The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 29, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2

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aihc t is treasurer of the organ
ization Barney llofer ss a mem
ber of the advisory committee
for Red Willow county The Ne
braska organization is a branch
of the national league
The Cedar Falls Iowa Com
mercial club tried by a unique
and uite original method to pro
mole loyalty to home industries
and home interest when Satur
day night on the public square
it had a huge bonfire and con
sumed all -the catalogues of mail
orLr Ijousss that could be found
within the city Nearly 1000
people witnessed the fire and
partook of the enthusiasm and
eommc iicn which the enterprise
W T Auld of Lincoln who is
heavily interested in Red Willow
county especially at Marion has
bought a majority of the capital
stack of the Corn Exchange Na
tional Bank of Omaha of which
he becomes president and active
manager lie will make Omaha
Iris future residence The bank
is capitalized at 300000 ad has
deposits of 1500000
A MeMillen prescription drug
McCook Neiiraska
Chauteh No S23
In the State of Nebraska at the close of busi
ness February 20 1312
Iioans and Dfscounts lri2r 75
Overdrafts i ecured and unsecured M 02
U S Bonds t secure circulation BO XO f0
Bonds securities etc 10191 4t
Banking Iioup and iixturos tlSn Ci
Du9 from National Banks not reserve
aRpnts 11IW SS
Due from state and private banks and
bankers trust companies and sav
ings banks 7t7 OS
Due from approved rorve ascnls 32128 I
Checks and otber cash items 55 XI
Notes of other National Banks 210 00
Fractional papercurrency nickels and
cents 70 01
Lawful Monet Rkseuve in Bank viz
Specie 11093 45
LeRal tender notes 1770 00 12863 45
Redemption fund with US Treasurer
5 per cent of circulation 2500 00
Total S2G0121 87
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplus fund 10000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and
taxes paiil 930 21
National Bank botes outstanding 71000 00
Due to other National banks 1055 18
Dne to State and Private Banks and
Bankers 10000 00
Individual deposits subject to check G2 105 7
Demand certificates of deposit 2000 69
Time certificates of deposit 78721 39
Cashiers checks outstanding 100 00
Total 206121 87
State of Nebraska
County of ned Willow ss
I C J OBrien cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief C J OBeien Cashier
Correct Attest
P F McKenna
P Walsh
C F Lehn Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 2Sth
day of February 1512 Chas W Kelley
seal Notary Public
My commission expires March SO 1913
F HE KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willcw County
Entered at postoffiee McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
I announce my candidacy fori
the- nomination for state repre i
sentative on the Republican tick 1
et subject to the primanh s to
be held April 19 1912
I hereby announce myself as
a candidate for the office of
County Assessor lied Willow
county on the Democratic ticket
subject to primary election held
April 19th 1912
jonx ii WEScn
Nebraska Progressive D
are putting on their armor
and ivili combat their reaction
ary brethren avIiojii they aver are
loing 4oo vigorous a turn for
is the primary date
proac ies ham rauerson Oil vr
publican CindcJaitc for con
gress oth Congressional District
primaries April 10th
Have been farmer school teach
er deputy county treasurer
Grand Recorder A O U W
and State Auditor These public
petitions should certainly quali
fy me to know your needs I
would like your support and if
elected it will be the great iim
hitien of my life to serve you
faiiih fully honestlv and well
Marriage Licenses
A McOafferty 20
and Xcsiliie O Probasco 27 of
E Otis Faubion 34 md Xora
Kr llv 32 both ol Republican
George Eckhart 22 and Marv
Brening IS both of McCook
Floyd A lafferty 24 and
M3iid Pearl Many 18 both of
Mairion Married by County
Judge Colfer February 28
Set foi
A i
The- viaduct cast lnv e bowi
set fen hearing in county court
tomourcw Friday morning at
9 oclock
Ex State Treasurer Peter Mor
tinsen joined tilie great silent ma
jority February 28th
Citizens National Bank
of McCook
ClIAHTEn Ncmhee 913G
at McCook in the State of Nebraska atthecloo
of busmen Feb 20 1912
Loans and discounts 22i97 27
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 170 02
U S Bonds to secure circulation 50000 00
U S Bonds to ecure U S Deposits 5000 X
Premiums on U S Bonds 79 17
Bonds securities etc 7115 21
Banking lione furiiituro and fixtures lOXX 00
Other real estate owned 8095 y
Due from approved reserve agents 95J0G 02
Checks and other cah items GOO CI
Notes of other National banks 2050 00
fractional paper currency nickels
and cents
221 10
Liawlul money reserve in bank viz
Specie 22062 15
Legal tender note 220J 00 21202 15
Redemption fund with U S Treasur
er 5 percent of circulation 2500 00
IXi4CS 47
Capital stock paid in 50000 00
Surplus fund 25000 00
Undivided profits less expense and
taxes paid 10222 99
National bank notes outstanding 50000 00
Due to other national banks 87J9 45
Due to state and private banks and
bankers 44555 30
Individual deposits subject to check 143391 83
Time certificates of deposit 97329 53
Cashiers checks outstanding 4011 08
Postal Savings Deposits 2183 29
Total 435403 47
State of Nebraska
County of Red Willow J ss
I R A Green cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
R A Cashier
ConnECT Attest
G H Watkins
A McMillen Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th
day of Feb 1912 C E Eldeed
Tubal Notary Public
My commission expires February Cth 1913
McCook General Hospital
Located in the Heckman House one block west
of the Court House
Will be open to receive patients after Janu
ary 1 8 1912 A -Hospital devoted to McCook
and southwest Nebraska Skilled attendants
in charge
D J REID Surgeon Proprietor
Auditors Report of the City treasurers Office top2
To the Honorable Mayor and
City Council of MeCook City
Gentlemen in presenting to
you my report of the auditing
of the books and accounts of A
C Ebort as city treasurer I
find it necessary to submit a few
explanatory remarks
I ilhrve made a complete cheek
of all books and papers- belong
ing or in any way appeirtaining
to the eity treasurers office for
the period fwfni April 23rd 1900
to April 6 1910 that wore turn
ed over to me by the city offic
ials or that I managed to get
possession of but the result is
far from biing salL faetory as a
number of becks and piiiprs am
bocks and papers should
after repeated search
Flu- report leprcs nts only the
auditing of the books and pa
p i that vrere available and can
not be taken as ecmplete but is
ubjet to change if it any time
ml sing books and papers could
be found
The amount stated as gu hand
ai the beginning of Mr Eberts
t rm is correct as it is ovi
dencid by the last report of iliis
predecessor as well as lfis -own
iirst report
The amounts received from the
county treasurer for all city
funds tho sewer fund and road
fund were obtained frcm the
toriinty records but no book of
Mr Eherts can be found to ver
ify the various county treasur
ers figures
The duplicate receipts for the
occupation tax run consecutively
for the 10 years and eeom to be
ery near complete but as a
great number of receipts- wlu eli
under the laws and ordinances
go to the school fund are tin the
same books witih the o
tax receipts it is
errors o ecu i -red in
these as an many cass
c nint
the re-
s do not indicate to wluich
fund thev Avere accredited
The receipts for the sale of
cemetery lots and burial permit s
and aico for Avater said at th
cemetery are not complete
Receipts for dog tax collected
are onlv to he found for the hist
lered at the beginning of
EboiVs term was of court
by Mm but it is -impossible
state the amount cf interest
Balance on hand April 6 1910 4 958 78
Receipts 62 086 16
paiid on some Nor is it possible
to determine Avhat other etity
Avarrants i asued prior ito liis
term but not registered Avere un
paid at the beginning of his term
and latter paid by him
The amount of Avarrants alloAV
ed by the city council as tabu
lated in this report is I belieAe
very near correct I ciheeked the
council proceedings for the en
tire period and made lists of all
claims allowed Against this list
1 checked the warrants redeemed
by Mr Ebert and also the pres
ent treasurer and- noted the
amount of interest on those that
Avere registered These Avarrants
are in existence AViilli seme ex
ceptions frcm 1905 on or for
half of this period T also
eh e eked against thiis list all of
the stubs of the Avar rant books ol
tainable They reach back to
190 3 I found one instance Avihere
tlie council proceedings omitted
all meetings for tAvo months an I
showed no claims allowed but I
found the stuhs for t
issued for tint time
these tOtie list
For the- time thatt uO Avanants
win be found it is impe3iblc to
get the interest on the Avarrants
tlhait might have -been registered
The amounts reeeiA ed from the
county treasurer included the an
nual Library appropriations and
T had tio get th amounts paid out
by the library board and add
to the Avarrants issued by the citA
The list of Library Avarrants is
Adding to the amounts regis
tered cif Apnil 23 1900 the Avar
rants ijjacd by the city council
and Libraiy board the interest
paid by IMr Ebcrt on registered
AA arrants as far as obtainable anc
the amount on hand on April 6tih
1910 and d cbuct ihe amount cf
the Avarrants AA liieh Avere unpaid
on that date and Aveiv since paid
by the pre int city treasurer
make s a total amount cf if152
10f07 Aviiieh nmrunt undoubtd
lv should be increased 8y at least
three years cf this period to any several hundred dollars for inter-
extent and fudging from the re-
ee ijils of these veais lietAveen
Jjslono and 2000 rfiould haiAe
been easily collected in the
y rs
The receipts from the city
scales seem to be complete
A number of miscellane cius re
ceipts appeared on a few of the
monthly treasurers reports
Whieh could be found but ns folic
number of reports in existence is
very small it is impossible U
judge at the amount of likely oth
er miscellaneous items that Avere
on the missing reports
Tlu amount of AAarrants
e Ava mints1
and tiddeel
est on Avanrants And yet this
ecels the total recepits
r r 1 7Go30 shoAving that a
num rr of receipts and receipt
he 1 re missing
Wihiile this report is as com
plete it could be under the cir
caimetancies I regret that it is
not as oomplete as it ought to
be It AAiill probably never be
possible to get am absolute cor
rect check on Mr Ebert s Avork
unless lb is oavii ledgers and bank
books- can be found and compar
ed AA ith this report
Report of Condition of City Treasury
From April 6 1910 to February 1 1912
Balance on hand April 6 1910 1- 95S 78
Received from county treasurer General fund 12 225 21
Received from
Received -from
Received from
Received from
Received from
Received frcm
county treasurer Water fund 991 74
count3r treasurer iRoad fund 2
county treasurer Light fund 5
county treasurer Library fund 2
county treasurer Sewer fund
county treasurer Park fund
KeJeoived from count refunding expenses
Received occupation tax 7
Received dog tax
Receivexl from sale of lots Avaiter etc cemetery
ReceiAred miscellaneous collections by police
Recewed from L A Fitcb money refunded
ReceiA ed fine in Aiolation of AArater ordinance
Received railroad freight refund
Reeeived from Wild AVest s1ioat AA ater used
Received from sale of AA ater bonds 20
Received from 3rd quainter A ater tax 3
Reeeived from eity scales
Received bank interest on deposits
981 00
933 83
573 29
909 U
7S1 49
61 09
198 75
381 00
257 00
7 50
000 00
366 15
354 15
59 26
67 044 94
Warrants redeemed General fund 9 564 76
Warrants redeemed Occupation fund 6 756 70
Warrants redeemedWater fund 23 994 83
Warrants redeemed Cemetery hind 616 78
Warrants redeemed Road fund 3 509 24
Warrants redeemed Light fund 5 295 80
Warrants redeemed Library fund 2 203 36
Warrants redeemed Sewer fund 1 048 30
Warrants redeemed Scale fund 364 40
Warrants redeemed Fire fund 1 775 09 55 129 26
Balance on hand February 1 1912 11 915 68
General fund 3 112 18
Occupation fund 406 17
Waiter fund 5 553 57
Cemetery fund 143 35
jRoad fund 60 48
Light fund - 1 052 59
Library fund 308 83
Sewer fund 261 21
Fare fund 235 81
Park iftrad - 781 49
ynr rrn prrw rVTJOHgQ J
C O v v O C4 O - t J I I O C4 v C t iI
store js
Advertised List
The following letters and cards
remain uncalled for at the post
Akermam Mr Carl
Boiler Mr Layton
Bergin Hannah
Danby Miss Barnes
Ellis Gladdis
Weyenetii Mr J Ernest
Christy Mrs T II
LON CONE Postmaster
Christian Science The morn
ing subjects for next Sunday is
Christ Jesus
Congregational Subjects for
Sunday Morning Songs in Ex
die Evening Back to Galilee
Christian Sunday school at
10 a m preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m H M Mitchell mil
Divine Science Unity health
meeting on Tuesday and Friday
CArenings NeAv Thought Sunday
school three oclock on Sunday
afternoon 123 W D street
Methodist Regular services as
folloAvs Preaching at 11 a m
and 8 p m EpAvorth League at
7 p m Sunday school ait 10 a
m Prayer meeting on Wednes
day evenings
Baptist Sermons at 11 a m
and 8 p m Bible school at 10
Christian Endeavor at 7 pm A
hearty welcome to all who wish
to Avorship Avitli us D L Me
Bride minister
Catholic St Patricks Church
8 30 a m Ioav mass and sermon
10 30 a m high mass and ser
mon 2 30 p m Sunday school
8 00 evening services Rev Wm
PattRra O M I pastor
German Evan Lutheran East
6th street Morning service at
1030 evening service at 730
All German speaking people are
cordMly invited to attend Rev
G Wockenfuss Rov O Richert
John K Strauser and GMiss
iBIaniciho Clark of Imperial were
united an marriage on Saturday
Febmarv 24th and will e o to
hoxsekeeninff a ones in Cam-
i t - J
-- - -- -
4 J
the home of
tAarx clcthes
FiCTS to know and
1 use in buying clothes
All wool in every thread t
All silk in every seam
Absolute guarantee with every suit
All these with your style your fit X
X your fabric in a
I Hart Schaffner i
spring suit is here where everything
else is of the same quality
1 Hart
Growers and Packers of
Pine Cone
Winning the following
First Prizes
Best 5Box Lat
Best Single Bgk
Best 25 Oranges
Best 25 Navel Oranges
San Bernardino Calif
Sold in McCook by