-- - i Kt - -- mp 3 F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher themselves upon wuch subjects as- municipal ownership of water plantshfaiing and lighting plants street railways etc in fact up on any and all topics looking to ward the- best service at the great est economy consistent with high est efficiency And public health sanitatiioii and conservaticn arc being subjects to be conjured with So The- Tribune iVds that such gatherings as the meetings of the League of Nebraska muni ciipalities in pur city end cat last week are eminyn tly worth while Many citizens who formerly re garded these conventieais as pub lie junkets at public expense are becoming converted to this man ner of thinking The results of such meetings as the one held here must be beneficial and in tha ink -rest cf better things in solving the problem of municipal government one of the greatest problems of this century The talks of Mr Randall in the in terest f fire prevention vr worth -ill the time and iiicny spent iif heeded and carried into practice Conservation and eeon omv Effieiencv and public ben1 fit Our hobby is good The Best of Everything trial order will convince vou D MAGNER Phone 14 ROZ affimQ3RBKE9Qm This in All amlMiiiiAi Tfte Mcooft THuit ESTABLISHED 1882 Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County subscription 150 a year Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays Political Announcements Want Better Accommodations The Cambipiidger Ooimmercisil club I hereby announce my candid- has filed a complaint with 4iej acy for County Commissioner 2d distract subject to decision of Republican primary adv F A IIODGKIN America is entering upon an era of public ownership of public utilities -and those are Avise peo ple and communities who inferm railway ciomnossion asking dor an ond eir requiring the Burlington road to stop more passenger trains at that town and to pro vide a better depot No specific number of trains isi asked fos It is alleged an the complaint that the waiting room of the depot i often filled with crates of frni eggs ponltry and butter to de tect the presence of Avhich1 doe not require th e nostrils- of a mod ern muck raker The comnnt charges drscrimination in til the read has better depot facili ties at Oxford nnd Alma and oth er townsi half as large as Cam bridge The club paints a beau tiful word picture of the advant ages and charms of the citv of Cambridge Lincoln Journal GRANT The severe snow storm of the 1 -it ill delayed the trains on the Beaver Valley road for over a week en account of the snow drifts J II Ralph and Guy Simons mail carriers on routes 1 and 2 cairricd It be Bnt t time again on Tuesday after net being able to get through on account of th ynniw for over n Aveek The farmers around here nre havimg heavy losses on stock dur ing tihcEe stcrnns T E Peters milled en Jacob Wji ch7 Monday J IT Wa eh and brother are hauling hay frcm T J Kelphs tliira week They say it feik s three memwith six horses to hand a ton on pnieh bad roads Call at D Magners store and get a can of Armours Prepared i Soup Come in and look around it is too cold to stand on the street corners CjM wl V k tJr nrvvirrma RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Try a Tribune want ad watch results liiito njiiMiijinimujiMMiimgT Probabilities is The Last Soas Cold Weather ONS vt mr i j jf yyjjWM antfrtfiiyfrJfHPrfi - Tr r -1 cTyiifrKV2vsnw2 Tgjgia3ijzrroajreMoauri unaj aa i i hjbhi iimiwi piwaHwiiw jjiwi ajmuiuwai aownirwftB Both branch lines are clear ed L Bunstock is a nwv brake man Brakenian C IT Kailey is on the sick list A M 0 varicose was up from Overton Friday Fireman I M Iluet went on the sick list Friday night Brakeman E Hyde of Hast ings was in the city Saturday Brakeman E E Smith went down to Oxford Saturday morn ing Engineer J C Marshall laid off and went down to Hastings last night Mrs J F Wall was a Den ver passenger on No 9 Satur day morning Otis Terry the coal iDrap ca tion assistant was at headquart ers endof week Conductor and Mrs Neal Beeler arrived home from Lin coln Thursday morning on No 9 Mrs II A Rouch went down to YVymore this morning to visit her married daughter there Conductor and Mrs W A Cassell arrived home end of tfo week from their trip in the Avot and northwest On account of the snow tu up and extra busiiness several engine men from Denver were used on thi5 division last week The men are now back from their with the snow drifts on the branches and report a vcirv unkiue experience the worst they ever had to deal with Snow was higher than engine stacks so that they were sometimes un able -to back up after plowing thru a bad drift Engines went off the track requiring the wrecking crew and gangs of men 1o dig them out etc To Correspondents The Tribune being regularly printed on Mondays and Thurs days would be pleased to have items mailed for both issues by our regular correspondents over the county Items from any source will he appreciated For Mackrel white Fish Salt Salmon and Ccdfbh come to Magners Phone 14 W H a REMEMBEROne Extreme Follows Another in This Locality We Are Prepared For The Change Stein Bloch Suits in all the latest weaves and Styles The best ready made clothing in the world The first American clothes ever sold in the English market Wilson Bros Shirts with the soft detachable collars linen and the gauze flannel in the in the latest spring styles to suit any man that wears such a thing - f i j tll ULUiJ MI U - - J I H inn iJMliJMT i SP V Franklin Pes DONT BE BALD Nearly Any One May Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair i We have a remedy that haft aided to grow haiir and prevented baldness in 93 cases out of 100 eases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time That may seem like a strong siaite ment it is and we mean it to he and no one should doubt it until they liave put omr claims to an actual test We are so certain Rex all 93 Hair tonic will cure dan druff prevent baldness stimulate the sealp and hair roots stop fall ing hair and grow nesw hair that we personally give our positive guarantee to refund every penny paid us for at an every ansitance where lit doe s not give entire sat isfaction to the nser Eexall 93 Hair Tonic fa as pleasant tlo use as clear spring water It is delightfully perfum ed and does not greas e or gum the hair Two sizes 50e and 1 With our guarantee back of it you certainly take no risk Sold only at our store The Itexall Store L W ItfcConnell NOTICE OF SUIT Nannie L Lowman Sarah W Lawman Edward E Lowman JOelia P Loiwman and -hire un known heirs and the unknown devisees of Louis Lojwman de- It AGheen Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 V Franklin DIRECTORS A McMillon Vernice Franklin Hasten tne maKing or a dress to which we havent time to give half enough thought or else hur riedly buy game- ordinary ready made thing So here is a timely siuggestLon a very smart and simple dress model style is just right for developing -in serge linsaian cord or the new wool corduroy mik mm Will IM I w4 II if l ft1 I mm fiS13 7S2 weave rne waast design footn novel and attractive includes- sev oral of tha most admiral features of the season a double collar in square outline at the back a diag cin al front closing and quaintly outlined squared off cuffs and when yen know that the skirt six gorcd and to be made- either with or without a panel at front and back you can have no doubt rd to the style of this part of the- dress1 -and it has tlhc grace fill and stylish raised waist line seen in many of the best looking mci ii n the anart shops R A Gram Senator LuFolleUe promises to ceased defendants heieiin will come to Nrbaska about Apil 1st in his candidacy for presidential nomination There- s same- pros pect that Colonel Ixooseivelt will come a little later If so any lack of interest in the ipast will be amply overcome A REMINDER There os no time like the pres ent for making the- serge dresses tint ar e by do service- as indoor wear ycit a little while -avid on as street frocks Tt in varan b l happens Int if waiit to make them until the time comes for us to sally forth witihcnt a coat aw are caught unaware and have to take notice that Judsan L Pack ard plaintiff herein has filed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska against the above named defend ants the object and prayer of which are to quiet the title of the plaintiff in the Southwest Quarter of seetion twenty nine Township Ibur North of Range Twenty nine in Red Willow coun ty Nebraska and for a decree that the defendants Nannie L Lowman Sarah W Lowman and Edward E Lowman are the sole and only hiirs of the said Louis Lowman deceased and enjoin ing and forever barring said de fendants or any cf them from claiming any right to or right of possession of the said premises or any part thereof Yon are required to answer said petition on or before Mon- day the 15th day of April 1912 Dated this 4th day of -March 1912 JUDSON L PACKARD Bv C E Eld red Attorney for Plaintiff First publication March 4 Stsw NOTICE OF SUIT Nannie M Browne Harry L Browne andIlo Browne C C Sehrier and W L Browne as ex ecutors of the estate of J L Brc wne deei asjd Beards cf th United Presbyterian Churches of North America a corporation Mary S Browne and the un known heers and the unknown de viseies of William Little deceas ed defendants herein will take notice that Minnie MeNiel plain tiff herein has filed her petition in the District Court of Red Wil low county Nebraska against the above named defendants the ob ject and prayer of which are to quiet the title of the plaintiff in the Southeast Quarter of Seetion Six Township 3ne Range Thir ty Avest of the sixth principal meridian in Red Willow County Nebraska and for a decree that the defendants release of record two certain mortgages recorded in Book 11 on page 290 and Book 22 on page 70 of the rec ords of mortgages- of said coun ty and that in the event they fail so to do within ten days the decree stand in lieu of suah re leases You are required to answer said petition on or before Mon day the loth day of April 1912 Dated tins lui dav of March 1912 MINNIE McNIEL Plaintiff By C E Eldred her attorney First publication March 4 Stsw NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Susan C Ilileman and to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at a point at the northwest corner of seetion numbered thirteen and the southwest corner of seetion numbered twelve in town two north of range 30 west of the 6th P M where road number- ed 440 intersects road 40 m Driftwood precinct Red Willow county Nebraska and running thence east on the seetion line be tween said sections 12 and 13 Town 2 North Range 30 West of the Gtli P M until the same coincides with said road number ed 440 and a proposal to vacate that part of road known as 440 ajs described below Commencing at a point on the section line between sections 11 and 12 where said road No 440 bears eastward shall be vacated to a point where said road inter sects with the section line be tween sections 12 and 13 all in Town 2 Range 30 West of the 6th P M has reported in favor of the location and vacation thereof and all objections there to or claims for damages must be filed in the Oounty Clerks of fice on or before noon of the 13th day of May A D 1912 -or said road will be established with out reference thereto Dated at McCook this 11th day of March 1192 GHAS K DUTCHER County Clerk First publication March 11 8tsrw SEED FOR SALE Red Spring Wheat Barley and Corn Updike Grain Co S S GARVEY Manager Phone 169 2 Drew Furniture and Carpet Co Furniture and Carpets China and Glassware West B St Phone black 271 Most for your money Osbora Burton DRAY LIKE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South orDeGrofrs Phone No 13 Healing Plumbing MiddletonRuby Are prepared to fur nish estimates on short notice They keep a complete iine of Bath Tubs La vatories Sinks and other plumbing mater ial including a good line of lawn hose and sprinklers Phone No 182 - McCook Nefcr DISINTERESTED TESTIMONY has sold more Mcybest Flour for the Superior Milling Co than an other selling force A satisfied user never hesitates to recommend it she will pass the merits of Meybest to her neighbors and friends and fur nish any one unbiased opinion Get in touch with disinterested information on Meybest Flour uperior Milling Company CARL MARSH Local Dealer Trade Marks Designs Copyrights e Anyono sending a sketch and description ma quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable Communica tions strictly confidential HANDBOOK on Patents sentfrco Oldest agency for securing patents Patents taken tbroueh Mann St Co receive special notice without charge in the mmm mwnmi A handsomely Illustrated weekly Tmrcest cir culation of any scientific journal Terms 3 a year four months fl Bold by all newsdealers MUNNCo3SBroad New York Branca Office 625 F SU Washlccton Z C I THE t i Beatrice Creamer Co f h has opened a cream station f at 212 W ist street and will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE every t day in the week CHAS DAVIS Manager X Z C li J OVER 65 YEARS EXPERIENCE ISSEIIE il U n Yw