The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 29, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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Tw li HHfuTiJi
Fireman 0 E Russell was an
Akron pilgrim today
C D Pfrimmer the extra
agent is helping make out the
pay roll
William Lewis is
improving1 from Ins recent severe
A daughter was horn to
Fireman aaid Mrs 11 1 Tram
llie this mcrning
John Crawford the coal ex
pert came in from the west on
Xo 14 Tuisdav night
Pipeman C AV Snyder left
Tuesday night for Denver whith
er lie lins keen transferred
Other Judge May Sit
Judge Whinger will not hold
court in Des Moines for Judge
Sancitih MePherson this -week as
planned hut will remain in Lin
coln during the week and spend
the following week in Des
es Tlii judge returned Sunday
from a trip of over a week in
the east Court is to he held at
McCcck next Monday and in the
Hastings division the following
Monday However in tease the
Des Moines hearing is not con i
eluded sio that Judge T C Mun
ger may hold court in these Ne
braska districts Judge W II
iVVvSljuijiA jj
g v Jit i a ifffr
Akssas iy PSET
my EsaKfing FWTOes1 mae
Plunger of Omaha or Judge Mc
Pherson of tire Iowa district may
sit Judge Munger is to conclude
a hairing in a civil emit in Des
Moines Avhieh involves the title
to collected hy a former
clerk cf the federal court in that
district Lincoln Xews
Seal Estate Filings
The following real estate filings
Aavc been made in the county
clerks office since our last re
James P Crouse and wife
io A II Bagleiv wd lot
1 blk 12 2nd Add Me-
Cook 3000 00
A II Bngley and wife to
James P Crouse wd lot
4 block 7 2nd Add Mc
Cook S00 00
Clerk of clistnict court to
Sophia E Burgess S of
5 lots 3 and 4 1 1 -30 200 00
James M Underbill and Avife
to Leo L owenberg wd w hf
sw qr 22-4-26 1 00
Ilcwe SmiVlh sustained a pain
ully injurrd wrrist Monday in a
fall in Central school building
furnace room Thomas Moore
has been substituting for him as
jam It or for a few days
mMMsm 1 1 1 ip f jkggm
I desire to inform the public of McCook and vicinity
that I have now moved into my new location at 1 14 east B
St one door east of DeGroffs and am read to take care
and satisf our patrons the same as usual Give us a call
for bargains in shoes
Yours truly
SAM DIAMOND Proprietor
New Bordere
114 East B Street 1 Door East of DeGroffs I
M4iuLV i mumiji ftj ta ti imwm Tmnw wa ujw
grnm f j i ftwim --
By Dr W E Taylor Director
Soil Culture Sept Deere
Co Molino Illinois
Satins I
Changeable Silks
Plant Food Food is just as
essential to tile growth of the
plant as water in fact they arc
interdependent and it must be re
membered that the ability and
amoiunt cf plan food depends to
a great extent upon the condi
tion of seed bed If the
plants receive their food from
the seed bed it stands rbo reason
thait a deep bed would contain
more food than a shallow one It
is also plain that plant roots seok
the course- c leiaet resistance and
their abundance energy and
strength depend upon freedom
they have and the amount of
ncurnshment provided for tlum
Hence it should require no argu
ment to convince the farmer of
the advantages of a dep thor
oughly made seed bed well stock
ed with the elements that go to
make a balanced ration and Iceip
in mind the fact that the avail
ability of plant feed depends up
on the chemical and physiiciil con
dition of the soil
Plant food compounds and all
the element must be resolved in
to compounds are made by tin
union or inorganic base ekiment
with acid- and the work is nc
eoimplished by the action cf a-
waiter bacteiaa and humus
We have discussed the problem
oif aiir and water and will now
consider bacteuia and humus as
factors in making the sxd bed
Plant food elements must be
fore they can be utilized under
go changes and right here th
phenomena of plant development
is very exacting Organic matter
an the soil is essential Through
the me tion of gko form -of sci
bacteria it is torn to pioecra and
passed through a process of de
cay forming carbonic acid and am
monia substances instrumuital in
dissolving inorganic material and
forming chemical combinations
Tire organic materials are charg
ed by bacteria and chemicals in
to humate another substance ab
solutely essential in fact a prom
inent ingredient in fertility but
rather as a vehicle than as a com
ponent part of plant food Spec
ific soil bacteria have speieifie du
ties to perform and if conditions
are not right the chain of chang
es is broken and the plawt food
is not made available
To illustrate Organic mater
ials whether they are vegetable
or animal in a measure contain
and k
Spring Dress Goods
are attracting the attention of every visitor to our store and we invite
your early inspection of tke beautiful new spring goods now being shown in
every department oi our store
Handsome Embroideries Laces and Trimmings
New Spring Ginghams Percales and Madras
Our assortment this season is most complete and our very low prices will interest you
Select Your Coat or Suit Now
from our large assortment consisting of every weave color and design
in all the new and best styles
Suits from 1000 to 3500 Each
Coats from 650 to 30
Dresses in Serge Satin and Silk from 5oo to 2500 each
You should not miss seeing our line before you buy
Jff mi 1 ri
Ccjigncd bj
Hirsh Wictwj c Co
yyTnwj frfjffTtrm9ifyt iuw 2
i W
f i3i
I y P Msi
stva vyj
Gftyt yiii
1 ftDre j frii
5SP iff H
tt VsiM
jl I
iodei Dress Shirts
Union made 100 to 150
Tlie process of making oitther el
oments available being just as
exacting as the complex opera
tion of preparing nitrogen for
oisa as plant food it behooves itihe
farmer to co operate with na
tures elements to the fullest de
Contingencies to Consider
Conditions of tho soil call for dif
ferent treatment and in such
matters the farmer shonld exer
cise good judgment
We liave stated that natures
ideal system of supplying planto
wiitih moisture is by capillary atr
traction Capillarity is perfect
when tlic particles of soil are in
close proximilty and at the siame
tame air spaces exist between
th am but it is imperfect or prac
tieailily destroyed if for any rea
son large air spaces are formed
If wlien the furrow slice is
turned the surface soil is lumpy
or covered with trash sueli as
corn stalks stubble weeds or
coarse manure the soil contact is
noit compact between tlic bottom
of the furrow and the furrow
sliiee due to the layer of trah
or lumps and large air spaces
are formed
fiirsh Wickwire
The finest clothes made Ready to Wea
VWI pr
STf t Iffl til CI C tf TSra
Your Hirsh Wickwire suit for spring is
here and you should see it now while the
line is complete
The colors and fabrics are nne and we
have a wide range of models to show you
Wickwire Sui
10 to
i il t r - c -
f T TT f CT n
nitrogen tliat is organic nitrogen
an element iMiat is not availoible
until it has undergone certain
ciiianges One chiss oi sail work
ers tear organic matter to minute
paiitiicles and start a proc es of
Iormentafoion which results in the
formation of ammonia TJiis class
of soil bacteria has no substiitutes
nor can the operation he elbninat
ed df nitrogen is made avaiilaihle
The ammonia is immediately tak
en up by another class of work
ers and clianged dnto nitrite
IIN02 While tins substance 5s
nn a way poisonous to soil flihe
step is necessary to place it in
shape to be further rectified
Avlilic li is immediately done by an
other class of living organisms
Tihese last workers transform ni
trite into nitrate IIN03 or ni
trogen in the only form it can be
lusted as plant food There nitri
fydnig ibacitieriia are very exacting
in two particulars nameily
Tiheir work is incomplete in
sour soil and they cannot livie in
soil deivoiid of oxygen Hence
the necessity of the first essen
tial operation in making a per
fect bed namely ventilation and
sanitary environments
now where it is partially or who
Iv retarded hence when the I
moisture in the seed bed is ex
Jmaaiatcd os lit usually is unless
raiins occur very frequently the
plant perishes Capillary attrac l
Hiicn is also retarded if lumps ex-
ist in the ihody of the seed bed i
thereby forming more large airj
The first condition can be pre-
vented by working the trash in
to the soil with a disc lielore the
ground is plowed
The second condition namely
lumps in the seed bed can- be
eliminated by pulverizing the
ground after plowing with a disc
or harrow J
Again manure should be ap 1
plied evenly with a spreader
ter the ground is plowed and sub
sequenlly disced into the seed
bed ratlier than plowed under
for the fallowing very good rea
1 The fertility is not lost by
leaoliing but is available to the
roots during the early stages of
the growth of the plant
2 The organic matter is in the
seed bed and not below it
3 Manure in the seed bed re
tains and regulates heat absorbs
and retains moisture and stimu
lates to activity soil bacteria
4 Renders the soil mellow
and easy to sultivate especially
if it is inclined tio be clays
To ibe Continued
Mrs Viola Kenyon departed to
day for El Paso- Texas on a vis
it to her niece Mrs Will Bul
Dont forget that Barney Hof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get his new club catalogue
You judge a man not by what lie
promises to do but by what he has
doni94 Tihat is ihti enly true test j
Chamberlains Cough Remedy judged
by this standard has no superior- Pea
pie everywhere speak cf it in the
highest terms of praise Fcv nslc
by all dealers
Many suffer cca frcm rlieaniin
have ibeen surprised aril delttocl i
with the prompt relief cfcrSed by
applying Chamberlains Lfcrir - Net
one case of rheumatfom fo ten
1 Capillary waiter rises through quires any internal treatmer what
the suibsoiiilsr until it readies the ever This liniment is for al b
IvrosiV n fFrp hrvttom of the all- dealers
Gordon Hats
In all tbe new shapes and shades
Ties in all the rich new colorings and designs Medallions Military
Stripes Regimental Stripes Cross Stripes with
Under the Knot effect
s J
The wonderfully rapid
growth of the telephone has
made its use universal and
its misuse a matter of keen
public concern
When you talk over the
telephone speak in a slow
distinct and even tone with
your lips about one inch
from the mouthpiece talking
directly into the transmitter
Telephone diaphrams are
constructed for ordinary
modulations of the voice and
to talk otherwise is not con
ducive to the best trans
When your telephone
rings do not reply Hello
Answer by giving your name
as Brown speaking or
Jones Company Brown
talking That method
saves useless words and is
both courteous and direct
In making a call the fig
ures of a telephone number
should be separated and one
number given at a time
For example in calling
Black 14V when Cen
tral asks t t the number
say i Jlack one-four-oh