The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 22, 1912, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Last Night of Daughters of Amer
ican Revolution
Wednesdy evening at home
or Mrs A Galuslia Mrs Gliaa
0 Norton state regent of itlhe
Daughters of American Revolu
tion organized a chapter in Me
Cook This chapter the Thirty
Seventh Star is the eighteenth in
Nebraska and as the only one in
the western part of the state
Mrs Norton in an interesting
way explained the object of the
D A R and tcld of its history
Following officers were elected
Regent Mjs Alpha Christian
Vice Regent Mrs Robt Nedlee
Secretary Mfes Juliet Galuslia
Treasurer Mrs S E Harvey
Registrar Mrs C II Ilusfred
Historian Miss Phoebe Waiiite
Chaplaiin Mis Emersom llan J
The chapter members of the
Thirty Seventh Star chapter are
Mass May Foster Mrs S E Har
vey Miss Alpha Christian Mrs
Sarah Christian Mrs A Galu
slia Mrs Robert Neelre Mrs C
H Ilusted Miss Juliet Galuslia
Miss Phoebe Waite Mrs Emer
son Harmon Mnss Esther Bailey
Mrs J M Scmcrville Moss Ann
Mailer cf CuJbcrtson Mrs Har
riet Diltz of Tipton la and Mrs
Margaret Beck of Fairfax Mo
Mrs Norton left Wednesday
evening on -No 6 for Lincoln
where she will be a guest of the
Deborah Avery chapter Thursday
City Hospital Meeting-
The ladies of the city are urge
ntly requested to attend the
meeting in the interest cf the Mc
Cook Cooperative Hospital associ
ation to be held in Commercial
club rooms next Monday Febru
ary 26th at 300 o clock Come
out and help the ladies There
as power in numbers The work
is one tliat may well engage the
attention sympathy and interest
of the ladies of McCcok
White Wool Batiste 32Vc rranv would iri this mcpit
Snft fni flrnnintr sahiirninf Mnrli r Tin in rm fin ililf anil lrreiflilo nvn I
pleating Will wash and look as ject with a liberal sum to a3itj
well as new We also have 5 or
6 colors of the same We want
vcu to know tliat this is here
The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value
Wall paper for 1912
new and pleasing designs
McCONNELL Druggist
Classified Advertisements
hotel Itf
from McCook Good improve
merits Immediate response re
quired Phone black 133 Silver
Stayner lt
FOR SALE 160 acrs
and 80 arrs in n11
The City Hospital
Some of Ithe most notable ac
complishments of the people of
McCook are those that they have
achieved under unfavorable cir
cumstances and it now seems
very possible that another pro
ject toi her honor will be pushed
along to a successful terminate cm
under what may be styled em
barrassment considered financial
We refer to the City IIapiial
At the hospital meeting held
on Monday afternoon the reports
from the ladies who are givuig
tlmir tme and energy lio this mat
ter indicate steady progress to
ward success
Already there has been sub-
seiiiibed enough c a pi tail siook to
allow of the ecnipltiion cf the
organization and this feature will
be consummated at a meeting of
the stockholders to be held Mon
day March 4th when a bciard of
mine directors will be ohesen to
have in charge the destiny and
management of the affairs cf the
The ladies have succeeded r
securing over half of the guaran
tee they soak tc assure ilihe run
ning expenses of the institution
by selling tickets at 100 per
month or 1000 per year and it
is this feaitiure that the ladies
most anxiously and 2rnestly
seek -to urge upon the people of
MeGcok The sale cf more hos
pital tickets is neeessairy Think
well of this
The presence of Dr Denny of
Chicago of the Burlington Volun
tary Relief in cur city yester
day and his apparent and ex
pressed interest in this matter is
stimulating and encouraging in
deed The doctor made strict in
quiry as to the purposes plains
proposed government manage
ment charges rules etc of ithe
hospital wind sealed his approval
upon themwith slight suggestions
-of changes lie wemt further and
alaitcd that the matter would be
placed before high Burlington of
ficials and he thought the coin-
in the purchase of eMunpment for
the hcnprtal Tliis favorable at-
tiitmde erf the doctor line keenly
stimulated the ladiies im urging
this maititer
In addition several of the local
railroad bodies arc considering
Ihe matter of assisting the hospit
al in oome effective manner The
B cif iR T has made a liberal
cash donation and tiie pnepesitcor
is before ether orders with every
BOARDFRS WANTED Al expectation ot being t reared as
91 R W -R cf SnlonrliVI lmnirfl i well as- have the trainmen This
elegant rooms only 20 month is especially appropriate as- rail J
Close in 4 doors east of Palmer roa men win ne cspeemi
All the above indicate to The
FOR SALE Set work harness Tribune that McCook now Ias an
set double buggy harness set sin- opportunity she can illy afford to
gle buggy harness 3 section liar- p2S5 linncitiieed to secure a city
row walking plow wagon Frank hospital which has many hopes
Coleman East McCook j 0f developing into an institution
of which we shall all be proud
nouses for rent by J iu
ley phone 6 4 room brick bunga
wn ni wo a i 400 Styles of Embroideries
J fin0if nttiiri oW in 1 including Swisses cambrics
IVJ1 XUliW wi l0 v
lawn and shade 12 sw
WANTED Thirty loads of ma
nure Tou may dump manure at
ftlie McCook Greenhouse instead
of taking it out to the dumping
grounds 22
SALE OR TRADE A large cnT1 r a Ho nhnrst iiW
nainsooks and consisting of gal
loons flouneings headings inser
tions edgings and all overs are
now shown in our stock We
show them in the bolt and also
an convenient sample books that
save the customers time We in
vite your inspection The
fire proof safe Inquire at The
Tribune office 1
1 You Have
WANT TO BUY Abcut 320 houses to rent list them with
acres of smooth divide land not Whittaker Gray They have
over 5 miles from railroad several applications on file now
tion in Red Willow or Hitchcock for houses Phone black 283 Of
counties P II Kilzer Deputy Iice in Temple block
jaunty Treasurer
Half Price Cloaks
-Kim TxTrn Ai c mt 17 on
ji i i 01 m Your elioice of the Ladies and i
Misses long cots at half pnice
Closing them out The Thompsor
D G Co Now is your best
A McMillen Druggist
fenced Aleo for sale 4 horses McConnell fills prescriptions
wagon and harness d seietaonj
steel harrow corn lister break- We have the Wedding Break
ing plow and other small fast syrup D Magner phone 14
Jes See or write Maunice
fin phone black 408 v er ihmg indrags
1 L W McCOJNNJELL Druggist
FOR SALE Sett of single bug-
gy harness and leather fly net Bad Mood made good by Hie
Inquire at this office use of McConnell Sarsapardllai
Thursday Evening Edition
Mr John Sandburg of Denver On the 11th year will begin the
is in the city this week payment of the principal at ap
ing to present theinrigation ditch proximately 350 pea acre The
project which has been in prelim bonds voted are to remain in es
inany woirk in this neighborhood crow until the reservoir ditch
for the past three years covering
the country northwest of McCool
to the Hitchcock county line and
indeed the land ljTmg north and
east of McCook as well
The proposition Mr Sandburg
is presenting is backed by Messrs
DeRemer Olson of Denver
wuiose accompiusinnents cover
some of the greatest irrigation
projects in Colorado such as the
Henry Lynn Irrigation District
covering 90000 acres the Jules
burg Irrigation District the Riv
erside Irrigation District the
North Sterling Irrigation Dis
trict and others
The local proposition contean
ulates an irrigation ditch carry
ing water to cover 35000 acres
of land1 in the neighborhood of
McCook as above indicated The
dutch bringing the water from a
reservoir to be constructed on
the Frenchman river above the
present Gulbertsca ditch intake
will be 60 miles in length 45 feet
wide at top and 16 feet wide at
bottom and 7 feet in depth
The reservoir styled on their
drawings as the Lorella reservoir
as to be of 40000 acre feet ca
pacity It is designed to cover
1800 acres of land and will be
60 feet deep at the dam which
will be 350 feet wide at base and
20 feet wide at top with a con
crete face foundation ed in solid
rock Is to have a spillway and
other provisions sufficient to
care safely with any prohaible
Mr Sandburg explains that tlw
company making the proposition
lias appropriated all the water
in the Frenchman not already ap
propriated by the Culbertson
ditch and claims that there is
Now as to what the pnomotcirs
An irrigation district is to be
organized as provided by the
laws of Nebraska Irrigation dis
trict bonds to be issued at the
rate of 3500 per acre These
bonds are to run 20 years
The Research club will meet
Monday afternoon at home of
Mrs II P Waite Demosthenes
and Cicero will be the lesson
Mrs W M Lewis entertained
the ladies cf the Kaffa Klu lch
dub Wednesday afternoon in a
pleasuraibLe session A lunch oon
was served in dainty style Shr
was assisted by Mrs Clarence J
A large and animated company
jartioipated in the carnival ball
in the Armory Monday evening
given under the auspices of the
Ladies Altar Guild of St Pat-
i -1 t m i 1 m I L
and laterals are completed The
company is to give a bond cover
ing the expense of forming the
irrigation district which estimat
ed to amount to 400 oir 500
and will deposit a bond with lo
cal banks or parties for 50000
for the performance of their part
of the project the building of
the reservoir digging the main
ditch and laterals
As to responsibility of these
parties they cite such referenc
es as The First National Bank
of Denver The First National
Bank of Pueblo The First Na
tional Bank of Sterling The Hud
son State Bank The Colorado
Iron and Fuel Co of Pueblo
Next week it is proposed to
have a mass meeting of famners
business men and others in Mc
Cook at which gentlemen will
be present from Colorado and
from our own state to present this
matter fully for the considerataon
and action of the people interest
It is expected that Messrs De
Remer and Olson will be present
a l this meeting
It is expected to be able to
announce in Mondays Tribune
the place and date for this meet
Mr Sandburg remains here
and may be found at the Monte
Cnisto where he is making his
This is the biggest project ev
er put up to the people of this
section of state and should and
doubtless will receive merited at
The Great Western Beeit Sugar
Go is snid to be ready to build
a large sugar factor- in- thro
neighborhood in the event of the
ill n 1
enough available tor linear tcAl be5ng complied and 7500
sition a reservoir project j acres UIUer it einjr planted to
iugar octets
It is reported that last yenrs
experiments by The Great West
ern Bet Sugar Co in thb neigh
borhood under irrigation en a
plat of a few acres of grcund
places us lid the lead in this coun
trv in tlii proportion of saddl
ing to be paid on the bonds ex- arine content of the beets produe
cept the interest for ten years ed
Some Social and Literary Happenings
The J
O C club will be enter
by Mis O M Knipnle
tliis evening
The1 Young Ladies Whist club
will be the gucsite of Miss Maud
McMiijn tins evening
The O E S kensington Wed
nesday afternoon wjs a buslnrjs
scraion at the home cf Mrs W
B Mills
The Shakespeare club will meet
with Mrs C D Ritchie on next
Tuesday the 27th for stuely of
Longfellows The Children of
the Lords Supper
wcKscimrcn i ne ivw A
genial holitQiity wilB
ea m nean3 aispiixyeu uie sym- penseJ by Mrs Prank ReMj on
inn auei cuiur ul ws mu Tuesday afternoon at the regu
line aemeei uie la Entre Xous clu convCaatxn
teric touoli - three elinner
led Mrs F W
u ss vjimis iia n fnpA rra XhcAr in s
rd a company of young friends jd
Tuesday evening in honor or her
guest Miss Zella Taylor a forni j
er Red Clcud chum Whist was i
the card game
wiv JiMntny servea aiirmg tub
oveniner It was a clever tio in-
fo rmal t xpressiion of the oprii
hospitality Miss Gioe Davis
won the ladys honors Mr C K
Crouch the gentlemans
The Young Married Peoples
Whist club were entertained by
Mr and Mrs C R Waodiworth
at the J A Wilcox home Tues
day evening A seven oclock
dinner was served House decor
ations were in carnations and ros
es At each guests plate was a
carnaitSon The special guest list
embraced Dr and Mrs R J
G unn Mr and Mrs F M Golfer
Milas Edna Waite Mr D N
Cobb The assisting laidies were
Mrs J A Wdleox and Mrs R R
Reed A victrola -furnished mu
sic during dinner and evening
aft a dinner party at the Ivrn
of Mr and Mrs A C Yi
and Tuesday evening the guest
of Mr and Mrs L S Viernen
Mr and Mrs II N Rosebush
were guests upon both ccoaoions
The Misses Edith Waite and
Hazel Thorndike and Mr Harry
Thorndike assisted by Mia Glad I
ys Nerawanger gave a skimber
party last Monday night in
honor of Mr and Mra Drake
whio are visiting in the city A
two course dinner was served at
the Thorndike residence was the
scene of the pleasurable affair
Just a Correction
The report is being circulated
tliat Mayor McAdams ordered
the release of Henry Gartner
within a few days of liis incar
eeauitaon in jail after his convic
tion and sentence for drunken
ness and assault As the facts
iin the case are contrary to these
reports a correction is due Mr
Gartner was released on order of
Mayor McAdams but not untiU
miruier umu spent aimost an en
tire month in the county jail at
an expense sto the city of 150
a day It may be added too
that a petition of over 100 sig
natures was presented Mayor Mc
Adams asking for Gartners re
lease And further three of
the complaining witnesses against
Gartner had askeel the mayor t
release him stating tliat under
the circumstances they thought a
months imprisonment was
ticient punishment The fine
against Gartner was also remit
ted on order of the mayor Mr
Gartner has a wife and two chil
dren elependent upon thim LTis
act was that of ti man crazed
with liquor but no real assault
was accomplished A little calm
consideration of tMs matter will
convince all who are fair and
frank and who do not seek es
pecially to elisparage the mayors
administration more than they
seek to accomplish justice and
mercy tliat the mayor has acted
hut fairly and mercifully in this
ease returning the man to his
family and itis support perliaps
a wiser man and relieving the
city of further anel perhaps pro
fitless expense
Important Announcement
We have taken the sales agen
cy for the Brash line of automo
holes and we want to talk with
every prospective buyer
Listen to others kick and hol
ler then come to us A depenel
able runabout for 350 is some1
thing no one else has to offer you
We can refer you to thousands
of satisfied users No matter
how many large ears you own a
Brush is needed in your business
Where to Pay
Subscribers to the capifcii stock
of The McCook Cooperative Hos
pital association are requested to
make thciir stock payments ait the
earliest date possible at the Mc
Ccok National Bank in order
that the stockholders may com
plete their organization
Mrs A M Williams Secretary
On anel after March 15 1912
we wall do a strictly cash busi
ness All laundry must be paid
for upon delivery
Phone 140 C L Markwad
Phone 35 Hammond Long
Elastic Velvet Belts
Have you seen them They
come in black only Are intend
ed for general wear but partic
ularly with white dresses Just
received ait The Thompson D G
Cos Utmost value for cash
Wall Paper Bargains
Until March 1st we will make
bsirgain prices on last year pat-
BcawrtJi waG terns of Avail paper It will pay
2xi tc buv now
A McMILLEN Druggist
and Mis Ergn G r Half Price on Furs
nave Deen jmesis oi iiouyr hi IniTo1 rmr m tur seas
Refreshments 9av0iKi irCvst ncfKhHi d s srnrFs for L 2 dies Misses
creil affairs thi week Mondn v I Children at half price
Thompson D G Co
fcr next winter
h Nciiswanger heme after whlich ijs here
McConnell for drugs
Buv them
Money to Loan on JTarms
See Rozell Sons at elothinu
A McMillen prescription drug
Call up J A Wilcox Son for
fresh vegetables of all kinds-
Your Gordon Hat for spiling
Progressive wJhrtst was the amuse- If the boy who took the artie
ment There were three tables ol leis from 801 West 3rd wall reran
guests and a most enjoyable time1 same he will avoid a visit from
was had Cambridge Clarion the police
Have you ever considered the
possibility of sickness the loss of
your job or a hundred kindred
misfortunes that might overtake
you What are you going to do
then Now when you aso earning
is the time to prepare for such
emergencies A few dollars saved
regularly each month have an
undreamed of value when misfor
tune overtakes you
If you have not a bank
account you can not begin
earlier to save your money
and deposit itwith
P Walsh President
C F IiEHJf V Pres
C J OBrikjt Cash
M Loughran P F McKenna
Martin Yager Dead
Martin Yager an early settler
in our city and a veteran of the
late war of the rebellion passed
away at his home in West Mc
Cook on Wednesday morning at
about six oclock Funeral ser
vices will be held at the home cm
Friday afternoon conducted by
the members of J K Barnes post
G A K of which deceased is
a member the post will also have
charge of the services at River
view cemetery where body will
be interred Mr Yager lias been
a resident of McCook since the
early days
Bedding Headquarters
Feather pillows 65c to 125
each White quilts 79e to 375
Ready made sheets 60c to 85e
Pillow slfips 135 per doz to 20c
each Blankets 45c a pair up to
700 Comforts 215 to 300
Wide sheeting 23c to 28c Tick
ing lOe to 22iAc We save yon
10 per cent to 20 per cent The
Thompson D G Co Utmost val
Boys Earn a Watch
Waiteh guaranteeel to keep gcoel
time stem wind stem sot Sell
24 Needle Books for us at 10c
each Senel no- money Your name
on a postal earel will elo Other
valuable premiums for boys and
girls or cash commissions Queen
City Supply Co Ilastongs Neb
Increasing Injrsst
The meetings at the Baptist
church increase in interest Meet
ings every night except Saturelay
begmmng at eight oclock Ev
erybody Avelcome
Fresh oysters 25c a pint of J
A Wilcox Son Phone 23
Kodaks and kodak supplies
McCONNELL Druggist
When it is stationery remem
ber the name is Symphony Lawn
McCONNELL Druggist
Have you seen the Big 3 Wash
er at McCook Hardware Co You
need no- hoarel when you use one
cif these
Use Climatic Mixeel Paint put
up for thfe particular climate
A McMTDLEN Druggist
Select your wall paper early
anel get your spick from the en
tire stock
McCONNELL Drusrffist
Get your incubator started scon
We have the Old Truaty and
Cyphers ready for you
Buy a metal initial and stamp
your own stationery and envelop
es to match for only 15 cents
McCONNELL Druggist
Save the cream and make mon
ey with your cows De Laval
Separators gat all the cream and
outlast three cheap separators
Left us supply you waitli a