The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 04, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 3

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imKttvw tl rFmaSMSsi
To California Utah Montana Washington Oregon British Columbia
This is the general basis of colonist fares March 1st to April loth
Through Tourist Sleepers
Every day to Los Angeles and San Francisco with daylight ride through scenic
Colorado Every day via Northern Pacific and Great Northern to all principal
northwest destinations
Summer Excursion Tours of the Pacific Coast
Special dates of sale in each month commencing April at So3 round trip with
every day round trip rate of cGO the greatest railway journey in the world and
low rates for it Plan now
Summer Tourist Rates
More attractive excursion rates than ever before this summer to Kocky Moun
tains Yellowstone Park Big Horn Mountain Resorts the Black Hills the Great
Lakes Atlantic Coast Kcsorts it is none too early to be making your summer
vacation plans Homeseekers from Eastern Nebraska to the Big Horn Basin
and other localities west and northwest
General Passenger Agent
Omaha Nebraska
Ticket Agent
McCook Nebraska
East Depart Central Time
No G 1130 P I
1C 500 A M
2 550 A M
12 035 A M
11 i on p ir
10 530 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1220 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arrive S35 p m
la 930 A M
15 1230 A M
J U V j
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 17C arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs 045 A M
Sleeins dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked tc
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and ricnets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L V Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer Steve Finn is on
the sick list
Switchman C TV Lutes cs
m the siek list
Brakeman M L Moede Avas
up from Blue Hill Friday
Fireman A A Gnigeby was
a Lincoln pilgrim Friday
Engineer J A Eckman went
on the sick list Thursday
Conductor Tarn Malen is
baiek froan his California1 trip
and on duty again
V Lathrop was a Denver pas
senger cn No 13 this morning to
visit this parents there
Fireman Charles Jacobs goes
up tonight to Denver out at
Atfhich place he will run for a
Mrs Stevenin nee Mass Kate
OConnell is visiting her broth
ers Tom and Frank and friends
in the city
The Western Union Tele
graph Co recently purchased 10
000 typewriters the largest sin
gle order ever
G- H Ilartsongh agent at
Minden for 28 years passed away
last Saturday Interment will
take places Wednesday
Engineers Ben Craw ley and
H W Perkins who have been
on the Denver division for some
time are again running out of
Engineer J E Sanborn laid
off and went up on No 13 Sat
urday morning to see if every
thing was in ship chape at Ban
born station
Engineer II W Perkins
deadheaded to Akron on No
13 Saturday morning to bring
back the 2003 which was be
ing sent down from the west for
repairs at Haveloek
Gus Budig returned Satur
day night from Creston Iowa
wlhere he and Mrs Budig attend
ed the funeral of her mother -Mrs
Rudolf Gorkosh Mrs Grorkosh
was eighty two years old and is
survived by her husband and two
married daughters Mrs Budig of
our city and one in Creston Mr
iGorkosh -will make hjp home with
the Budig s as sioon as the weath
er is clement enough for travel
by one of his years Mr Budig
reports about four feet of Enow
in Creston a week ago travel by
wheeled vehicles at a- standstill
for two days etc He was more
than- glad to get back to a good
Eggs for Hatching from High
Scoring Prize Winners
Barred and White Rock Buff
Brown and White Leghorns White
and Sliver Laced Wyandottes Black
Minorcas White and Buff Orping
tons S C Rhode Island Reds
Pens No 1 5 No 2 S3 Utility
stock 8150 for 15 Satisfaction guar
Lebanon Nebr
Americas rail
One -of great
way systems in a recent y eai
spent 2300000 for stationery
and printing same more than it
spent fthnl year for steel rails It
usud 1400 different forms
Paul Benjamin has resigned
from the companys service at
Sterling Ooiorsdo and has gone
to iuvenne Wyomiug where lie
ha became bookkeeper for a
large grocery establishment at an
increased wage
The Nebraska Railway Com
mission lias asked for a reduction
of rates on the Burlington- high
line which runs from Iloldrege
to -Sterling Colo and also for a
reduction en the Superior line
A demand k made for a rate of
325 a ton on a part of th
IdgJi line a rate of 350 from
Colorado points to Grand Island
and Oxford a rate of 3 instead
of 350 to stations between the
state line and Strait on and a
rate- of 3 to stations between the
state line and Elsie a rate of
325 from Oxford to Farnam
Deal Is Completed
flavor McAdams advises us
that the matter of refunding Mc
Ccok s water bonds is now com
pleted This move means a lairge
saving to McCook in the reduc
tion of the interest rate and in
the plan of annually -retiring a
defrjnite block cf bonds 2500
annually We congratulate may
or and council in the consumma
tion of this business like and ec
onomical deal
Continue All Week
The revival meetings in the
Baptist church will continue all
this week beginning each night
at 8 oclock These meetings have
aroused considerable interest and
concern in matters religious do
ing much good If you have not
been an attendant go this week
Your Money Back If You Are
Not Satisfied With the
Medicine We Recommend
We are so positive till at out
remedy wall permanently relieve
constipation no matter how
chronic ib may be that we offer
to furnish the medicine at our ex
pense should it fail to produce
saifcinfaictorj results
It is worse than useless to at
tempt to cure constipation with
caithartic drugs Laxatives or
cathartics do much harm They
cause a reaction irritate and
waaken the bowels and tend to
make constipation more chronic
Besides their use becomes a hab
it that is dangerous
Constipation is caused by a
weakness of the- nerves and mus
cles of the large intestine or de
scending colon To expect perm
anent relief you must therefore
tone up and strengthen these or
gans and restore them to health
ier activity
We twant you to try Rexall Or
derlies on our reciommendaition
They are exceedingly pleasant to
take being eaten like candy and
arc ideal for cMldren delicate
persons and old folks as well
as for the robust They act di
rectly on the nerves and muscles
of itiha boiwels They apparently
have a neutral action on other aja
soeiatte organs or glands They
doi not purge cause excessive
looseness nor create any mcon
vienea whatever They may be
taken at any time day or night
Thiey will positively relieve chron
ic or habitual constipation if not
of surgical variety and the my
riads of associate or dependent
chronic ailments if taken with
regularity for reasonable length
of time- 12 tablets 10 cents 36
taiblets 25 cents 80 tables 50
oenrfjs Solid in McCook only ait
our store1 The Rexall Store L
W McDonnell
ti qIU K t n H n Bun 1 B 11
mm TRmmt
Tests Show Germinating Power
Is Very Low
By C W Pusgley Superintendent
Ayricultural Extension University
of Xebrarka
Every fall and winter the Nebraska
experiment station sends out many
Judges to examine the seed corn at
iows in practically every part of the
state of Nebraska As soon as the
show season opened this year the
judges reported to the station that in
their opinion there existed in the
state of Nebraska a very grave situa
tion They said they had not been
able to find any real good corn at any
of the shows
Tests and examinations have been
made in about thirty five counties in
the state of Nebraska and not in a
single county has the corn been found
of good quality The tests run from
about 10 per cent up to CO per cent
In no case has a show been found
where the test would go above GO
This is s very critical situation when
it is remembered that the corn on
our shelves at our shows is the best
corn that can be picked out by those
who are making the exhibit and usual
ly a large proportion of it is shown
by people who take the best care of
their seed Experts say that in their
opinion the average run of the corn
in the cribs will not test more than
from 5 to 30 per cent
It is not hard to find the reason for
the present unusual condition Dry
weather during the summer delayed
the growing of the corn rains in the
fall started the growth again so that
it was not matured by the time the
extraordinary freeze came the first
week in November This severe freeze
killed a great deal of the corn Since
that rime the weather has not been
so that the corn would dry out rapid
ly and ether freezes have followed
which have made the condition stead
ily grew worse instead of better
During the meetings of organized
agriculture at Lincoln I tooli occasion
to interview the bst seed corn men
in the state as to the condition at the
present time Most of these men have
been cut in farmers institute work
during the last few weeks and are
77 trsfics per- acrv
ircrqge yzc of SfX rst COfS
63 6isAcs per acre
jrerrag c yet of sa cqn
able to give the conditions not only
in their own community but in vari
ous sections of the state as well
0 Hull of Alma Neb has the fol
lowing to say During thirty seven
years as a tesident and a farmer in
the state of Nebraska I have never
seen the seed corn situation in a
worse condition than it is at the pres
ent time Nine years of this time has
been spent on the institute platform
testing corn and judging corn at vari
ous shows in the state of Nebraska I
think that the farmers of the state
should begin their tests early This
will enable them to secure corn else
where if they find their own not suit
able for seed
F W Chase of Pawnee City Neb
originator of Chases White Dent corn
has the following to say During
twenty seven years of experience in
the state of Nebraska as a corn grow
er I have never seen a season when
the seed corn over the state was so
uniform hefore as it is this year The
farmers should by all means begin
their tests early for many of them
will find that they cannot depend upon
their own com for seed unless it has
been taken from the field before the
November freeze
R Hogne of Crete Neb the orig
inator of Kogues Yellow Dent corn
and president of the Nebraska Corn
Improvers iFv otiin says In all
of m 1 nr rnrnce as a corn
erowr r te p Nebraska I have
nr pr pre1 a - n 5n whirh the seed
0- nupstion the
j -- t cr tests early
- -- vot 1 able to find
iLes in riany
J - T 1now of
r - -- o Nebraska
- - - - - they
- -
PR- - - -
corn v
show -
year tr -
n on the
- - -- tis
rd exMb
itors wrr n ff f hnve
seed corr rt - nd the ones
who -- - f coK early be
fore tlc of Nov J have seed
corn fit to 110 7 This in itself is an
indication that the conditions over
the state are deplorable Our tests
only averaged 77 per cent and we did
not have one fourth of the exhibits
that wo had last year Seventy seven
per cent is a very low test when you
consider that only the expert growers
of seed corn in the state of Nebraska
Bent their corn to the state show
The thing for the farmers of the
state to do is to fix up a home tester
Directions will he sent by tae Ne
braska experiment station
By Dr W E Taylor Director
Soil Culture Dept Deere
Co Molino Illinois
Another contingency that may
exist is Icose soil If the soil ie
very loose and light the evapora
tion of mocsuret is excessive and
rapid also sood in such soil germ
inates very slowlj This condi
tion can be remedied by using a
surface or subsurface packer or a
corrugated roller In semi arid
regions the subsurface packer
and corrugated roller give the
bet resulfs
Plowing We have pointed out
the indisputable advantages cif a
deep seed bed not from a theoret
lie al standpoint but because of
many aetata 1 field demonstrations
Avhere deep plowing and thorough
tillage were the direct means of
increasing a crop from 30 to 50
pea- Cvnt We desire however
to qualify the advice as follows
Virgin ground should be plow
ed no deeper than the bottom
line of humus for the reason
that should subsoil not containing
a sufficrent amount cf humus to
promote ths action of go bacter
ia be brought to the surface the
crop would be a failure
The depth should be increased
graduallv each year adding ma
nure either from a barnyard or
organic matter in seme ether
form until a sufficient depth is
reached to aifford an abundane
ol anoom far all of nature c r
We recognize th fajt that
more power is required to turn
a nine inch slice than cine four
inches in thcknes and the ex
tra burden demands more hors
es and so ii1 ether traction ma
ure We feci however that the
steam azixl gasoline tract crs on
account cf the superior work the
farmr is able to perform and
the economy he can practice will
bo utilized far power very gen
erally in the place of hcr ps in
the verv near future
Nannie L Lowman Sarah W
Lowman Edward E Lowman
Celin F Lowman and liln un
known heirs and the unknown
devisees cf Louis Lowman de
ceased defendants herein will
take notice that Juds on L Pack
ard plaintiff herein has fiiledi his
petition in the District Court of
Red Wallow County Nebraska
against the above named defend
ants the object and prayer af
wlwch are to qua ft the tutle ox
the plaintiff in the Southwest
Quarter of section twenty nine
Township Pour North of Range
Twentv nine in -Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska and for a decree
that the detendants Nannie Lt
Lowman Sarah W Lowman and
Edward E Lowman are the sole
and onlv heirs of the said Louis
Lowman deceased and enjoin
ing and forever harring said de
fendants or any of them froan
claiming amv njiat to or right or
possession of the said premises
or any part thereot
Tiou are required to answer
said petition on or before Mon
day the loth day ot ApraL miz
Dated tlus 4th day o larcii
By C E Eldred Atitorneij for
First publication March 4 Stsw
Nannie M Browne Ilarry L
Browns and Ilo Brown C C
Seliner and W L Browne as ex
ecutors of the estate of J L
Brown deceased Boards of the
United Presbyterian Uhurenes ot
North America a corporation
Mary S Browne and tna un
knmnvn lieiirs and the unknown dc
A iseies of William Little deceas
ed defendants herein will taace
notice that Minnie MeNiel -plaintiff
herein has filed ker petition
in the Distinct uourt ox itea -willow
county Nebraska against the
above named defendants the ob
ject and prayer of which are to
quiet the title of the plaintiff in
the Southeast Quarter of Section
Six Township One Rang Thir
ty west of the sixth principal
meridian in Red Willow Oounty
Nebraska and for a decree that
the defendants release of record
two certain mortgages recorded
an Book 11 on page 290 and
Baok 22 o n page- 70 of the rec
ords of mortgages of said coun
ty and that in the event they
fail so to do within ten days the
decree stand in- lieu icif such r2r
You are required to answer
said petition on or before Mon
day the 15th day of April 1912
Dated this 4th day of March
By C E Eldrcxl her attorney
First publication March 4 8tsw
1 fft y
5i gT JWMH aamrr A iriww rrruc j jci -a itts
The up-to-date girl will keep
on hand thLs spring a good
round about suit of serge a
light weight tweed or cheviot or
a light worsted weaA e It may
lie modeled in strictly tailored
fashion if she wishes but better
still are the smart little suits in
modified Norfolk style
A good example cf this type of
suit is illustrated here develop-
mmm W it
mmL xJ
il if
C02I C599
CC54 6307 1
cd in navv blue serge Avith its i
sailor collar fashioned of white i
pique The skirt is a trim six-
gored model shoAving an original
Aariation of the slashed or inset
sections that are seen in so many
neAv designs In the sixteen year
size it measures tAA o and one
quairter yards around at the
With these suits they are wear
ing big crude picturesque hats
like the simply made and good
looking model shoAAn here and
the Avanst may correctly he of
short sleeved and Ioav collared
style or of the type illustrated
in the second figure aboAe Beth
styles are provided for in the de
sign of this AA aist
Eitlier for suit or for separ
ate wear the seven gored skirt
shown with this Avaist is every
Avay satisfactory It has a side
pleat at each seam and as just
a itrifle wider AAth the pleats
laid in than the other skirt Both
are favored models
Try a Tribune Avant ad
watch results
iJJJ Jf - I j Mfl I
V Fkakklix Pres G II Watkiks Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Qp Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernico Franklin
n J i j
rgiTi WT VWlrJXS
i i iiLimijimiiji
Land Commissioner Cc wles is
in lieoeipt of executive oiiirr No
141 from the interior
at Washington sumraing
for the use of the agricultural
department as n pre- i v and
breeding ground for native birds
about twenty two square -idles of
land continuous to Valentine m
Cherry county Avhich prjyerv e is
to ibe known as the Nioibrara re
servation within the confines of
which reservation it shall he un-
laiwful for any person to hunt or
trek the eggs of birds excMt -under
authority grantf d by see
retarv of agriculture
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and ire
will quote ou prices Satisfaction
Information of Priceless Value to
Every McCook Citizen
IIoav to act in an emergency Is
knovdedge of inestimable worth
and this is particularly true of
the diseases and ills of the
man body If you suffer vitfc
backache urinary disorders or
any form of kidney trouble the
advice contained in the folloAving
statement A ill add a valuable as
set to your store of knoAvledge
What could be more convincing
proof of the efficiency of Doanrs
Kidney Pills than the statements
of nearby residents avIio lun e
been permanently cured
LeAvis W LaBove Main Street
Oberlin Ivan says For many
years I A as employed on the rail
road and this work finally told oe
my kidneys causing a severe at
tack of kidney complaint When
Loans Kidney Pills were broughf
to my attention I began their use
The contents of six boxes correct
ed my trouble I am pleased to
endorse this remedy in return for
all that it has done for me
StateMUtnt given April 8 190 L
The Cure Lasted
On May 31 1910 Mr LalW
said I have had no trouble
from my kidneys since I used
Doans Kidney Pills three years
ago You may continue to pub
lish all I previously said in praise
of liis remedy
For sale by all dealers Price
50 cents Foster Milburn Co
Buffalo Ncav York sole agents
for the United States
Remember the name DoaiTs
and take no other
ItsJlft More I
w Home Baking I
I Better every way
I than the ready I
I made food
Bl W
A niifC xpm or lavlrAV M
Made rcm Grapes j