The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 09, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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    m36m LytMglW -T
Two young busfciccs men of Omaha
chums and frsnds paintel that man
acipality a becoming and exuberant
carmine the other night after which
they retired to a hotel room where
in handling an automatic revolver
one of them was instartly killed ths
weapon being in the hands of the
survivor cf the tragedy who made ar
unsuccessful attempt at self-destruction
upon seeing his friends death
John Barleycorn has bested the brain
lest men of the ages yet there isnt
a mental shrimp so shrimpy that
doesnt think he can take a dring
and let it alone Maybe he can
hut he dont And tragedy and re
morse are written all over the pag
es of history in terms of human
blood and agony
The presence of so many unacccm
fcjanisd and unattended women and
girls on the streets of McCcok
nights is more a monument to tlie
safety of womanhcod in our city than
it is creditable to observance of
social rules
The Tribune gives ALL the
news twice a week for only 150
Tfte McSoofe iVt
F M EIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice Me Cook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
I Norris Right-of-Way Bill Passes l
Washington May G Special elude Colcrado points it was report-
With practically no opposition theed by the committee Judge Xorris
hous today passed the Xorris bill to i brought t up tc day n the
limit the width of tlie right of way t mous consent calendar and the house
of the Union Pacific railroad to two j Passed it The bill quiets title to
hundrtd feet The matter has been
pending since January- when it was
inrnjuced iy Mr Xorris and re-
rop ity along the Union Picifh
right of way for a hundred feet on
each side and includes the right or
way in Nebraska Colorado and
fexrl to the judiciary committee sas Senator 1 es a similar
ter Iiiii s i iu both sides and a Lfil now pending in the senate- and
further hearing at which citizens of it is b2lieved that it will be noon
Greelcj Colo appeared before the parsed there and placed on the sLat
jiniiio urging that the bill In- utes Lincoln Journal
Committee on the Judiciary House
of Kepresentatives U S Washing
ton D C Ai nl 2G 1912
L McCcinell Esq President
Norris Club McCcok Xebr
Dear Mr McConnell I desire to
take to return my mGSt
sincere and grateful thanks to the
mnl cf the Xorris Club and to
all other friends in McCcok for the
enthusiastic and Joyal support that
was given to my candidacy in tlie re
cent senatorial contest I am of
course very much pleased and delight
ed to know that I was victorious in
this contest but the pleasure and
satisfaction of victory Ls nor cs muih
gratification to me as the knowledge
of the oval support that I reoehed
from my neighbors and friends in
my own home During tlie contest
that is to follow in which I expect
to engage with all my vigor and
strength I will be much encouraged
and strengthened by the knowLed
of tlie loyalty and anthusiasm of the
neighbors and friends wio know me
best In the fight that I have been
making during the last several years
I have been often discouraged by the
determined and bitter opposition
coming from honest patriotic and
well meaning citiens who did not full
appreciate the terrible struggle that
the Progrsasive Republicans in the
House were compelled to make
against an entrenched political ma
I take my nomination as a vindica
tion of the course that I have per
sued in the past and it is a source
of the greatest gratification to
know that my icfforts have been ap
preciated This has been particular
ly shown and particularly emphasiz
sd by the over whelming vote of con
fidence that I have received in my
home and in that portion of the state
where I am best known
Again thanking you and those yea
represent and wishing for you all
prosperity and happiness I remain
Yours truly
The colonel can now sing Mary
land My Maryland with more en-
thiucasm than common He gets GG
delegates in Maryland
The case of Jesse Blunt against
the Chicago Burlington Quxicy
Railroad company occupied the atten
tion of Judge T C Munger of the
federal court yesterday The entire
day was devoted to the taking of
testimony much of which was given
by medical experts relative to the na
tnre cf the injuries sustained by the
defendant Blunt was a fireman for
the railrcad company and fell from
his engine injuring his left knee He
claims that the knee joint has been
permanently injured and asks 15
000 damages and costs of the suit
The taking of testimony will be con
tinued today and it is probable that
the case will not be concluded before
late today or Friday
For making fancy cake
SAvans Down Cake -flour
Magner phone 14
We have the Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
Buy a Cream Separator
Now and get the profit from your cows But dont be fooled
Into buying a cheap machine advertised to sell you on trial that
will last a few years at most
Get a DeLaval Wow
with its split wing device
which will handle the milk
under all conditions and get
all the cream
It Will Be Money
in your pocket to buy the
best and we give you every
opportunity of satisfying
yourself that the DeLaval
is the best besides offering
these machines on such pay
ments that the actual sav
ing will pay for them Come
in and get one now
McCook Hardware Co
May G 1912 Board met in regular
session in Superintendents office
Present Doan Suess Barnes Moore
Barnett Perkins and Supt Davis Ab
sent Lawritson
Minutes of April 15 read and ap
The following bills were read
H P Waite Co hardware G G5
L W MoConnell drugs 2 50
Gas Co gas 95
DeGroff Co mdse 5 04
M B Ilogan setting glass 4 00
A C Dick supplies 5 70
McCook Mch Iron Works
repairing mower 1 25
McCook Electric Co lights 5 31
E P Osborn draying 1 25
Osburn Burton draying 50
Polk Bros supplies 35
C R Livingston batteries 1 75
F M Kimmell supplies S 95
Middleton Ruby plumbing 1 70
W II Campbell work 2 25
Jennings Hughes Co work S5
Telephone Co May phones 9 00
Mrs Douglass laundry 1 GO
On motion the above were allowed
and warrants ordered drawn for the
Board proceeded to reorganize and
the following officers were elected
E II Doan president A Earnctt
vice president and E D Perkins
secretary Committee en text books
and supplies E D Perkins and Thcs
Moore committee on buildings and
repairs Barnett and Culbertson and
Mcore committee on finance Suess
and Barnett
Moved by Barnett that the secre
tary be instructed to cast the unan
imous vote for Miss Thursby as prin
cipal Motion carried Secretary
cast five votes
Moved by Barnett seconded by
Suess that the secretary be instruct
ed to cast the unanimous vote of the
board for William G Aten for teach
er in the science department at S0
per month Motion carried Secre
tary cast the vote of the board
Moved by Barnett seconded by
Suess that the secretary be instruct
ed to cast the unanimous vote of the
beard for Miss Lois M Thcmpson for
teacher cf German depatment at 75
per month Motion carried Secre
tary cat the vote of the board
Moved by Sues seconded by Bar
rett that the secretary cast the vote
for the bcd in tlie election of Miss
Maud J Gregg as teacher of th
first grade at 55 per month Motc 1
carried Secretary cast the vote of
the board
On motion board adjourned
Washington May G The work
mens compensation bill was passed bj
the senate today G4 to 15 substan
tially as framed by the employers
liability committee and amended oinly
to increase its benefits The bill
sharply fought by some of the dem
ocrats for several days now goes to
the house A number of amendments
were offered hut only a few were ac
cepted and these were with ac
quiescence of Senator Sutheralnd in
charge of the bill The principal
changes made during three hours of
roll calls provide that compensation
for accidental injury and death of
railroad employes shall continue to
children until they are sixteen years
old and would extend payment in the
caGe cf daughters until they are
twenty unless same are married
Again the bill would provide an
exclusive remedy and compensation
for accidental disability or death to
employes of railroads in interstate
commerce or the District of Colum
bia on theory of insuring each em
ploye against results of injury in em
ployment without referenoe to con
tributory negligence or any of the
rules of common law empolyars lia
bility It would provide medical ser
vice for the injured and means for
money recovery proportioned to the
property of tlie victim It is the
outcome of a long investigation by
the committee and was strongly urg
ed by President Taft
In the long debate which preced
ed passage of the bill many senat
ors took part and there ware spir
dted passages
District Court
Judge Perry held a session of dist
rict court in McCook Monday and
Tuesday But few cases- were d
posed of most of those on the dock
et being continued for one reason or
other We give enly the cases dis
posed cf
Revivor of Judgment Lillian M
Pitney vs Sidney Dodge Order of
revivor of judgment
Injunction Catherine McAninch vs
Anna E McMurrin et al Decree
quieting title in plaintiff and defend
ants tc their respective tracts cf
Appeal Hans I Peterson vs The
County of Red Willow Continued by
Confirmation of Sale Temperance
McCallum vs Margaret McClung et al
Sale confirmed 5145 for costs-
Plaintiff 58GG1 137194 to Margar
et McClung
Foreclosure James Fitgerald vs
I J Schumacher et al Decree for
2S7509 7 per cent interest for
Foreclosure The Nebraska Centra1
B L Association vs Meent H Fee
kin et al Continued for service
Equity Francis A Schamel vs
Ephraim Green ct a1 Title quieted
in plaintiff
Foreclosure James G Dole et al
vs Rhcta Pell Wilson et al J S
LeHew appointed guardian ad litem
of Rheta Bell Wilson minor Due
First Xationnal Bank S37S5 Due
plaintiff 110330
Equity Susanna Zcafoose vs Wil
liam O Pate et al Xot at issue
Divorce Clara M Randal vs Alfred
M Randal Divorce granted plaintiff
with 2500 alimony
In the matter of amplication First
Baptist church cf McCook for auth
ority to mortgage real estate Grant
ed as prayed for
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
Jchn C Harper to Xorman
dcr b cf s barn 50 00
Wm F Everist to U S Invest
ment Co a sw qr 31-3-
2S 1 00
Char to Ira J Ilender
rci wd let IS block S Mc
Cook 1100 00
I W Kightlinger to Leon L
Mi agr pt sw qr se qr
1500 00
Ioeph Junker Sr to Charles
Junker wd pt se qr se qr
1 00
wmtnm ijjm ntn itarnacw
j V Fkanklix Pres R AGkikn Cshr
E K EisExiiwrr Asst Cahr
The Citizens National Bask
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
Vernice Franklin Pringlo E R Eisenhart
Bj2 rsijiv iwiwimmipiwiiiav inT - uris
Put Through the Senate Aftett Long
Debate by Vote of 64 to 15
Memorial Sunday May 2G and Dec
oration Day May 30th
Ujiion Memorial services will be
held in the Methodist church at 11
a m Sunday May 26th All min
isters and their congregations in the
city are requested to be present and
participate in these services All
members of the G A R of the
Ladies of the G A
and ex Confederate soldiers are
requested to meet at Ganschow hall
on Main avenue at 10 oclock a m
to march in organization to church
Sermon will be delivered by Rev
Tompkins of Red Cloud who will
be assisted by the pastors of the
city There will be appropriate mu
sic A collection will be taken to
assist in defraying expenses of Dec
oration Day
Decoration Day
Thursday morning May 30th tlie
decoratin committees from the G
A R and from the Ladies of the G
A R wall meet at Ganchow hall at
930 oclock to proceed to the ceme
teries of the city to decorate the
graves of departed soldiers etc
All persons are requested to bring
their flowers for the decoration of
graves to Ganschow hall not later
than 9 oclock in the morning of the
Invitation is cordially extended to
all civic societies orders etc to
meet with the committees and march
to the cemeteries to engage in the
decoration of the graves
The procession to the cemetery
Tviil form on Main avenue in front of
Ganschow hall and march to River-
view cemetery escorted hy Company 1
-7 i
the most economical as well as
the most sensible underwear on
the market Nq other underwear will wear longer
or wash batter or fit and cover the form more per
fectly or give so much solid comfort and service
for so little money Buy a lUlunsmg Suit wear a
bLunsing Smile Stout tall short or thin we have
the correct size
- wm -
If tT
Home of Hart Schaffner JMarx Clothes
f i
M Xebraska Xational Guards and
drum corps
The ritualistic ser ices cf the G
A R and of Ladies of the G A R
will be held in Riverview cemetery ai
1030 in the morning
At 130 the old soldiers sailors
marines sons of veterans soldiers of
the Spanish American war Ladies of
the G A R and exConfdeerate sol
diers will meet at Ganschow hall to
march in a body to tlie Temple the
atre where the exercises of the day
will be held commencing at 2 oclock
p m
All the societies and orders of the
city and the people generally are
urged to come and participate in this
Song America audience
Reading of Orders Adjutant J II
Invocation Rev L E Lewis
Reports of Decorating committees
Music High School Choir
Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg
Address of the day Judge H S
Dungan of Hastings
Solo Miss Minnie Viersen
Address to the Unknown Dead
Supt W T Davis
Benediction Rev D L McBride
Tlie earnest cooperation of all is
hoped for in the proper and appro
priate observance of this day
By Order of Committee
New Theron C Bennett Publication
A recent publication from the mu
sic house of Theron C Bennett is
Twilight Dreams a well-written- ba
lad by Clifford Chester Brown of
MoCook Xeb Although on the mar
ket but a few months the song is
attracting considerable attention in
the trade and 4s selling well
It is issued in neatattractive form
with one of the striking artistic title
pages for which the Bennett house
is noted New York Cliitper
There never was time when people
appreciated the real merits of Cham
berlains Cough Remedy more than
now This is shown by the increase
in sales and voluntaiT testimonial
from persons who have been cured
by it If you or your children are
troubled with a cough or ccd ive
it a trial and become acquainted with
its good qualities For sale by all
Lame hack is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles of the
hack for Which you will find nothing
better than Ohamherlains Liniment
For sale by all druggists
The state fair Sept 2 to G early
I closing races are the 230 trot and
220 tret 225 pace and 214 pace
each for 1000 the 2 year old trot
3 year old trot for celts eligible to
225 class the 2 year old pace and
3 year old pace for colts eligible to
225 class each for 50000 all of
which close Wednesday Hay 15th
The entry fee for each race is three
per cent one per cent to accompany
nomination Entry blanks can be se
cured from W R Mellor Secretary
Lincoln The late closing August
12th are 225 2 IS 214 and 215
trots and 230 hobles barred 220
217 200 and free for all pacing
each for a purse of 50000
JleConnell for drugs
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local annlications as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness and that is by constitutional
remedies Deafness is caused by
an inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the eustachian tube When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing and
when it is entirely closed deafness
is the result and unless the inflam
mation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition
hearing will be destroyed forever
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh which is nothing but an in
flamed condition of the mucous sur
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness caused by
catarrh that cannot be cured by
Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circu
lars free
F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio
Sold by druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for consti
The Edison Mazda Lamp uives three times as
much light as an Carbon lamp nsing
the same amount of Electricity It is strong
ennnsh foe all ordinary usage in any position
or fixture Telephone or call on ns for particu
Electrical Contractor Phone Black 433