The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 05, 1912, Monday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Miss Florence Rader
Scalp Treatment 35c Each
for both
Ladies and Gentlemen
Palmer Hotel Room 52
The Third Degree
The Third Degree Charles
Kleins graphic drama -wall be
seen at the Temple theatre Fri
day February 9 TJie great suc
cess of the play has been mcst
startling and it is believed that
the present condition in many
police circles lias had an effec
tive bearing on the interest of
the general public as -well as
those who are regular theatre pal
ions Miss Franklyn Gale con
inues dn her patth of artistic tri
umiph as Annie Jeffries Minnie
Radeliffe Ohas Burnham Neil
Barrett Harry Foreman Kenneth
Stuart and Wesley Tcdd are still
playing their respective roles
You should choose your per
fumes as carefully as yen would
your clothes if 3 011 would be cor
reot The problem of correct per
fumes is solved in our stock
McCONNELL Druggist
See Suttons Window
Next Saturday the McCook
Greenhouse wiM have a Valen
tine display in one of Suttons
windows Dont fail to note its
appropriate loveliness
Colo Beet Sugar Syrup
One quart cans 25c
One half gallon cans 45e
One gallon- cans - S0c
At Hubers Grocery
Get our rates on farm loans
A McMillen Druggist
Empson Leader peas 10c a can
at Hubers
Art Panteburg
the interim
is fanning in
Corn Flake Dr Price Food
Vioight Cream Flakes 3 for 25e
at Hubers
McCONNELL Druggist
Did the Ground nog see his
shadow Friday is now under diss
cussion He loves me he loves
me not
I will be pleased to have you
come in Thursday and take a cup
of riiv choice coffee and waferp
Thinking of painting Then
think of Sherwin Williams paints
We have a full line of them
McCONNELL Druggist
1912 wall papers Our entire
stock will soon be here and
ready for your inspection It will
make choosing paper a pleasure
McCONNELL Druggist
Automobile owners and livery
men will long remember the win
ter of 1911 1912 for the many
weeks during wMch ears could
not be operated on account of
snow and severe weather
Classified Advertisements
FOR RENT Two furnished
rooms for light house keeping
Inquire 216 West B St Phone
brack 271 4ntf
WANTED Pupils on the pianc
and organ Beginners preferred
Terms 50c per lesson Susie Mc
Bride Phone black 464
Blue Front livery barn See M
0 McClure at Billiard Lumber
Co office 25 tfw
after our interest in Red Wil
low and adjacent counties Sal
ary or commission Address the
Victor Oil Company Cleveland
Buried Here Sunday
The remains of W T Johnson
arrived from Omaha on Saturday
morning on No 9 and burial was
made Sunday afternoon from the
residence of his sister Mrs Geo
Shields of West McCook inter
ment being made in Longview
Mr Johnson was taken to an
Omaha hospital January 29th
for an operation for cancer of
the liver from wliich he died on
February 2nd
Services at the Shields residenc
Sunday afternoon were largely
attended by friends and relatives
of the family Rev L E Lewis
cf the Methodist chameilii conduct
ing the services
The departed has lived in and
near MeCcck from early boyhood
and will be remembered by many
as a prominent horseman of late
years Hi wife and children his
aged mother and brothers and
sisters have tender sympathy in
this sorrow
William Y Johnson was bom
in Ccies county Illinois April 5
182 died Friday February 2
1912 acred 49 vears 10 months
and 28 days He moved with his
parents to Hamlan county Neb
in 1S79 and in 18S1 caimei to Red
Wallow county settling neair Me
Ociok whre he has since- resided
until a little over a year ago
when he Aviith his family moved
to the San Luis Valley Colorado
On December 31 1886 he was
united in marriage with Miss Is
abella E Hackling To this union
were born seven children three
sons and four daughters About
three weeks ago he with his wife
came to McCook that he might
receive medical aid
The local doctors advised him
to go to Omaha where on Janu
ary 29th he underwent an opera
tion for cancer of the lives Hope
-was entertained for has recov
ery but on Feb 2 at 1 30 p m
death came to his relief
Card of Thanks
We desire to thank the many
kind friends and neighbors who
so willingly assisted us during
illness and after the death of our
loved one Also to the Degree
of Honor and the Ladies Circle
for their beautiful floral offer
ings and to the choir who as
sisted in the singing Signed
Mrs W Y Johnson
Mrs Martha Johnson
Mr- and Mrs G A Shields
Mr and Mrs T M Campbell
Mr and Mrs W Hiekling
Mrs E T Stewart
Mr Ora Stewart
B 0 Johnson
C A Wilson
The New Way
smoking meat We have a
pure wholesome liquid smoke
with the desirable elements of
hickory wood without any dan
gerous substance
McMILLEN Druggist
Dont forget that Barney Hof
er will save you money on sub
scriptions new or renewal for
any paper or magazine publish
ed Get his new club catalogue
While They Last
job lot of canned goods at
a can as long as they last a
All right Mr Ground Hog
McConnell fills prescriptions
10c pork and beans 3 for 25c
alt Hubers
Considerable sickness grip and
kindred ailments
Seen those beautiful valentines
at MeConnells Dmig Store
Pancake and pure buckwheat
flour j Come to Magners Phone
You will find the best- coffee
in town at Magners Coime in
Thursday and I will show you
Phone 14
Fancy card mounts waiter col
orSj boxed creations and even the
comic valentines are hero for you
in an endless profusion See our
valentines before deciding
ivicuviNiNuij uruggoisn
Monday Evening Edition
Efcgipieer Lou Bartlett the Vic
tim Both Hands Mashed
At an early hour Sunday morn
ing Engineer Lou Bantleilt tiro
well known engineer of the west
end met with an accident in the
Akron yard in which both of his
hands were terribly mashed He
was in the act of climbing un
der a ear on liis way to the
roundhouse after liis engine to
take No
train to
the left hand terribly mashedybut
at is hep ad that the hand can yet
be- saved the right hand has
been amputated above the wrist
A special was at once made up
and the injured man was hurried
to a Denver hospital at top speed
for operation and treatment niak
ing and average of 63 miles an
hour with engine and caboose
Engineer Leu Bartlett is one
cf the best known enginemen on j
Four Injured One Dying-
With her husband and two of
her boys under the care of a phy
sician for various injuries Mrs
William Shinsel 2625 Umatilla
street received word Friday of
the serious illness of her father
ait McCook Neb and was prepar
ing to leave for his bedside when
her 5-year-old daughter Fern
was carried into the house by
neighbors bleeding from several
lacerations of the scalp inflicted
by a mad dog
A persistent hoodoo has hover-
3 on to Denver The led over the Shins fnimiliv snnen
which the car was at- October 6 when the father Inst
tacned started and caught both has left foot in a ran marl
of lib hands just as ha was dent at Keensburg Colo He was
reaching over the rail The right then employed as a freiglit con-
nantl was practically cut oil and duetor by the Burlington road
The injury to him made it nec
essary for the eldest daughter
Laura aged 17 and a son Her
man aged 16 years to quit school
and go to work The boy secured
employment at the factory of
the Western Box icompany He
had been working but a short
time when his left hand becaime
entangled1 in a machine and was
badly mangled
The following day Sherman
the west end of the McCook Shinsel aged 11 years stepped
vuisron Jiaving been in tne serv
ice practically ever since the
line was opened up into Denver
He lived in MeOoek when the
shops were first opened up here
and was employed in the shops
here for some time going from
here to Akron where he was a
He has a heat of friends in the
railroad employ as well as outsid
who hope most prayerfully feu
his recovery
The new quarterly telephone di
rectory will be ready for distri
bution til is week
5c baby cream 6 cans for 25e
at Hubers
on a rusty nail Blood ponsonmg
set in and amputation of the foot
may be necessary
The little girl was playing in
the street in front of her home
when the dog attacked her and
before neighbors could drive it
away she had been seriously bit
ten Police Surgeon C B James
cauterized her wounds but her
condition is considered serious
There are three other children
in the family who thus far have
escaped the hoodoo Denver
George H Simmerman of our
city is the father referred to Ho
has been ill for some time and
his condition is serious at this
The real thing in valentines are Cut Flowers Be up to
the times dont send the girl imitations when you can get
handsome Cut Flowers at the Phone Red 214
Grades Basket Ball
Friday afternoon at 4 oclock
the basket ball warriors of the
of basket ball The scores ran
were made quite frequently dur
ing the game
First- half 7th grade scores
Henry Culbertson 2 free throws
Albert MeFarland 1 basket and
1 free throw Charles Grant 5
baskets total 15 6th grade
scores Lynn Rupp 3 baskets and
1 free throw Eric Ray 3 bask
ets and 1 free throw total 15
Second half 7th grade scores
Henry Culbertson 5 baskets and
1 free throw Albert MeFarland
2 baskets 3 free throws Char
les Grant 3 baskets total 24
6th grade scores Eric Ray 4
baskets and 10 free throws Lion
el Emeley 2 baskets total 22
Everything in drugs
McConnell for drugs
Arch E Lohr residing near
our eity got himself into the lime
light and Justice WMttakers
court Saturday aftrenoon for be
and was requested to contribute
955 to the school fund in lieu
of which he is resting it out in
the has tile
Th members of the Epworth
League gave social and program
at the church basement last Fri
diay evening which was enjoyed
hy many
Gallon apples 30c per can at
Installation Services
Last Sunday was a day of great
rejoicing for the Lutheran pop-
boys teams of the 6th and 7 tli ulaiticn of McCook The EAran
grades of the central building gelical Lutheran congregation
contested in a hard tought game which has its place at worship at
East Gth street has grown so
high being 39 to 37 in favor of rapidly in the pastr that thei mis
the 7th grade The game was a sion beard deemed it wise to call
tie when the time was up iThe another pastor the Rev G Wock
tie was played off in about two j enfuss from Hamler Ohio The
minutes the 7th grade throwing j Rev G Woekenfuss has seen
another basket The basket ball some twenty years of practical
grounds being wet the game was ministry and ccmc i here with
played in the gymnasium Fouls splendid reputation both as pas
tor and preacher so that McCook
Lutherans have due cause to be
highly elated The installation
services were held last Sunday
and were very impressive The
Rev O Riehert took charge of
the altar service The Rev F W
Evers president of the West Ne
braska Sy nodical division per
formed the installation and the
newly installed pastor took eharg
of the altar service after the in
stallation TJie church was well
Dont Confuse
The ladies of the Cooperative
Hospital committee report that
they are progressing favorably
both in securing stock subscrip
tions and in the signing of an
nual ticketsconsidering the close
times Thy are however some
what embarrassed at times by peo
pie confusing the McCook Coop
erative Hospital with tihe McCook
General Hospital They wish it
stated clearly that the Coopera
tive is a hospital to be run by
the eity and not for profit The
General hospital is a private in
stitution and for personal profit
Marriage Licenses
Albert H Botochb 21 and
Bessie Simonson 22 both of
Danbury Married by the county
judge February 5 1912
6 bars of Fairy soap for 25c
at Hubers
Captured the Men
The visit here on Sunday of
Bishop Beeeher of the Episcopal
church is being commented upon
highly by those who had the
pleasure and profit of hearing his
sermons and address to men The
address to men in the afternoon
was especially worthy of note The
bishop is a specialist in this line
A virile masculine type he
preaches a robust religion which
consists more in doing tlian in not
doing things his is an aggressive
religion he is a real member of
the church militant The1 mem
bers of McCook lodge A F A
M attended afternoon services
in numbers and they particular
ly enjoyed his sermon the bishop
has for years been grand chaplaii
or tne Nebraska lodge All the
otherservices of the day in whicl
the bishop presided confirmation
and the evening services at St Al
bans chapel were largely attend
de and the bishop added to the
other sen ices of day in which
is held m McCook
The Ladies Circles No 1 and 2
of tihe Baptist church will give a
social at the church on Thursday
evening of this week A progran
will be given refreshments serv
ed and other matters of interest
will take place An admission of
10 cents will he taken at the
door Everybody invited
Just Fair
TJie Traveling Man at the
Temple Saturday evening was
just fair Many laughs but not
much to it The old maid easily
divided the honors with the trav
eling man There was a fair-sized
audience and it was kept in
good humor during the evening
Come and Pay
All persons indebted to E P
Huber are requested to call at
the store at once and make settle
ment as these accounts must be
paid immediately Give this mat
ter your prompt attention
II G Phelps Trustee
Some Land Matter
Glen J McKee of Dund
county was placed in the county
jail here last Saturday morning
by a U S marshal awaiting re
lease under bond for some frac
ture alleged of the land laws of
the government
Denver Property
6 rcom modern home 2 story
pressed brick fine location east
side for sale or will trade for
McCook property 18 tf
524 Main Ave McCook
Blooming Potted Plants
One whole greenhouse at our
plant is full of beautiful petted
plants in full bloom Send your
wife one of these beauties on
Valentine Bay Phone red 214
Oyster Supper
After installation cf officers
next Thursday evening the mem
bers of the L O 0 M will in
dulge in an oyster supper
Tribune advertisers get re sults
Tall red salmon 2 cans for 25c
ait Hubers
Ralston Pancake flour 3 for 25
at Hubers
40c KoKaiMa syrup part maple
25e a can at Hubers
For Mackrel white Fish Salt
Salmon and Codfish come to
bnougflilt us
Phone 14
eoid wave
a zero temperature
again by Saturday morning
Congregational Missionary soci
ety will meet with Mrs F L
Schwab Thursday afternoon of
this week at 230 oclock Sub
ject will be Alaska and the
leaders will be Mrs E- SWaite
and Mrs F L Schwab
Cases involving the 2 cent fare
laiws in Missouri and other states
will not be heard by the supreme
court of the United States Febru
ary 19 the date originally set
Tire clerk of the court has issu
ed a letter instructing those in
terested hot to appear until noti
Albert W Berry is with the
home folks for a brief visit com
ing in from the road close of
Mrs E 0 McCailum came
down from Wauneta Saturday
night and is visiting her sister-in-law
Mrs Barney Hofer
Dr C L Falmestoek on Thurs
day night accompanied to
coin the Enyeart boy whom he
placed in a hospital in the capit
al eity for treatment The doct
or returned home Saturdaj
Miss Effie Powell daugliteir of
Mr and Mrs Marion Powell of
Marion Neb formerly of Lincoln
and Arthur H Edgren of this
city will be married Friday even
ing at 830 at the home of the
brides sister Mrs Harold W
Wood 149 South twnty ninth
street Only relatives -will be
present After a trip to Denver
the couple will be at home a
2015 Pepper avenue in a new
home built by the groom Mr
Edgren is a son of the late Dean
Edgren and Mrs Edgren Sun
days Journal
Supt and Mrs W T Davis en
tentadned the teachers Friday eve
ning Games and a general good
There was a brief musical pro
gram vocal and instrumental at
the high school assembly on last
Friday morning
The Friday Bridge Whist club
met with Mis Harry D Stewart
in the afternoon Mrs C L
Falmestoek Mrs W F Jones and
Mais Albert McMillen were
guests The refreshments were
Mre W C Euans entertained
a small party of young ladies on
Friday evening for her sister
Miss Mamie Hughes of Los Ang
eles California who is visiting
her Games refreshments and
music made the evening a most
enjoyable one
The Thursday Whist club were
guests of Mr and Mrs Harold P
Waite in the evening A seven
oclock dinner was served Mrs
A Campbell and Mr and Mrs A
Galusha Sr -were guests Miss
Lona Phelps Miss Edith Waite
and Miss Edna Waite assisted
Scarlet carnations and yellow
roses were in floral evidence
Miss Chloe Davis entertained
the Nitia Sita card club Friday
evening at the home of her par
ents Mr and Mrs Davis About
twenty young people were pres
ent including several guests Friz
es were won by Mass Juliet Ga
lusha and Earl Smith An ex
quisite two course luncheon was
served and later in the evening
Miss Chloe played delightfully on
the violin
Baptist Circle No 1 was de
lightfully entertained Thursday
afternoon by Mrs D L McBride
and Mrs J W Shirley at the
Baptist parsonage on West 1st
The time was profitably spent in
work for charitable purposes and
in happy social ways Circle min
utes were read by Mrs M L
Ruby Prayer by Rev D L Mc
Bride Light- lunch was seirved
Musre was provided for the oc
casion by the young ladies
Mrs W B Mills entertained
about fifty ladies of the city Sat
urday afternoon in honor of Mrs
J 1 Hare and Mrs E O Va
line at a whist party of elabor
ate details A two course six
oclock dinner was served Nar
cissus and carnations were the
floiral particulars of beauty Mrs
Doan won the card honors and
Mrs C E Cone the consolation
Mrs Elizabeth Walker Mrs Lot
tie Brewer and Miss Dunlap as
35c grape juice 20c a bottle
at Hubers
Remember The Tribunes phone
is 19 We will appreciate an item
any time
Wedding Breakfast Wih5tRock
and pure maple syrup ait Mag
ners Phone 14