te JT V I i I - B HI if V W c wv Rz 1 3 fc1 i j THIRTIETH YEAR Miss Florence Rader HAIR DRESSING SHAMPOOING Scalp Treatment 35c Each MANICURING and FACIALS for both Ladies and Gentlemen Palmer Hotel Room 52 Dazed foil the Moment - Will ycu allow mie to ask a question interrupted a man in the audience Certainly sir said the1 spell binder You have been giving us a lot of figures about immigration in crease in wealth the growth of trusts and all that said the man Lets see what you know about figures yourself How do you find the greatest common di visor Slowly and deliberately the or ator took a drink of water Then he pointed lvis finger straight at the questioner Light ning flashed from has eyes and lie replied in a voice that made the gas jets quiver Advertise for it 3ou ignora mus The audience cheered and yell ed and stamped and the wretch ed man that had askedi the ques tion sneaked out ef the hall n total wreck Protracted Meetings The Rev H R Baker will net assist in the meetings being held at the Baptist church as adver tised but the meetings will go on indefinitely every night ex cept Saturday beginning prompt ly at 8 oclock We invite tlie attendance and cooperation of - D L MeBnide Mincser Band Photographed The members of the McCook band in their new and handsome uniforms were photographed on Sunday afternoon by Ellingson Two different settings were used the McCook high school liiilding and the Carnegie library iCuts will be made aiad the boys will be given due publicity Postal Banks Open to All Washington Feb 15 Postmas ters of postal saving depositories may accept deposits from any body the regulation restricting depositors to the patrons of a par tioular office being rescinded to day in an order issued by Post master General Hitchcock Public Library Board The public library board Avas in monthly session Friday even ing transacting the regular bus iness of thm board allowing biLLs reading communications etc A list of new books fiction and ju venile were ordered for fhs li brary McCennell fills prescriptions Everything in drugs McCon nell Wedding Breakfast White Rock and pure maple syrup at Mag ners Phone 14 Classified Advertisements FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light house keeping Inquire 216 West B St Phone black 271 4 tf WANTED Pupils on the pianc and organ Beginners preferred Terms 50e per lesson Susie Me Bride Phone black 464 FOR RENT OR SALE The Blue Front livery barn See M 0 MeClure at Billiard Lumber Co office FOR SALE 9 room residence modern 2 lots desirable loca tion 899 2d E Phffie black 267 FOUND A package of dress goods thimble and spool thread Owner call up the McCook Mill ing Co FOR SALE 12 cottonwood trees or to be cut on shares LakevFoodi ranch W E Conwin A Deep Mystery From the Upper Driftwood While digging a ditch on last Thursday Fred Swartz a tenant on one of J F Cordeals farms on the Upper Driftwood unearth ed a small goods box containing the bones of an infant The box was quite filled with dust and the indications are that the body was1 too large for A Successful Dance Success in goodly measure crowned tlie dance Friday night in the Armory by the Pyithians for benefit cf K of P day They had all the essentials a big jol ly crowd and fine music They nejtted a neat sum for the com ing great K of P annual affair which will reach a dlimax this year Poultry People Notice- We will deliver free cif charge from one to three Backs of straw as you wish alorig wiitih your or der for feed Please do not or der straw until you order feed so that we can take hath in one delivery 19 2w McCOOK MILLING CO The Nevr Way of smoking meat We have a pure wliolesome liquid smoke with the desirable elements of hickory wood without any dan gerous substance McMILLEN Druggist Subscriptions DonJt forget that Barney Hof er will save you money on sub scriptions new or renewal for any paper or magazme publish ed Get his new club catalogue - i The auto owners and liverymen made good use of erveryavaiiLaible minute Saturday and Sunday Monday Evening Edition McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 19 1912 BABYS BONES ARE FOUND the small box and that the legs and feet had been doubled under to allow of the remains being placed in the box Only the larger bones remain ed but the front teeth indica tions are that the child was about one year old The indications are that the body had been interred for many yearsythe smaller bones be ing gone entirely There was a small amount of hair in the cor ner of the box where the skull was located the body had evid ently been placed corner wise in the box There were no surface indica tions that a body had ever been buriied at this place the buffalo grass being grown over and the tojp of the ground being firm and solid There were no evidences that there had ever been any clothes on the body but same bits of pa per were found in the bottom of the box Mr Swartz was digging a ditch from a cistern to the well and pump and remains were found in tin diiteh and enly about a ficiot from the surface and on the top of the bank the cistern be ing located in a depression The Hoyt family has lived in that neighborhood for the past 33 years and they have no reeel leation cf a baby having died on that place whfch was homestead ed by a man by the name of Brown many years ago the farm afterwards becoming the proper ty of The Nebraska Loan and Trust Co on a foreclosure Mr Cord call purchasing from them A ycung man by the cf Ed Bush was assisting Mr Swartz -in the digging and it was his spade that broke into the box The box and little bencs have been gathered together as well aa may he and given decent in terment It is not likely that any ex planation wiill ever be ing to clear up the mystery Why Not The reorganized McCoiok band is doing some of the most earnest and effective rehearsing in its history and The Tribune has the that Col end Sutton is training one of the bciat bumch D3 cif musfjciians the city has ever heard Why not have a big con cert in the Temple same time in the near future XSTTYYYTTYTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTtTTTTTTTTTTYYTTTTTTTTYTTVTTB l Declamatory Contest Winners 1 Wednesday Evening Program Vocal solo Florence Rosebush Marvel Browne Connor Olive Clark Mrs Wiggs The atre Party i Gladys Pieklum Spartaeus to the Giadiiiatiors Ethel Huber Keeping a Seat at the Benefit Genevieve Copeland The Blacksmiths Story Ruth Oallen On the Other Train Vocal solo Marjorie Sehobel Genevieve Enright The Lit tle Minister Elsie Moore Rebeccas Jour ney Susie MeBride The American Flag Gertrude Shepherd Spread ing the News The Winners Are Pearl Marshall Mr Doioley on Foot Ball Ilarrv Tnoend ly The Slow Race Mabel Jen nings The Going cf the White Swan Ida Gordon Storming Mission Ridge Albert Barnes The New South Olive Clark MrsWiggs Theatre Party El sie Moore Rebeccas Journey Gladys Pieklum Spartacus to the Gladiators Ethel Huber Keeping a Seat at the Bene fit Ruby Lineburg Aunt Syl vias First Geography Leon teachers Misses Donisthorpe and Waiite also Mces Rector and Msss Powers at a six oclock dinner Wednesday evening The table was prettily decorated with hearts and carnations apprcpri ate t o the day After the drnner Thursday Evening Program Carroll Eldred At His Broth ers Grave Julia Barnes Tom Sawyers Love Affair Pearl Marshall Mr Dooley on Foot Ball Harry Troendly The Slow Race Mabel Jennings The Going of the White Swan Vocal solo Lewis Ludwick Angie Field How the Gospel Came to Jim Oaks Ruby Lineburg Aunt Sylvias Flirst Geography Lesson Ida Gordon The Storming of Mission Ridge Ruth McBnide Grandma Keel- er uots tiranapa iveeier iteaciy for Church Albert Barnes The New South Vocal solo Minnie Viersen Decision of judges Southwestern District Superintendent C F White of Trenton director Beaver City Oxford Franklin Minden MeOook Trenton At MeCooK March 1 March 1st is the date of the contest between McGook and Trenton It will be held in the high school auditorium McOooik JJYYVYYYYVYVYTYVrVYYYYYYYYYYYlVVYYYYYVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYM I Society Notes of the Past Week I UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM Mrs F A Munden entertained I Last Thursday afternoon the Masters Raymonds and N1edrasuomei0f aiT d Mrs Earl cer was tthe scene of a charming social affair in honor of Mrs A C Harris -who leaves soon for her future home at Trenton Mo afibtfiff ImmP NUMBER 77 6th and 7th Grades Basket Ball Friday afternoon at 4 oclock the boys teams of the 6th and 7th grades of the central building contested in the seeond iof a ser ies of three match games The game was more closely played than the first and was exciting all through the gauie Quite a number of fouls were made but not so many as in the first game Th basket ball grounds still be ing wet the game was played in the gymnasium as before This time the score was in favor of the 6th grade being 21 to 17 Af ter about thirteen minutes of play in the first half of the game Henry Culbrtson was after the bail when he fell on Ins night hand spraining his thumb badly Fifteen minute halves were play ed First lialf Sixth grades Scor es 7 fouls 4 Seventh grade Scores 9 fouls 6 Scond half Sixth grade Scores 14 fouls 3 Seventh grade Scores 8 f oulsv 5 Total Sixth grade scores 21 fouls 7 Seventh grade scor es 17 fouls 11 OLIVE OIL AS A MEDICINE Pure dive oil is heeoming gen erally used for rheumatism indi gestion and kidney troubles gall stones etc Olive- oil is net only a laxative but seems to exert a soothing healing and nourishing function throughout the system A large number of people are finding that the daily use of a few spoonsful of the oil keeps them in fine physical condition A pure oil is of course neces sary and in our imported brand wie provide one of guaranteed quality L W McCONNELL Druggist Enjoyed Their Visit A number of MeCcok Masons attended the session of the Hol bnook lodge Saturday night A third degree was put on by the Holbrook brethren in splendid The house decorations were car- ricd out in valentine hearts style d banquet followed -a wie - PERSONAL MENTION Rev G E Wockenfuss fam ily arrived from Ohio Friday on lo 13 Gus Noriburg of Holdrege was in the city Saturday on legal business Mrs E R Osborn and chil dren spent Saturday night visit ing Holbrook relatives Mrs George Hertz came down from Trenton last of the week to visit her sister here Mrs Sim Billings is here from Boulder Colo visiting her son F H Billings and family M H Prall of the Imperial Re publican was in the city Friday on lids way east on business Mrs Ella Earle came up from Arapahoe dose of last week and lias been visiting McCook relativ es and friends Mr and Mrs H C Clapp were accompanied home Thursday last by Mother Clapp and Miss Nina Hammond from Michigan Ed Kasparek was down from MeCaok this week as a witness in the damage case against ek Bloomington Advocate Mrs David Henry of McCook arrived last Saturday and is vis aing her parents Mr and Mrs John Cass of Hollinger -Beaver City Tribune Mrs A C Harris flias been spending the week visiting at tiie homes of Mr and Mrs Earl Spencer and Mr and Mrs Ed Purdy before joining her hus band at Trenton Mo Frank B Reid of Denver dis trict auditor for the General Elee tree Co spent closing days of last week in the city on business of hiis office He reports Gener al Hale as somewhat improved in health Will Kiirbeiv of Republic ty Kan is viaiting his sister Mrs Peter Rheanheimer He ar rived last week unannounced and this is- their first meeting in 12 years a vary pleasing surprise He will also visit a sister Mrs Emma Doyle at McGook before returning home Oxford Stand ard I ill - m - 1 - ft 1 1 n1 I1M I the ays pnesented raeh of theluufli cloths were laid four- McLo brethren were amply le r t vlrt lrais wMa heauttol valenthaJu Mrs V C 11 jtrs - tv uuiise ara siiii m iul i uiouse Airs it i uruy jits v T serving Kworrlw Tho Pi flnv Rridwo Ito iitlaj Jjradgi F R llin Mrs J Brown Airs Holbrook In tlie party were Jieittj IjnSJ WliTt club mot Friday afternoon J Kiiolihs Mrs f Oharlof Miss A WuJciox E K Usuorn J E Ptot Sim Billings Mrs II Trout Mrs D Huett Mrs F C Smith Mrs Sim Billings was an out-of-town guest from Boulder Colo Mrs Harris was presented with a i handsome lunch cloth Tlie first of a series of sowa affairs by the Methodist church people wias held at the home of Mr and Mrs II N Rcscibmih on Friday evening their home be ing taxed to accommodate the large company of members and friends present A muOJaaMit erary program wias keenly appro elated being composed as follows Piano solo Miss Nina Tcimlinscn eoratume Carnations were the recitation Marie Howell vocal floral decorations A two course soiLos Lewis Ludwick recitations luncheon was served I B Mills and Mr W Mrs W Pearl Marshall vocal sciloi E S J MoGiiilin i Kimimell piano solo Miss Velma provided music during the after noon on piano and vaokn Mrs Bertha Kleven and Mis John Sutton piano duet ence Riceshush and Tomlinson After Miss Flor Miss Nina which re- Wray of Oulbertson were guests jfreshm en ts were added to an eve- from out of city The aa astiing ning cf muc h enjoyment laidies at thrs elahonate function -- - - Mrs Eugene Gary was the Rculah Harris Mrs Frank Doug- O Hi Loppom M U lc Olure C M Matson John Bur guest or nonor at a large sjc iui laea Mrs J W spencer Mrs function by Mrs II N bush last Saturday afternoon a kensimglion at which about fifty McCook ladies were guests Mass Marjorie Sehobel sang a solo and Mii33 Nina Tomlinson played on the piano during the serving of rereshments a dainty two ccurse lunoheon The hcime dee orations were in carnations and ferns An oriental tea Friday af ternoon -by Mrs Lottie Brewer was one of the concluding soeial events of laat week Over three score ladies were guests en this cc casion practically all of them en were Mrs Z L Kay Mm II P button Mrs Vina Wood Mrs Walter Stokes Bridge whist was tthe basfe for lip Ryan and Miss Edith Weite assisted i Episcopal Ash Weidmesidiay services at 10 a m and 730 p nis Choir rehearsal at 8 On Thursday Altar Guild meets with the Misses Barbazette 2nd street E Sunday school at 10 services at 11 and 8 ii Air and Mrs A Barnett were tlie entertainers of thf Thur rlr y Eveirmg Whiiit eub 3 nt w A sven oolaek dinner vrif5 beau tiiluly served Thi arui 9 a pleasureable social atfanr on Mr and My II P Thursday afternoon with Mrs and Mrs Frank Xlv L Prank Real was hostess Fiv Mn II C Ckmr Mi I- ind Suttin tables participated a potted winnincr the sunenb atiun nn e plant being the prize of winners a bououet of carnations Nircio ait each table A dainty two- su and carnations were a decor course Luncheon wras seruied stive detail and- there was a ear sile by the autopiiano Miss Mol- nation at each plate Maieic from a victor vJietroia AsrjstanTs Mrs J R MeCaril Mrs H P Waite and Mrs W E Mcli tt Last Saturday evening Mrs C J Stokes entertained a crmpanj of young people lihohfT of Mfes Josepliine Johnson 500 was the game and Walter Schenek winner of honors Evolution in Nebraska Illustrated Lecture by Prof N A Bergtson High SchooIAthietic Benefit Admission 10c and 15c nett W B Whittaker Denver Property 6 room modern home 2 story pressed brick fine location east side for sale or will trade for McCook property 18 tf F W BOSWORTH 521 Main Ave McCook Millinery Store at Lebanon Mrs Bessie MeCarty of Leban on and Miss Zella Verncn late of Republican City were in Om aha last week buying goods and preparing to open a millinery store in Lebanon McConnell for drugs For MackreL white Fish Salt Salmon and Codfish come to Magners Phone 14 B street is earning the more ap propriate name of Canal street these wet and muddy days Splendid showers last night and this morning wflth a little iitiw in the moiming hours WALL PAPEH Yes Just wiirsl vou are looking for McCONNELL Druggist V Frauk lrn is having the bnsament under tli2 MeAdiiins store overhauled cement floor etc The remains cf Peter Canty left California Sunday night and it k expected that they will arrive in McCook Wednesday with Mrs C J Gucrazel The ex tra guests were Mrs A Galusha of MeCcok and Mrs WrFjiam Hcwland The next meeiting will be in two weeks with Mrs L P Sine Lincoln Sunday Journal PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS An enjoyable program was giv en at the Friday morning asssmb ly as follows Vocal solo Ruby Lineburg recitations by Mabel Jennings and Harry Troendly vfoiin solo bv Julia Sclhlagel Miss Claire Thursby cf the teaeher corps wias quite painful ly injured Safairday in falling diciw n the stairs at the Seheheil residence and was confined to the house for a few days on that account The Oxford board of educa tion has granted its teachers two days leave of absence to attend the S W Nebraska Teachers Association meeting in MeOook March 27 2S 29 Post Office Hours February 22 The postoffice department hav ing authorized Washingtons birthday as a leigal liicildiday this office will observe the usual hciliday hours The office will be open from 8 to 9 a m and frcrm 12 to 1 p m City carriers will make morning deliver- only No service on rural routeo All out going mails will be diispaitched at the roiral hours LON CONE P M Nadem Is Trustee Mr Norberg of Holdrege ref eree in bankruptcy has taken poi F A Hodgldnoif Bartley was session of the Huber stock and in the city Friday and filed for Qlif f Naden is now in charge as the nomination on the Re- trustee The store is now closed publication ticket for county cicm ana the stock will likely be das missiioner of the Second district posed of by wkoisale Mr Hodgkin has lived in Redr Willow county since 1884 and i Get pur rates on farm loans stands for highest integrity of character and strict business DORWART BARGER conduct His friends are urging Remember the Ms nomination and should he be pital meeting in the Gomiij sucoessful at the April primary club loom this at- t he would make a strong race for A f the office