The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 01, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Get our rates on farm loans
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs
Always the Social Event of
the Season
Monday April 8 1912
K P Orchestra Tickets 100
The Palmer Method
This week Mr VanCourt an
expert teacher of penmanship
will be in the city dn the interest
of the new system recently estab
lished by the local -board of edu
cation The Palmer Method cf
Business Writing It is -the
custom of this company to teach
thear system to the public school
teachers where their system has
been installed the company doing
tliiis by means of a correspond
ence course and hy having such
men as Mr Van Count out on the
read making personal visits to
such schools Mr Vcm Court wiill
here several days and will
demonstrate and teach the sys
tem to teachers and pupils during
thas visit It is the expectation
of the board and superintendent
of schools that material omprcve
merat wall oe apparent in the
matter of writing in the public
sdhools by the end of even the
present school year
Land Bargains
Small farm close McCook also
160 acres eight miles McCook
115 acres in wheat for Gale on
email cash payment down bal
ance long time low rate ot inter
est the former a fine beet farm
or would exchange for McCook
propert3r Apply to owner
Wall Papers that satisfy
At prices that save
McCONNELL Druggist
Let us show tihe greatest line
of easy running washing ma
chines ever shown in McCook
Classified Advertisements
WANTED A girl to do gen
eral house work C B Gray 106
east 3rd street
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
black 271 4 tf
WANTED Pupils on the pianc
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
Blue Front livery barn See M
0 McClure at Bullard Lumber
Co office
FOR RENT Cash or share
crop S E 34-2-30 Driftwood
precinct See D W Colson at
once 4 tfw
FOR RENT Steam heated
rooms 4 tfw Inquire cf L W
McConnell Druggist
Houses for rent by J E Kel
ley phone 6 4 room brick bunga
low modern good location 3
room furnished cottage close in
lawn and shade 12 sw
I will pasture cows for 1 per
head and will call for and de
Ever same for 50c No extra
charge for delivering additional
cows to same party For infor
mation call up McCook Milling
Co Plione 29
FOR RENT Half block with
house fruit and shade trees Suit
able for chickens and gardening
Call at 215 W B street B 25
FOR SALE Brown Leghorn
eggs- 15 for 35c or 100 for 2
Plume black 318 route 1 F S
the state university to determine
the feasibility the practicability of
the- project that measures would
be itaken thru the engineering depart
ment to determine the water supply
available for this project that a
preliminary survey would be taken
of the matter upen which a irencrt
Death of Mother Scott
Emily Ilonnoild Avas born in
Belmont Co Ohio Sept 9th
1S26 died Mareh 25 1012 aged
85 years 6 months 10 days She
grew to womanhood in Ohio and
moved to Marion county Iowa
on March 5 1S54 She was mar
ried to -Tames L Scott Eleven
children wca e born to them three
dyimig in infancy and Geo T
dying at the age of thirty five
Seven with the aged husband
survive her She was a member
of the iM E church since she
was fifteen years cf age Funer
al srvies weire held at the home
tour miles northwest cf McCook
Lot for Sale
Fine residence lot 75x140 Main
ave Sewer and cement walk A
very desirable location Price
reasonable Dr Fahnestock
We have the Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
New paper and fresh pajint
have noticeably improved inter
icir appearance of the Congrega
tional church
We have not only the largest
but the best line of garden and
flower seeds in town
Marshs Phone 25
Miss Bisom Johnson arrived an
Monday morning from Lincoln
and is visiting her parents Mr
and Mrs J E- Johnson
Mabel daughter of County
Chirk Dutcher is ill with an at
tack cf scarlet fever and the
heme is in quarantine
Get a Herriek refrigerator and
you will be pleasad We are show
inig many varieties
H P Waite Co -are agents
in MeCcqk if or Hughes Crescent
Coiiitage Paahts Be sure to sae
thorn before buying material for
your spring painting
Majestic Banges cost a little
more thans cheap ranges but you
soon save it tin repair bills and
saving of coal
ilrr I fitl I 111 1 it
Monday Evening Edition
t The University Will Aid Us 1
Aii informal oieeiins Avas held
in the commercial club rooms Fri
day afternoon wlith Chancellor Sam
uel Avery and Dr George E Ccndra
bofih of itlie Nebraska university who
asked and answered questions now
permest in the mloids of psople with
in the proposed McCook Irrisatuon
Ditch district namely its feasibUity
water supply available etc
The chancellor and doctor both ex
presssd themselves as deeply iinter
ested dn the project and promises
wore made by thesb gentlemen that
evcr3 thins possible would be dcnt9 by
be given if not a contrary report
would be made according to the
facts determin scL
Perforce of tlhe fact that Dr Con
cira has a Aviide and careful personal
knowledge of the topography the
sail values the water supply etc of
this section of state his ndvice and
information would be of the great-
Tlhe chancellor promised that Prof
Stout of the engineering department
would come out ansd look over the
case The professor has been ideat
iSied with government irrigation
work for the past few years n con
junction with his university work
and perhaps no man in the west fs
better equipped and qualified to
give advice and sniformatien desired
Tihe Tribune hopes fa the near
future to be able to report Frcf
would be based If they found the Stouts presence en the field and
plan practicable and the water to be able to giive hfe estimate cf the
ficisnt a report to the effect would matter now pressing upon us
Goes Into Station Service
Dispatcher T B Campbell to
day goes fironn the despatching de
pariiment into the station ser
vice cf company having re
cently resigned from the former
and deckling to enter the latter
Fcir thirty one yeairs Tom has
been an efficient careful and de
pendable1 member of the dispatch
ing force During that uncommon
length of service in that norve
wraekiing department he thus serv
ed without unfortunate and un
pleaisant incident a record of
wlni ejli h I3 of right proud and
cif which Mie company has been
and is appreciative giving iliim
Sunday at 2 p m conducted lv I aia tlhey haver one of the beat
D L McBride and attended byjtcn pcsticns on the MoUock cli
a large number of neighbors and vision that at Mind en where
friends j he assumed tilris morning
By so many years of service in
NOTICE j the exacting work of a dispatcher
The citv ihas provided -a new--Mr- Oampbolt hasfairly4and fid-
city dumping ground in the can- b won a less pressing and
ven nerth cf the north end oflcult position His large
3rd street east A lane lias been j m railroad rvork has
fenced from end of the street equipped mm tor sucoe riu a-
to the dumping ground which is
also enclosed All persons inter
ested will please notice
Now is the tim to give your
premises alleys etc a thorough
cleaning after the accumulation
of winter Kindly give this
vour attention citizens
Fred Schlagel Chief of Police
A Now Superintendent
The resignation of Mr A R
Seott superintendent of the Mc
Cook Electric Co became affec
tJve today and hisi uccesscirMr
A L Harding is in the city be
ing introduced to the patrons of
the company by the retiring su
perintendent Mr Scott will re
main bore for a while initiating
Mr Harding into th duties of
the superimtendency but is net
at liberty o sae just now what
will be his future counse
llor in any department and the
people of Mindcn will rcieeuve the
caireiful courteous service of an
obliging and competent station
master in Tom Campbell
Tight Fitting Clothes Injurious
No one should attempt to wear
a shoulder brace that binds con
tinually The Itexall brace cs so
perfectly adjustable that the-
wearer is unconscious of i hs pres
ence except as- an incorrect peti
tion is assumed All sizes Sold
only at the REXALL STORE
Price 100
L W McCONNELL Druggist
0 A Deloy is remodeling his
Fine young thoroughbivd Shoi
Horn bull for sale
Come in and got our prices on
Garden Seeds before you buy If
you do you will buy from us M
l 3t Marshs Phone 25
Dr LeaAitt made a twenty min
utij talk at II S assembly en
Monday menuing The doctors
work is along the line of prison
DeLaval cream separators with
tlnafir split wing bowls provide the
best known method of gettun
the CT rnm under all conditions
w -a 1
McCook Hardware Co Agts
We can save you mcccy and
increase your satisfaction Ca 1
any tm and inapriit the sew
McCONNELL Druggist
Ec mimcT the M E on
Friday nfighit F A
Munden A R Mohaffy and B
J Laner aire the promclteis So-
enal -wail be helfOi in the church
baeament An exchange will
be tliis chief cteun of- canustim r t
Episcopal Wednesday 730
p an services 8 p m choir
praotica Thursday afternoon Al
tar Guild meets with Miss Blaie
Campbell Good Friday series of
services and addresses from 12
noon to 8 p m come if only for
a few minutes Saturday after
noon plants and flowers received
for Easter deeorations Easter
day 8 a m Holy Communion
10 a jn Sunday sehool 11 a m
Holy Communion and sermon 8
McCook Hardware Co Agits p service and address
The Friday Bridge whist club
met with Mrs A Galuslia last
Mrs A McMilkn will give a
Dorcas kensington at her home
Thursday afternoon
Mr and Mrs Fred Bosworth
entertained the Thursday Whist
club last week at the home of
Mr and Mrs J G Stokes A
three course seven oeloek dinne
was served at two Ian tables
the bon bon hoxes indicated itho
approach of Easter tide and jen
quiila avc the-
Mrs J W Hasty is entertain
ing her mother Mrs Utterback of
Miss Ada Converse of Hendley
Nebraska is guest of her broth
er Ira this week
W H Staples was over from
Lebanon Friday on business at
the county capital
J E Adams of the Cedar Bluffr
Kansas neighborhood had busi
ness in the city Saturday
i ji riiilJappi has moved to
Eiueson Nebraska where he is
making his home at present
Mirs F B Donisthorpe of Ge
neva is visiting daughter Miss
Louise Donisthorpe of the public
school corps
Carlton Rowell came down from
Benkelman Friday to attend the
declamatory contest that evening
returning home on No 1 Satur
Mrs Girnney Smith returned to
her home in Stratton on Mon
day morning after a visit of sev
eral days -with her son G L Bur-
Mrs F S Harris returned to
her home in Denver Monday on
No 13 after a weeks visit at
the home of her father Joseph
Mr and Mrs Emerson Hanson
departed Sunday for the west
going via Seattle where they will
briefly visit relatives of Mr Han
son afterwards going south to
Santa Barbara California where
Jirs Hanson expects to make a
long visit to an uncle Mr Han
sen s trap wall of neeessmtv be
shorter than Mrs Hanson X ho
returning to his work here dn a
fc iw weeks
Nebraska State
few people among us who return
evil for good and like a certain
other class they are always
with us The injustice of cer
tain published articles and a
sense of fair play prompts this
statement of facts of which the
public may not be informed At
the time Mr McAdams appoin
Mr Diamond not Water Com
missioner but Water Commiss
ioner PRO TEM he stated
among other reasons for the ap
pointment that Mr Diamond
was the only applicant who
would agree to furnish all clerk
hire without expense to the city
On the evening of the appoint
ment when a remark by Mr
Diamond gave the impression
that he would do not this the
mayor promptly informed him in
the presence of the council that
he would not be appointed and
had not Mr Diamond at once
explained that his remark did not
have this meaning he would not
have secured the position one
of the principal reasons for his
appointment being Mr McAdams
desire to save the citys money in
every possible way The mayor
further stated that the appoint
ment was as the record shows
only a temporary one requested
that the appointee be given a
trial and promised that if after a
trial of the appointee a request
be made that he be removed he
would remove him When the
request in writing signed was
made the mayor kept his prom
This is untrue The city and
county treasurers books show
floral touch cif there is in the water fund
bpiutv The assistant were Mrs sum of 814478
Robert Gunn Mrs Clarence Stok
r3 Mrs Charles Davis i
r jl 4 1 r
-1 li oiiOKrs a numocr or su sro t r tu rill
increased the company to seven
McConnell fills prescriptions
Cccise hunting shas been the
nVl - I u 9iUi bonds and were issued in 1908
c j In the second place they can not
MiV Vera Fitzgerald arrive he Prt or reiunded J ai 15 1913
home from Kearney slate normal
Friday morning and io visiting
with the- home folks
Potato plantero soc n needed
We have the- Aspinwall ready
for you The best planter made
II P Waite Co are agenils
in MeOook for Hugkcsr Crosoent
CVrj ge Vf nls Be tare to see
th ni Jx fcre buying miteriil for
your spring
- MU
Tn pri and
iU CVV i -
hulk -11 fiWi
anu or we higlKsr qx tS
r l ccrrr tted - C1 p r ct
grmnation RecVnned Kalfr
Qd 08CO per bir
Dr Lcavitt of Ovah x repre
senting the Society
spent Sunday n the eiy
in the interest of prison reform
help for the friend lore criminal
etc He spoke in tb Bmptist -the
Congiegtcnal and th M
ohnreihcs of the city di nig tiho
day and in several Sunday
shccl gatherings agjwll This
seemsi to be the psyrhological
mcjmcnt fcr such addrrrosj and
that gocd results atoII ceme from
the quiet and sane campaign be
ing urged for prison reforms in
Nebraska Nebraska noads legis
lation on this matter and the
people should be informed and
advised as to needed laws so
itliat tliey may require their legis
lators to give them relief need
I By the Peoples Water Committee i
Some Errors
Mr Editor It has been the j
A Clean Town
Mayor McAdams is not a man
misfortune of mankind to have a of fads and fanaticisms but he is
a man of family and has a fath
ers interest in the moral status
of the community in which he
lives and rears his family
His course as mayor has been
one of absolute fidelity to his
oath of office He has enforced
the laws without fear or favor
Wrong- doers have smarted and
no outrageous violations of law
have been ventured upon in
view of the known courage vigi
lance and fidelity of Mayor Mc
Adams Among his supporters
for a second term will be found
no vultures of society hoping by
his election to find opportunity
for carrying on forbidden callings
Mayor McAdams will never be
asked by the governor to resign
because of nullifying the law
A vote for him will be a vote for
continued good order
Mr McAdams Qualifications
Mr McAdams has a record of
twenty five years of successful
business activities His well
known record as a builder ex
tends back to the beginning of
McCook and covers the towns of
the near by counties As a man
ufacturer of brick he is known
far and near These lines have
made him familiar with machin
ery and materials excavations
and other operations that largely
figure in the citys activities His
judgment on all such matters is
valuable His career as a suc
cessful merchant shows his skill
and knowledge as a buyer His
range is as wide as the city s
In addition his year as
ise iustashe has at all timps mayr has na e m perfectly
kept his word with the council i famiiar with the affairs of the
In a published article it Let usdralt
stated that there is now on hand lr tweve months Let your
with the city and county treas K00 Dlisine judgment control
urers in the water fund i8coo
in this matter
1 he state- account of water hnnfU w t a
menl that if the 20000 of water j tjuired by lhe law It coud not
SVbodssodto the state are 0t have been less with the bonds
j continue in force twenty years
and that Mayor McAdams is op
posed to paying or refunding
them is untrue and misleading
In the first place those bonds
actiVity cf the local nimrod fjwere originally only 20 ycar
jthey cannot be paid or refunded
until June 15 1915 nearly two
and one half months after the
191 3 city election In the third
place they may be paid or re
funded at any time after June 15
1913 Lastly Mr McAdams
has consistently taken the posi
tion that every cent can be safely
spared shall be applied to reduc
ing the water bond debt when
ever there is an opportunity to do
so The untruth of this and
other published statements is
apparent Would Mr McAdams
do anything to increase the
others when he is himself a
neavy taxpayer
Championship Contest
April 12th at Minden will oc
cur the championship debate be
tween McCook and Minden high
school debating teams McCook
has already won two unanimous
decisions Minden has wont one
divided decision This next de
bate will decide which team shall
represent Southwest Nebraska in
the state contest
Mr and Mrs Wm Lewis de
parted on No 6 Frida night for
Omaha where he expected to
undergo an operation for -relief
from appendicitis with which he
has been threatened for some
As to Taxes
The 10400 levied in 1911 on
standing the way they were voted
four years ago Mayor McAd
ams was not responsible for their
form but see what he has rlnnp
-- --
to relieve the situation in the
few months since July 1st 191 1
He has paid off 15000 of the
S5ooo bond issue He has re
funded 50000 of them from 6 to
5 per cent bonds He has shown
that under his management the
water plant will at the 16 cent
rate run itself and yield 2500
surplus applicabe to payment on
bonds so that the tax levy for
1912 will only be 4876 as
against the 10400 of 191 1
Can there be any better manage
ment than this
As to the taxes of 1910 under
the previous administration there
was levied a water tax of 3869
which was mostly paid over to
the water company for hydrant
rentals etc securing no form of
property for the city whatever
while the 4876 to be levied this
year 1912 will chiefly 366 go
to retire that amount or water
bonds in other words pay for
that much of the water plant
The water taxes of 191 3 and
each succeeding year will be
smaller and taper off each year
until all water bonds are paid
Dont let any statements by
ex employees or others throw
you off the track on this matter
of the taxes Give them the
facts and they will quit talking
Mr McAdams stands for econo
my and will protect taxpayers
Give him and the whole water
ticket 3our vote tomorrow
C A Leach departed Friday
night for Lincoln- where he will
be joined by Mr and Mrs Geo
Leach and they will together
leave for a visit of some length
in California