H V TTTHWii t 1MN f Hfea i IYL KIMtttELL Publisher Largest Circulation in Red WiilowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Ne braska as second class matter Pub lished semi weekly Taft this week acquired the delegation from Xew Hampshire and Rooservelt thai of Washing ton o Colonel Roosevelt and the pres ident go halters on the 38 del egates from Ma ssa shuaetts liit the colcnel says president can have the 8 delegates at large too Supr A L Ca villas of Fair lmry has resigned from the state commission to pass on the certifi cation of ciitv teachers and City Swpt W A Yoder of Omaha succeeds him Evervthing in drugs McGon nell Your dealer sells R IGGS Pure Food Cisrars The Tribune gives ALL the dcws twice a week for only 15Q Mr and Mrs I C Scott leave tonight on Xo 6 for Gravity la Remember The Tribunes phone is 19 We will appreciate an item any time Sam Patterson the well known Arapahoe banker is in the city todav on business RIGGS Cigars are not spit on while being made Ask your dealer He kncAvs County Attorney Chas D Rdtchie left on Xo 12 this morn ing on county business in the east end of the county and ex- pects tc return on Xo 5 this eve nintr When the Lights Are Out Do you ever talk back to your wife Yes there are occasions when I dont dare not to Indeed Otherwise she might think Id gone asleep Esthetic Beast Here is an account o a highly ar tistic performance Please let me have the particu lars A goat devoured ten sheets of music belonging to a poor professor and didnt miss a note Classification What is your idea of a musical comedy It is usually a form of entertain ment replied Mr Hibrow in which the music and the corned are less important than the costumes A Strong Hint There is one good suggestion which Samson in his last performance gave all other performers What was that When he brought down the house he did not attempt an encore KE FELT BAD Sunday school Teacher Now chil dren you must love and obey your parents Just think how youd feel if you had no father Willie who was licked that morn ing Id feel a dern sight better than I feel now Poor Fellow He goes into a restaurant With corrugated brow And though he doesnt like to bant Hes on a diet now A Real Sport She And dont you go in for sport of any kind He Oil yaas dont yer know Im kaW passionately fond of dominoes Everybodys Weekly The Dead Past How is it I never hear you speak of your old college days Well the college I went to didnti aare a vary good football team naatafBi Legal Notice State of Nebraska Bed WjIIoav eoimty ss To all persons interested m tlie estiaite of Jolin J Eal de ceased Notice is hereby given that Sarali J Hickling admiistra trix of the estate of John J Iteal deceased lias filed ini this court her final account ami a report of her administration -of said es tate together with a petition for a final settlemont a decree as signing the residue of said estate tOi such as are entiiled by law to the same and for a discharge- as such administratrix Said final account and petition liarve been set down for hearing on the 4th day of May 1912 at one oclock p m at the coun ty court room dm McCook in said county Witness any hand -and seal of said court this 13th day iof April 1912 PRANK M COLFBR Seal County Judge First publication April 156 fe Eggs for Hatching Ein est stock in this part of state Barred Plymouth Bock Bradley and Binglet strains 4e each 250 per 100 Phone ash 1351 Bural No 3 and 4 MRS J W BURTLESS For making fancy cake try Swams Dawn Cake flour D iMagner phone 14 il5sL iSjii li 13 li 1 15 1 u I 10 I 20 G 21 1 1 21 11 2i 21 21 71 14 S I 15 14 -17 1 II 15 1 fl i t i c l 21 Ml 54 10 15 III 12 Official Abstract of Republican Primary Vote aaoetWfCQriXtSSJ Willow Grove 3 3 5 lstV 2nUW NAMES Eg Sqg s j a nr rr OF r S 5 s CANDIDATES - g r z s i 513 c J O e O - - IhMmblican 21 17 IS - 1 22 TSINI 10 11 i 15 7 25 101 I SI 1JG f3 95S Democrat Vi 31 15 10 11 14 9 7 5 11 5 I X 17 9 K 11 29 17 11 10 I 10 27 21 493 Peoples Independent p I 2 1 Prohibition Socialist 1 r 1 J it i I -I 2 - o For President Theodore Poo eelt William Howard Taft Pohcrt M LaFollettc Rol ert G Hos For Vice President AlLcrt J PcM ridpe John O Yeiser United States Senator Norris Brown George V Norris Pre- Elector at large WJ Broatch I A Bcticau Ernest M PoUard Edmund G McGiltoi C Grimes Allen Johnson Prcs Flee 5th District W E Tliornc R 11 Rankin Amendment No 1 For Against -- -- Airendmen o For Apainst - - Amendment M For Against - Amendment Ao 4 For Apainst - Amendment floi For Against Goerror Chester H Aldnih JeeS Newton Lieutenant Governor Samuel Roy McKelvie Martin L Fries L A Varucr L W Hague Secretary of state AddiFonWait Auditor Public Ace ts II A Web cert - - William 15 Howard IaiahD lans W JBlair Stato Treasurer WaltrA George Franklin C Hamer Supt Public Instruc Ja Dtlzell G W White Lorn Atto ney General Grant C Maru vVm Com Pub Lands HIos Clarence C Poslaw Wilbur S Wane W L Minor Henry Howard S C Pasctt Fred Rcckinnnn Ralway orrmisioncr William Iolmn H G lalor Marshalll Harrison C L Heiiluid Conrc ninn JJst Sins V Ia oi Willard A Prince R L Keener P A Caldwell StaeSen ifitli Dist John F Cordeal StnteRcpfi1 lltt Willi in A Kcnolds Natl Ctf mitteemaii Virtor Rcvcwater R P How i H Delepati t larse Allen W I ield -R RScln eider E P Perry Don L Ioie f J M Cartlj Nathan Merriam H IiSnckttt Altor ate at larpe Clarendon V Adams Charlie R Huc HiBer Frank M Currie C A Schappel John A Daies Don C Van Dcuscn Dan Gnrb r O Li Schuman Delepatc 5th District C A Luce A C Epperson ACRankin James N Clarke Alternates 5th Dist S V Biilcy F X Mervin James H McGrew James A Andrews County Attorney Chas D Ritchie County Asesor Charles A Fisher Co Com 2nd Dist Frank A Hodpkin fieorpe W Burt I R Andrews Edward Suphrouc Co Cor to fill vacancy C E Miniick DFSmitli V A DeMay J E Hathirn CMWorth It H Campbell 15 ID 21 1 11 1 1 2 11 n i I II i 12 281 0 11 REPUBLICAN It 10 14 l fi 11 t I s DANBURY Mr and Mrs Fred Mack arriv ed here Saturday on a visit to relatives A splendid rain fell in this neighborhood Saturday and Sun day Mrs W A Stone and son Ed ward went down to Beaver City last Saturday returning home on Monday W A Stone was in McCook on Tuesday receiving treatanent Lester Lord arrived home Mon day from Omaha where he has been working in wholesale house for the past ten months Ilomer Bastian and R II Ren necker spent Saturday in Beaver City going down on Friday eve ning and returning home on Sat urday The orchestra held a practice Monday night to prepare music for play Saturday evening by the graduating class of 1912 Several from Danbury attend ed the dance in Lebanon Satur day evening D C Boyers baby is on the sick list Next Sunday Rev LT W W Allen will preach his farewell ssr mon Everyone should hear this farewell sermon A sister of Soren and Simon Sorenson arrived Monday from Denmark to make her brothers a visit of some length Milton Eifert of Beaver City was a west bound passenger on Monday ff- 21 111 15 t 21 1 107 15 31 101 o m lliJ ii cs 11 2i il 105 u 0 10 ll S7 11 sr -0 120 31 54 2 tl 2s lib 14 x 73 15 4s HI 111 21 33 11 44 20 211 4- si 107 IS 17 no I 21 ic 40 12 o 1 111 20 1 11 0G 23 28 13 34 211 42 1 o 3 2S 10 s 17 12 2i 13 21 1 20 y t 14 11 21 10 IS 1 I - t 2 20 42 21 r 25 I SI 37 75 a 82 27 74 35 7 i8 s7 51 25 12 2 75 41 bi II 41 10 a 2G 12s 7 142 fiO 211 15 129 5l r2 40 34 j 21 ra 511 21 29 2s 95 25 01 17 31 M 09 45 5 3 21 39 1 c 13 24 20 i 94 15 13 G IIS ltT 21 I i 2li 1 29 j is I M lS 00 0 515 41 02 08 w 39 100 112 5S9 S7 251 9 219 110 7C 3S7 S 21S 215 I5S 351 550 134 9o fo SS 179 37S 132 032 207 it 123 139 102 219 271 111 40S 40 51s 250 005 07 127 145 97 201 151 27S 200 1C7 132 552 153 70 05 S12 703 212 5S 330 312 1S1 rro 101 no 431 513 7 257 200 200 400 j5 no 179 103 171 312 oo r01 491 22s 2s 7W 7S si 40 37 10 SI 9 4 22 13 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebraska Chartee No 8S23 In the Stato of Nebraska at the close of busl ness April 18 1912 resources Loans and Discounts 140291 47 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 10 20 U S Ponds to securo circulation 50000 00 Monus securities etc 11001 81 Hanking house furniture and fixtures 3185 95 uuo iroin national Jianks not reserve aBents l4SS 50 uue lrom state anu private banks and bankers trust companies and sav ings banks 1097 14 Due from approved reservo agents 47310 97 Checks and other cash items 511 CO Notes of other National Banks 1895 00 iractional paper currencynickels and conts 120 01 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank viz Specie 12553 05 Legal tendernotos 925 00 134S3 05 ueaemption iuuo witu us Treasurer 5 per cent of circulation 2500 00 Total 5279503 33 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 50000 00 Surplusfund 10000 00 unuiviuea prouts less expenses ana taxes paid - 2947 91 National Bank notes outstanding 50000 00 uue to otner national Danks 1059 51 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 10000 00 Individual deposits subject to check 75 192 S7 Demand certificates of deposit 289 C3 Time certificates of deposit 77409 31 Total 27950S J3 Stato of Nebraska County of Red Willow J ss I C J OBrien cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state ment is truo to the best of my knowledge and belief C J OBrien Cnshior Correct Attest P F McKenna C F Leiin Directors P Walsh Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 27th day of April1912 J E Kellet seal - Notary Public My commission oxpiros Feb 15 191G For MackreL white Fash Salt Salmon and CodfJsn cbloie to Magners Phone 14 ll miTfu fi L i - T IE I I Hi M - T 1 g J 1UJUMJI J V - V T V C The utmost hi style but not at the expense NOTICE Xctice is hereby given that The McCook Co Operative Hospital Association has filed its articles of incorporation in the office of the Secretary of State of the Stiats of Nebraska and in the office of the County Clerk of Red Willow county Nebraska The lo cation of the principal office of the corporation shall be McCook Nebraska and the principal place for the transaction of its busi ness shall be Red Willow county Nebraska The general mature of the business to be transacted by said corporation shall be To equip maintain and operate a hos pital in Red Willow county state of Nebraska to receive dona tions of money or property of any description to rent or purchase any real or personal property and to erect a building or build ings to be used in connection therewith and to sell any prop erty real or personal that may have come to the Association by gift or purchase when such prop erty has eeased to be of use for the purpose for which it was giv en or purchased The amount of capital stock authorized shall be 25000 divid ed into 5000 shares of 500 each which shall be subscribed for at not less than their par value and which shall be non assessable and no share shall be issued until fully paid for The existence of this corporation began on March 4 1912and this corporation shall have perpetual succession The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to wliioh the corpora tion is at any time to subject it self shall not exceed one fourth of the par value of stock out standing The affairs of the cor poration are to be conducted by a Board of Managers consisting of nine members selected by the stockholders from among their number The officers of the cor poration shall consist of a Prtec ident a Vice President a Secre tary and a Treasurer who rahall be chosen by the- Board of Mau agers The McCook Co Operative Hos pital Association Anna E Fahmestock Secretary By L W McConnell President Seal April Wants for rent for sale etc 5c a line in The Tribune -- U- J 5UiifiS 5S7 V of comfort Made foi particular men who want newest of the new Made on foot moulded forms to the exact shape of the foot UNION MADE A GALUSHA SON Home of Hart Schaffner Isdarx Clothes i ii -- rwiLlWIAfg Application for License Indianola Nebraska May 2 1912 Notice is hereby given that C II Ilyaitt has filed in the city elerks office of the city of In dianola Nebraska his bond and petition for a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot numbered 13 ill block numbered 29 second ward of the city of Indianola in Red Willow county Nebraska for the municipal vear ending April 30 1913 C n HYATT Applicant First publication May 2- sw 6t NOTICE OF SUIT William 0 Pate Drusilla Pate Ids wife Fannie M Fogle Maude Coomcr and John Hunter Coomer defendants will take notice that Susanna Zieafcose plaintiff lias filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county Ne braska against you the object and prayer of which are to pro cure a decree quieting tlte plain tiffs title ito the northwest Section 5 Township 2 Range 30 Red Willow county Nebraska against any title interest claim or lien of any kind of said de fendants and equitable relief You are required to answer said petition on or before Mon day May 20th 1912 Susanna Zicafoose Plaintiff By C H Boyle7 her attorney April S Sts Get your share can help you The Tribune HRBqTMJTI 3KBSi9l iKiiiiiiifis mfflpfec ifmM Sv2BBflpwv9EBfMei39B i JSJjMBk jtBKj3ii4PWl tutJ KH jBtwGG72rsfl9IHHll The Edison Mazda Lamp cives three times as much lisbt as an ordinaay Carbon lamp sins tho same amount of Electricity It is strong enough for nil ordinary usage in any position or fixture Telephone or call on ns for particu lars R W McBRAYER Electrical Contractor Phone Black 433 1 IJlHij L n I j