The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 07, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Face a Deficit
The citizens entertainment com
mittee held a brief session in
the commercial club reams yes
terday afternoon to take account
of stock determining at least
one unpleasant fact namely that
the course this season has not
been a financial success Mr
Rugg of the Redpath Lyceum Bu
reau vvas in town and appeared
before the committee in the inter
est of his bureau and endeavored
to secure a contract with this
committee for next season In
view of the committees experi
ences during the past few years
and present ynr in particular
the committee could not see its
way clear to even seriously enter
tain a proposition This leaves
the matter open to any commit
tee or combination of citizens to
get rich quick as Dome mistak
en citizens imagine Such cours
es give those in charge much
anxiety and hard work and often
a deficit tto le made good by the
members of the committee And
most unfortunate of all the ef
forts of the committee are not
fully appreciated and often mis
construed as a money making en
Appraising Huber Stock
At the meeting of the credit
ors of the Huber establishment
Monday Mr W B Whiltaker
was elected trustee by the ereelit
ora Trustee Whittaker has chos
en I W taner Clifford Nad
en and Ray Huber to act as ap
praisers of the stock and fixtur
es and these gentlemen are now
engaged on this work which will
be carried along to completion as
fast as practicable
Soot in Flue Buiraed
The burning of the soot in
the furnace flue of ttbe Commer
cial hotel bidding caused an
alarm hcTsounded on Tuesday
evemnir its lorce was mjuji ex
hausted and the services of the
firemen were not required The
alarm and location soon called
out the populace
50 Pieces Queen Percales
This superfine fabric is right
ly named Queen Fine and
soft and strong ate SO threads to
the inch insure its wear as well
as beauty 50 pieces are now on
our counter for you to pick from
15c a yard The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
Special Sale This Week
on Majestic Lava Ware Never
Burn Combination Cooker Steam
er Cullender and Drainer also es
tra large Boiling Kettles worth
-up to 175 this week only 100
See them in our -window
Get a 6 months guaranteed
whip cut McCook Hardware Co
Insured even against theft
Classified Advertisements
216 West B st Splendid boaird
elegant rooms only 20 month
Close in 4 doors east of Palmer
hotel Itf
FOR SALE Wheat at 90c a
bushel delivered Drop me a
card stating how much you want
G F RandeL R F D No 1 Mc
FOR SALE Set work harness
set double buggy harness set sin
gle buggy harness 3 seetion har
row walking plow wagon Frank
Coleman- East McCook
Houses for rent by J E
ley phone 6 4 roem brick bunga
low modern good location 3-
room furnished cottage close in
lawn and shade 12 sw
SALE OR TllADE A lairge
fire proof safe Inquire at The
Tribune office
FOR RENT 160 acres eultiA at
ed and 80 acres in pasture all
fenced Also for sale 4 horses
wagon and harness- 3 seetion
steel harrow corn lister break
ing plw and other small artic
les See or write Maurice Grif
fin phone black 408 22 tfw
FOR SALE Set of single bug
gy harness and leather fly net
Inquire at this office
eggs 50c a setting Wal
nut 3852 7 tf
Is Formally Organized Monday
Night Full Board Elected
The stockholders of the Mc
Cook Cooperative Hospital Asso
ciation met in the McCciok Com
mercial club rooms Monday even
ing and formally completed their
Mrs Z L Kay was in the chair
and Mrs A M Williams secre
tary of the meeting
A canvass of the sitiuation de
veloped that about three fourths
of the paid up capital stock iwao
represented in person or by proxy
mostly in person
The stockholders then heard
the reading of minutes of past
meetings approving same
The by laws of the asraoeiatioi
were read and after discussion
and changes desired were adopt
ed as n whole
Communications were read
among them a letter concerning
the lease or purchase of the pro
posed location for the hospital
the Ebert residence Final con
sideration of th23 matter was left
to the members of the board of
managers to be later chcren
The matter of electing a board
of nine managers awis then taken
up The election resulted in the
selection of L W MeConnell P
Walsh and Mathew Lawritson for
three years Mrs C C Liehten
berger Mrs C L Fahnestock
and Mrs Z L Kay for two years
and Mrs M L Ruby J F Wcy
brisrht and Mrs P F McKenna
- -
for one year
The meeting of stockholders
was then adjourned and the new
board of managers went unto ses
sion for the selection of officers
committed etc
L W MeConnell was chosen
president Mrs C C Lichtenberg
Mrs C L
or A iee president
Fahnestack secretary P Walsh
Thus itihe hcspiitol starts cut
with a strong board of managers
and competent live officers who
are interested in its sueeesr
Almost 600 of capital dock
has been subscribed and over ISO
hospital tickets have been signed
up Both the capital stock and
especially the hospital tickets will
be increased as fast as the man
agement can secure same
The board of managers will
proceed as soon asi practicable to
secure a location and arrange for
the opening of the hospital its
equipment lurmsnang ews xt w
their hope and purpose to give
McCook if not a large hospital a
well equipped up-to-date one
managed efficiently and in ac
cordance with the latest in medi
cine and surgery
The ladies are to be congrat
ulated upon the measure of suc
cess so far achieved
Leatherwear Taffeta 89c
Specifications One yard wide
96 threads to the inch both ways
puns silk filament no gum or
zinc or loading of any kind no
noed for any the 96 threads mak
and loaves no
es a firm cloth
spaces to fill made on new looms
and therefore free from all flaws
knots dull spaces etc soft and
silky in the feel lustrous with
the true soft silk lustre not wtj
glare of a new fire shovel Com
pare tlis beautiful silk with any
seen elsewhere at 125 We so
licit vour inspection The Thomp
son D C Co Utmost vailue
Owing to the inclemency cf the
weather cf -March 2d the Mc
Gnnk Division cf Red Willow
County Teachers Association
Avill render -the same program at
the liigh school auditorium on
March 9th at 2 p m Ever- one
is cordially invited to attend
Francis IialL President
On and after Mareh 15 1912
avc AiE dp a strictly cash busi
ness All laundry must be paid
for upon delivery
Plliome 140 C L Markwad
Phone 35 Hammond Long
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
We have the Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
Thursday Evening Edition
t Teachers Association Coming
Beginning on the evening of
March 27 and lasting to and in
cluding the cveningof March 29
the Southwest Nebraska Teachers
Association will come to McCook
several hundred strong
This will doubtless be the larg
est and most influential conven
tion that has ever met in McCook
The Commercial club to persuade
the teachers to come here at that
tiiime offered the Temple theatre
for the meetings and guaranteed
the sale of 150 tickets at 75 cents
eaieh But to make this meeting
the success it should be to the
teachers and so to McCook at will
be necessary for the citizens to
help welcome the teachers indiv
idually and collectively The Com
mercial club shoidd experience
no difficulty whatever in getting
much moire than 150 enrollments
Our citizens should be glad to
enroll for two reasons Isit Be
MeConnell fills prescriptions
Millinery openings are budding
Everything in drug
L W McCONNELL Druggist
For making fancy cake
SAvans Doaati Cake flour
Magner phone 14
Put a little Grcrmazone in
the drinking Avater for poultry
and keep them Avell
The fire Avhnstle thawed cut
Wednesday afterncon and the
trial of itha caliiiope explains the
false fire alarm The Avhistle had
beian cait cf oemmksYn for some
If you have that tired run
doAvn f ceiling appetite poor doirt
sleep good ycu A ill be agree
ably sui prised at the good re
sults a bottle of Nyals Sarsapar
ttlla will prodiice Your money
refunded if not satisfied
Land agents report that some
land is being taken out of the
market as a result of the pro
posed irrigation project and that
in some other instances the val
ues upon land -for sale have
been raised While in still oth
er instances Avhere lands have
been listed under eontract efforts
liavio been made to recall such
lands from the market This is
an indirect inanner of expressing
confidence in the project any
offer oiir citizens
Then we must prepare for the
physical needs of the Association
by opening our homes for the en
tertainment of the teachers ait
reasonable rates The hotels have
made particularly low rates of 25
cents each where two occupy the
same room Our eating houses al
-ready supply excellent meals at
a minimum cost The greatest
need of the Association is to luwe
a Aery large number of rooms at
the disposal of the reception com
mittee so that all teachers may
be taken from the train ito their
lodging places as quickly as pos
sible Persons opening their
homes to the teacher will need
only to furnish rooms and per
haps breakfast where it is con
venient although the matlter of
-breakfast ds not absolutely es
sential and teachers can take two
or perhaps three meals at our eat
cause the enrolling fee 75 cents injr houses with little
will be much less than the value ience
cif the entertainment to be Nearly all the teachers will be
ed and 2nd because at will help here two and many of them three
the Assocration and boost for Mc- mights We feel sure that this re
Dock quest for rooming places will
The program will be printed in meet -with the same hearty re
full a- little laterbut just now Ave sponse that alAvays characterizes
are going to suggest that the the people of McCook in earry
lowing attractions spsiak for ing out a public enterprise
themselves as to the high class Those able to fumash rooms
program provided for this may phone their address and the
oiaton ButchelnoAV number of rooms to the office of
Chancellor of the Denver superinconden of schools
sity Dr Winfield Scoitt liailL or nee us an uu our jiin i w
Chicago- Chancellor Avery and the entertainment of the teach
Dr Condra of cur state ers so pleasant that they will
sity and the House Male Quartet long remember McCook for its
aire onlv a few of the luiigh class hoispitality and generous
attractions the program ot the come
TeaohersAOTCiciation Avill have to
Exciting Exepricfaces k Day Current Question
Rev R T Bayne of the Con- The rumor that there is a
rotational church who Ava in j probability of the electric com
thesncW blockade on the Ilold jpany discontinuing theiu day ser-
rege Cheyenne line end of Aveek
m pi with XcitiinLexnencnces bat
vfiee an Mcucoic mas starred
Coiok business men aetoon and
1 1 I 1
iirda y in attrmptang to drive a petition lias een pieniiLu
er from Farnam to Caimbridge the laeal manager Mr A 1R Scott
Avhere he hoped to take ithe main protesting against such
vrM fm ion t fill his laited action and asking Hi
appointmemts A few miles cut pany to consider mne oiAics
from Farnaim he and his driver means cif miking god c
and team got off the road and facet caused by the day service
the expedition fell into a canyon i The petition has been quite gen
fortunately Avith results no more erally ggntcd by Ithose intercntcd
serious than a demolished vehicle and The Tribune hopes it nnay
Extricating themselves they made prove effiieacucius in recalling the
thedr Avayto a farm house not proposed or contemplated action
far distant where they put up It would be decidedly unf oritu
for the niht FolloAving mcrn nate and undesirable to return
inifr thft farmer drove them iback to a night service at Wks time
to FarnamAiiere Mr Bayne took
trniin for home arriving here on
Monday night
Viaduct Cases Verdict
County Judge Golfer has ren
dered the follcAving decision on
the vicduet damage ouiits ritd
before lnin a few days since
N J Jcilmscn 200 and iiiterrs
rn at 7 per cent from date of
1UI t -it i n
mem uuarcu u jj
Jacob Frank 350 and rarne in
terest conditions
Marie E Simmons 3C0 and in
terest as above
James A Shepherd 200 and
like conditions as to- interest
MeConnell for drugs
The hoard of education held a
meeting Monday evening
MeCcn n ells Wall Paper will
ouit ycfti so A ill his prieco
Tiie autcmobile arlvortiars ar
getting bnzy all ovr Xbrsoki
announeng thair Avarts fur 1912
Uesrular meeting of Ah- O E
S Friday evening All angmbers
are invited especially all those
in The Pilgrims production
When ycu buy White Pine
cough syrup be sure to get the
kind that is mentholated with
tar 2oc and oiv per bctue
The Modern Woorieh insurg
ents Avail hold a meeting in Hast
ings on Wednesday March 20tih
Avihieh gives promise of being a
momentous gathering for Nebras
ka Woodmen Head Consul Tal
bot is absolutely obdurate and
there are many earnest and de
termined insurgents opposing the
late large increase in assessments
made by the head camp in the
Chicago meeting
-- -- -
i i i
II C BroAvn
P T Mocire
C II Boyle
J E Kelley
E D Pec kins
G S Myers
II G Hippie
J A Modrell
Otto Pate
Orders In for New Machinery
and Other Improvements
The McCook Brick Co has em
ployed Herman Winkler of Madi
son Nebraska and expects to
commence work in -the yard for
this season about April 1st tthe
weather conditions deciding just
the exact date Mr Winkler is
an experienced brick maker of
years practice and the company
feel that they avill be able to
much improve the quality of their
output Avliich in the past has had
a ready demand and market
The company has already or
dered a new brick machine of
lalteat pattern- and same will be
installed for use in this seasons
Besides the company is now
negotiating for the purchase of a
neAV brick burning system this
system is operated with the air
pressure attachment producing
the very best possible results an
the even and regular burning of
In addition the company is ar
ranging for an attachment to
their regular brick machine to
make hollow ibuilding blocks
This attachment produces holloAv
building -blocks for use on the
inside af a hrick Avail the blocks
are considerably larger than
bricks hence cheaper dn the lay
ing and as they are creased on
one side there lis no need of
lathing the plastering being done
right onto the blocks
This new nu dun ery neAV at
tachments and processes Avail call
for an expenditure of perhaps
jji3500 and Avill give McCook one
of the best if not the best
equipped brick making establish
ment an SouthAvestern Nenraaxn
Ilenrv Gashen Frank Gain
J M Rradv Scott Bennett
C W Nelson
W W Rozell
Pater Foxen
J C Ball
J F Helm
W W MoMillen
J M Someiwille
W B McClain
Geo Traphagan
M C Shuntileff
Among those Avho liave signed
nestition for the formation of
an irrigation elistrie tin addition
to those printed in Mondays is
sue are
A G Bump Mnstellia
G W Watkins E M East relay
Other petoiiens are ciut for
that luiAe net been re
l urn eel
5 Styles Stetson Hats
Lenox Graeeo Austral Austin
and Kakota The first 4 for
309 the Dakota for 400 Dont
pay more unless you are buying
on tick The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value for caslr only
A Clean House
all the time if you use a Dust-
lesa Floor Brush or Map the
greatest ihouae cleaner anel labor
saver inA ented Large dis
play of tiiesa noAV dn our Avindow
Our hobby is good groceries
Tlie Best of EA erything A
trial order Avill convince you
D MAGNER Phone 14
V- UmJ Ai
Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now when you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit itwith
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBkibn Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
44 Cents for 10 2ards
Our Saturday hand bills Avill
contain an offer of 10 yards of
good bleached muslin for 44
cents open to ail avIio bring one
of the hand bills Avith them but
to no others Offer good until
Saturday March 16th See that
you get one of the hand bills The
Thompson D iG Co Utmost
A alue
Is a Booster for Ditch
lG W Watkins of Uliis city
Avho is the iwner of land under
thie ditch is one of the
1 Un4 A 1 T l l urfirtr T Tr
a nlant j enresentin an outlay of inumm uwiwi
over 20000
name Aas unintentionally omitted
Wnlrinsirom wie am priiueu ibusu iub
tu iT nwlr Alv a TT
-I 117 i -
toof these who have signed the ne
sold Us stock infcte company
tor tl tonning ot an
Mr V Franklin and retires from y
the company Mr linss Matciieii sc
also retires from the company ctttv
k irng James McAdama Jcph iunT
M iard and V Franklin too
i 4i ti p You get the best drugs
lilWIl Illtl JJlii ij jiii iw mi
eventualty of development or or
dinary conduct of business
Those Who Have Signed
The following land owners have
already signed- the petition arid
others aa oJI sign as soon ar the
pcltition can be presented for
their signatures
II C Giese George Ccippel
W J Fli3scihman
Marion Piummer
C II Ilarman
E F Flitcraift
Alfred Carter
Encs Rishel
Wnu Ilammoll Micse Carmoney
Jchn Thomas- P Wabh
David Deveny C F Leiin
D N Goibb Jeanette Huber
A C Hippie W M Lewis
Jchn O iMiIler
Ethel M Suggs
J T Jones
hea e
vwluther vou n k for them or net
i inferior quality is not allowed
If thats the kind ot drugs you
Avant than McConneHs is not the
inlace to get them
For real art in Avail paper see
MeConnell s stock
Camera and photo supplies
For satisfactory decorations get
your Avail paper of McGonnelL
The pestciffice at Eddy Hayes
county Avill be discontinued cai
March 15th
Big line of Base Baill Goads
just receiveel at
The- closing number of the
citizens entertainment course twill
be the Apollo Concert Co on
March 30th
It is said that Lebanon this
county Avail soon have a
of its own Avith M J
Walters -as publisher
The Tribune Avants to aeknow
leelffe its appreciation of the
news gathering effort of its In
elianola correspondent this Aveek
It s surprising Iioav good a
of ice cream- tastes these days-
Come in and try one Our soda
fountain is running full blast
Send the Children
If it is inconveniemt at
any time for you to coane
doAvn tenvn to personally
perintend yoTir drug
ases let the children come
t We treat them with the
same fairness that i9 accord-
all mr many adult custom-
era and very often- Qiave
little presents for them he-