i t 7 ISrfiSS3 W 5 Through Sleepers to California Through sleepers are now operated to California via Denver Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City To Los Angeles via Salt Lake Route Every day through Tourist Sleepers Day light ride through Scenic Colorado with half day stop over in Salt Lake To Los Angeles via Southern Pacific Every day through Tourist Sleeper service with personally conducted through sleepers to Los Angeles Tuesdays Thursdays and Sundays Day light ride through Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake To San Francisco via Western Pacific Through Tourist t leepers every Wednesday Friday and Saturday via Denver Scenic Colorado Salt Lake and Feather River Canyon To Los Angeles via Santa Fe Route Personally conducted through Tourist Sleepers every Tuesday via Den ver Santa Fe route Through Standard Sleepers to San Francisco Every day through Standard Sleepers via Denver Salt Lake and South ern Pacific Day light ride through Scenic Colorado Let pie tell you about our through sleeping cars to Cali fornia also to all Northwest territory via Billings Mont L W WAKELEY Oeneral Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska BURLINGTON TIME TABLE Swiiteliman L W Meyers is on the sick list Brakeman G- II Brooks is on the sick list Mrs E B Olson went up to Parks on 31 Saturday Mrs Addie Allen went up to Denver this morning on 13 on a vdsit Engineer J E Sanborn went up to the ranch this morning on business Several cars of oranges came in on train 70 this morning from the west Miss Coranne and J D Ilastj spent Saturday Avith their grand parents in Arapahoe -T N Franke Avitih A D F HOSTETTER Ticket Agent McCook Nebraska East Depart Central Time No 6 1130 P M 1G 500 A M 2 550 A M 12 635 A M 14 920 P M 10 530 P M West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1220 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arrive S35 p m 13 930 A M 15 1230 A M 9 625 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 330 P M No 175 departs 645 A M Sleeins dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked tc any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and ricnets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen jmail Wesley Todd and others DV AQ VAAj WUA The Third Degree will be the offering at the Temple the atre on Friday February 9 Sel dom is a play seen has so keen an interest in current top ics to the public as The Third Degree Charles Kleins psy cho logical drama and the author has shown hi best work in the treatment of the story The in ner methods of the police work ings of the third degree are re vealetl in a convincing manner Miss Franklin Gale commands till height of attention in her inter pretation of Annie Jeffries tlio heroine Other players who have Avon favor in various parts and who are still contributing their share to the success of the re markable play are Minnie Rad cdiffe Chas Burnham Neil ret Kenneth Stuart Harry Fore- RAILROAD NEWS NOTES Brakeman C J Wood Avent down to Hastings Saturday Brakemen O K DeLong and E A Jensen lm e been trans ferred to the Galesburg division Conductor and Mrs Sentanec Avere called to the bedside of his aged mother Mrs Maggie Sen tanee on Sunday evening Death came this morning and Mrs Sen tence Avill be interred at Bart lev tomorroAv Old Maud the engine AAihach gained distinction at the St Louis Exposition as the larg est locomotive in the Avorld and Avhich recently Avas in use on the L Somerset Cambria branch of Singer Co is here today the B O has been condemned ing orders for summer uniforms by the companys boiler inspector Jiingmeer Bartlett Avho droAc Thieves seem to be doung a the Byram special from Denver profitable business working the to Red Cloud returned Saturday traiinsv east of Hastings these morning to Denver days Reports from No- 9 Sun- Agent George S Scott and day and Monday total the loss daughter Avere doAATi from Brush of grips and orereoats Iavoi grips Colorado Saturday and Sunday on Sunday and a grip and over visiting McCook friends coat Monday Miss Ruby lUtzgerald is on duty again in the master median- Mrs W H Browne accompanied ics office after considerable time Conductor Browne on his Dener run off Avitli a fractured arm on No 13 Friday Engineer and Mrs L E Donald Dungan spent the week Uanford are briefly entertaining end with boy friends here coming her brother and Mr down on No 10 Friday evening and Mrs W IT Shopp of Sidney Wheeler Jr coal in- nioutlt Avho are on their return spector came in from Newcastle Koane from a trip to Denver Wyoming Friday eivening on No 10 M mmmm mm m 1 1 1 BB BMm F nMBini I ii i i i I i J n Ji i - i -ii Scene from Charles Kleins famous masterpieee THE THIRD DEGREE Temple Theatre Friday February 9th LOCAL AND PERSONAL The Citizens National Bank is now a United States depository bank as indicated in its advertisement En this issue Mrs Mary Northrup who has been in Denver for seme time with her daughter Mrs C H Boyle returned home on 10 Friday Miss Lulu Baer left Saturday ev ening for MoCook where she has accepted a position in the school there teaching the third grade Beaver City Tribune Mrs John W Green came down from Wauneta this afternoon and will be the guest of Cashier and Mrs R A Green for some time while talcing treatment in our city V j Your Borne Town f5 Iff M3 S fdm 3 I I AiH sir J When you buy from a town mer chant When you patronize a town tailor When you employ a town dentist When you encourage a town enter prise When you speak the towns praises When you subscribe for the toAvna newspaper Some citizens fail in some of these duties A few fail in all of them HOW ABOUT YOU An Epidemic of Coughing Is sweeping over the town Old and young alike are affected and the strain is particularly hard on little children and on elderly people Foleys Honey and Tar Compound is a quick and reliable cure for all colds Sold by A McMillen Cluett skirts the new ones at 0 L DeGROFP COS SAFE PLACE FOR VALUABLES Physician Has Found Office Appur tenance Better Than Any Lock and Key Yet Devised A physician who has had much trou ble with meddlesome servants has just discovered a security ward in his office which he says is far safer than a locked drawer or a safe Servants like to investigate things in a doctors office he said Every new servant is a new investigator A locked instrument case is only a temptation They get into that and if caught explain that they were only dusting the istruments Servants oft en know as much or more about a doc tors private accounts than the doctor himself They rummage through drawers and help themselves to any tulng they see First La Grippe Then Bronchitis That was the case with Mrs W S Bailey McOreary Ky My wife Avas taken down- with a severe attack of la grippe Avhich ran into bronchitis She coughed as though she had con sumption and could not sleep at night The first bottle of Foleys Honey and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that she continued us ing it until she was permanently cured A McMillen LOSES TASTE FOR MOSQUITO Fish imported to Kill Insect Change Their Diet and Turn to Shrimp Citizens of various American dis tricts have been endeavoring to rid their neighborhoods of mosquitoes by stocking their nonds with little import ed fish which eat the mosquito larvae That the plan has its drawbacks is in I dicated by the following from the Ha waiian Star A war of the races is going on in local fresh water and brackish waters and there has been slaughter in the- ranks which threat ens the extinction of at least one species of Hawaiian fresh water fishes The tender and toothsome Opu nakea the little fish which a comparatirely short time ago one might buy already cooked and Avrapped In leaves in the fish market or from peddling natives is becoming so scarce that its entire disappearance seems to be offly a mat 1 ter of time The frogs and the top 1 minnows are accomplishing its down fall these voracious enemies greedily devouring its spawn The topminnows or mosquito fish as they are called are thriving amaz ingly in the local ponds ut like the mongoose have diverted their tastes from the food Avhich it was intended they should subsist on The mongoose found chicken more to its taste than cane rat and the topminnows diet reems to have changed from skeeter to shrimp It is true that where there is nothing to eat but mosquito larvae the minnows devour them fast enough but when shrimps and skeeters both figure on the bill of fare both are treated impartially by the ravenous little fish Out Moanalua and Kalihi way in the streams which empty themselves into the sea and in which shrimps abounded by the million a short time ago practically none are now to be iouna me topminnows nave killed1 them off In the fish ponds thousands of transparent husks lying along the shore tell the tale of the havoc wrought by the mosquito fish among the opae TO TUNNEL ENGLISH CHANNEL i Scheme Is Being Revived in Spite ofj Refusal to Pass Last Bill The scheme for a tunnel betweenj England and France is being revived in spite oiMthe emphatic refusal of the last bllKwhich was presented in 1907 But great changes have boanj brought about since then in relation to the military opposition to the scheme for the coming of the aero plane and its rapid development as an implement of war have to some extoit removed the idea of danger from invasion by tunnel If 11 aeroplanes can cross the channel together as they did a few weeks ago there is little reason why an army of them may not do so in the near future if they wished A tun nel also might under certain circum i stances be a help in time of wan rather than a danger as much of our food supply could be brought through it The chief advantage however of the tunnel would he an increase of trade anfr tourist traffic between Eng- land and France as well as countries beyond France At present the bor j ings at each side sop well over a mile and it is estimated that the whole work could be completed with J in five years as there is no hard rock to be pierced The adoption of elec i tricity instead of steam would also TemovefOne of the backs I had one servant who dusted my Cleveland Leader office daily Avho I found out one day j was a naDituai user or morpnine x had noticed that a bottle in my locked chest was too often emptied and one day I caught her slamming the door of the chest and then I knew I said nothing I took the bottle of mor phine tablets and placed them insida a human skull which I kept on my desk That was the last of the mor phine thefts One day I asked the servant why she never dusted the skull on my desk In fact I reprimanded her for careless ness Oh doctor she said Tm afraid of bones Id rather lose my job than touch that skull And now continued the doctor Tm not afraid to put a roll of money in that skull Its safer than any safe original draw- Exchange of Labor MIssJMartha Leland Sherwin daugh j ter of George W Sherwin of the First National bank is four years old She is a very polite little girl much more so than her brother Jim whose age record barely takes him beyond half- past one Being a boy Jim assumes every prerogative of boyhood and lords it ever his elder sister mightily In this difficult position Martha has proposed a plan of operation to heri mother Ill tell you what lets do mother she suggested Well just send Jiml down to the bank and then father can J stay at home and play with me An Ancient Bet Near the ancient country seat of the Carews in Cornwall England stands a quaint old church to the doori of which are nailed four horse shoes These have been in their present sition for nearly 500 years A former member of the Carew family made a wager with a friend that he would ridel his horse a mile out to sea In Tor bay and back again The fact was more difficult than appears at first sight for the cross currents are dangerous even for boats He won the bet howeAer and nailed the four horse shoes of his steed tol the church door to commemorate the performance For a sjrain you Avill find Cham berlains Liniment excellent It allays the pain removes the sore mess and soon restores the parts to a healthy condition 25 and1 50 cent bottles for sale by all dealers There is no bstter medicine made for colds than Chamberlains Cough Remedy Jt acts on nautires plan relieves the lungs opens the secre tions aids expectoration and re stores the system to a healthy con- t dition For sale by all dealers I SPRING We Guarantee to Relieve Dyspepsia If We Fail the Medicine Costs Nothing To unquestionably prove to the people that indigestion and dyspepsia-can be permanently relieved and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets Avill bring about this result we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it fails to give satisfaction to any one using it The remarkable success of Rex all Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in devising their formula as Avell as to the care exercised in their manu facture whereby the Avell known properties of Bismuth Subnitrate and Pepsin have been combined with Car minatives and other agents Bismuth Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recognized by the entire medical profession as invaluable in the treatment of indi gestion and dyspepsia The Pepsin used in Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets as carefully prepared so as to develop its greatest efficien cy Pepsin supplies to the digestive apparatus one of the most import ant elements of the digestive fluid Without it the digestion and assimil ation of food are impossible The Carminatives possess proper ties Avhich aid in relieving the dis turbances and pain caused by undi gested food This combination of these ingredients makes a remedy in valuable for the complete relief of indigestion and dyspepsia We are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets on our own personal guarantee Three sizes 25 cents 50 cents and 100 Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store L W McCon nell Li SS i sr is s SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiiS SUITS Have begun to arrive and you should see the Hirsch Wickwire Clothes and Clothcraft Clothes The newest and snappiest patterns and models Splendid High Grade Tailoring and a whole lot of individuality essentials that make snappy mens and young mens clothes We will be pleased to show them to you whether you are ready to buy or not ivivjracjijitiiiBE A LIBERAL OFFER Real Estate Filings The folloAving real estate filings iave been made in the county clerks office since our last re tort Margaret E Benjamin to ina R Rice wd lot S blk C 4th Add McCook 2500 00 Alfred C Hams and wife to Chas F Elliott wd se and e hf ne qr s hf and s hf n hf 33-1-30 12000 00 Asa F Eallah and wife to Wm Wenkwd sw qr ne qr 27-4-26 800 0C C S Quick to Wm Fritsch and wife wd lot 9 block 2S hf interest north wall Teel bldg Indianola 350 00 Burnett Dolph et al to Joel B Dolph qcd s Tif ne qr and ne qr ne qr 24 27 and lot 1 19 27 1 Of H P Sutton to Frank P Smith -wd ne qr 34-3-30 s hf se qr and 17 IS 27-3-30 12000 00 Harvey P Sutton to Sterling P Hart Avd lot 2 3 4 35-3-30 lot 4 and 5 26-3-30 11000 00 This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much con cerned over the frequent colds con tracted by their children and have abundant reason for it as eAery cold weakens the lungs lowers the vital ity and paes the way for the more serious diseases that so often fol low after Chamberlains Cough Rem edy is famous for its cures and is pleasant and safe to take For sale by all dealers Do you know that more danger lurks in a common cold than in any other of the minor ailments The safe Avay is to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy a thoroughly reliable preparation and rid yourself of the cold as quickly as possible This remedy is for sale by all dealers ss ss v -a-a 5 a w m v r n wm E s sn v 0 ai v iv ucmjei ii II Flaky Biscuits i n i p f II i Uelicioiislake HealtMail food made with CMEAM Jl The product of IBIMmI i SSSCCMfciNaNSSNeCMCSJNSSC