MULITI Vm 11 T1 bur 1 Mr Cr3ibtr rtm 1 rt Qnd s not Our Hobby j Is Good Groceries The Best of Everythin Nlag ck vs Indianola this we ek Miss Lockhsrt trimmer for S R mih Mllinry establishment arrived FriTy evening Twc cj ar jld and i sp it I iiiivxuiz pr d Id the greit Fiidiv ngr 3ir Howard Sundav afterncon s fun r al will be o all the children CAUSE FOE ALABM Loss cf -tit cr Distress Af ti J a Symptom That Should Net Be Disre garded A ppet far fcia stomach u d5eate iadl Ovr eating a In bit veiy gcrous to a prsons treed gener al health what von eat but whal vcu digest and araimilate tier g Triai Will Convince You Quality Grocery Store INDIANOLA Fjoyd Hhort spent Saturday and Sundiy with his illicit Will Shnyrt in McCook Alice Tcwnley and Rie hard vrere McCcok visitors Satuixhy ind Sunday I 31 rs Grant Clark and Mrs Won Brconnfield helped their par ents celebrate their wedding h Wedmsday The 0 E - ty LA A XuiAr nionthlv bu iiK mctinr and j ciil at tb I n of ifoLla Wolfj Iff Fivday ening TJi teach cr mi tnir wliuali was tc be held Saturday was po3fcpcncd -on account of the siuriv 3 1 7 - nf Tlfol tii 3 iiti a c u i tied with relatives in RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Conductor J Arnell is en the sick list Brakeman G F Phillips trans ferred to Iloldrege Sunday Brakcanan J M Wynns wiu cio5iid out of the service Sunday Brakcanan R G Talbot re turned frcm Lincoln Sun da v on Xo 3 Conductor W Ficke has laid si on MfPnniiit nf tli rrni dawn tc Linccln Saturday ngui to uiit his mather Brakcanan C E Edwards hal bc n tranisfencd frcm lili3 llaet inirs IIoldicre loanl to McCcok Airs llenrv Beet leit Mon- nd clay nirnng tor Uberlun Kan 1 aia to vest 2veral days with rel i aitives - i r n living at Longnicnt Cc l cradc died thr morning en tsaiii t father The Lcidv was recnoved The Initiative Decision The supreme court of the Fnited States has dcckiul that onh coiigretsi may object to the ni lirjj j tinitcv e and referendum Jwl Lle ti -d oISilllliI1 t pi o i i a 2 ting in con dvipepsia that it is not a question for ju i dicval determinatdon IcConnell for drugs Our bobby is gcoel groceries riu Best of Everything A tliafc dc i ycuwgood Some of the trcal order will convince you strnngcothwxsl and h altluiest D MAGXER PhoUe 14 persons are moderate eaters Th cre is nctliing that at111 cauae mere trouoie man a einsor The Nebraska National guarel will go to Fort Russell Cheyenne deroA stoinacli and many people Wyo this year for tdie annual dadly contract serious maladies aiy maneuvers Adjutant Gen Jfarougli disregard ca- abuse of enal Phelps favi s a date in July the stomach i or August Wd -urge all in McCook who suffer from any stomach derange x livVioi nfiiito nt olirnriir in iv A inoidiest citizen suggests Uncle Jl0e for mayor per a postal card zient indigestion or dvspspsm which follows Wliait reaels as s wrvinv siiri liovn mf tn hoar For 1912 Fourteenth Judicial of any one who has not been -District of Nebraska esfitGd by thtm We honestly be- lieve them to be without equal Judge E B Perry has desig Tbsy give very prompt relief and- nated the following dates for insg to neutraliize the gastric court in tliis district for the en- KNEW HIM AMD LOVED Hi Dr Courtenay Mutilated Veteran of the Confederate Army as He Was in Tippah Dr Courtenay entered the Confeder ate army as a surgeon and after the surrender found himself without home family or fortune His right coat sleeve dangled empty the hand that had saved so many lives could not save itself It had been amputated after Gettysburg and the story goes that Lee himself the name is always pronounced slowly and reverently in ray hand to save jours doctor An other loss equally grave but less conspicuous was that of his left lung It was this trouble that had brought him to Tippahs mild climate for near ly 20 years he had lived there alone in his three room cottage riding out ev ery day to his little farm five mile3 from town and reading and smoking far into the night His library was the wonder of Tippah Books in five languages lined the walls of his house all in the cheapest bindings for the doctor was poor but as he used to say it was the meat in the nut ho cared for not the shell outside He never practiced medicine except oc casionally among persons too poor tc pay for medical advice cr more fre quently in serious cases when called in consultation It was known that he had ne r taken a fee in Tiprnh Every one oelieved implicitly in his skill It was a common thing to hear if said aftu a death Nothing could have saved him Dr Courtenay caid so Lilian Kirk Hammond in the Atlantic THREE BUILDERS OF NATIONS Cavcur Wil iam the Silent and Georga Washington Never Yielded to Despotic Ideals As a natif n maker Cavour stands vith William the Silent and George Washington Each of these men fought through the agony of a war of liberation yet never yielded for a mo ment to the militarist or despotic ideals so liable to be bred in lime of crisis each loved free institutions with his whole heart each could have said as truly as Villiam the Silent I cif hs mother I vf alwys f fde of Ve f 0e rt r c At 4 -et each avcided il 3 srecial faults or uuuutiuiur iii w ocuiti triii the demarogire as completely as We ington or Peel each planted justice and mercy anid the chaos of wrath and revolution each kept an hoiolc equanirity of temper toward all their supporters even toward the foolish tre falce who bade fair to ruin their work finally each died leaving as his hirdivcrk a nation whose ev ery merit is symbolized in the life of thp mnn vhn mifV it whoro rvr v C D Chandlia who haj w tn t0 fruition wi h ha Ian tic lillJ Vi Alll0 V w v - r Remll Dvsnerada Tablets with lllll 11UU1 1LJLmi5111 e uc rj too lofty for If Anicri ccn bcst tit 0 lust cist ot Ak ron Lig America is more trve to the traditions coiseid wa5 a vistim of eoniiunp en and vras returning to bio former beau in Mcnticellc Iud in ccimnanv with hio wifv and her aeneht 11 due proportion Measuroal and policies and constitutions most Iliancfi with oirtpi r tin o hit tho h rnd prepa rcd for oVpmcnt 6rjrit thct inspfls a just policy is the Mt pn train No 0 tc Peru Ind came in the eighteenth the nine iire 1 will hi interred I tcerth crd the twentieth centuries Leorge Jlacauay Trevelyan in the At- Special House for High Brow Apes The high brow apes in the New York Zoological pari are to have a house to themselves in the near fu ture The board of estimate and ap portionment will soon be asked for an appropriation necessary to cover the expenses for such a structure At present the erudite chimpanzees and orangoutangs are in the house with their lees intelligent sisters and brothers The intelligent specimens now num ber four chimpanzees and five orang outangs Baldy is the leader of the social elect and Susie recently scid to the society by Professor Garner is another inmate who stands aloof The proposed structure is necessary to tho continued health of the valuable spec imens as well as to give proper fa cilities for their exhibition to the public l S nr mn cIimbed to th3 ditfinct understanding that Jor ra TOn vpfnnrl tboir nnnv with 01 ci McCook Xdbr Ilurrall tist church r lliiiinli I Cr iinmo wiira SMrnprl rpntlv tn iue rirt ii no tnruiQ TtV 11 - - v w a - L i V1 iUmL I ier reaeonable use of this medii dnc tnej arc not perfectly satj isfdod with the results We OOTmend them to cur customeis TERMS OF COURT Yellow Jackets Held Steeple A contractor and three carpenters painfully stung when they the top of the First Bap in New Castle Del re make repairs to the roofs Thousands of yellow jackets had made their home in the belfry and they re sented the intrusion and drove the men to the ground One of the men made his way to the belfry and -with insects could escape Then he placed nhnrTiictntrr rFJTg3iwsuxnCTViraeiJigrjBTiaa8C3KaMwikiiRiiJy tszf VICTOR LADIES TAILORING CO Suits jy special order at same prico charged for teady mades Clothe shrunk andsponjjed by la test and most scientific method Call and see samples before giving your order for spring suit Airs J M Trammell Main Ave Under Commercial Hotel 3 12- Tippah had said I wish I could give NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF PHELPS G3AY 00i5ANY Notice is hereby given 1 That a corporation has tbeem formed under the name of Pbeps G ray Company 2 The principal place o tran Kacting business is McOook Red Wallow County Nebraska 3 The general naifcnre of the busin is to be transacted is the buying and selling of fruit pro duce and other merchandise at wholesaleand on commission and consignmens the leasing and the erection and maintenance of such buildings and structures as may lie necessary for the proper con elutoing cf saad bu jiness and to purchase and holel real estate for sate 4 The amount of capital stock autihorozed by saael corporation is 1000000 500000 of wliieh is to be subscribed and fully paid up before the commencement of business and the balance to be issued subscribed and paiid up as may be authorized anel required by the Beard of Directors o The existence of the said corporation commenced on the first day of February 1912 and the time of termination rjs twenty years from said date 6 The highest amount of in elebtedneas to which the saiel cor poration FilinII at any time siub jeet dtseJf shall net be more than fifty per cent of its paid up cap ital stock 7 The affaire of the saiid cor poration are to be conducted by v President Vice president See ivttai y Treasurer and Boarel of six Directors Dated this 2 ith dav of Feb ruary 1912 PIIELPS GKA COIPANY Bv C E ELDRED president C B GRAY Secretarv First publication Feb 26 Stsw Jcsepl NOTICE E Dcelsc and XZ said Sidney Dodge deceased had burned out enough dead insects were Jound to fill a peach basket to overflowing and the carpenters then es sirengtnen me uigebuvu suing year resumed work on the church roof gans tio regulate the bowels and Qhasc April 29 jury Nov 25 Ti n tr nrcmntn Tprfpr t mitrition iktt I and eradicate all unhealthy symp Dundy March 18 jury May Somsi 23 equity Oct 28 jury We urge you to try a 25c box Frontier April 1 jury June of Eexall Dyspepsia Tablets 3 equity Oct 14 jury TObich gives 15 days treatment Furnas Feb 19 jury May 13 At the cud of that time your equity Nov 11 jury money will be returnee to yon Feb 13 jury May 27 cf you are not satisfied Of equity Dec 9 jury course an chronic caaera length Hayes Aprill5 jury Oct 7 cf treatment varies For isueh jury asras we have two teirgsr raizes Hitchcock March 4 jury May wfhieli sll foft 50e and 100 20 equity Sept 23 jury member yea Van cn Itexall Perkins April 22 jury Dec 2 Remedies en mh community only jury at our store ie Jtxaii onore ua wallow dan zy nury lUaj Jj W McOonnell 6equity Sept 9 iury tar paper closed all exits by which the The Old Time Barber Old time barbers had to display more variety than their uccessors A work published in 1592 describes a barbers greeting to a customer Sir vill you have your hair cut after the Italian manner short and round and then frounst with the curling irons to make it look like a half moon in a mist or like a Spaniard long at the ears and curled like the two ends of an old perivig or will you be French ified with a lovelock down to your shoulders The English cut is base and gentlemen scorn it novelty is dainty Speak the word sir my scis sors are ready to execute your wor ships will Arthur 8 Doeige will take notice th jt on the first day of December cr vasr tcn tliai Italy is true to VJ 11 LdlUan L ritney piammrr the traditions of Cavour they may be filed her motion and affMavit rrrs that their country is reaping the I a gadnst the said Joseph E Dcdre anel Aiuuir b JJceige as -Heirs and rejil representatives of Sid ney Dodge deceased and against rdfd Jes jph E Dodge as Admin istiatoa of the estate of satid Dodge deceased in tins dist rict court cf Red AYallow county Ne braska in a certain cause here tofore pending in sacd corurt wherein saiel Lillian M Pitney was and asi plaintiff and said Sidney Dodge was defendant The object and prayer of saiid motion anel affidavit are that the juelgment renelered in sailel causc in said court on tho 10th day of October 1S99 in favor of said Lillian M Pitney and against snid Sidney Dadgu for the sum cf 51109 with interest thereon frcm said elate theivof at the rate of ten pea- cent per annum be revived in favor cf aiid Lillian M Pitney and against said Joseph E Dodge and Arthur S Dodge as the hcifta ait law and real representa tives oi sand bidney Dodge now deceased and against saiel Jocapb E Dodge as Administrator of the estate of saiel Sidney Dodge de ceased On the first day of De cember 1911 a conelitional order of revivor was duly made given anel entered in saiiel action reviv ing said judgment in favor of Qtiid plaintiff and against the sapid Joseph E Doeige and Arth ur S Doeige as the heirs at law and real representatives of said Sidney Dodge deceased and agafnot caiel Joseph E Dodge as of the estate of The said Arthur S Dodge is hereby notofieel to appear on Monday the first day of April 1912 anel show cause why sacd jugnint shculel not be revived aiqninct kfm anel tbe saiel Jcosph iE Dqdge as the heiirs at law and real representatives of saiel Sidney Dodge deceased and agaiinst said Joseph E Dodge as administrator of said estate and if sufficient cause be not shewn to the contrary said judgment snail stand revived Lillian M Pitney Plaintiff By a II Boyle and AV S Mor gan her attorneys Mist publication Feb 26 Stsw If you want THE NEWS read The Tribune DANBUEY blisses Xina and Pearl Garrett of Lebanon were visitors Tuesday between trains The basket supper at the Jiall Saiturday night was well attend ed and a jolly gocel time report ed Mrs II W W Allen is num bered with the Vhs Avocik Mr and Mrs W 11 Kelly jarej the prcaid parents cf a baliy girl lniTl Tnlm OfHl 1 Frank Kclil agent for the Old it Line Bankers Life Insurance Co - Anas in tewn Wedncisday en busi ness Prof Ix II Rennecker visited tlue home folks at Beaver Orty Friday might returning Saturday A E Boyer arrived home Fri day from Omailia where he left his son Railph doing niaely in tbe hospital We received si big snow accom panied by wind Friday night and Saturday W A Stone is home after a few weeks stay at McCook taking treatments Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings lave been made in the county lerks office since our last re port Jci C3 F Welbcrn anel wife to John W Welborn wel lot 4 54 acres 23-3-28 1500 00 JoJini Egan anel wife to Mor ella B King wd nw qr and nw of sw and e Iif of se raw qv 27-2-30 400 00 Ohildren are much mere Notice to Delinquents Notice is hereby given that the rental upon the lease contract to the following described lands in Red Willow county Nebraska as set opposite the name of the liolel er thereof is delinquent anel if the amount which is due is not paid within 60 days from date of this notice said contract will be declared forfeited by the Board of Educational Lands and Funds and saiel forfeiture enter ed of record in the manner pro vided by law N 36-1-30 John A Hoffman E B COWLES Commissioner of Public Lands anel Builelings Daited Feb 16 1912 First publication Feb 19 6sw L 0 STOLL CO Jewelers and Opticians Byes tested and fitted repawning McCook Neb SEED FOR SALE Red Spring Wheat Parle and Corn Updike Grain Co S S GARVEY Manager Phone 169 y Not Have that Cellar Cemented Now We can give you a low figure on such work now be fore tbe heavy working season opens Call on or phone the manager He will be glad to come and figure with you McCook Cement Stone Co Phone Red 196 H N Rosebush Manager Fine JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Healing and Gas Fitting Eaiimaiteo furnished free Base ment Pcstoffiee Bldg Phone 33 DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 2121 Main ave over McConneills drug store Phones Off iae 160 residence black 131 JOHN E EELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co Of fice in Postoffice building Mc Cook Nebraska DR R J GUNN Dentist Office R corns 3 anel 5 TValsh building McCook Phone 112 R H GATEWOOD Dentist Office Rcom 4 Masonic Tem ple McCook Neb Phone 163 A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 305 2d st black 252 East Phone THE INTERMISSION Magazines ancT Dailies Off all kinds Temple Thea tre Irailding Kansas City Post 5 cents Week C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abstracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer anel notary in of fice McCcok Neb McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Horse Shoeing Blacksmithing We arc agents for the Celebrat ed Ford Auto 210 1st st W Phone red 450 H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Waiteh Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook l NOTICE TO LAND OWNSSS To Susan C Ilileman anel to all whom it may concern The commissioner appointed to Iceaite a road commencing at a point at the northeast corner of section numbered thirteen and the southwest corner of section numbered twelve in town two north of range 30 west of the Gth P M where roael number eel 440 intersects road 407 in Driftwood precinct Red Wallow coiunty Nebraska anel running thence east on the section line be tween said sections 12 anel 13 Town 2 Nonth Range 30 West of the Gth P M until the same coincides with saiel roael number eel 440 anel a proposal to vacate that part of roael known as 440 as elescribeel below Commencing at a point on the section line between sections 11 and 12 where said road No 440 bears eastward shall be vacated to a point where saiel road inter sects with the section line be tween sections 12 anel 13 all in likely to j Town 2 Range 30 West of the contract the ccnta ious diseases when a 6th P M has reported in- favor they have coac Whooping cough 0f the location and vacation diphtheria ccarlet fever and con- thereof and all objections there sumption are diseases that are often to or claims for damages must be contracted v jhen the chiid has a cold filed in the County Clerks of That is why all medical authorities fjee on or before noon of tbe say beware of ccJds For the quick 29th day of April A D 1912 or cure cf eclde jou wi find nothing saicj road will be established cwith better than Chamberlains Cough mit reference thereto Remedy- It can alwaj s be depend- CUAS K DUTGUER ed upon and o pleasant and safe to County Cleric take For ralo by all dealers Dated at McCcok tliis 24th day of February 1912 Read The Tribune for the news First publication Feb 26 Stsw