almost im
possible to say anything new on glass
staining Yet a process has been dis
covered for making the stained glass
used in windows which is a departure
from anything known to the old
The glass first receives its design in
mineral colors and the whole is then
fired in a heat so intense that the col
oring matter and the glass are indis
solubly fused The most attractive fea
ture of this method is that the surface
acquires a peculiar pebbled character
in the heat so that when the glass is
in place the lights arc beautifully soft
and mellow
Swimmers the Prey of Eels
A remarkable story of the seizure
of swimmers by eels comes from New
Zealand A stream in New Zealand
was a favorite bathing place because
the current was swift and strong
Time after time the bather would be
gin to shriek and splash on the sur
face would disappear before help could
reach him and when his body had
been found it had invariably been eat
en by eels The cause of the fatality
remained shrouded in mystery for a
long tim but at length the true cause
was discovered that whilst the swim
mer was almost stationary in the rapid
stream a huge eel would seize him by
the foot or leg and drag him down be
neath the surface
Knew It Was an Idle Threat
Then he cried tragically then
you reject me And for my hated
Yep she answered coldly but col
loquially Yep to both questions
Ha Then I owe the fellow a
grudge I have long owed him 10
And now I will pay both debts at once
and he will fall dead
Lighting his cigarette at the hall gas
jet he departed with a mocking laugh
But the beautiful girl was not alarm
ed She knew he could never carry
out his devilish scheme For she
knew that he never had 10 at once in
his whole life
Arizona County Jail Is Blasted Cut of
a Mountain of Solid Quartz
When the authorities oE Graham
county Arizona decided to look about
for a place in which to confine crimi
nals they found a natural depression
in the side of a hill This was enlarged
into what might be called an artificial
cave divided into four compartments
The cave was excavated parallel to the
Bide of the mountain in which it was
made and daylight admitted by holes
blown out of the wall with explosives
the windows being guarded by a net
work of heavy steel bars The en
trance to the depression was also
closed in the same manner and a
vestibule or porch of masonry built
out from it to provide quarters for the
sheriff and his assistants This vesti
bule is also divided into compart
ments which are connected b7 gales
of steel bars The only way of enter
ing the prison is through the vestibule
of masonry and in order to escape
the inmates would have to cut thoir
way through three sets of bars whih
are an inch in thickness as the win
dows are so high up above the rock
forming the floor of the cells that they
could not reach them It is necessary
however to have a very secure place
as the criminals in this part of the
In Our Mens Clothing Department
In one section of our north window you will see a
display of soft shirts with attached collars shirts with collar
bands cuff attached and coat shirts Good patterns and
plain colors
Big- Values at 50c
In another section you will see a display of mens
half hose regular ten cent values for a short time only at
5c Per Pair
Our Fifteen Dollar Suits are making
A Big Noise
You can see a few of them on display in one of our west
windows and we can show you many more Your size 15
They Are Worth Nearly Double
These Prices
Watch our windows for the kind of clothes that men like
We Keep the Quality Up and the Price Down
McCook Nebraska April 30 1C 12
The board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment Present
Edward Sughrouc W N Rogers and
J W Randal county commissioners
and Chas K Dutcher County Clerk
The minutes of -the meeting held
April 23rd 1912 were read and approved
The resignation of L M Higgins dep
uty sheriff and janitor was presented
and on motion accepted M Mathes
was employed to do the janitor and
jailor work from May 1st 1912 to Jan
uary 1st 1913 for which service he is to
receive S4000 per month
The following resolution was presen
ted by Rogers and seconded by Randal
Whereas Commissioner Sugbroue has
received for commissioner service and
mileage for the year 1911 the sum of
870185 and he has returned to the
county only 1 SO and
Whereas The law contemplates the
commissioners shall receive for their
services and mileage for the year 1911
only S6o0 and Commissioner Sugbroue
owes this county the sum of coOCo
therefore be it
Resolved That Commissioner Sugh
rouc be and he hereby is ordered to pay
back into the county treasury the sum
of 5003 and if he fails so to do the
county attorney is hereby instructed to
bring suit to collect the same
Roll Call Sugbroue votes yes with
this qualification viz Being that the
county attorney is out of town and
having no one from whom to receive
legal advice But if I find that the law
contemplates that tho county commis
sioner shall receive only SGoO for service
and mileage for the year 1911 1 will re
fund the amount overdrawn Rogers
Yes Randal Yes
Tho following claims against the
county were presented considered aud
ited and allowed and oft motion the
county clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the 1911 levy for their pay
W N Rogers commissioners ser
vices and mileage S 4G4G
Edward Sughroue commissioners
service and mileage 20S0
J W Randal commissioners ser
vice and mileage 2515
L M Higgins salary and jailor
fees for April 1912
L M Higgins board for prisoners 305
Elmer Kay fees for appointing
and nominating election boards 2875
L A Fitch long distant toll 210
J C Moore Recording bonds 600
J C Moore fees in four state
cases 950
Barney Hofer canvassing primary
election returns 750
C wTBarries canvassing primary
election returns 750
M Murray fees state vs Fisher 420
Total 21101
ZZTZ Commissioners District No 3ji
F S Groves work on roads 1 50
David Doveny work on reads 231 0
Total 30 10
Road District No U Valley Grange
Robsrt Johnson work on roads 625
Dolph Bower work on roads 100
Frank Dudek work on roads 100
Leslie Johnson work on roads 200
John Hammell work on roads 150
C J Toester work on roads 100
Total 1275
On motion the county commissioners
adjourned to meet May 14th 1912
Edw md Suohkoik Cha rman
Chas K Ditchek County Clerk
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anvono sending a ulcctch and desciptlon may
ulcly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is prolinbly patentable Comrannlca
iiiisitrictlyconlIilcntia HAtiDSCCK on Patents
sent free Oldest ncency for securing patents
rntriitt taken throuci Munn Co receive
srecial notice vritliout charge in the
Scientific jftserkaii
A handsomely HlnMrated weehlr J ireest cir
culation of tiny Fcientitlc journal Terms 13 a
vcar four months 1 Sold by all newsdealer
SSDHHfiCo868 Hew York
BrancU Offlce C25 F SU Washlsaton D C
Information of Priceless Value to
Every McCook Citizen
How to act in an emergency is
knowledge of inestimable ivorth
and this is particularly true of
the diseases and ills of the hu
man body If you suffer Avith
backache urinary disorders or
any form of kidney trouble the
advice contained in the following
statement will add a valuable as
set to your store of knowledge
What could be more convincing
proof of the efficiency of Doans
Kidney Pills than the statements
of nearby residents who have
been permanently cured
Lewis W LaBove Main Street
Oberlin Kan says For many
years I was employed on the rail
road and this work finally told 01
my kidneys causing a severe at
tack of kidney complaint When
Doans Kidney Pills were Drought
to my attention I began their use
The contents of six boxes correct
ed my trouble I am pleased to
endorse this remedy in return for
all that it has done for me
Statement given April S 1907
The Cure Lasted
On May 31 1910 Mr LaBva
said iJ Lave had no trouble
from my kidneys since I used
Doans Kidney Pills three years
ago You may continue to pub
lish all I previously said in praise
of Jis remedy
For sale by all dealers Price
50 cents Co
Buffalo New York sole agents
for the United States
Remember the name Doanrs
and take no other
Eggs for Patching frr m High
Scoring Prize Winners
Dar c and White Rode Buff
Bnvvn an t ite Leghorns White
and r Laced Wyandottes Black
White and Buff Qrping
tons S C Rhode Island Reds
Prices of eggs 150 to 5 per
setting according to variety and
Lebanon Nebr
Vl vrAlm