The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 05, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 2

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Young man it will pay you to get the habit We mean the
saving habit The banking habit will help you If you are
starting out in life with only your two hands to help you ihe
dollar on deposit will be the best friend you will have on the
side Start an account at the bank Dont check unless the
need is urgent And to it rather than draw it out You will
acquire a standing among the nion who do things You will
in time have a fund to dotomething with yourself G6t the
habit Start now The opening of a bank account may be
the turning point in your career Come and start with us no
matter how small Ask the successful man if this advice is
good He knows See if he deesnt tell you the same thing
Tfte JVtGooft THuite
F M KEMMELL Editor and Publisher
Largest Circulated Newspaper Published in Red Willow County
Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class
matter Published Semi Weekly on Mondays and Thursdays
T fcMYitf OF OUUitT
I hereby announce my vor 1912 Fourteenth Judicia
dacy for County Attorney sub- District of Nebraska
ieet to decision of Republican pri
OIIAS D RITCHIE I Judge E B Perry has desiS
naked the following dates fc
MGR BANZANO APPOINTED court in this district for the en
Chase April 29 jury Nov 25
Washington Feb 1 Mgr Gaov jury
anni Ronzano new rector of the Dundy March IS jury Ma
college propaganda at Rome has 23 equity Oct 28 jury
been named as papal to Frontier April 1 jury
iPMuijjjoanCTBajj auan tini uijliI uh u
ranklix Pres G H Watkins Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
The Coming Campaign
Same old issues same old game
Same old charges same old blame
Same eld appeal to shop and farm
Same old viewing with alarm
Same old roorbacks rooring back
Same spellbinding tco alack
Same old racket far and wide
Same old pointing cut with pride
Same old tariff same old roar
Same old foemen to the fore
Samje old fussing same old broil
Same old horny handed toil
Same old bluffing same old fears
Same old hisses ncme old cheers
Same old boasting for effleet
Same old little to expect
Chicago Record Herald
Editorial Review
A North Carolina editor who has
summed up his business for 1911 wins
the prize for the best review of the
year It follows
Been faroke 361 times
Had money 4 times
Praised the public 9 times
Told lies 1728 timlas
Told the truth 1 time
Missed prayer meeting 52 times
Been roasted 431 times
Roasted others 52 times
Washed the office towel 3 times
iMissed meal 0
Mistaken for preacher 11 times
Mistaken for capitalist 0
Found money 0
Took bath 6 times
Delinquents who paid 28
Those vrfoo did- not pay 136
Paid in conscience 0v
Got -whipped 0
IWMpped others 23 times -
Cash on hand atbegllining l 47 -Cash
on hand at end 15 cents1
I St liOiris Pos Itfspatch
the United State- succeeding 12 1- 3 equity Oct 14 jury
omede Falconio recently elevated Furnas Feb 19 jury May L
to the office of cardinal equity Nov 11 jury
ial diirpatches announcing Mgr Gosper Feb 13 jury
Bonzanos aippcntinent were re- equity Dec 9 jury
ceived at the papal legation today Hayes April 15 jury
May 27
Oct 7
The pubMc sterols cf Danbucy Hitchcock March 4 jury Ma
have b3n cloaEa en account of the 20 equity Sept 23 jury
resignation cf the principal R H Perkins April 22 jury Dec 2
Rennecker who has been ill and jury
was compelled to return to Beaver j Willow Jan 29 jury Ma
City to recuperate 6 equity Sept 9 jury
Poor Seed Corn
A test made recently by the Hold
rege Commercial Olub demonstrated
that of 144 ears of 1911 corn tested
only 30 ears or about 22 per cent
showed a perfect germination No
corn of 1911s crop should be plant
ed this year without being tested
a3 to its germination qualities 1010
corn is however much superior in
this essential particular But test
all your seed corn
Opportunity is the one knocker we
should all he pleased to welcome
Colonel Roosevelt believes that
every woman who desires it should
have the ballot especially the wor
thy and intelligent sort of woman
Arriving at our conclusion from
the liberal use being made of print-
ers ink by the Holdrege merchants
Holdrege ss showing lively indica
tions of coming back
Omaha gets the next session of the
state teachers association and as
many more of them as she wants
Which should throw decided empha
sis on the district teachers associa
tion meetings Attend the S W
Nebraska Teachers association meet
ing in McCook in the spring
A Warning Against Wet Feet
Wet and chilled feet usually affect
the mucous membrane of the nose
threat and lungs and la grippe
bronchitis or pneumonia may result
Watch carefully particularly the
children and for the racking stub
born coughs giVe Foleys Honey and
Tar Compound It soothes the in
flamed membranes and ieals the
cough quickly Take no substitute
A McMillen j
Irish Americans Urged to Re
turn For a Visit
Promoters of the Idea Have Formed a
Home Going Association to Preach
Pilgrimage For the Coming Summer
What They Hope to Do For the Good
of Old Erin
I believe Francis J Kilkenny
originator of the idea of a pilgrimage
of Irish Americans to their native
land and president of the Irish Home
Going association said the other day
that the number of visitors to the old
sod the coming summer will be such
as to surprise two nations I am in
a position to keep my finger pretty
weil on the pulse of the public which
would make such a pilgrimage and I
am assured that the migration is to
be a bigger thing than even the most
sanguine have believed
You see the Irish have prospered
greatly in America They have the
inouey with which to travel and they
all have in their breasts the desire to
see their old homes and their relatives
again They have needed little impetus
to start them galloping homeward
The organization of the Home Going
association has given them the occa
sion and they are off
A Permanent Aid to Ireland
Yes I believe the pilgrimage will
mean more to both the visitors and to
Ireland than merely a pleasant vaca
tion and a renewal of old ties The
idea of the association is to do a per
manent good to the native land Ire
laud is greatly in need of capitaliza
tion and the injection of certain ele
ments of industrial activity There is
a world of resource in the island but
tain that there is a possibility of the
coming migration bringing to Ireland
such prosperity as it has never knowr
before There is a possibility of its
marking a turning point in its
among the most important it has ever
Meet me in the Emerald Isle is
the catch word sent over the natien
by the Irish Home Going association
and it is promised that the echo will
waft back from across the water
Tlie movement is set to begin May
1 and to last until Oct 31 and ac
cording to pamphlets sent out the
idea is receiving general approval
over the United States
One of the advantages to be derived
from the organized exodus it is point
ed out Is a reduction in the cost of
the journey in which it is said great
aid has been extended by private peo
ple and firms in Ireland
ii B nj yfiSjZAr
zatzxxas Hgtiuaa
Good Letter Heads
Are Good Business
Come Out
And Join the
Boosters Band
In Mernoriam
J A Special Pattern Must Be Used on
the Suez Canal
Every war vessel carries from one to
twenty searchlights and every vessel
of any description whatever passing
through the Suez canal has to carry
one of a special pattern
A searchlight consists essentially of
an arc lamp of special form a para
bolic mirror and a case to hold the lot
the case being mounted so as to be
capable of movement in two dicec
tious viz vertically and horizontal
ly The hood as this case is called
is made of sheet steel about 332
inch thick The turnable trunnions
etc are cast in gun metal The
cast steel
ed as part of the hood
A Fortune In Snuffboxes
Count Nesselrode the Russian states
man of the last century was a famous
collector of snuffboxes He collected
them as a diplomatist receiving one or
two for each treaty he signed and
when he had got 100000 worth of
them turned them into cash and be
came a capitalist His capital he in
vested so judiciously that his descend
ants are multimillionaires The mor
al of Count Nesselrodes experience is
that a snuffbox Is not to be sneezed
What Bothered Him
My son never be afraid to teil the
I aint pa What bothers me is how
to tell a lie without being afraid
Cleveland Leader
On Being a Hero
Any man with 5 in his pocket can
be a hero to the fellow who wants to
borrow that much Chicago Record
Human judgment Is finite and it
ought always to be charitable Wil
liam Winter
Join the Boosters Band and boost
Dont stay home and go to roost
Keep awake and make a spiel
Put your shoulder to the wheel
Try to help your town along
Boost it loud and boost it strong
Everybody lend a hand
Come and join the Boosters Band
fciorn 1M1 died May C 1910 I
At riiidnisht came theinajcsty or death
KiriKR of tlie earth ahiilo this i inc i
u v
quantity of most effective and hroods o eVhln ivin Si
gent labor to be had very cheap but
there arc few factories or other forms passes Britains crown from icing- to
of industry to employ it Yetleaves
secure a nations deathless
My idea lias been from the first to love
induce prosperous Irish Americans tn than empire yea a precious thine
go back look over the field and where A rart TE Punch
opportunity offers td invest certain
amounts of capital TIito is a grent SEARCHLIGHTS
opportunity for such investments tt
be made to yield good returns If i
sufficient number of them are nviil
it will mean prosperity to all Ireland
The people will be given an opportu
nity to earn wages to save up some
little money to improve their homes
to purchase the necessary tools with
which to work their farms to advan
tage It will mean the opening up of
a new life to them
Means Money to the Island
Tlie purpose of the Ilomc Going
association is to encourage Irish Amer
icans to go back with just this Idea
in mind Of course the mere pres
ence of many tourists in the island
would bring a great deal of money
there to be spent But the chance cf
establishing American industry there
Is vastly more important It may
seem visionary to some but I main
to get
Some are selling at
L ss Than Onehalf
of the regular price
Caii and inspect our lines
How Many McCook Readers Have
Had Those Sudden Twinges
Have you ever had a crick
the back
Dees your hack ache with a dull
heavy dragg throb
Ts it hard to straighten up afte
Hard to arise from a chair or turn
cree in Deu
Sudden and kindlier so to seal the breath Is the urine dark colored Passages
And ret the spirit free i irregular
And the Wnen yr kidneys need attention
now peace he held most near his
henrt use a tested kidnev remedv
the people have always been without That peace to which his countrys steps c Doans Kidney Pills the I
money to develop it There is a vast 1 id- ictk that has cured thousands
Convincing proof of merit in Mc
Cook testimony
Mrs Elizabeth Kummer 208 E
Fourth St McCcok Nebr says I
was subject to backaches and head
aches and I knew that my kidnes
were weak as the kidney secretions
were badly disordered Upon taking
Doans Kidney Pills I found immeci
iate relief and continued use made
my health much better I heartih
recommend Doans Kidney Pills and
advi2 their use in all cases of kid
ney complaint
For sale by all dealers Price
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole ageents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other dis
eases put together and until the
last few years was supposed to be
incurable Fcr a great many years
doctors pronounced it a local disease
and prescribed local remedies and
by constantly failing to cure with
arms which support the hood are of iocai treatment pronounced it in-
The lamp box is form rh1o sJaTQ
The 1lQ ff1
ror is carried on springs in the1 7 - T U1U
back cover and at the front of the therefore requires constitutional treat
hood is front ment Halls Catarrh Cure manu
a glass mounted in a j
gun metal ring and the dispersion lfactured by F J Cheney Co
lens when carried Is hinged on in Toledo Ohio is the only constitut
front of this Training is carried out ional cure on the market It is
by means -of a wormand worm wheel taken inesrnally in doses from 10
or by a rack and pinion Slewing is drops to a teaspoonful It acts di
effected by means of a pinion which rectly on the blocd and mucous sur
Beara Into a crown wheel on the un-
faces of the system Tliey cffer one
derside of the turntable or else it Is
done directly by hand
The Suez canal regulations require
that the projector shall be capable of
giving the light required under two
different conditions in the first case a
broad flat beam of light illuminating
both banks and the canal uninterrupt
edly this being used when no other
chin tc nnrnlinv tn J i lnn An
iJiJu4uuuij iu uic uiuui vast
they require a beam having the same
angle of divergence and consequently
the same width as the first but divid
ed into two portions with va dark in
terval between thus giving light at
both sides but not directly In front
and so not interfering with the navi
gation of the approaching vessel J
M Heslop in Cassiers Magazine
hundred dollars for any case it fails
to cure Send for circulars and test
Toledo Ohio
Sold- by Druggists 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
The SoUnd Sleep of Good Health
Is not for those suffering from kid
ney ailments and irregularities Tlie
prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will
dispel backache and rheumatism heal
and strengthen sore and ailing kid
neys restore normal action and
with it health and strength Mrs
M F Spalsbury Sterling HI says
I suffered great pains in my back
and kidneys could not sleep at night
and could not raise my hands over
my head But two bottles of Foley
Kidney Pills cured me A McMillen
Foley Kidney Pills will cure any
case of kidney or bladder trouble not
beyond the reach of medicine No
medicine can do more A McMillen
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch ana description may
quickly ascertain one opinion free whether an
invention Is probablypntentable Comrannica
tious strictly conlldential HANDBOOK on Patents
cietitific fitmrican
A handsomely illnstrated weekly Larcest cir
culation of any ecientiflo Journal Terms 3 n
year four months 51 Sola by all newsdealers
fflUNN Co361BadNew York
Branca Office 635 F SU Washington D C
How Colds Affects the Kidneys
Avoid taking cold if your kidneys are
sensitive Cold congests the kidneys
throws too much work upon them
and -weakens their action Serious
kidney trouble and even Bnights dis
ease may result Strengthen your
kidneys get rid of the pain and
soreness by the timely use of Foley
Kidney Pills Tonic in action quick
ia results
Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
Furniture and Carpets
China and Glassware
SVest B St PJione black 273
Most for your money
miss Mcculloch
Trained Nurse
Phone red 479
804 East Second Street
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods o2 quality
Main avenue McCook NefcraVn
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
jf L
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Fire and Wind
I Insurance
Written in First Class
White Line Transfer
Elmer Hawkins
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Piano3 Only covered
van in city Phones Office 68
residence red 456
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
streetin P Waleh bnildisg lCIOOK
Lull M M
v y