The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Young man it will pay you to get the habit Wo mean the
saving habit The banking habit will help you If you are
starting out in life with only jour two hands to help jou the
dollar on deposit will be the best friend you will have on the
side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the
need is urgent Add to it rather than draw it out You will
acquire a standing among the juen who do things You will
in time have a fund to do something with yourself Get the
habit Start now The opening of a bank account may be
the turning point in your career Come and start with us no
matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is
good He knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing
Tfte Msoofi THfeune
F M KIMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
I hereby announce my candid
acy for County Commissioner 2d
district subject to decision of
Republican primary
City politics are now absorbing
some quiet but deep attention
with fJie medicine mixers busy
making up sflates and combina
tions All promising a lively
municipal campaign Trot dut
yioair favorites and put them
thru their gaits The winners wall
luave to go some
The Tribune feels it cannot
overestimate the importance of
the irrigation proposition itio be
presented before the people of
Western Red Willow county on
jnext Thursday afternoon in the
court house and hopes most sin
cerely and urgently tliat the
farmers and business men -will ait
tend this meeting in large and
earnest numbers
By Dr George Elliott Howard
To the student of polirical science and social progress the
speech of Theodore Kocsevelt before the Ohio constitution
ad convention is an event of first rate signiificaince In the
hfiiiipry of American polities -when -weighed in all its bearings
tlvs address is one of the rare utterances -which great crises in
nit tonal thought produce It is the greatest message -which its
r thor has ever sent to the American peoiple
In recant years the leading ideas of two of the founders
01 our republic have found re mrkable expounders Mr Bry
ar as a prcfc sd dissiiple has wijh all his force accentuated
Thcanas Jclfeiscn s faith in d acjK sy his absolute reli
ance on tdie ahlity of the people to rule themselves In the
view cf Jefferson and his disciple the medicine for the ills
cf democracy ir more dcmcciaev and to safeguard the in
tercuts cf the people our shevt anehor s state rather
tlan the centialized federal power
On the other ihand the loftiest ideal of Alexander Hamil
ton was the fostering and development of the spirit of na
tionality of national patriotism a sentiment very much need
ed in the decade following the close of the war of inde
pendence To realize a true spirit of nationalism Hamilton
would have strengthened the federal government even if
need be the states must be reduced to the position of mer
iJiiUiiitive districts
o far as the ideal of nation 1Wm is concerned Roosevelt cs
fie greatest disciph of Hamilton Never in times of peace
hi3 the clicef executive of the nailiion -taken so active a part as
a real dynamic directive governing force as diel Roosevelt
during bja eight years as president Thus far those years
mark tihe culmination of the expanding power of the federal
stite and how vastly greater and more complex are the func
tions of all -governments now as compared wMi those of 1800
Yet Roosevelt unlike Hamilton would -not have been will
ing consciously to weaken the t te to devitalize ithe local
organs of self government The nation builder confesses a
faoth in the people a trust in democracy wMeh in that re
gard shews him to be a disciple of Jefferson whether or
not he be cansccous of the fact The initiative the referen
dum direct primary the papular election of senators even
the- recall of judges what a program of radical democracy
Add to tihjiB the acceptance a fewldays ago of equal suffrage
Here is a statesman nourished in an eastern environment
who can rise to the level of the swiftly mounting democracy
of Uie Pacific coast Here is a man who is growing younger
becoming more virile willh his years For the progressive in
political and soeial ideals this epoch making utterance is full
of inspiration It breeds hope It means that reason will tri
umiph that it is gaining the victory
Here is a man who has made mistakes who sometimes has
beea unjust who occasionally has been violent whose ieleals
of mbtarism and the chase are not m harmony with modern
humanism whom nome of us have not been able to vote for
yet he stands before us as an lion est and brave man a man
who is not asihamcxL to change and grow in political idealsj
-with his increasing experience-
The world respects a man who fthoiugih -he may sometjianejs
think wrongly yet whetQier right or wrong thinks with litis
own mind Clearly Theodore Roosevelt does net live in a
rented or borrowed mind but in one winch is lias very own
an fee simple according to natures Id gh est title If the people
are permitted to decide y esterday s speech will make him
the next president
Washington Feb 22 Many
progressive republican congress
mem today endorsed Theodore
Roosevelts Columbus speech
Congressmen Norris of Nebras
ka and Lindbergh of Minnesota
wore among those wiha praised
the speech
Governor Johnson is being fre
quently mentioned here as a de
sirable running mate for Roose
velt if the lajtter should be nom
mmiea xor president
Press Special
Tire of the
oldest parvus dn the poilitiaa
game -Aid you oft hear the loud
est cry about timo the saint
is pullang off a big griaft or is
aihout to maiko his getaway
Try a Tribune want ad and
watch results
Of Corduroy Worsted or
So runs the spiling edict of Pai
ds Dresses suits and separate
skints are- to be modeled in any
of these fabrics and often in com
binations of them Serge trim
med witih corduroy or witih
an -worsteds imislieu in velvet
or satin and corduroy trimmed
wiilllh satin or anourejarc all adapt
able for the stylish model il lustra
ted here whieJi also gives oppor
tunity for effective use of butlton
trimming a pronounced fad of
the season
For afternoon -wear a dress of
6508 6314
this type is smartest in taffeta
especially the lovely new change
able taffeta that fashion is giving
so prominent a place this spring
and by the way the lace trimming
prettily suggested in ithe illustra
tion is a timely hint of a new
However the construction and
features of ithe model it
self in whatever materials it is
fashioned make a distinct appeal
cf their cwn The peasant waist
vith ils panel back carried 3v r
m give the effect of a should r
yoke has a mart surplice clogin
anel eorrespcnciang te this Cs t
aide closing of the four iror
skirt The guhnpe 650S is an r
pecially neat fitting design ad
apted for net lace or embroidery
all over And the best part of
the whole story Is that bolli
dress and guimpe are easy to
i flSii
A New List
Teacher How many zones has the
Pupil Five
Teacher Correct Name them
Pupil Temperate zone intemper
ate canal horried and o Life
His Use for Soap
Lady said Meandering Mike
would you lend me a cake of soap
Do you mean to tell me you want
Yesm Me partners got de hic
cups an I want to scare him
At Study
Dolce fYour dogs are fighting
Scherzo No that is my husband
He is opera singing and is practicing
the role of Mime in Siegfried Mu
sical Courier
Size No Object
Mistress I should prefer a maid
who has been in a big house
Maid Well I shall suit madame
then I have been in a housp of rpvotj
Stories Pele Mele
A Sure Thing
There is one great advantage in
being a matinee idol
What is that
If you hit a miss you are sure of
not missing a hit
The Mightier One
Pop what is the female of the
-Its the lady on the silver dollar my
Advertisement for Bids
Notice is hereby given that
sealed pnxosals will be received
at the 0 dfGe of the County Clerk
of Red Willow county Nebraska
at McCookNebraskafor the con
struction and erection of the super-structure
the sub structure
and approaches and for the fur
nisliing of materials in connection
wilth the same for all steel and
wooelen bridges to be built in
said Reel Willow county Neb
raska within one year from the
5th day of March 1912 A D said
bids to be for the super structure
of all said bridges per lineal foot
for the super structure of all ap
proaches per lineal foot for all
pilings usee in the sub struot
ure of all such bridges and ap
proaches and for all caps sway
braees anel other wooel material
usee in the sub structure of such
bridges and approaches per foot
boarel measure according to
the plans anel specifications in
the County Clerks office of said
Each bid must be accompanied
by 50000 in cash or certified
cheek for said amount payable
to Ohas K Dutcher county
clerk to be forfeited to the
county in case bidder refuses to
enter into contract with the
county with proper bond if
same is awarded to hmi must
be filed on or before noon
fral time on the 5th day of
March 1912 Said bids will be
openeel at 2 oclock p m cent
ral standard time March 5th
The Boarel of County Commis
sioners reserve the right to re
ject any or all bids
County Clerk
First publication Feb 1 Sts
Estimate of Expenses
At the regular meeting of the
county board of Red Willow
county Nebraska held on the
9th day of January 1912 the
matter of the estimate of the ne
cessary expenses for Hip year 1912
was considered and the estimate
made is follows
County general fund 30000 00
County bridge fund 15000 00
County road fund 10000 00
Countv Soldiers Relief
funJ 1000 00
Mefo City bond 1500 00
Me - GJtv water
bond 10000 00
School district bonds 12000 00
Dated at McCook this 9th day
of Januarv 1912
County Cleirk
First publication Feb 1 8ts
Our hobbv is good groceries
The Best of Everything
trial order will convince you
D MAGNER Phono 14
Wants for rent for sale etc
5e a line in The Tribune
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other dis
eases put together and until the
last few years was supposed to be
incurable For a great many years
doctors pronounced it a local disease
and prescribed local remedies and
by constantly failing to cure with
local treatment pronounced it in
curable Sciatee has proved catarrh
to be a constitutional disease and
therefore requires constitutional treat
ment Halls Catarrh Cure manu
factured by F J Cheney Co
Toledo Ohio is the only constitut
ional cure on the market It is
taken ineernally in doses from 10
drops to a teaspoonful It acts di
rectly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails
to cure Send for circulars and test
Toledo Ohio
Sold by Druggists 75c j
Take Halls Family Pills for con j
This is the season of the year
when mothers feel very much con
cerned over the frequent colds con
tracted by their children and have
abundant reason for it as every cold
weakens the lungs lowers the vital
ity and paves the way for the more
serious diseases that so often fol
low after Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy is famous for its cures and is
pleasant and safe to take For sale
by all dealers
Here is a message of hope and
good cheer from Mrs C J Martin
Boone Mill Va -who is the mother
of eighteen children Mrs Martin
was cured of stomach trouble and con
stipation by Chamberlains Tablets af
ter five years of suffering and now
recommends these tablets to the pub
lic Sold by all dealers
Foley Kidney Pills will cure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble not
beyond the reach of medicine No
I Beatrice Creamer Co I
has opened a cream station
at 212 W ist street and
will pay the HIGHEST
day in the week
t CHAS DAVIS Manager
Osborn Burton
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South oiDeGrofPs
Phone Ko 13
Heating Plumbing
Are prepared to fur
nish estimates on
short notice They
keep a complete line
of Bath Tubs La
vatories Sinks and
other plumbing mater
ial including a good
line of lawn hose and
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
has sold more
Meybest Flour
I for the Superior Milling Co
than any other selling force
A satisfied user never hesitates
to recommend it she will pass
the merits of Meybest to her
neighbors and friends and fur
nish any one unbiased opinion
Get in touch with disinterested
information on Meybest Flour
uperior Milling
CARL MARSH Local Dealer
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description ma
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention 19 probably patentable Communica
tions ntricUyconaUcntlal HANDBOOK on Patents
sunt free Oldest acency for securing patents
1jtcnts taken tbroneh Alunn Co receive
ipeeitil notice without charge in the
Scientific Jnneiican
A handsomely lllmtratod weekly T arcest
Cnlatlon of any scientlQc Journal Terms 3 a
year four months L Sold by all newsdealers
Go3SBroadwar New York
Branch Office 623 P St Washlnston D C
Notice to Delinquents
Nottice is- lieiieby given tliat the
rental upon the lease contraot to
the following described lands in
Red Willow county Nebraska as
seit opposite the name o the hold
er thereof is delinquent and if
the iamoiunt which is due is not
paid within 60 days from date
of ithis notice said contract will
be declared forfeited by the
Board of Educational Lands and
Funds and said forfeiture enter
ed of record in the manner pro
vided law
W2 36-1-30 John A Hoffman
Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings
Baited Feb 16 1912
medicine can do more A MoMillenlMrst publication Feib 19 6aw
How Colds Affects the Kidneys
Avoid taking cold if your kidneys axe
sensitive Cold congests the kidneys
throws too much work upon them
and -weakens their action Serious
kidney trouble and even Brights dis
ease may result Strengthen your
kidneys get rid of the pain and
soreness by the timely use of Foley
Kidney Pills Tonic in action quick
in results
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
West B St Phone black 271
Most for your money
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods oi quality
Main avenue McCook Neb Rv
apWftfrfcWifigJ T7
Hurts All
But we can meet your
evey need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
V V v I 2
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Fire and Wind
i Insurance
Written in First Class
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n3tacKp 11 rVr
streetin P Walsh baldiag L I VOOK
J1 3
Liier ami Coal
m I