The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 18, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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If the chance of investing
a few hundred dollars with
the certainty of realizing a
handsome profit were to be
offered to you today would
3rou be in a position to ac
cept it
At the rate you are saving your
money now will you eer be able
to accept the offer If not had
nt you better realize that NOW
is the time to make a start toward
accumulating something We
are pleaded to offer you our facil
ities toward that end
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J 0BniKv Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
O P DeLong Laid at Rest
Oliver P DeLong s remains
were mingled with Mother Earth
Tuesday afternoon Brief servic
es were conducted at the home of
his son E E DeLong at 230
oclock by Rev D L McBride
a quartette smganig iamikar
hymns A goodly representation
of neighbors and friends paid a
tribute to the departed by their
presence and sympathy
At Longview cemetery the rit
ualistic seirvcee of the G A R
was1 read the members of J K
Baraes pest G A R attend
ing in a body and Jiaving charge
of the services besides providing
the pall bearers
Oliver P DeLong was born
aiear Indianapolis Indiana Feb
ruary 3 1S29 Death came to
-him in this city April 15 1912
lie was aged S3 years 2 months
12 days He was united in mar
riage to Julia F Suttcm about
1S54 5 and six children were
3orn to them four boys and two
The mother passed on about 35
years since Comrade DeLong
served in the 11th Illinois in
famtry during most of the war
marching from Atlanta to the
sea For the last IS years he
lias resided wdth his sen Elmer
b eing for part two years quite
a iheJpless invalid
Oats and com Updike Grain
anil Coal Co S S Garvey man
ager Phone 169
Take it from me It requires
a a obust pocket book to purchase
a scant skirt
Buy garden field and flower
seeds from II P4 Waite Co
Exquisite perfumes and toilet
waters Some new odors just re
McCONNELL Druggist
Satisfactory papers at a saAing
in- price
MeCONNELL Druggist
If you expect to need a cream
separator this spring see the
Dair Maid find U S at II P
Waife Cos
The district superintendent of
the Holdrcg district Rev J
AV Morris will precch at the
Methodist church next Sunday
rnc rning and evening An earn
est roquest is given to all mem
bers and frier do of the church
to oome to these services
Classified Advertisements
cottage at 908 west 2nd st Mrs
-T A Sawder Phone 109
Houses for rent by J E Kel
ley phone 6 3 room furnished
cottage close in lawn and sliade
12 sw
FOR SALE Household goods
including aiew latch en -range 402
E 2nd street Phone reid 463
15w 2t
FOB SALE Girls -bicycle
See Dorothy Williams 706 west
i nfT J BL K H vL L IB Kk iH IH HBv
Three Young Men Sent Up For
Sobbing Major Hess
Three young tramps made an
aggravated assault upon Major
Iless of Indianola Monday rob
bing him of such cash and valu
ables as he had on lib perscra
he tramps were subsequently
and brought to McCook
and lodged in the county jail
charged with the offense named
Tuesday Judge Perry came to
the- city and held a brief session
of district court it being under
stood that the prisoners woaild
plead guilty to the crimes charg
ed This they all did and snn
tune was pronounced as follow-
upon them
Roy Fisher a hall brcsed Canadian-Indian
from the Hudson
Bay country aged about 19 years
an indeterminate sentence of
from 2 to 5 years
Clarence Cheney of Iowa aged
about 21 vears fiom 2 to 4
Chester Cordonier of Kansas
aged about 19 years from 1 to
3 years
The major was not severely
injured but the crime is inten
sified by the fact of the victims
unfortunate mental condition as
weill as his physical weakness
However from The Tribunes
view point it is regrettable that
three young men almost boys
should -ho immured in states
prison tor crime ot robbery in
volving a few dollars when the
victim sustained no serious or
even- severe injuries It does
seeini as though such offenses in
these so young and presumably
net crime hardened could be ad
equately punished in a manner
which would and could keep ibheai
free from the curse and further
contamination aLa states prison
Sheriff L A Fitch departed Lost
night on Xo 6 for Lincoln with
the thrcse prisoners who will be
delivered to the warden- of the
state penitentiary in the morning
for incarceration
Light As a Feather
are our Feather Pillows but
large and good 85c to 125 each
Dont pay 35Q or more n pair
for just pillows come amd get
our 125 grade made of the best
ticking and with ventilating
tubes Made bv Marshall Field
Co Sold by us The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost value
Money to Loan
I have a little private money to
loan on farm mortgage Just
at present I desire a choice farm
loan of one thousand dollars in
Red Willow county L3 T2t
Blue Hill Nebraska
White Serge Dresses
at 750 and 950 See us before
the deed s dene The Thompson
D G Co Utmost value
Cherry Trees
You ought to see the size and
quality of our cherry trees at the
Greenhouse Phone red 214
seed for sale Updike Grain and
Coal Co S S Garvey manager
Phone 169
Piano for Sale
First class Very little used
Call at 407 East C st
See Lehn for real estate lean
Everything in drugs McCoh
Buy garden field rand flower
seeds from II P Waite Co
We have not only the largest
but the best lino of garden and
flower seeds in town
Marshs Phone -25
One of the instructors of -the
Summeir Normal descries to rent
a furnished cottage duriing June1
and July Addnees C F White
Trenton Neb
Your screens wall sicon aieed
attention Paint tliem wifji our
special screen paint Suitable for
both wire and frames Its a
quick drying durable enameJ in
luandy cans
Thursday Evening Edition
1IEI I HI IIHJff ttVW VV35fii It ilKUttif itl 1 1 T I I a 11 4 V
im mm rnni
Portrait from Philadelphia North American
Are you for genuine popular government or for government of
the people by the bosses for the interests
Are you for the nomination of a president by the people as in
Illinois or by thfrbosses as in New York or by theft as in Kentucky i
Do you believe that human rights are superior to property
Ask yourself these questions and you will know whether or
not jfou will stand with Theodope Roosevelt and if you do stand with
him vote for him next Friday at the primaries
Citizens of McCook
Again I call
your aittenticn to
me your ceder today 1 need it
to win Ycurs for business
Phcne black 338
For Sale
Residcnee prapertv
All kinds of fruit and shade
treeo for saie at the Greenhouse
Phone red 214
McConnell for drugs
Several of the citys wards
ware released yesterday
For chaps or -rough skin
McMillans Cream Lotion
Quite a number of improve
ments of amijhcr sort are under
way -over the city
Our oil cook stoves give splen
did satisfaction Come in and
let -us demonstrate tliem for you
Marshal Sclilagol is a pretty
long stepper but a vag beat him
to it yesterday that is to the
open country
Tone up the color scheme of
your living room with some of
our decorative Avail paper
A MeanLIBN Druggist
Brck His Nose-
ILnry Loven smtaimd a
t he fact that 1 md supture cf his ncsv yesterday He
port aiot the other f el lews to wau rdng a motor cycle oni west
help me Avii that eontpst Give B street lollcrrang an automobile
closely Both were going at a
suddenly turned toward the sida
I of i3trot on which Doven
i riding Lovce was unable
or avoid and ran into the auto
at 60i 3d His nose was broken hii the
street west at a bargain Lawn
2 fruit trees ncwlv painted
built 2 vears Phcne liiaek 211
At the Greenhouse
Walk over to the greenhouses
any timi arcd set- cur trees rose
bushes shrubs small fruit and
Seed oats and corni for sale
Updike S S Garvey mariage r
Phcne 160
ion and his cycle considerably
Eggs for Hatching
Finest stock in this part of
state Barred Plymouth Reek
Bradley and Ringlet strains 4c
each 250 per 100 Phcne ash
1351 Rural No 3 and 4
Indian suits for boys far Goc
ccotrig of jacket l gans sad
7r bcnn Bcucr c g ng en th
var iiati U3 The Tlcmpcn
D Gr Co Utmcst value
Gist our prices en wall pap
poiints slid oii 1
D elieious candies
McCcnnell Druggist
Typewriter papers
weights and grades F
tjio e
v -
hall the eoiorfs different widths
R Kimmell
Se Ralph McBrayers new adv
Ho wants to- figure with yciu
Some new sidewalks are going
A MeMillen Prescription Drug
McConnell fills prescriptions
ta o ill
Citizens of McCook Join
Clean Up Gang-
A glance at the work being
doire in the eiry pairk will stimu
late and enthuse an Egyptian
mummy with the thought of get
ting busy and assisting the mayor
and his workmen in cleaning up
the city Already the park is
putting on a garment of green
the debris of eveay sort is being
raked up and removed the tree
branches down have been haided
off some new trees have been
planted and the streets around
the park and the gutters and
parked area are all being grad
ed Care Taken Snyder is al
ready using his mower and rake
with good results and appearanc
es are assuming attractive and
appealing forms and hues
Let every citizen follow the in
itiative of Mayor Ilostetter and
his assistants and clean tip on
and about his premises Let Mc
Cook look never better or clean
Arbor Day Monday April 22nd
will be observed as a holiday by
the McCook postoffiee General
delivery and stamp windows will
be open from S to 9 a m and
irom iz to 1 p m Jity carriers
will make morning delivery only
Rural carriers will perform usual
service and all mails will be dis
patched at the regular hours
Was a Success
The benefit dance of the Mc
Cook Cooperative Hospital asso
ciation Monday evening in the
armory drew a fine company of
patrons who had an enjoyaible
social dance while- the associa
tion derived its pleasure from
theneat sum netted for the- ity
hospital project IWe congrat
ulate committee and association
Special Session of Council
There was a special session of
Farm Implement Bargains
We -still hive manv bargains
for you Many have taken ad
vantage of our advertised sale
and you should ccme and see us
if vau noed anvthing
Creepers Sompcrs Bloomers
cevcir aws tlresses ana incomer
pretty good clip when the auto dosses for the- children tc play
in Largest linl and lowest
was ca at The Thompson D G
Utmost value
Headquarters for Seeds
of all kinds of the- best qualities
Special high grade lawn- grass
The O E S rynsngton next
Wednesday aternoon will be
held at the heme cf Mrs A C
The ivaffee Klatch club met
with Mrs II G Phelps yester
day afternoon A five oclock
dinner was ss rved
Mrs Z L Ivav is entertaining
tb Ccagrcgational Doreas ken-
smgton this afternoon and Mrs
W M Roizell that of the Bap
tist chureli
Mrs Walter Stokes was host
ess at the Tuesday afternoon con
vaoataon cf the Entre Nous A
particular of the was
the usual excellent dinner in two
toothsome courses served by Mrs
The Young- DadieS Whist club
were the guests of Miss Claire
Thursby Wednesday evening at
the iliome of Mrs1 J G SchqjlwL
with the -happy details of that
club dainty -refreshments card
playing etc
The Latin club is enjoying a
progressive dinner this after
niooni with atfdss Thursby as the
hostess A five oclock dinner is
being served ut the residences of
C J OBrieni A Galusha and
C W Barnes-
r -
Ye youths and maidens of
ye high school will indulge in
unseemely levity in present
ing the doings of ye godly folk
of Plymouth together with
certain frivolous and worldly
songs and ye heathen and for
bidden dances
Saturday April 20
The City Parks
The m canbers of the city parka
board are already at work
They had C II Meeker doing
some surveying and making es
timates for them on the grad
ing necessary on the water works
park grounds and thev expect
soon to begin on this work If
lit can be done by hydraulic pres
sure tuns means be usedj
otherwise bids will be asked for
Underbrush has been cut and tire
trees trimmed ash this park and
when the grading is finished vl
bag start will have beeni niade to
ward a park indeed the board
expects to have the park ready
for picnics and gatherings this
They ihave an order in for
equipment for closets wiith
which the park will lie amply pro
Nick Snyder has been selected
for the work iin the city park
and he is- already at work eLeanr
ing up that beauty spct being
vssisted by a gang of city
city council last Thursday -ere in nirsi work
ing The principal and almost
exclusive business of the m etiig
was the question of providing
mcre water for the use of the
ciily during the immerand plans
will be settlrd seen to that end
Mr iSnyder Iras
utiirii given ponee powers- as
Av ell so wiill be available for
suah duty -in that res ideroe dis
tTiat cf the city
In this regard attenicn is
drawn to the fact that the eity
park Ia wai is dimagcd by
t h - habituilly making patlis
acrcssi the lanvn and the prac
tice will he stepped by tlrose in
The cit- park board is com
pestd cf I L Rodstrom presi
dent Br C L Fahnestoek sec
retary and W A Middleton
These gemtlenun are taking hold
of th e Avorl in a busiuess like
neriretie manner which must
result iaii practiosil
ths summer
Seed oats and seed corn The
Updike Grain and Coal Co S
S Garvey manager Phone 169
Sose Bushes
Call red 214 and inquire about
cut rcse bushes and fancy orna
mental shrubs
Buy garden field and flower
seeds from II P Waite
Gotta stop kicking my deg
aroun bottons are increasing in
numbers en McCcck lapels
To vote for LaFollette for pres
ident mark an X after his name
which will ba found near the ftqp
cif the ballot adA
Same tramps stole- a pair of
shoes Sam Did am- at the
light plant Tuesday They were
later arrested and placed in the
city jail where Sam later iden
tified hiis shoes and handed the
bum one on the side-
Four automobile loads of Nox
nis boosters made the county yes
terday distributing literatur ey
and doing vigorous missionary
work for Congressman Nornis
candidacy for United States sen
The Cliautauqua linstitirbion was
founded abciut forty years ago iby
Bishop Vineemit of the Meltliodist
dhureh at Lake New
York The Chautauqua at this
place is known- as the Mxyfck
jr Chautauqua