The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 29, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4

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lll3iTOTfllvr I VwulWBLrrjiiuiiiinwviaiJm2j mi m u f trYmrirrrTrjniJTuatmxamTrcajrriwTmawsn
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www Tvi 1 1 i in i iii i 1 1 i ii i i iiiiii - n r - TjmigwgriT wamM JJI 1- I
iO jL J fiT 1
Trousers at 2
ilri D B Doyle is filter a in-
ing her hi other
3Lul 3
D B and Wm
Mi Hm Younger
1 fee b i cth t r s Geo
uJay b t Wi ek
Wfc n
The f r
well pleas
3ig0iL SuiI iv
procurea lor tne
jjorpose xnen xne
Siadcbafcsr standard
Wm Kirb of
Do vie are
want to hear a story
all on Sam Burchett
Look for the namo Sludebaker
on th traces It stands for
quality strength and style
SO 350 5
AI new and good staff
frF - LtfTi t g
115 West B St
W II Eifert Avas a county cap
ital business visitor and attend
ed Itdie Cathart jublic sale Fri
Mitchell Young and wife- of
visited at Danburv were bushuas visitors
Harrisons one in town Saturday
A C Funnan was i business
wJaiter at Lebanon the first of
tih e weeJe
Urban Bartholomew of
is in it his vicinity arc on visited his brother and family
d with present pros- closing days of last week
p of fall grain County Commissioner J W
i 111 Epwcrth League Ilandal was a business visitor in
veiling is Gods town one day 3at week
nd bv Love Mis S E Boyer and
jasea 2ii 23 John 316 Miss ter of Danbury visited ail the T
Jva Johnson will lead F Gockley home the first of the
Benjamin Coburn and May week
Ik were united in marriage at Fred and Ida Lafferty relurn
iie parsonage Sunday February ed from thsiir visit with the Rod
125 in the presence of relatives man lamely at Hill City Kansas
rand a ffw invited guests At Thursday
itHQ p m the bridal party took C R Newberry returned from
Ikir plaet in the double doors Ohiekasha last Avcck and
c the parsonage when Bev L brought his daughter Mrs Min-
5 Fcutch dipped forward using nie Zimmerman and children Avitl
ife ceremony of the M E church him
pronounced them man and About a five inch shoav fell
the Avell Avishes and con- bene Sunday accompanied by a
the happy pair droAe strong northeast Avind Avhieh
flieir Ik mv in Frontier county drifted the snoAv very badly
l Tang feorses and a heavy load call
for strong haxnessStudebaker harness
No need to Avorry about inspected inch by inch and the
baker harness In the first place slightest defect condemns it A
the leather that goes into it is the harness that passes inspection in
faest that can be the Sludebaker
tory can be depended
upon anyAvhere to
give good service
cfArorkraanship is very high Even Every Sludebaker harness
nothing is left to chance the name Sludebaker stamped
2Tery finished part is carefully on the traces
FlcCook Hardware Co
SiKEi easaiaofospa
We are showing the new
model in a
- tr i j r -a n T o i
ue serge i tsutton run hk
Come in and have just a look at
one of these nobby new suits
Caps That Will Suit You
We have too many styles to attempt to
enumerate them here Come and see
Ties Better Than Before
Solid colors bars stripes and
the new fad in a looseend tie
nrmimTn r rjsg
McCook Neb j
Mrs IIenderson was called to
Beatrice this week by illness of
her little nephew
Fiank Xeel wa up from llcl
biack last Wednesday
The goods for Teels arrived
last J hursday and work Avas be
gun this Avc ek in the PoAvell
Xiua Jonis and Lucy Themis
spent Monday with Mrs Ames
Rogers near McCook
George Wing and family have
moved onto the Murray place
County Clerk Charles Dutclier
and family of McCook spent
Sunday Avath relatives here
Mr and Mrs L M Howard
are both on the sick list
Mrs James Bold man In visit
ing Avith relatives in Blocming
tcn itihis week
County Superintendent iMiss An
na McDonnell spent Sunday with
the home folks
Xellie Crocker spent Saturday
and Sunday Avith her friend Mids
Winters in Cambridge
Some fifteen of Elsie Sorg s
friends gathered at her Jiome Sat
urday eseniiig and gave her a
surprise1 The eve ning Avas spent
in playing games A Ligfht lunch
of cake sandwiches and pickles
Avas served after which aill deft
for their homes
Last Wednesday Joe Harrison
unloaded thirty one registered
Aberdeen Angus cattle purchased
by iliim ait North Platte
Roy Dutclier and Robert Thorn
as went to McCook Saturday to
drive doAvn some cattle bought
by King and Quick at a sale
north of JMeGook
The storm of Sunday made it
rather hard for some of the
teachers to gel back to their
Miiss Nina Jones assisted by
Luey Thomas entertained the
Sunbonnet club Light refresh
ments Avere served after Avhieb
Mjiiss Hernia Boop a guest of the
club favored them with some in
strumental solos A letter Avaa
read to the club from an absent
member which caused much mer
C E Hotzes sade took -place
on Tuesday things bringing fair
The seed corn special made
this pointy Wednesday morning
130 farmers being in town to seis
and hear Avliat the experts- had
to offer
Boys Acre Oorn Contest
The- Nebraska State Beard of
Agriculiuie -offer to the
ka bi y under eighteen years cf
age giwng the lnig t yield of
corn from one acie of Nebraska
land during tihe year 1912 2500
the siccnd 20 third 15 fourth
10 fifth to eighth tfo sash
nintili to tAvelfth 1 each and
thirteenth to gixteenth 53 each
and to the boy growing thei
yiM en an acre cf land av t
of the east line of Boyd Wluvl
er Holt Grceiey Howard Hall
Aelams anel Webster comities 25
seeend 15 third and fourth 5
each fifth anel rsixth 4 each
SLentih to tenth 3 each anel
twelfth to sixteenth 2 each
The Lincoln Weekly Star dup
lieTh the- aboAe awards and an
ntry in ne is good for an ont
ly to both offerings
The entire labor of preparing
the- ground phnting cultivaiting
and harvesting this acre cf corn
to be performed by the contest
ants Avho enter contest by record
ing Ink name in the office of W
B Mellor Secretarv Lincoln
not later than May 20 1912
Said iere to be measured husk
ed and Avoighed in the presence
of tAVo disinterested free holdrs
residents of said comity in Avhieh
the acre cjf corn is located Sard
committee tto fonvard afidaAit
as to Avaiglit and requirements or
sjieioifieations in this contest to
tin secretary of State Board of
Agriculture not later than De
cember 1 1912
The contestant shall file with
the secretary a full and detailed
account cf Irs method of perform
ing the Avork fertilizers used if
anyAvhether bottom hill or table
lanel and character or kind of
soil on Avhieh the crop was
grown with an accurate account
of the cost cf production rent
of ground cost of ploAving har
rowing discing planting culti
vation husking anel every feat
ure cf expense in labor seed fer
tilizer et based on the actual
time that entered into the pro
duet ion cf tirv aer1 of corn
If requested prize Avinners
must forward a sample of ten
ear of err gicAvn to W R Mel
lor Seertary Lincoln Xeb
Xoti1 Practically all corn in
tine state- is raised in altitudes
varying from 1000 to 2100 feet
above sea level therefore the
division made through the state
v as nearly a5 po ablc along lilie
1700 foot altitude line In the
ontistr ear vied on for several
yeans paat only two premiums
haA gone Avc t of this line
Pit che d McKeighan
A man by the- name of McKcig
an of Indianola who Avas
om horses to Ed McKil
lip met Avith quite an accident
out near Len Millers Saturday
nisrht His horse nitelied him
into- a fence rendering him nn
concious After remaining in a
dazed condition for moiat of the
night he Avalkcd into tcivn Xot
being able to locate a doator he
stoppeel at Butts- restaurant and
after a square meal deaided he
coidd go Ibis way rejoicing Avith
out medical aid Cambridge Oar
Sedfern GlanAnlle
Nebraska City A quiet Avedding
oiecmrred at the home cf Mr and
MiK GraiiA ile seuth of the city
at which time their daughter
Miiss Bessie May Avas married to
William R Redfern of Danbury
A fite r the Avedding supper the
young people left for their heme
on a farm in Bed Willow county
owned Iia the groom Omaha
World Herald
To Correspondents
The Tribune being regularly
printed on Mondays and Thurs
days Avould be pleased to haA e
items mailed for both issues by
our regular correspondents over
tne county Items from
source Arall be appreciated
K U 3 I sS
J H Rice died Saturday Feb
24 iof rheumatism of the heart1
and parahis liad suffered
for a number of Aveeks He leav
es a Avidow and tAvo grown chil
dren to mourn his less His
body AVas taken to McCook Mon
day if or burial
Word received from Mrs C
W Bogers airites that whe is gat
ing altong nicely at the sanitar
ium in Kansas City
C W Rogers and two children
Miaifced at the M M Young home
Mrs f urah Boyer and elaughtei
Mrs Nellie Butler are spending
a Avk at the T F Gockley
John GreenAvay
cote and Earl Springer Avere Mc
Cook pilgrims Monday
Wm Greemvay of Lebanon waf
up betAveen trains Monday
We were Aiisited hy a nice
siioav and some wind Sunday The
siioav drifted the roads in some
Mrs Nannie Walters a niece
of Mrs S E Ruby loft Wednes
day for Fairfield Neb after a
three months Aisit here
Stallions for Sale or Trade
I Avill sell or trade either or
both of 1113 Stallions DeGorda
a thoroughbred imported Perch
eron and Jerry a seAren eighths
Percheron For further informa
tion Avrite or call on Jos Brunke
Campbell Neb
Joseph E Dodge and Arthur
S Dodge will take notice that
on the first daA of December
1911 Lillian M Pitney plaintiff
filed her motion and affidavit
against the said Joseph E Dodge
anel Arthur S Dodge as heirs
and real representatives cf Sid
ney Dcdge deceased and against
cufd Jcsoph E Dodge as Admin
istrator of the estate of said Sid
ney Dodge deceased in the dist
rict court of Red Willow county
Nebraska in a certain cause here
tofore pencung m sacd court
Avhfirein said Lillian M Pitney
was and is plaintiff and said
Sidney Dodge Avas defendant
The object and prayer of said
motion and affidaA it are that
the judgment rendered in said
cause in said court on the 10th
day of October 1S99 an fervor of
zvid Lillian M Pitney and
arjvnit slid Sidny Dcdge fcr
tLe mm cf f51109 avlIi interirt
liec in frcm said date thereof
at the rate of ten pa- cent per
annum be revived in favor cf
said Lillian M Pitney and
against said Joseph E Dodge
and Arthur S Doxlge as the
heirs ait law and r val repivsent
tires of said Sidney Dcdge now
deceased and against said Jo err
E Dodge as Administrator cf the
c sftiate cf said Sidney Dodge de
ceased On the first day of Dee-ember
1911 a conditional order
cf reAiivcr Avas duly made given
and entered in sand action reAMv
ing said jiulgment in favor of
said plaintiff and against the
saod Jcseph E Dodge and Arth
ur S Dodge as the heirs at laAv
and real representatives of said
Sidney Dodge deceased and
agirnst said Joseph E Dodge a
administratcr of the estate cf
said Sidney Dodge deceased
The said Arthur S Dodge is
hereby notified to appear on
Monday the first day of April
1912 anel sIioav cause ayiIiv said
judgment should not be revived
against him and the said Joseph
E Dodge as the heirs at laAv
aml real representatives of said
Sidney Dodge deceased and
agaiinst said Joseph E Dodge as
administrator of said estate and
if sufficient cause be not shown
to the contrary said judgment
shall stand reviAed
Lillian M Pitnev Plaintiff
By C II Boyle and W S
lan her attorneys
First publication Feb 26 Stsw
3 r L JC
T the urd lsigned will sell at public nuetion without reserve on the Dry
Creek HnncL 11 uiilcs north of McCook V miles north and l1 west of Bos El
Vr miles s outhanri ll west of Centurpointand 4 miles south and 2 ezst of
Quick commencinLr at 10 a in on
Thursday March 7th
23 Head of Horses 6 Head of Cattle
Machinery and Harness
I will also sell my Imported Percheron Stallion in this sale Ho is 7 yrs old
heav bone short back good stylo and action easy to handle and an extra sure
breeder weighing 2000 lbs when in show shape
Tofrtic Sumsof S10 and under cash On sums over 810 a credit of 8
I CI lllos months will be given on notes having approved security at 10 per
cent interest No articles to bo removed until satisfactorily settled for
1 - - J
Suits uy special order at same
price charged for i eady mades
Clothe- shrunk and sponged by la
test and most scientific method
Call and see samples before giving
our order for spring siut
Main Ave
J M Trammeil
Under Commercial Hotel
Chamberlains Cough Remedy has
won its great reputation and exten
sive sals by its remarkable cures of
consTis colds and croup It can be
depended upon Try it Sold by all
Notice to Delinquents
Notice is hereby given that the
rental upon the lease contract to
the folloAving described lands in
Red WqIIoav county Nebraska as
set opposite the name of the hold
er thereof is delinquent and if
the amount Avhieh is due is not
paid Avithin GO days from date
of this notice said contract Avill
be declared forfeiteel by the
Board of Educational Lands and
Funds and said forfeiture enter
ed of record in the manner
by laAv
N 36-1-30 John A Hoffman
Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings
Daited Feb 16 1912
First publication Feb 19 6sav
Notice is Siereby givwi
1 That a corporation has been
formed under the name of
Phelps Gray Company
2 The praneipal place of tran
sacting business is 3IeOook Bed
WcIIoav County Nebraska
3 The general nature of the
busm ts to be transacted is the
buying and selling of fruits pro
duct and other merchandise- at
Avholesaleanel on commissiou and
eonsjgmnen1 the leasing and the
erection and maintenance of such
buildings and structures as may
be necessary for the proper con
ducting of saiel business and to
purchase and hold real estate for
4 The amount of capital stock
authorized said corporation is
1000000 500000 -of which is
to be subscribed and fully paid
up In fore the eommencc nient of
business and the balance to Jbe
i isued subsenibed anel paid up as
may be authorized and required
by the Beard of Directors
5 The existence of the saiel
corporatrcn commenced on the
first day of February 1912 and
the time of termination is twenty
years from said date
6 The highest amount of
to Avihieh the saiel cor
poration shrill ait any tim sub
ject itself shall not be mere than
fifty per cent of its paid up cap
ital stock
7 The affairs of the saiel
porafacn are to be conducted hy
a President Vice president Sec
retary Treasurer anel Board of
six Directors
Dated this 21th day of Feb
ruarA 1912
By C E ELDBED president
C B GBAY Secretary
First publication Feb 26 SIsav
To Susan C Ilileman and to
all Avihcm it may concern
The commissioner appointed to
locate a road commencing at a
point at the northeast corner of
section numbered tliirteen and
the soutliAvest corner of section
numbered tAvelve in tOAvn itwo
nonth of range 30 AAest of the
6th P M AA here road number
eel 410 intersects road 407 in
DriftAvood precinct Bed WilloAV
county Nebraska and running
theneecast on the section linebe
tween said sections 12 anel 13
Tcavii 2 North Bange 30 West
of the Gth P M until the same
coincides Avith said roael number
eel 440 anel a proposal to A acate
that part of roael knoAA n as 440
as1 eleseribed below
Commencing at a point on the
section Line between sections 11
and 12 Avhere said road No 440
bears eastward shall be A acated
to a point Avihere saiel road inter
sects Avith the section line be
tAveen sections 12 anel 13 all in
Town 2 Bange 30 West of the
Gth P M has reported in favor
of the location and vacation
thereof and all objections there
to or claims for damages must be
filed in the County Clerks of
fice on or before noon of the
2ftfli day of ApriL A D 1912 or
said road Avill be established swath
out reference thereto
County Clerk
Dated at McCook this 24th day
of February 1912
First publication Feb 26 Stsw