Ith i It L Xf if- t1 1 rr 5iaSi3ag I a sawaZSS2sSJ53 SBe8a53R Fo give better fW Rlnrlr Nnrfh of Depot 3 EAILSOAD lTSWS NOTES Don Tipton is a new fire man Con Rector is a new brake man Olaiude Vdersen is a new fire man on the board Five extra pool crews and way ears have been put on this week ao On Tuesday the first train since the Otk pulled into Ober lin Kansas There are mone way cars in pool than there liaive been at any time during the past five years Engineer George Campbell went up to Akron on Xo 1 oh Tuesday and will take a run out of there Harrison Russell N Hod strom and Ed Seliaihle are re cently passed brake men who will soon go on duty Tuesdays No 10 detoured by way of Oxford and Red Cloud to Hastings arriving there at 5 oclock next morning On Tuesday every man on til board in the trainmasters of fice was working with the excep tion of three who were disabled Supt Flynn and Trainmast er Johnson came in from their vigil on the St Francis branch Wednesday noon on No 13 All were well sunburned from expos ure to the snow aefleeted sun light Floeds following the snow are now giving the company some inconvenience and delay No 13 was almost two hours late Tuesday morning the result of flood troubles between Red Cloud and Wymore At ITolbrook same day the water was up to- the radk while ait Arapahoe the water reached the bridge stringers of the -bridge over the creek at that place At 5 oclock Tuesday morn ing men with a four horse team pulling forty two sacks of mail left Dresden on the Rock Island bound for Oberlin eighteen miles aiway At -noon they had gone ahout half way They then got four fresh and powerful horses from a farmer The melting snow however made the roads GO bad ithat much of the way was made across prairie and land down fences when necessary After 8 oclock ifliaifj evening they -dragged into Oberlin horses and men equally igcwncyTtaa viw j SK HiSlSli S M mm am LMm WmB r femv i i Li I pM WftAtV PRIDE IS HER rtCV HT I I ISKivf7 WITH iO LIKE DO WE T4KE AORE QARZ if S3 VK Jvyfr2 vV I n r h P i 113 i I Kt h n f t ri t - ttt txt i vx wi 2 w n a t m I II Tailored Waists Lingerie Waists wasn Dress e jO JOyO EHi O lj II es Beautiful White Dresses Kimonos Dressing II v V n a BJ C Z 11 It LP t l EFI 3 A Sacques and Petticoats New Piece Goods Flaxon Marquisette La Merle Foulards Baby Irish Embroideries 40 in wide binding to match crccccx exhausted They had taken 15 hours to go the eighteen miles Many of the Oberlin people wait ed till late in the night to get delayed papers and letters The coal and feed supply is about ex hausted Was Buried Yesterday Baby Claire son of Mr and Mrs V M Gardner was laid away in Longview cemetery yes terday morning Srevices were conducted at the home by Rev Lewis There was a profusion of lovely flowers to mark the sympathy of many friends The parents are truly grateful to all for the beautiful flowers and for sympathy and assistance in their sorrow especially to rfihe railroad hoys and to members of the M W A Married Benjamini E Ohlson and Mar bel E Bede both of Bartley Neb were united in marriage at the M E parsonage on Wednesday March 20 1912 at 4 p m L E Lewis pastoir of the M E church officiating They return ed to Bartley Thursday morning and will make their home five miles north of that place May long life and happiness attend them McConnell for drugs McConnell sells- Avail paper All the new patterns Exclusive de signs of Maxwells non fading papers You are safe and the doctor te satisfied when you bring his pre scriptions to us to be filled A McMILIiEN Druggist 4 fj J ijt J 4 Jt J 4 Jt J 4 4 4 4 Jl 4 4 i Interior Decorations with the extensive line of new and up-to-date wall j decorations in plain and fig- ured Oat Meal papers with the panel and crown effect together with our pretty as- sortment of cut out borders you can make a selection t that will surpass anything you have ever had before See us before buying We will furnish paper hanger if desired Woodworth Druggist 4xjjjj4jjjjjjj TKi WITH OUR AILLIiERY YOU dAti TELL HT OUR AE eREi4TI0iS RE OALY BY C0AI1G TO SEE THEA VE Ci TELL YOU iOV THOUGH TRdT WE FIRST PRICE OUR iE KMTS LOW SO TRTF E ei SELL LOTS Of THEA Ai SELL THEM OUT QUICKLY WHILE THEY RE It STYLE DONT TEAR DOWN THE HOUSE If your rooms seem too small or your ceilings too low You can partially overcome it by selecting appropriate patterns and color combinations in wall pa per The Maxwell portfolio of color schemes is full of valuable liints along that line The Maxwell line of wall pa pers enables you to put them in to practice It comprises many extremely artistic patterns at a surprising ly low cost We want you to see them L W McCONNELL Druggist Get Your Cards See Mr vSuess or Mr Clapp at ouee and buy your Enrollment Cards They will cost 75 cents eateh Remember that the Com mercial club has guaranteed the sale of 150 of these cards and every member of the club and business man and citizen should do- his part in buying thesa cards They entitle you to admission to the different entertainments dur dng the teachers convention on March 27 28 and 29 Get busy Everything in drugs nell Wants for rent for sale etc 5c a line in The Tribune Our hobby is good groceries The Best of Everything A trial order will convince you D MAGNER Phone 14 Jk winsr a selection of the choicest productions for the season in Pattern Hats and Tailored Hats designed by style masters to whom good style is as essential as breathing Ask to be shown the new styles they are certainly charming service s been our idrts Wooltex Suits Coats and Skirts are made from pure wool fabrics But thats not all They are made just as well as the best American tailors know how Thats saying something for Ameri can tailors for women are the best in the worldi And more than this Wooltex styles are the kind that the really stylish refined truly well dressed woman admires So there you get a strong combination super ior cloth best tailoring good style and still one more point reasonable price k Come in and see for yourself i Mens Clothing Department The suit youd like for spring is right here in this assortment of Clothciaft clothes Never be fore have you seen such a fine display of beautiful fabrics in various spring sliides of blues greys browns tans and fancy mixtures You are sure that these clothes will wear well1 hold their snappy shape and give good satisfactory wear f and service by the Clothcraft guarantee that goes with every suit Such Clothes cost you only 10 to- 20 const ant aim and intention McCook Nebraska miiAnMT ftfrf Jf w u - tiwwnwm wwuji i iwjww m i - l i miiuwi w m TB l7 I Ti rV I TT T - -- wmim wi jwwfwwwih - i II II - r nr r nnrff1gT 1T nl1 y f nmrrm r rirmTTn imWTTTTTl 3wwiiiiiniiTVfr The most talked about piano in the United States I carry a complete line of these pianos in stock if you are interested in a piano with the finest tonal quality with a case of the most artistic design A demonstration of this pi ano will prove to you why it is so much talked of Easy Payments J McCook Nebraska EA w m v -VI