The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 02, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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lw ab
MAns neiE
Dallas Q
Evers April 24th
Marriage tc be consummated to
Frank D Donnellv 2o and
-Gladys A McCool 22 both cf
Indianola Married by County
Judge Maj 1
Daniel Leach Jr 19 of Hast
ings and Bessie M Knosp 17
of MeCook Married by count
Judge May 1st
Nothing short of the best suits
particular people in the grocery
line Magners Grocery pleases
the most exacting in quality and
the most careful in prices
Might as well have a clean ci
7 All i fg 0 - H Q nT -V KSGrS Xn BhNS
-U V
A splendid rain in this section
Satin day night and Sunday
Jchn A Hoffman finished sow
ing whuil Wednesday
fhoma lUumby was at MeCook
on busuias Saturday
Wes eli Brothers were MeCook
business visitors Saturday
Edwin Carfield and wife were
MeCook visitors Saturday
Aug Weseli and wife were in
MeCook Mondav
Chas Elliott of Trenton Mo
lias been here for a Imv weeks
visiting his sons and on matters
Tuesday night for Missouri
John Guinn of Traer Kansas
made a trap to MeCook Sunday
returning Monday to Traer
J II Weseh made a flying trip
to Traer Kan after some pump
repairs Monday
Marriage Licenses
Burr M Hen ton 27 and
Vaire Godwn IS both of
Dan bury Marrud bv Countv
Judge April 21th
TYillard McMullen 24 and
Ruth Repass 20 both cf Hayes
Center Married by Countv Judge
April 24 fch
John W
- smirjjr r B a w irjivx tt ajt1
ggr won Ecr
cjf ir wvx3r ffr7rjtJ
Sealed bids will be received at
the office of the city clerk of
the city of MeCook Nebraska tin
til 8 oclock p m central stand
ard tdme May 13 1912 for a con
tract to perform all work and fur
nish all material necessary for in
stalling fifteen or more fire hyd
rants at places within the city of
MeCook to be designated by the
council The contractor to fur
nish a bond ini the sum of one
thousand dollars with sureties to
be approved by the council The
bid to be for each hydrant ready
of business lie departed on 14 for operation and the number of
them as the council directs from
15 to 20
The engineers estimate is as
follows 105000 for fifteen fire
hydrants including all labor and
to operate
material for installation ready
The City Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids
Dated tins 24th day of April
1912 L C STOLL
Seal City Clerk
April 29 sw2ts
Oscar Grismore defendant will
itake notice that on the 20th day
rp f oi i n
H oof Ci 0 Tl Idf of April 1912 W B W
f Injustice of tlie of J
Married by Be v I red - 7Jncin
low county Nebraska
Bed Wil
issued an
i a i i4 i i xi
rl -O m - t UUBr U clLlclCIlIULIIL III Ulli SUII1
f 7403 in action
TQto Ilnst 18 bath ol MeCook an pending
h r him wherein Harold 1
ni i t rt tt t ii l i i wi
iiianiCU liy lUV II IlllilSCIl
AnriI27tli j
TTYmw ttip1ot oq or1 TrV ners
Wagner 22 both of McCock
Waite and Edwin S Waite part-
domg business under the
nsime of II P Waite Company
arc plaintiffs and Oscar
more is defendant that property
cf the def 2nd ant consisting of
money owing by Matella Gordon
to -the said defendant has been
attached and garnishssd under
said order Said causa was 3
tinmed to the 6th day of June
1912 at the hdur of 9 oicock am
j Dated this 27th dav of April
illarcid B Waite and Ediwin S
Wnifii nnH niro rlninor lnQinoR3
under the firm name1 of H P
Waite- Company Plaintiffs
C E Eldred attorney for plain
i Arpril
New England
May 4th
Kitchen open
fifoZsgs j i
Automobiles i
ozo Models
It You Were an Expert
What Car Would You Buy
The time has passed when automobiles can be sold to you oi
their appearances or claims This is a day vhen you r nd every
purchaser must be shown what the car fcr which you pay yc ur
money will actually perform what it will do Beware of an
autcmobile salesman who attempts to beguile you with a
pleasing story Tell him to show the goods and prove to you
that his cars are worth the mc ney Find out whether his car
is a real car or only an assembled automobile built to sell
You have a right to your moneys worth but it is up to you
to see that you get it Deeper than all appearances there
are a few expert tests which ought to be applied to every car
Who makes the car Is k an assembled car or made from top
to bottom by one manufacturer What kind of a guarantee
is on it Dees the manufacturer respect his own product
with a real guarantee or dees he want you to take the chance
What do parts cost you and how conveniently can you get
them How many cars of this make are in service and how
many are giving satisfaction Questions like these go deep into
the heart of the case and if you put them rigorously upon
any car you will End out with a certainty whether or not that
car is worth its price
We are selling Studebaker 30 and Flanders 20
cars because we know that dollar for dollar their equal is not
sold in the market today The records of many thousands of
cars in all kinds of service have convinced us absolutely
Studebaker 30 and Flanders 20 cars are built to
run and because they run they sell If we cannot prove to
you under the most searching test that fti ebaker cars are
x ssk
jolutely the best automobile values in the market we do
not want your business but we can prove it and your
hbors who drive these cars will tell you the same thing
Ee an expert vhen it crmes to bming a car You can by
getting from us some further ideas on real tests of an
A 5
autcmobile Clip the attached coupon and send it to
us now because we have something new to tell you
which you ought to know whatever car you have
Studebaker Corporation
Detroit Michigan
x k
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
have been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
Alex D Johnson to U S In
vestment Co wd sw qr
nw qr and s hf 10-2-29 1 00
Lincoln Land Co to John
Fahrenbruek wd lot 1 blk
10 7th MeCook 225 00
Lincoln Land Co to Annie
Koons wd pt se qr sw qr
17-1-26 - 700 00
Otto C Bedfeldt to J F Van
Orsdel wd se qr 9-1-26 S000 00
Otto C Bedfeldt to J B
Van Orsdel wd lot 13 and 12
block 1 Lebanon 2500 00
James G Wygant et al to Geo
Femiey wd to pt se qr sw qr
21-3-29 800 00
Chas Lehn to Mary B
Knowland wd lot 7 and s
hf S block 18 1st Me
Cook 3000 00
Geo M Thomas to M Bum-
ely Co b of s 1 16 horsei
power traction engine 1
J L Gentiy to Boxie Gentry
wd pt sw qr nw qr IS 1
f J I
United States to Thomas
Cheney Pat sw qr 22-1-26
Sheriff to James A Porter sd
same 1700 00
Clerk Dist Court to Thomas
Cheney sat same 300 00
Ghas Lehn to Patrick Walsh
wd lots 9 and 10 block 22
MeCook 15000 00
Wesley D Uoskins to
Ilcslcins wd nw qr 1-3-27
except 10 A pt lot -8
-block 8 Springdale Park
Bartley HI
Teachers Association
The Bed Willow County Teach
ers association will meet in Me
Cook High School auditorium on
Saturday May 4th at which time
the following program will be
Spelling contest from 1030 to
12 -00 Eah district ini the coun
ty may sand one representative
High schools may send two pne
from the liigh school and one
from the grades
1 2 P0 Oclock PM
Cornet solo Boy Bayless Mc 1
smrgBEj h 1 t 1 1
Have You Seen
7mmmmFmp im
- l iU 1- if Ill Kllllli ilUTIlilllll
ale Thi
frgJcxSllL iSriSffnVfn
- -
- - - -
At these prices 500 750 ioco and 1250 for
fine Lingerie Voile and Embroidery dresses
made and elegantly trimmed
Can You Afford to Make Them
Better call and look over these bargains while the
sale is on
Girls9 Misses9 and Womens Suits
Reduced from 15 per cent to 30 per cent You will
be surprised to see the stylish swell suits now going at
1000 1200 and i5oo
See Our Wonderful Values
pring an
Beautiful new creations and special mid summer shapes
colorings and designs are now being shown
Attention Supt Duncan of
Industrial Work in Rural
Schools Myrtle Bedfem Dan
Recitation Dorothy Williams
Vocal solo Florence Rosebush
Orthography in the Grammar
Grades Bess Robertson Indian
The Relation of Parent and
Teacher to the School Mrs Myr
tle Hammell MeCook
Reading Selected Miss May
sie Light MeCook
A Teachers Discouragements
and now to Meet Them Miss
Laura Glandon MeCook
Paper Optional Supt Davis
Piano duet Genevieve MeAd
ams and Helen Schwab MeCook
Enrollment The foe of 25
cents may be sent to Miss Sallie
Hawkins MeCook by those who
cannot attend
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
April 25 1912
Brown W G
Bell Miss Clarcj
novt B W M D
Weeks Mrs Erba C
Butler Mrs Nellie
Husted Ir J E
Lutze Mrs M J
Sehackey C n
Sellin Hannah
Wilscn Mr Am
May 2 1912
BadUrg Mr J C
Brunswick E P 2
Budcl Mr Jcs
Dunn Irr Martha
Fester Mr J W
Hawkctt F
Mrs Lzzie
Snvder Mrs Ileniy
Wyatt TV H
Warner P
Brensaat Mrs L
Branscomb Gordon
BaUand Hazel
Bronsart Miss Amanda
Crane Mr Earl L
Debar Mr Leswis
George CharJe3r
Moreland Miss Bva
fc4 Is
Dry Goods Millinery Ladies Furnishings
rTrrjl y vlinj jyjL I NUTm
McCarthy Mr John
Roberts Mrs C W
Smith Bonnie
Smith Gladys 2
Summers Miss Minnie
Wallace Mrs Else
LON CONE Postmaster
Ruby Ingero Hope Hender
son and Bernice IVjgiVid weiv
dovii iewdng the vys ne wreck
Mrs J C Shumaker is improv
ing at present
Miss Nellie Crocker spent Sun
day with relatives in town
The program given Friday eve
ning by the grades was well at
tended and all report it as fine
C S Quick lost several hogs
one day this week by driving
tlrom when it was too warm for
the hogs to stand it
Indianola was visited by a
good rain Sunday putting every
thing in fine shape
Rev R T Bayne of MeCook
will deliver the address to the
graduating class this year
John Thompson was a business
visitor in MeCook Tuesday night
between trains 5 and 14
Miss Georgia Short returnee
from a brief MeCook visit on 14
Tuesday night
Miss Robertsons sister who
has heen here on a visit left on
Tuesday for her home in Kearnej
Mrs McTYilliams is visiting in
Miss Anna McDonnell was a
home visitor over Sunday
Mr Jones and Mr TViilber were
up to Benkelman Saturday
Listen for these wedding
Mrs J H Grovert and little
daughter were MeCook visitors
few clays this weeik
Miss TVillis friend of Lin
coln spent Sunday with her
Sc7l ir m tawn attended th
picnic- Xf Star last Friday
Me Vm r Colling Sheppard
TVing fnd s were Mcook vis
itors Ihnrsday
Mr prl Mr- Nejal Quick re
turned n 1L t Monday night
from Moroak relatives
Another fne rciin last Saturday
and Sunday
School elcocs on Friday of this
week and if the weather is favor
able they will liave a pieme in
the grove
There is a new culvert put in
north of Box Elder and the old
one repaired
Mr Younger is reported much
improved in health and is ex
pected home in a few days
Christian Science The morn
ing subject for next Sunday is
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H M Mitchell mil
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
eveninga New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and S p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to worship with us D L Mc
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
8 30 a m low mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
S00 evening services Rev Wm
Patfcon 0 M I pastor
German Evan Lutheran East
6th street Morning service at
1030 evening service at 730
All German speaking people are
cordially invited to attend Rev
G- TYoekenfuss
R F D No 1
Carlos Roedel arrived from
Brazil last Saturday and is
spending a few weeks here visit
ing relatives He will be in Am
erica for several months to visit
relatives and friends in various
parts of lie country
Mr and Mrs John Troester
and oldest daughter became very
ill last Saturday after returning
home from a visit to MeCook
where they ate some boiled ham
which poisoned them All are re
covering under the care of a phy
Paul NothnageL dug out four
coyotes Sunday last
Mr and 3Irs Henry Calkins
have moved onto -the C H Coul
son place south of MeCook
vMr and Mrs JolinTY Troester
have moved onto the Andrew
Hammell place now owned by the
Powell brothers