The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 29, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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City Business
The mayor and council met in
regular session Monday even
ing February 26 Present May
or MeAdams Councilnicn II C
Brown J R Stansberry W A
Middlemen Attorney Wolff and
Clerk StoJl
Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved
Following claims were read anc
approved and on motion allowed
Nick Snyder H 61
Western Union Tel Co 43
O D Chilton 2 00
James Malen 3 20
C FTann 19 90
Charles Kriegar 2 00
Charles Skalla 115 00
John Weed SO
First National Bank 75 00
George Krieger 2 00
Earl Wood SO
T F Leach 1 00
Milo Pate 2 00
L O Stoll 3 30
Roy Ehlers SO
Gail Funk 2 00
Hugh Kellv 2 00
Neb Tel Co - 9 25
J A Wilcox Co 2 55
V Gunderman 4 40
Report of Ohas Skalla on aud
iting records and accounts of Ex
City Treasurer A C Ehert was
made and a motion made and
carried that ame be accepted
and filed
Report cf Skalla on City Treas
nrer L Thorgrimson was read
and on motion accepted
Motion made and carried that
the- city clerk have the auditing
report of Chas Skalla on records
and accounts of Ex Treasurer A
C Ebert and Treasurer L Thor
grimson be published
Water Commissioners report
for February was made and on
motion was ordered placed on
Moved and seconded that may
or have the records of P S Ilea
ton as police judge and W B
Whittaker as acting police mag
istrate audited Carried
Report of police magistrate
was read and placed on file
Bid of O Grismore for build
ing too1 House on rear or city
lots in block 10 at the price of
480 Avas read and accepted and
contract awarded to him
Moved and carried that clerk
be instructed to issue warrant foi
10 to pay annual dues to- the
League of Municipalities and get
a receipt for membership paid by
Councilman Stansberry
Motion was carried tihat the
city clerk have published names
and amounts of those who paid
occupation tax for 1911 1912
Mayor appointed Dr W E
McDivitt as city physician to fill
vacancy Appointment confirm
Clerk was instructed to gel
copies of occupation tax ordinane
City Attorney was instructed
to commence suit on delinquent
tax list
Moved and carried to adjourn
to call of mavor
Dont go past Call lin and
Aisit our wall paper room We
can interest you even though
you are not ready to paper
McCONNELL Druggist
Classified Advertisements
216 West B st Splendid board
elegant rooms only 20 month
Close in 4 doors east of Palmer
hotel Itf
FOR SALE Set work harness
set double buggy harness set sin
gle buggy harness 3 seetion har
row walking plow wagon Frank
Coleman East McCook
Houses for rent by J E Kel
ley phone 6 4 room brick bunga
low modern good location 3
room furnished cottage close in
lawn and shade 12 sw
fare proof safe Inquire at The
Tribune office
FOR REiNT 160 acres enltivat
cd and 80 acres in pasture all
fenced Also for sale 4 horses
wagon and harness 3 section
steel harrow corn lister break
ing plow and other small artic
les See or write Maurice Grif
fin phone black 408 22 tfw
FOR SALE Set of single bug
gy harness and leather fly net
Inquire at this office
The Public Library
Tlie library boards recent or
der of ncw books has been re
ceived and the books have been
prepared and are iioav on the
shelves1 for loaning to the- patrons
of the public library Following
is the list
The Rugged Way by Harold
Morton Kramer
Riders of the Purple Sage by
Zane Grew
TJie Neer Do Well by Rex
Roeeimary for Rcmembranee
by Helen Sherman Griffith
A Soiphmore Co ed by Alice
Lonise Lee
Mother Careys Chickens by
Kate Dcugk Wiiggin
Just Patty by Jean Webster
Rose of Old Ilarpeth by Mania
Thompson Daviess
He Comes Up Smiling by
Charles Sherman
The Brentcns by Anna C Ray
Vane of the Timberlands by
Harold Bin diesis
A Texas Ranger by Win Mac
Leod Raino
Mary Mid4horne by Geo Barr
Carpet frcrn Bagdad bv Har
old McGrath
The Bread Highway by Jef
frey Farnc
Comrades by Elizabeth Stuart
The Secret Garden by Frances
IL Burnett
Strawberry Acres by Grace
S Richmond
Complete Works of Elizabeth
Barrett Browning
The Blue Bird by Maurice
At the present price of poul
try and eggs anything that Avill
increase the vitality of foswls
cure poultry ailments and in
crease the production of eggs is
a good investment That is why
you should now be feeding
We believe it to ibe as effective
a poultry itonic as can be made
and its use fcr yeais in lo
calitv has proven its value
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Faubion Kelly
Tuesday morning at ten oclocl
Rev L E Lewis officiated at the
wedding cf Mr E Otis Faubion
and Miss Nora Kelly botih of Re
Rcpublican Oity the ceremony be
ing performed at the home 6f
their close friends Mr and Mrs
Fletcher Waugh at 710 east 4th
street this city They left on
14 same night for theiir future
borne in Republican City
Hospital Benefit Dance
The McCook Cooperative Hos
pital will give a ben
efit djnce in ibe armory April
15th Mis G L Burney chair
man Mrs W F Jones Mrs C
W Kelley Mess Edith Waite and
Miss Lillian Schmidt wall be the
patronesses in charge
Six Months Guarantee
on a whip is what we give you
while our stock cf famous one
dollar wliips lasts If lost stol
en or unastisfactory within six
months from date of purchase
we Avill replace with a new cine
Gome tin and get one
32000 Land Deal
Dor wart Barger have his
ed the safe of th W C Ztica
foose ranch perhaps better
known as the C T Eiler ranch
oif 1000 pcreu fcr the total sum
cif 32000 oir at the rate oif 32
per acre This well known ranch
ii located southwest of the city
Eckhart Brening
George Eekhart and Mary Bren
ing were married February 28th
A characteristic celebration of
the event followed
A McMillen Druggist
McConnell fills prescriptions
We have the Wedding Break
fast syrup D Magner phone 14
For making fancy cake try
Swans Down Cake flour D
Magner phone 14
Use Climatic Mixed Paint put
up for this particular climate
A McMTLLEN Druggist
Thursday Evening Edition
District Bonds Carried
C E Eldred returned Tues
day night from Culbertson where
he attended the canvass of the
votes cast February 12th in the
eleebion then held in the matter
of forminng an irrigation district
of land under the old Culbertson
diiteh on the north side of the
river Those favoring the forma
tion of the district cast 44 votes
while the opposition only had
12 to their credit This district
Avill comprise 962S acres oif land
beginning at the nayes county
line ait Palisade on the north side
iof the Frenchman and Republi
can rivers and coining south and
eaiit in irregular lines to the
Red Wiidiaw county boundary
This district will use the water
already appropriated for tliis
land and will eventually practic
ality take over the old Culbentison
diiteh proposition and will doubt
less bring that qiroperty aip to a
much more satisfactory degree
of efficiency Mr Eldred has
been looking after the legal work
in connection with tine project
The cost of engineering filing
fees legal retainers etc in a
project of 10000 acres reaching
a airy considerable sum
Care and Cleanliness
MeCVok fe highly favored
having a free public library
wfhfcih all her citizens may well
beproud Thfe splendid gift from
the grciat iron master is maintain
ed by the city taxpayers at an
expense of 1100 annually Its
numerous books magazines pa
perr etc are free to the pciople
under most favorable and reason
able rules and regulations Dam
ages to books however are be
coming more1 frequent than
should be the ease and The Trib
une suggests to the careless pat
ron the use of greater care in
the use of the books -cite of the
library and the exercise of clean
liness as well Thug fines will be
avoided and the material well
being of the library subserved
The Pythian Sisters will hold
their annual dance April Sth in
the Armory
Mrs O M Knipple and Mrs
C R Kuoiwles entertain a bridge
whist pairty this afternoon
MM 77 11 - f
vriitih Mrs Albert McMillen Mon
day afternoon next when the
club -will take up the reading and
ytiudy of King Johm
Mrs Albert MeMilleni enter
tained the Priseilla club yester
day afternoon Mrs I F Clapp
Mrs Harry Barbazette Mrs L
E Hanford and Miss Nina Ham
mond were special guests There
were readings from Longfellow
by Mrs A B Wood and Mrs
A R Scott And a splendid
three course dinner for a climax
Mrs W B Mills was hostess a
the Tuesday evening gathering aC
the Kappa Kappa Gammas A
seven oclock dinner first engag
ed attention and the residue cif
the evening was devoted to fan
cy work Those present were
Mrs J R MeCarl Mrs C L
FahnestoekjMirs II C ClapipMrs
Maine Brcnscoi and Mrs tlarvcv
One cf the social events rM
net of the week was the Jiumor
Boreas social in the Congregation
al church whijeh was Liberally
patronized and enjoyed A pro
gram df music and readings wen
offered Piano solo yy il
Lorene Calhoon vocal
1y dis3 Edith Waite reading
by Miss Dunlap vocal snlcc bv
Mii33 Velma Sutton and M3 N J
lb Schwab Light refrcDhmert
concluded the evening
Wednesday afternoon the La
dies Circle B of L F E Gol
den Rod State Lodge 282 enjoy
ed an interesting kensington at
thlhome of Engineer and Mrs O
G Ctoppom spacious heme
waer appropriately decorated
with itilie lodge name color At
430 rtihio boistess served an excel
lent two course luncheon assist
ed by Missi Cloe Davis and Miss
Inez Ooppom and at 530 the
guests made their good byes
from a most enjoyable social af
Cooperative Hospital Meeting
The meeting of the Cooperative
Hospital Association on last Mon
day afternoon was well attended
and showed that the citizens of
McCook are taking great interest
in the undertaking Report of
the secretary showed that about
five hundred and thirty dollars of
stock bad been subscribed for
and three hundred and tiwelve
dollars of the same had been -paid
and the remainder would be in
the hands of the treasurer within
a few days Also that one hund
red and sixty four membership
tickets had been sold up to date
and cash donations liad been
made amounting to about fort
dollars Also the furnishing pif twe
rooms has been assured with tiho
promise of four or five more be
ing furnished free of cost to the
Besides the above there is the
assurance from the Burlington
railroad company that they will
render substantial assistance in
the nature of a cash donation
with liberal patronage to the hos
pital for which they are willing
to pay the usual hospital charges
without reduetaon
Much business was transacted
in the natuure of perfecting the
organization preparatory to elect
ing the permanent officers at a
meeting called to meet at the
commercial club rooms at eight
oclock next Monday evening
March fourth at which time the
permanent officers will be elected
consisting of a president sec
retary and trciasurer of the as
Goecnticai also a board of man
agers consisting of nine stock
holders m the association three
of iwhcm are to be elected to
serve for a term of one
year three for a term of two
years and three for a term of
three years Every stock bolder
is entitled to one vote for every
share of stock held and it is
earnestly requestly tibia t every
stock holder be represented eithci
in person or by proxy
Remember the hour and iplaee
of meeting at the eommereral
cLub rccm en Monday evening
March fourth at eight ocLcek
Lot therp he a full attendance
If work is begun tin year on
our federal buldingthe irrigation
project proves to be a sueccer
McCook does her part in the good
rcrds p repetition and wc get an
up to date cooperative hespittail
ati in 1912 Ave will hav gcol
reason to rejoice and the odveiv
itty of the pact will scion be for
Dont be a knocker be a
booster for MeCcck new and all
By Publiciiiy Ccinnmittee
The Seed Corn Special
The Burlingtons scid corn
special made no effort to sched
ule McCook Thei train ran in
to MeCcck at night TuirJcy lid
left for th eeast tco early on
Wednesday morning to idlew of
a date being made here The first
stop in Red Willow county how
ever at Indiancla whr
about 130 farmeis gnhercd tc
take advantage of what the spe
ial offered in the important mat-tea-
of sed corn selection etc
Cambridge was the next stopping
point and 300 appeared to greet
the tram nt that noirrt
D of H So id
A large attendance amd mot
enjoTbl evening marked the so
ct1 i r en of the Degree cf Hon
or Tuesday evening A fine pro
gram toothsome luncheon and
pleasant social tame were the feat
Kw tiling in dntgs McCon
Yvlt MrCcnneUs Waul Pnp
display 1S12 papeis a i w
ready fcr 3Ou
Call at D Magner s rcre and
get a can of Armour Props r d
The Girls Bridge WbVt V
was clevcirly entertain- I v MtVi
Edith Waite last eveniur oridqi
whest and dainty refreshments be
ing the joyous particulars
The B B C boys cnjoycid a
delightful social gathering at
Frank Barnetts borne l st nighty
with refreshments and all the
pleasures of youths social life
of the day
Division Teachers Program
McCook Division of Red Wil
low County Teachers association
will render the following pro
gram at the nigh school auditor
ium Saturday March 2 at two
o ciov p m
Violin solo by Roswell Sim
Recitation Schlaysheimer Do
nt Goneiliate by Laura Everts
Step by Step Language Meth
od by Ora Stewart
The Blacksmiths Story by
Genevieve Cop eland
A Phase of Pedagogy by Supt
W T Davis
Vocal solo by Cyril Viersen
Grandma Keeler Gets Grand
pa Keeler Ready for Church by
Ruth MeBride
Primary Plans Florenee Wat
Horace Mann by Nellie
A Slow Race by Hany
Cornet solo by Roy Bayless
All teachers are recpiested to
bring exhibit work
Everyone is cordially invited
to attend
Elizabeth Daugherty
Helen Schwab
Alice Moore
Frances Hall
Is Closed Shop Right
Tomorrow evening in the Mc
Cook high school auditorium the
high school teams of McCook and
Trenton will debate the above
above question McCook will af
firm Trenton denies Trenton
sends down a strong team and
MoGook will give a vigorous ac
count of itself Its a live ques
tion Come cut and hear it disf
cuased Tickets 25 cents En
courage McCook to win your
presence will be helpful to this
MeCcoks deibaters will be
Maurice Bemjamin Geicil McMil
len and Harold Schwab
Prof George N Porter head
of the English department Kear
ney state normal and Prof J C
Mitchell principal cf tihe Hast
ingi higih school will be two of
the judges
New Dairy Plant
F S Wilcox is erecting a new
daiiy barn and milk house on his
ranoh just otsuth of town The
work is being pushed rapidly and
as scon as completed Ilartman s
will occupy the places they and
Mir Wiloox conducting the dairy
from there It will be -their en
deavor to give the people cf Mc
Cook itjhe best service possible
making two deliveries during the
Avarm weather
Coming- Musical Event
Wc expect at an early date to
be able to announce that MeCock
people will raoon have pleasure
of hearing the McCook band re
plte and radiant in new uni
farmn with a superb new reper
toire in a concert in vbe Temple
theatre Such an event we un
derstand is in the making
On and after March 15 1912
we will do a strictly cash busi
ness All laundry must be paid
for upon delivery
P home 140 C L Markwad
Phone 35 Hammond Long
Loyal Temperance Legion
At the firs- mcetiinng of the Lo
1 Temperance Legion Febru
ary 23rd the enrollment was 21
The 3end me ting to bJick 3Tes
wlita enrcilmtnt r
iricrcascd to 31 Gccd Avork
Boost it-
Come and Fay
V bcik accounts due the Hube
Tito re should be paid at once 1
iril be at the store from 9 am tc
1 p m thes week to reiec5pt any
desiring tc pay 26 2ti3W
C NADEN Trustee
Wall Paper Bargains
Until March 1st we will make
bargain prices on last year pat
terns cif wall paper It will pay
vou to buy now
A McMILLEN Druggist
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing
McConnell for drugs
Have you eer considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now when you are earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier tc save your money
and deposit itwith
P Wal3H President
C F Lehn V Prea
C J OBrien Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Dr D F Smith as im from
Bartley today on business
Butler Jones of Bairtley was a
business visitor in tlite city yes
Mrs C E Minnick of Indian
ola visited McCook friends yes
J R MeCarl was in Lineoln
earl days in the week on busi
ness politicail
W H Aekerman went down tin
to Missouri fore part c week
on business
Mrs Will Simmons left yester
day morning for her future heme
at Idatta Colorado
Rev Robects of Iloldrege ia as
sisting Rev MeBride in the re
vival services in Baptist chureb
Miss Florence Jacobs left Wed
nesday evening for Bliadenwhere
she will visit her sister Mrs F
L Barnes
II P Waite who has been in
Kansas looking after his real es
tate interests returned home the
fore part of the week
Rev R T Bayne will go down
to Holdrege tliis evemingto help
arrange for the next association
meeting to be held soon in Wil
Mrs II M Barker who has
been gueisit cf her Brother Russell
Deabenderfer for past two weeks
returned to her home at Atlanta
Neb Sunday evening
Mr and Mrs J P Croiuse and
the little ones took their depart
ure yesterday for their new
home in Seward state Most
estimable pecplenaught but good
wishes aeeompany them
Eugene Eisenhart is a new
member of tihe Citizens National
Bank force Mr Eisenhart is a
son of G G Eisenhart of the
Bank of Culbertson but comes to
McCciok from Chicago Avihere he
baa been employed in- a banking
inatitubJcn for some time
U G Btherton of the Bartley
Inter Ocean and deputy of the oil
inspection department wasi in
the city Tuesday and lie and
Charlie Skalla engaged in their
customary political medicine mix
ing during the day Grant and
Skalla make a lively team in the
Mr and Mrs J elm ScMeicth ar
rived from Poeatello Idabo last
nigiht Mr Schlcieh contemned en
his way to Omaha where he as
sumes a position in lumber yard
having resigned his PceatelLo
to ake tikis rr in Ncbias
ka Mrs SehleieJi nee- Paite
will visit relative and friends
here for a- week before joining
him in OmaJia
G n Watkins who for past
few years has been assistant cash
ier of the Citizens National Banlc
lias resigned ibis position with the
citys pioneer banking house and
will shortly depart for the north
west where he expecits to engage
in business for himself soime
where in the Portland Oregon
country preferably in the bank
ing business in one ef the grow
ing towns in that vpart iof tihe ex
panding northwest The Tribune
hoipes he may be able to- coin
his experience capital and abil
ity into success