The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 18, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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Scstores Child to Reason
Leipsig Germany April 6 A
re markahl operation ihas just
ban performed on an imbecile
child by Prof Erin Payr direc
tor cf the surgical clinic attach
ed to tils Leipsig university with
great success The professor
planted a piece of the thyroid
gland taken- from a healthy child
bom of Hi healthy mother into
the liver of an imbecile child
who immediately afterwards be
gan to improve in intelligence
jwhich steadily increased aintil a
complete recovery was effected -
Real Estate Filings
W J Stilgehouer to Edith
V Rubv wd n hf 15 and
lots 16 17 and IS 1400 00
John B Smith to Charles F
Lehn wd- to me qr 10-4-
3Q - 1500 00
George W Burt to Carlos C
Burt -wd to part sw qr nw
qr 450 00
John M Farrcll to Edwin
- Siagg -ex aig e hf sw qr
w hf sw qr 30-2-25 1000 00
United Doctors Specialists Will
Be At The
Saturday April 27th and Will
Remarkable Success of These Tal
ented Physicians in the
Treatment of Chronic
Offer Their Services
Free of Charge
The United Dot tors licensed b
the state of Nebraska for the
tresimtnt cf deformities and all
nervous sad ehrcnic diseases of
men women and children offer
to aill who call or this trip con
sultation examination tidvice
frt- i aaLcig no charge whatever
oaisipj the aotual cost of medi
cine All that is asked in re
turn for these valuable services
is that evtry person treated will
state the result obtained to
their friends and thus prove to
the sick and afflicted in every
city and locality that at last
treatments have been discovered
that are reasonably sure and cer
tain in their effect
These doctors are considered bj
many former patients among
Americas leading stomach and
nerve specialists and are experts
in the treatment of chronic dis
eases and so great and wonderful
have been their results that in
many cases it is hard indeed to
find the dividing line between
skill and miracle
Diseases of the stomach in
testines liver 11 cod skin n erv
en heart spleen kidneys or
bladder rheumatism sciatica di
al tee bed wetting leg ulcers
weak lungs and those afflicted
with leng standing deep seated
eJaronie diseases that have foaf
flod the skill of the family phy
swan should not fail to call
According to their system no
more operations for appendicitis
gaill stones tumor goiter or cer
tain feirms of cancer They were
among the first in America to
earn the name of the Bloodless
Surgeons by doing away with
knife with blood and with all
paOn n the successful treatment
of- these dangerous diseases
If yen have kidney or bladdn
troubles bring a two ounce bottle
of your urine for chemical analy
sis and microscopic examination
Deaifncos often has been cur
ed in sixty days
No matter what your ailment
may he to matte what othei3
may have told yci no
what experience you may havei
had with other physicians it
will be to yonr advantage to se
them at once Have lit forever
skilled in your mind If yonrj
case as incurable they will give
yevu such advice as may relieve
and stay the disease Do not put
ott thos suuty you owe ycrurselt
-or friends- or relatives who are
suffering because of your sick i
ness ias a visit tins tunc may
help you
Reanember this free offer is
for1 one day only
Married ladies must come with
their husbands and minors with
thor parents
Office at National Hotel Hour
fppm 10 a m to 8 p m I
Christian Science The morn
ing siibieei for next Sunday is
Dotirae fo Atonement
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p in H M Mitchell mil
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
evenings New Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p in Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to -worship with us D L Mc
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
830 a m low mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 230 p m Sunday school
S00 evening services Rev Win
Patton O M I pastor
German Evan Lutheran East
Gth street Morning service at
1030 evening service at 730
All German speaking people are
cordially invited to attend Rev
fi YTcktnduss
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
April 18 1912
Jeffries R
Miller Blanche
Mo ran Mr Mike
Riehauls Mrs R L
Shafer Miss- Eva
Campbell Mrs Maud A
Harmon Mr John
Thurston Miss Rex
Mille W II
April IS 0912
Farley Mr Loran
IJalvorscn Mrs Ed
Ingalsbe Miss Grace
iMolumby Mr H
Willse Mrs Leonard
Band Miss Lillian
Bow en Mrs Mary
ivice Mrs m Jt
McCartihyMr John T
Mam jMt Olvde
Ruspell Mr Love
Trimpey Mrs Lewis
LON GONE Postmaster
Norris Has No Favorite
Congressman George W Norris
wircid the Lincoln State Journal
last uight that the statement that
he had sent an address to the
voters of Nebraska to tand by La
Fcillette is false Mr Norris tel
egram said
Wahsington April 17 To he
Editor of the State Journal The
statement that I had sent an ad
dress to republican voters to
stand bv LaEollette to the end as
absolutely false I have issued
no statement
-The Chautauqua System ildea is
a planof extending--the Chautau
qua be enjoyed
by the great masses of people It
was originated by Mr Chas F
Horner manager of the Redpath
Ilorner Chautauquas and has
been carried out most successful
ly by him
X 32
IS I vwlill
get all the ere im under all con
ditions and you will
from your cows by commencing
with aDeLaval now
McCook Hdw Co
-- ii jr rmrtrntii iTii rinr r J1 Tmii faJEi w
lH - J - V - - T- rMf - - A - iii- - s f
Tyranny of Minorities Not of Ma
jorities to Be Feared
The majority of the plain people
will make fewer mistakes in govern
ing themselves than any smaller class
or body of men
I have scant patience with talk of
the tyranny of the majority
We are today suffering from the
tyranny of minorities
It is a small minority that lies be
hind monopolies and trusts
It is a small minority that stands
behind the present lav of master and
servant the sweatshops and the whole
calendar of social and industrial in
It is a small minority that is using
our convention system to defeat the
will of the majority in the choice of
delegates to the Chicago convention
The trouble is there have held pub
lic office in the states and nation men
who have served not the whole peo
ple but some special class or interest
When the majority of the people
do in fact as well as theory rule the
servants of the people will more quick-
Iy obey not the commands of the
interests but those of the whole1
Xo man would say that it is best toj
conduct all legislation by direct vote
of the people
Cut the initiative and referendum
are needed when legislatures fail to
carry out the will of the people
The direct primary if accompanied
by a stringent corrupt practice actj
will help break up the corrupt partner J
ship of corporations and politicians
I do not advocate the recall ofi
judges in all states and in all com-
But democracy has a right to ap
proach the sanctuary of the courts
when a special interest has corruptly
found sanctuary there
I urge that where the courts con-
strue the due process clause as if prop i
erty rights to the exclusion of human
rights haft a first mortgage on the1
constitution the people may after
sober doliboration vote and finally
determine whether the law -which thei
court set aside shall be valid or not
Those wfoo stand against the
changes I propane are champions of
wrong and injustice and of tyrannyi
by the wealthy and the strong over
the weak and helpless
I am proposing merely that ii a
tain class of cases involving the po i
lice power when a state court has
set aside as unconstitutional a law
passed by tho legislature for the
eral welfare the question of the
lidity of the law be submitted for
final determination to a vote of the
Mr Tafts criticism is really less a
criticism of my proposal than a critl i
cism of all popular government
The view that the constitution is a
straitjacKet to be used for the control
of an unruly patient the people is
false and mischievous
Mr Tafts position is that we have-
a special class of persons wiser than
Are You Willing to Have the Demo-
cratic Party Name the Republican
Candidate for President
This is just what the Democrats are
attempting to do all over the country
The Democratic newspapers are
breaking their necks to nominate Tn ft
and are hysterical in their denuncia
tion of Roosevelt
WHY Recause the Democrats
know THEY CAN I3EAT TAFT in the
election if he is nominated and know
Every Democrat everywhere knows
Roosevelt would be elected This isJ
why the Democratic newspapers and
the Democratic politicians are break
ing their necks to keep Roosevelt from
getting the nomination good business
on their part
Suppose Roosevelt would prove a
weak candidate if nominated would
the Democrats oppose his nomination
as they are now doing Most cer
These are plain facts that you cannot
get away from Think it out for your
They Will Make Fewer Mistakes in
Governing Themselves Than Any
Small Class or Body of Men Tafts
System a Mockery of Popular Gov
V 11
17 FAviK
M CS16 C81I C
Mrs Fred Chesmare to
Mascot Kansas to take care o
her sister who is in tlies hospit
al there
Tire Sunbonnet club met at the
iluanie of tMabel Lord Tuesday af
teraioon Refreshments were Beiv
ed and the afternooai spemt in
embroidery work
Mrs Jim iCarnncliael went to
Otis Colo Saturday morning to
visit hex soau AVill and family
Mrs Wiborn and sister left
for California Saturday on a trip
Ernest Crabtrec left for Bnclc
ley Washington Saturday morn
Major Iless was attacked by
the people who are above the peopIeM thleD tlamPs Monday morning
but who govern them and ought toclloee unconscious and robbed
govern them and who protect various
classes of people from the whole peo
Such a system is not popular gov
ernment but a mere mockery of pop
ular government
I do not believe that any people
and especially our free American peo
ple will long consent that the term
liberty shall be deOned for them
by a bench of judges
There is no danger of a revolution
In this country but there is crave dis
content and unrest
We stand against all tyranny by
the few or by the many We stand
for the rule of the many in the inter
est of us all
of his money The men were cap
tinned in Dutchcrs grove and
locked up in the jail and then
taken to McCook en No 5 Mon
dav alight
Earl Bagley left for Port
Leav en worth Kansas Sunday af
ter several weeks visit with his
uncle W N Puckett
The fawners around hero are
about done sowing spring wheat
The wind storms Friday and
Saturday did considerable dam
age to windmills and buildings in
this section
Chas AWeach hauled out 100
busbeils of seed oats from Traer
Kansas last week
Dr A L Wise of Bird City
Kansas is the nesw doctor at
Traer now located in the- new
hall builcVng
John TI W cech candidate for
cc iicily ffiSesBCi was a visitor at
Marion Dam bury and Lebanon
latter pct of last we k
Thornty Gordon and family of
cc ir MoCcok visHsd relative
ad Ed3 at Trar Kansas n
Edwin Canfkikl is sowing hen-
ley cn tihe school section
John Ad aims and wife were
McCook visitors Tuesday
J H Wisech spent Sunday with
the KcTMody -brothers
1 oil PoIt vIi icj trt now mflVI
ortunittes In
Our Readyto Wear Department
jmihni s
Each week during this spring and summer there will be special sale prices
on some one line throughout our store
ThIs Week
Our Saving to You is on
Tailored Suits and Coats
Next Week
We will continue our reduction sale prices on suits and
offer in addition
During this special sale you can buy your Lingerie
Voile or Linen Dress ready to wear at a less price than you
can buy the goods and have your gown made
Prices will range from 500 fo 3000
Your saving will be from 200 to 1000 on each dress
More Spring Hats are Hei i
rier cm route 2 thisweek out of Bartholomew Friday afternoon
E Dcdc county
Cedar Bluffs Iiansas
Cole Belters called on Ohairles
Wesdi last Monday
For making fancy cake
Swans Down Pake flour
Magner phone 14
Georgo Jackson of Oberlin was
a business visitor in- town one
day last week
C B Strain of and W
A Bldnniear of Danbtiiy were
business visitors in town last mid
Dr Bartholomew visited with
his folks in Lebanon one night
last week
Powell Nilsson- shipped out
four cars of fat hogs Tuesday
night two to St Joe and two to
Kansas City
Glen and Orim Badly of Wilson
ville were over Sunday visitors at
the W M PiOdabaugh home
Ernest Schweitzberger and fam
ily visited his brother and family
south of towm recently
Frank Laidig from south of
Danbuiw was in ton one day
last weelc after load of corn We
are in hopes farmers will Jiaul
the corn- the other way this fall
Jolin Ball of Fort Collins Colo
was an over night visitor at L
D Newberrys one night last
week From here he went to St
E Galusha did some plastering
for F M Tea tar Thursday
L E Williamson of Clay Cen
ter arrived here last Tuesday for
a short visit with Ms uncle F M
J A MeGuire was up from
Danbury Wednesday after a load
of alfalfa meal
Farmer Darnell had a force of
men planting taters on liis farm
near towm Friday
Mrs Sid Parsons of Wilsonville
and her daughter Mrs Milnr cf
Guide Rock -and Mrs IOepper of
Wilsonville arrived last week for
a sliort visit at the Irving Smiley
Jfike Wisbcn purchased the half
ejisiii cif 1 aad known as V
Ben Murrby f rm south of tewn
from h Chas
Netn was an
voitrr with relatives at
Erne SshweiVbergea and fam
iliy mov d f m south of town
thie first of week
The s wng circle met with Mrs
J wesa seat
business virrtor going over Fridaj
and returning Saturday
The Enterprise man was a Le
banon business visitor Monday
V w
Though there has been an enormus exodus of spring hats from our millinery
department our displays have not been allowed to become depleted As the
season advances styles become more diverse Our variety is greater than ever
furnishing something suited to ever face
Learn Our Prices and See Our Display Before Buying
Dry Goods Millinery Ladies Rjrhishin6s
Wm Doyle is in very poor
The wind blew things around
pretty lively Saturday
Re Foutch is attending the
district conference of the M E
church at Orleans this week
There is a good stand of small
grain this spring but it is need
ing rain to soften the crust on
top of the ground
Mabel Sexson was out from Me
Cook and spent Sunday with the
home folks
Geo Younger went up to Bev
erly first of the week to do
some carpenter work for Colonel
Minnie Wilson left last Satur
day for Alliance to visit her sis
ter Mrs Earl Notley
Epworth League at the church
ora nex Sundaty evening at 730
Everybody come
has sold more
Meybest Flour
for the Superior Milling Co
than any other selling force
A satisfied user never hesitates
to recommend it she will pass
the merits of Meybest to her
neighbors and friends and fur
nish anyone unbaised opinion
Get in touch with disinterested
information on Me vbest Flour
uperior Milling
CARL HARSH Local Dealer
We have plenty of Hay Shorts
Chops Wheat and all kinds of
garden seeds and onion sets
Marshs Phone 25
Wants for rent for sale etc
Read The Tribune for the news 5c a line in The Tribune