The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 28, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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    tijtoSe w m ry 1 rwwu ma mtgwwaaagaaM
I 8
AUTOMOBILE with a record of 48 miles on one gallon of
gasoline together with The Small Up Keep and the low first
cost of 35000 has given it the title of every mans car
We are taking orders now based on car load freight If
interested call and get catalogue and further particulars
McCook Hardware Co
McCook Nebr Phone 31
la Regular Session
Thi mayor and members or the
ejfcy council met in regular j site and arrange tor fencing the
rian Menda
present lmt Councilman
IManufcs of previous meetings
vrer e read and approved
H Stansberry 12 oOj
W A Middleum
i 1
uiiiniiiice vu uuiiijjmg giuumi is
hereby instructed to select said
with all ground and lane to same and
to order materials and labor
therefor Carried
City clerk was instructed to
ret bids of James Clow Sons
The finance committee audited for fire hvdrants and fittings Al-
irad approved following claims so to obtain prices on chemical
2vHch were alloAved by the ccun fire engines size A
IDavid Uiaanond 27 50
iade V and C Co 6 00
J2jner Kay 4 o0
I3L Humphrey 2 SO
IZImcr Kay two 7 50
TLl E Jlesenhenrer 5 50
iVjck Snyder
2 20
Y C SI10JI - o0 CO
nlliam Wood 12 50
L Wokr 63 60
51 C Brown 12 50
ISruee Andrrws 1 00
S J Adams 4 20
1 E Marshall 1 0
e IL Mapes 1 SO
Fahrenbruch 1 cq
1 M Tliggins - 4 90
H Angell 5 40
Tames Mc Adams 1 8 75
In tihe Shepherd Johnson Sim
mons and Franck cases agaiinst
the city the city attorney report
ed that warramst Xo 321 to 332
inclusive and 339 to 350 inclus
ive totaling 2640 were not re
cpiircd and same1 were returned
to the council and duly cancelled
Council adjourned
J A Strain is still improving
John Yingling of Lebanon was
up Tuesday on a business trip
A horse- buyer tcok three hors
es through here Sunday cm Im
way to Wilson ville
The band concert will be given
J Saturday April 6th
A btone retrarned to Me-
12 5 Cock Monday evcnng
Caiinellman Middleton intndue Traan Xo 1S9 was three
fill th following resolution which late Tuesday
xs as sevouded bv Councilman A verv small crowd attended
Wood and seconded by Council- wd e hf se qr and s hf
zan Middleton that the propo 1 ne qr 14-4-27 4800 00
itioD f the Lincoln Land Co Ada G Rowcll to Solon E
rio lease land for a dumping j Harvey wd lot 2 block
i5Fund U r tc and that the 17 1st McCook 900 00
While in town we would ask you to
call at our store and see our large assort
ment of New Up-To-Date Shoes and
New White Canvas High and Low Shoes
New White Nu Buck Shoes and Slippers
See Window Display
J J Strunk was- a business pil
grim to McCook Tuesday re
turning home on 14 sama night
Miss Georgetta Short visited
MfcCook relatives Tuesday
Quite a number around town
have the measles
The temperance rally at the
Christian church Monday event
ing wa well attended and the
program was fine
The R- A E C met at the
heme of Maude Gob en Wednes
day afternoon and helped Maude
celebrate her birthday
Mr Mitchell of the Christian
church preached hisi farejwell ser
mon Sunday evening and will
lease soon for hist claim in Cola
Charlie Junker came Home on
Tuesday ifor a few days visit
Nellie Crocker and George Min
nick were in Cambridge Satur
day night between trains
Mrs W M Thomas of Lincoln
came in Saturday to visit wiith
her mother Mrs Arch Mann
Mrs Iloag is visiting in Mc
Cook this week with her daugh
ter Mrs Clarence Gray
Mr and Mrs R S IloJlcomb
went out hcme Sunday the first
time in five weeks Mrs TIol
ccanb has been taking care oif
her mother Mrs Howard
Viola Wallace is- visiting with
her sister Mrs Clias By field of
The Sunbonnet club met at the
home of Clara Wilson Tueidav
Mrs Loensticn entertained
Miss Willis and gentleman friend
af Lincoln Sunday
R F D No 1
Mis G W Grave fell on the
o Thursday last breaking her
pelvic bone She is getting ail on g
nicely however
Johm Trcesters son
was buried in the Germain Luth
eran church cemetery Saturday
The bov lnd been a sufferer for
months with a disease the doct
org diid not understand
Mr and Mrs Fiank Brvc
were visitors at the Sam Hugh
home Tuesday
The entertainment ait tb K r
nedy school house last Mend
night on the occasion of the la1
day of school was one of the b
ever given in tine district and
would have been a high credit to
anv district anywhere
Byron Stnlker t vitr F r
Hughes and other relatives From
here he will go to his now hcime
iiai California where his paivin
ESrown Jt was adopted by a the dance Saturday night owing are now 111 vmg
rmaniinoois vote to the bad roads Grace and Nellie Johraron
Bo it Resolved That the May- Saturday left for Monte VJsti
fc and Council of the City oft eal Estate Filings Colorado where their parent iv-
C2ook hereby extend a vote of R D Rodgers to Joseph cently moved onto a farm
hlianks to Mr II P Sutton and Downs wd to e hi inw qr i
t 5e members of the McCook Band S-2-29 6400 00j The supply of hard coal s
fer the concert so kindly tend- Anna P Smith to Charles tirely exhausted save a little fur
osred the Municipal League con J Skalla ex agr to se qr nace size and no more will b1
rantion March 21 1912 I 14-3-28 1500 0 obtainable until nc xt fail say
It was moved by Councilman J W McClung to 1 S Moore local dealers
You are- safe and the doctor is
satisfied when you bring his pre
scriptions to us to be filled -
A McMILLEN Druggist
Welcom School Teachers
Phone 18
McCook Nebr
aKHuiwmwrw ii tti rai wi is ami mi rt TrrraramgBHznaaiiiijm unifrri nf 1 niiffn BwtjCT Trgwgan i
More than a ton of
and of the finest quality at - -
Tlie trains are running neaiuy
on regular time the past few
Mrs W J Stilgebouer cf Dan
bury was dn town between trains
Word was received here from
Mrs X R Rhcdc 3 from
Glen Smallberger is working
for 1 S Sanders
Pcwcl XiLon had a gang
of extra handa shoveling swow
out of the hog houses last week
E L Dodge is a business vis
itor in Kansas City
Mrs Lloyd Naden came up
from Danbury Saturday to help
care for her sister Mrs S II Stil
giouer who is very sick
Several pupils of the Fairview
school went to Danbury to take
the eighth grade examination on
Thursday and Friday
II A Iecd was an out of town
visitor Sunday
Fred Lafferty went to Frank-
Ian last week to get some horses
he left there last year
Bertha Weyeneth arrived from
Franklin Saturday for a short
visit with the home folks
Henry Miller arrived from
Beverly via McCook last Friday
having walked all the way frcim
IMcCook and thence went fto Dan
bury to attend the funeral of his
Mrs Minnie Zimmerman amd
two children of Laurel Dell visit
ed her brother L D Newberry
and family over Sunday
Mrs J G Parker returned the
elese of last week from Rexford
Kansas having been called there
some time ago on account of the
flness cf hor mother Her
mother accompanied her hoane
Emil Dedman and Edith Lytle
of district 37 were n MCmj1c on
Thursday and Friday last week
talcing eighth grade examinarions
Miss Ilallie Green closed her
three months school in district
57 last Friday and leftSaturday
for her home at Danbury
Miss Minnie Wilson returned
Saturday from Harvard Neb
where she has been visiting rela
Miss Lillian Doyle who was
visiting -her parents returned to
the hospital at Lincoln Tuesday
Born to Mr and Mrs C M
Bolles March 24 a daughter
Having purchased the Huber bankrupt stock while the store
room is being thoroughly tverhauled and repaired we will sell this
splendid stock of goods to make room for the large stock which
will be moved from our West B street store into this new location
on Main Avenue
At Unprecedented Sacrifice Prices
The Huber bankrupt stock is varied and while much of it
will be slaughtered in this special sale we can only mention a few
items in this advertisement
A superb line and large assortment of
all kinds at
Olives Pickles Etc
4 p0UI13S for 25c
An immense
the best at
G age
23 Phone 97
Less Tlian Wholsale
Ke of Slaughter Prices
Here is an opportunity to secure standard
useful goods at unheardof prices for
pot Cash Only
Come and participate in this Money Saving
Sale These goods wont last long at these prices
West B Street
Main Avenue
Cyphers and Old Trusty jeet and prayer of wMcdi are to
bators and supplies at taetcry quiet the title of the plaintiff in
prices at the Southeast Quarter of Section
McOOOK HARDWARE COS -Six Township One Ranger
ty west of the sixth principal
Buy gaulen field and f lowi r meridian in Red Willow Country
saeds from II P Waite Co ebrsJas an5T fo a deeree tiiaJ
I e defendants release of record
Take advantage of the McCook
Greenhouses Carnation special
tomorrow and Saturday
Nannie L Lowman Sarah W
Lowman Edward E Lowman
Oelia F Lowman and the un
known heirs and the unknown
devisees of Louis Lawman de
ceased defendants herein will
take notiee that Judson L Pack
ard plaintiff herein has filed his
petition in the District Court of
Red Willow County Nebraska
against the above named defend
ants the object and prayer of
which are to quit the title of
the plaintiff in the Southwest
Quarter of section twenty nine
Townsliip Four North of Range
Twenty nine in Hed Willow coun
ty Nebraska and for a decree
tliat the defendants Nannie L
Lawman SaraJi W Lawman and
Edward E Lawman are the sole
and only heirs of the said Louis
Lowman deceased and enjoin
ing and forever tbarrang said de
fendants or any of them from
claiming any right to or right of
possession of tlie said premises
or any part thereof
Tion oare required to answer
said petition on or before Mon
day the 15th day of April 1912
Daited tlus 4th day of March
By C E Eldred Attorn ev for
First publication March 4 Stsw
Nannie M Browne Harry L
Browne and Ho Browne C C
Sehrier and W L Browne as ex
ecutors of the estate of J L
Browne deceased Boards of the
United Presbyterian Churches of
North America a corporation
Mary S Browne and the un
known heirs and the unknown de
visees of William Little deceas
ed defendants herein will take
notice itihat Minnie MaNael plain
tiff herein has filed her petition
in the District Court of Red -Willow
county Nebraska against the
above named defendants the oh-
un u uenuin morigages recoraea
dn Book 11 on page 290 and
Book 22 yn page 70 of the rec
ords of mortgages of said coun
ty and that in the event they
fail so to do within iten days the
deeree stand m lieu oif such re
You are required to answer
said petition on or before Mon
day the 15th day of April 1912
Dated tliis 4th dav of March
By- C E Eldred her attorney
First publication March 4L Stsw
To Susan C Hileman and to
all whom it may concern
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road commencing at a
point at the northwest corner of
section numbered thirteen and
the southwest corner of section
numbered twelve in town ibwo
north of range 30 west of the
6th P M where road number
ed 440 intersects road 407 in
Driftwood precinct Red Willow
county Nebraska and running
thence east on the section line be
tween said sections 12 and 13
Town 2 Nortli Range 30 West
of the 6th P M until the same
coincides with said road number
ed 440 and a proposal to vacate
that part of road known as 440
as described below
Commencing at a point on the
section- line between sections 11
and 12 where said road No 440
bears eastward shall be vacated
to a point where said road inter
sects with the section line be
tween sections 12 and 13 all in
Town 2 Range 30 West of the
6th P M lias reported in farvor
of the location and vacation
thereof and all objections there
to or claims for damages must be
filed in the County Clerks of
fice on or before noon of the
13th day of May A D 1912 or
said road wall be established with
out reference thereto
Dated at McCook this 11th day
of March 1192
County Clerk
First publication March
v 1