The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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    i a
1 r
z j J 4 4 i r t i r
I Seed For Sale
Red Spring Wheat
Barley and Corn
S S Garvey Manager Phone 169
W I i vtl
Costly Wreck
As the details of the wreck
near Straiten cin Thursday morn
ing to freight No 70 became
known it developes into one of
-the costliest freight wrecks on
this division for some time The
Denver Post places the total loss
at 50000 which is perhaps too
high But the loss includes 70
head -of fat steers 300 sheep sev
eral carloads of merchandise of
different kinds fourteen freight
ears touch damage to track re
pairs labor etc which may push
the total tip uncomfortably near
the total indicated A broken
wheel was the cause of ctihe wreck
The unburned portion of the
wreck was brought to MeCook
Snow Storm Sunday
Commencing about 11 oclock
Sunday morning a snow storm
prevailed an tliris section of state
during the remainder of the day
aeecimpanied by a ncrtheaot wind
which drifted tJie fine snow con
siderably The level was be
tween 4 and 5 -inches
Poultry People Notice
We wall deliver free of cliarge
from one to three sacks of straw
as you wish along wuth your or
der for feed Please do not or
der straw until you order feed
so that we ean take both in one
delivery 19 2w
Get our rates on farm loans
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs
Fidelity to deity and humanity
travels along parallel lines
Wedding Breakfast Wibite Rock
and pure maple syrup at
ners Phone 14
The W C T U will meet with
Mrs J S Miller next Thursday
afternoon Mrs Lewis Canh lead
Your teeth will last one hun
dred years if you will use Rexall
Pearl Tooth Powder
McCONNELL Druggist
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phono
black 271 4tf
WANTED Pupils on the pianc
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
Blue Front livery barn See M
O McClure at Bullard Lumber
Co office
FOR SALE 9 room residence
modern 2 lots desirable loca
tion S09 2d E Phone black 267
Found Place to have carpets
eleianed 5 eents1 a yard Phone
black 74
FOR SALE 160 acres land
5 miles south miles east of
MeCook Terms 1600 cash
Mary E Battershall owner
Okarche Okla 4tw
7 3L Hayes Co Neb
acre one third cash
sec 35
20 per
FOR SALE W i of W y
Sec 13-1-31 Hitchcock Co Neb
8 per acre one third cash bal
ance 6 W J FRfYER
24 Cooper Bldg Denver Col
FOR SALE Three large cluiiek
en ooops Call phone 214 -26
FOR SALE Good work horse
Cheap if taken at once Phone 25
Regretted Error
By a make up error in last
Thursdays Tribune a final par
agraph referring to the death of
Martin Yager was- printed at the
end of atn article referring to the
death and hurial here of the late
Pater Carry Of course the un
intentional nature ot tile error
wiiM be easily seen by all but it
is regretted deeply by the pub
March 8th Date Set
The railway commission has
indefinitely positponed ai hearing
set for March 8 on the complaint
of the ciity of MeCook Avhich
asks for a reduction of Bell fijSle
nhone rates in that city This ac
tion was taken by the ccinimosision
because tihe parties on both sides
say they are not ready for a hear
ing Lincoln Journal
Died at Danbury
J II Rice passed away at Dan
bury Saturday morning Deeeas
ed was for a number of years a
resident of South MeCook pre
vicus to his removal to Danbury
Mr Rice was a member cif Mac
cabae lodge cif this city The ibodj
wais brought here today for bur-
iiiaiL wnaeh was nven under aus
pices of the lodge
The New Way
of smoking meat We have a
pure wholesome liquid smoke
with the desirable elements of
hickory wood without any dan
gerous substance
McMILLEN Druggist
Denver Property
6 room modern home 2 story
pressed brick fine location east
side for sale or will trade for
MeCook property 18 tf
524 Main Ave MeCook
Dcntforget that Barney Hof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get his new club catalogue
McConnell fills prescriptions
Kodaks Kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
For MackreL white Fish Salt
Salmon and Codfish come to
Magners Phone 14
Those who knew know there
are no later styles in hand bags
tham those Ave are allowing
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The seniors and juniors met in
a base ball battle Friday after
noon with a resultant score of
14 to 9 dn favor of the seniors
All the latest ideas in wall
decorations are embodied dn our
spring stock of wall paper They
are worth seeing See them soon
McCONNELL Druggist
Called meeting of the Metho
dist Ladies Aid soeiey is an
nounced for Wednesday after
neon at the home of Mrs F A
Episcopal Sunday March 3d
Sunday school at 10 Holly Com
munion and sermon at 11 Even
ing prayer and sermon at 800
The Ladies Guild meets with
Mrs Morrissey Alfrie tj R
There is philosophy of value in
the homely advice Better bear
the ills von have than flee to these
you know not of More than
one has left the Red Willow eoun
ty pan to fall into the fire
Canada and elsewhere
The cough itbaife has continued
until it has heeiome chromic must
be cured by something other
than an ordinary cough remedy
A reconstructive tcmic Hike Rex
all Cod Liver oil as necessary
This cures stubborn cpuglis and
all wasting diseases Price 1
McCONNELL Druggist
Professor Swenson of the Hrf
rege high seliool formerly a foot
ball star at Peru state normal
lias been appointed Bieakl of the
physical education department of
River FaMs Wis state normal
The appointment wag upoih the
recommendation of J W
tree president of the normal and
formerly -of Nebraska Lincoln
Monday Evening Edition
A Mass Meeting Will Be Held in the Red Willow County
Court House
To Hear the DeReiier Olson Irrigation DProposition in Detail Promi
nent Speakers Will Be Present Let There Be a Large
Attendance at This Important Meeting
As indicated in Thursdays
Tribune we are able to announce
thafo the mass meeting referred tc
then in the furtherance of tihe
big ditch and reservoir proposi
tion wdli be held in the court
fhouse in MeCook Thursday af
ternoon of thus week February
29th beginning at one oclock
At this meeting Messrs DeRem
er and Olson of Denver who are
back of the proposition will be
present It ds expected to have
some speakers of prominence
here from Dcnveras well as from
this state men who are experts
cm this line and will doubtless ibe
able to give the meeting advice
and information of value
The proposition is the most im
portant ever placed before the
citizens of Western Red Willow
county It is momenotus in im
Frank S Valme was a Satur
day business visitor in the city
A L Rice pcstcffiiee inspect
or was in MeCook Friday on
business cf mspeetam
home Sunday morning from her
visit in Omaha- and other painte
nn eastern part- of state
Carl Bates will leave tomor
row night for a business visit tc
Superior Lincoln Omaha and
cither points in the state
John W Green of the Bank of
Wiauneta was down to see the
folks Friday night returning up
the line on Saturday morning
E E Magee came up from Au
rora Neb Sunday on No 1 to
visit the children a few days He
is a guest in the publishers home
Mies Claare Thursby was able to
resume her work in the school
room tliis morning after- an ab
sence of a week on account of
aiecidenta injuries
Dr J F Hart is in Republican
City today inspecting some horsea
previous to shipment of the an
imals to Canada From there he
goes to Wilsonville to do more in
portance and stupendous in fig
ures a matter not to be ap
proached with levity or entered
antio without the most serious
thoughtful and intelligent consid
eration and investigation
Let the people come out and
hear for themselves and then in
vestigate deeply and wisely
It is not necessary now to in
dicate the value of a successful
reservoir and irrigation ditch pro
jeot All thoughtful intelligent
people already know The ques
tions involved are Is the propo
sition feasible Is the expense
reasonable Are the assurances
and guarantees of the promoters
sufficient Are the interests of
the people properly and suffi
aienfly safeguarded
Come out and hear
How dear to our heart is the steady subscriber
Who pays in advance at the birth of each year
Who lays down the money and does it quite gladly
And casts round the office a halo of cheer
He never says Step it I ean not afford it
I m getting more papers than now I -can read
But always says Send it our people all like fit
In fact we all think it a help and a need
How welcome his check when it readies our sanctum
The Barney Lewis Special
Barney Lewis iho tngineer step
ped up town on an errand Wed
neoday and in am error somaway
the train went off and lit hiin
th s fireman starting cut en
likelv supposing tho Ja
Mrs John Lankas returned j ney would catch on and up
out Jiarney mrsssu eca n rrixne
The Iiciff Bpecial was tit uy
from Palisade the gaselinc ear
and took him to Culberlson tc
take his train which was held for
him As the train had on aven
cars cf hogs it had to - make Oul
bertson for the Denver stock
train Wauneta Breeze
Come and Pay
AM book accounts due the Hube
stone should be paid at once 1
w iil be at the store from 9 am tc
4 p m this week to reib ciipt any
desiring to pay 26 2tsw
C NADEN Trustee
ml i i -I 1t i
rue Btaite department mas ap
pointed Dr J F Hart of our
city as stalEon inspector and the
doctor will look after much of Jthe
work of that department in the
state west of here in Hitchcock
Hayes Chase and Dundy Kjounties
during me next few weeks
t b wit t
How it makes our pulse throb how it makes our hearts
We outwardly thank Mm we inwardly bless liim
The steady subscriber who pays in advance
Boyd Willetts was thoroughly
surprised Thursday evening the
occasion of his 16th birthday by
the girls of Miss Claire Thursbys
Sunday school class and the boys
of Miss Millicent Slabys Sunday
sdhool class the B B Cs The
decorations and menu were pat
riotic The Father of His
Country and Boyd sharing the
same natal day In the serving
of the appetizjng content of the
commissary the hoys officiated
wfitili skill in cafetaria style
Mrs Juliet Walker entertained
about twenty lady friends at
bridge whist Saturday afternoon
Three course refreshments were
served Dark red carnations
and pink carnations and ferns
were the decorative details in the
home Mis O M Knipple car
ried away the honors of the play
ing and Mrs C D Ritchie the
consolatiou The ladies assisting
wene Mrs A Galuusha Misls Jul
iet Galusha and Miss Zella Tay
lor of Red Cloud
Miss Maud MeMillen entertain
ed the Young Ladies Whist club
Thursday evening in traditional
style Whist playing and refresh
ments engrossed attention
il NUMBER 79
By Dr W E Taylor Director
Soil Culture Dept Deere
Co Moline Illinois
Primarily I want to impress up
on tihe mind of the farmer the
fact fcliat good farming involves
at least four essential features ail
of equal importance and all in
terdependent and a neglect of an
one of them wall be sooner or lat
er reflected in products of the
farm The four steps or opera
tions are as follows
1 The seted bed
2 The fertility which involves
the necessity of stock raising
3 Seed selection and breeding
4 Cultivation and crop man
We will first consider the seed
bed how it should be made and
what at should contain
The seed hed is the home of
the plaint From the seed bed
the plants receive their essential
requirements namely food air
water and warmth
Plant requirements Plant rer
quirementsi like those lof animals
are exacting The laws of life anc
development of the plant permit
of no repeal nor will they toler
ate radical interference Plants
like animals may subsist on a
starvation dliet and in an unsan
itary environmentbut under such
eondiitaons growth and
itliion is unprofitable The best re
suits are obtained only when na
tures lawsareobservedand quan
tity and quality of every tilling
that enters into the growth of
either plant or the animal are
Air Plants require air and
it should not only be accessible tc
the stalk branches and leaves
but it is absolutely necessary thai
a sufficient amount be in seed
bed within reach of the plants
amid roots
Nature lavishly supplies the
plant with abundance ofat mos
pherie oxygen and carbon above
the ground but it devolves upon
the man to so make and maintain
the seed bed tliat the parts of
the plant below the surface will
also have an abundance of free
oxy gea
Soil lis composed of crystals and
Mrs W R Starr was hostess particles- of disintegrated rock
alt the Au Fait club gathering containing ehemiical elements
Friday afternoon A five oclock regular surfaces of the particles
do not permit them to ia
in two rmn srr n lm come
-V M Cl w
gastronomic particular Mrs TV
close contact witli eacli ctlier
E McDivitt assisted the hostess
Mrs Elizabeth Walker was a spec
ial guest
Mr and Mrs O M Knipple en
tertaimed the J O C club on-
Thursday evening The decora
tions were appropriate to Wash
ingtons Birthday hatchets and
cherries and patriotic colors m
evidence A seven oclock din
ner was served there were souv
enir hatchets at each guests
plate and the napkins were in
cherry design Mrs II vP Sut
ton Mrs C R Knowles and Miss
Helen Knipple assisted Mr and
Mrs Albert MeMillen Mr and
Mrs J G Stokes Mr and Mrs
Albert Barnett Mr and Mrs II
P Sutton and Mr and Mra
Frank Real were guests
intervening spaces are equal an
volume to the particles of soil
tiuait as approximately inty per
cent of the volume of the aver
age soil is air spaces These spac
es are intended for the circula
tion of lair and the passage of
minute roots Oxygen enters the
soil iui various iwa3Ts and is util
ized by the plant roots and thru
the same air spaces carbonic aeiid
gas and other noxious gases paB3
out If from any cause ground
as sealed up If the air spaces
are clogged either by Water or
silt the plant suffers from two
thingsnamely auto intoxication
caused by tihe presence of poison
ous gases and smothering ensues
on account of the absence of at
mospheric oxygen Plants in thin
respect are not unlike animals
for if a man or an animal is
placed in a closed room where
noxious exhalations are breathed
amid f resli air is not admitted the
main- or animal perishes Common
reasoning should teach us Irow to
rectify the oondition but too
rV not reason we are eon
tn nf tr Wain natures elements
u Vrtrihute the deficient harvest
to lrck o fcntflrty cf thr ircrl
Tc o much water in the ed
bed niay be the cause The watei
line or sheet water may be so near
the surface that the surfaioe sft
is constantly surcharged with wat
er or a hard pan may exist pre
venting percolation of water to
the deeper subseate thereby ihcld
ing it in the seed bed In aifclnr
ass the surface water should be
Drainage Drain tile is a most
effectual remedy If however
the texture of the soil is cf such
a nature that a free subsurface
flow is permitted ditching will
serve the purpose as well as tile
The benefits of tile drainage are
1 The removal of surface wat
er between the plane of the tile
and the surface of the ground
2 Physical improvements of
the soil rendering it porous and
3 The admission of atmos
- -
pheric oxygen and carrying off
neavy noxious gases
4 Rendering the soil several
degrees warmer than undrained
5 Increasing the water absorb
mg dualities iMierhv
more water in rlie deeper subsoils
6 Preventing the washing
aiway of soils and soil f ertility
7 Destroying hard pan
While drain tile and ditches
are splendid means of venitilaring
the seed bed we are mindful of
the fact that all farmers cannot
resort to these expedients
Except where soil is
deep plowing and deep tillage ar
nearly as beneficial as drainage
If the subsoil is loose rendering
the sub flow free deep plowing is
more desirable than tile especial
ly in sections where therainfall is
abnormally low
Water It is hardlv neeessainr
to state tliat plants require water
not in minute but very substan
tial qualities It requires aibout
three hundred pounds of water tt
make one pound of dry material
or to mature an overage acre of
corn or grain at requires from
four to six hundred tons of watei
The soil water holding in solu
tion plant food is carried thru
the plant performs its functions
and is evaporated through th
leaves Soil moisture together
with humus equalizes in a great
measure soil temperatures dassoK
es eiiemaeal elements and distrib
utes them and in a great meas
ure contributeis to the life and
activity of the soil
Water is found in the soil in
three forms namely
1 Hydrostatic or gravitation
2 Capillary Water
3 HydroesopiCjOr vapor water
Hydrostatic Water
stattdc water is the water that
fails on the surface in the form
of rains or by artificial irrigation
If thus water exists in excessive
amounts and percolates slowly
saturating tine soil to the extent
of filling the air spaces between
the particles of seal far a pro
tracted period thereby driving
out the air it works disaster to
the crop If however the ground
is of good tilth and the seed
bed as deep and free from hard
pan the downward movement is
sufficiently rapid to prevent
smothering of the plant If a
hard pan exists which is rare
ly the case where deep plowing ia
practiced but is usually found
TOhfiTf till nrafitiipo t trv
shallow the soil remains saturat
ed rendering it cold sour and
Hiifeless Deep plowing and sub
soiling where it is needed are us
ually sufficient to properly tak
care of ordinary rainfalls
Capillary Water Capillary
water is the reverse of hydrostat
ic water in its movements Wat
er is stored in the deeper subxi
and by the process of attractioir
it moved upward passing from
soil partiele to soil particle en
veloping each with a film of mois
ture until the surface is reached
This water dissolves plant food
elements and distributes them It
also forms chemical eombinaitions
making plant food compounds an
holds them in solution until they
are utilized by the plant The
root hairs or food and water
gatherers pass between the soil
particles throwing out their min
ute tentacles which wrap around
the particles of soil absorbing by
the process of osmosis nourish
ment and ssnding it through the
plant arteries performing its
functions of life and growth
It is needless to say to the ob
serving farmer tliat this prcecea
is not carried on in saturated acil
for but few farmers have not ob
served the absence of a crop
where water has stood or the
ground has been completely sat
urated fcr any considerable
length of time
Hygroscopic Water Hygro
scopic water is the moisture that
is foamd on sciil particles but is
not subject to mov ment either
by gravity or by teaipiilary attrac
tion More or less moisture ex-
asjts in the air and as the air
enters the soil the moisture adher
es to- the particles This water
probably plays little or no part
an dissolving or distributing plant
food but at the same time it will
quench in a measure the thirst od
sun burned plants i n semi arid
To be continued